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1、江西省中考英语试题解析2021年江西省中考英语试卷二、单项填空(8分)请阅读下面各小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题1分)1(1分)Your leg looks really bad!I think you should send for a about that.()Apilot Bdoctor Csinger Dpostman2(1分)Whats the terrible noise?Its John.He the violin.()Apracticed Bis practicing Cwas practicing

2、Dhas practiced3(1分)Sue works ,so she never seems to make mistakes.()Alate Balone Chappily Dcarefully4(1分)These beautiful animals are endangered.We must them.()Asave Bshow Cstop Dcatch5(1分)There are no buses to the beach. you have a car,its difficult to get there.()ASince BAfter CUnless DBecause6(1分)

3、How do we turn on the oven?I you,werent you listening?()Atell Bam telling Cwill tell Dhave told7(1分)Are you going to the airport by bus?Id rather take a taxi.Its .Aquicker Bcheaper Cthe quickest Dthe cheapest8(1分)The man did a great job in fighting COVID19.He on TV and became very known.()Ainterview

4、ed Bhas interviewed Cwas interviewed Dwill be interviewed三、完形填空(26分)A)请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题15分)9(15分)They weigh almost nothing.Yet they are(1) than steel.In fact,some spiders webs are among the worlds strongest materials, (2) they can be pulled long

5、er than elastic(橡皮筋).They can also be any (3) .Spider webs are amazing. A spider has hundreds of small openings in its body.Silk comes out of these openings as a liquid(液体),and,as it reaches the air,it becomes treadlike.These (4) threads(线)come together to form a single thread. The spider can make m

6、any different kinds of thread.The tread can be thick or thin,wet or dry,or sticky.Each kind has a different (5) .Some webs create an egg box.Others(6) hiding places.The most common purpose of a spider web,however,is to catch food. There are many(7) the spider uses its web to catch food.For example s

7、ome spiders produce a single thread.An inset then sits on it(8) realizing what it is doing,and becomes(9) .Slowly,the spider moves towards the insect.(10) ,it covers its food in silk. Some spiders use a different kind of(11) ,They make webs that cheat insects.An insect sees the web and thinks its a

8、flower.It then(12) the web.The spider can feel even the smallest movement of the web,and rushes at the inset(13) it can get away. Spider webs are so (14) that engineers have been studying them for years.They want to learn why they are so strong and elastic.However,for the moment,spiders are keeping

9、their(15) .Although they have made great progress in science and technology,humans till havent been able to copy natural webs.(1)A.strongerB.brighterC.heavierD.thicker(2)A.soB.butC.ifD.or(3)A.shapeB.priceC.weightD.temperature(4)A.wideB.brokenC.tinyD.weak(5)

10、eB.chooseC.findD.change(7)A.problemsB.reasonsC.stepsD.ways(8) onB.moves towardsC.flies overD.looks into(13)A.whenB.beforeC.untilD.unless(14)A.softB.expensiveC.impo

11、rtantD.amazing(15)A.habitsB.plansC.secretsD.recordsB)请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(每小题11分)10(11分) star;still;good;rest;up;how;pollution;stop;small;see;towardsLook up at the sky at night.What can you see?Before electric lights,people could often see about 2,500 different

12、 stars.Now,light fills the skies over our cities.This is called light (1) .Because of it,people in cities can often only see about ten(2) ! Most of the time,light helps us.We can(3) because of it.It gives plants energy.But light isnt always(4) .We need times of dark(5) .One hundred years ago,we had

13、those times of dark.Now the night is like day.Some scientists are worried about(6) this light effects(影响)our health.These scientists are studying the effects of light pollution. Other scientists are finding ways to(7) light pollution and make our lives better.For example,many street lights now have

14、covers.The covers focus the light(8) the ground.They stop the light from going(9) into the sky.They also save energy.The covers are a(10) change,but they can(11) have a positive(正面的)effect.四、阅读理解(46分)A)请阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(每小题6分)11(6分)ART FESTIVAL1424 August 2021VID

15、EOAn hourly show of videos presented by Pemberton Secondary School students.Video themes are about intellectually (智力)disabled youth and their parents.Venue:Capital HallDates:1422 AugustFree admissionPERFORMANCEAlpine Youth Theater presents A Cats Mind with cheerful songs and dance,promising to give

16、 a wonderful performance by 20 young people between 18 and 25 years of age.Venue:National Arts TheaterDates:1523 AugustFree admissionCONCERTEric Fawkins,twotime Prima Music Prizewinner,will perform an evening of classical and jazz ballads.Eric Fawkins latest CD will also be on sale.Venue:Victory The

17、aterDates:2224 AugustTickets:available at 50(child), 80 (adult)(1)When will A Cats Mind be performed? A.1424 August.B.1523 August.C.2224 August.D.1422 August.(2)What is the price of an adult ticket for the concert? A. 80.B. 50.C. 20.D. 18.(3)Which of the following is true according to the ads above?

18、 A.A group of children perform A Cats Mind.B.Fawkins has won Prima Music Prize once.C.The video show is presented by the parents.D.You can buy Fawkins latest CD at the concert.12(6分)British adventurer(冒险家) Alastair Humphreys had ridden his bike around the world,walked cross India,and rowed (划船)from

19、Africa to South America.In 2011,however,Humphreys had some of the biggest adventurers of his lifeand he never even left the United Kingdom. For a year,Humphreys went on microadventures small,lowcost trips close to home.Why did he do this? I started to think that it was possible to have an adventure

20、anywhere. He explains.For his first trip,he went hiking with a friend around the M25a 188kilometre road that goes all the way around London.Other adventures included swimming in the River Thames,sleeping outside on a hill,and going on a mountain biking trip.Humphreys learned something important from

21、 his microadventures:We find adventures when we try something new. Humphreys wanted other people to make this discovery,too,so he decided to share his idea.He challenged people to go on microadventures and send him fourminute videos of their trips.He asked them to do things like climb a hill,go away

22、 for a weekend,or choose a random (任意的)place on a map and go there.People from all over the world accepted his challenge and posted their videos on Twitter.(1)Which of the following belong to microadventures?Check and choose the right answer. Walk across India.Sleep outside on a hill.Go away for a w

23、eekend.Swim in the River Thames.Row from Africa to South America.Hike around the road around London.A. B. C.D. (2)What can we know about Humphreys personality according to the passage? A.Brave,creative and active.B.Proud,humorous and kind.C.Careful,quiet and hardworking.D.Confident,strict and warmhe

24、arted.(3)What would be the best title for the passage? A.A Big ChallengeB.An Amazing TravelC.Keep a Trip RecordD.Go for a Microadventure13(8分)Today,by carefully choosing dog parents,humans have created many different kinds of dog Each kind has its own look and talents and its own role within human s

25、ociety.Here are three examples of a dogs life in the human world. Today,many hospitals let specially trained dogs in to bring love and cheer to patients.Shaynee is a therapy(治疗)dog.She visits children who are in hospital.Dogs like Shaynee help patients feel calm and at peace which can be hard in a b

26、usy hospital.They help both children and adults stay strong during long hospital stays,and,some suggest,even help them get better. Today some beagles(小猎犬)work in airports for the government They are part of the program called he Beagle Brigade.A beagle is good or the work because of its powerful nos

27、e,and ability to follow smells.The Beagle Brigades job is to smell everything that comes into the country.They make officers notice illegal(非法的)fruits.vegetables,and other foods in luggage or in mail.The beagles do the job far better than any human could. While some dogs are working hard others are

28、free to spend their days resting and playing Across the world,many pet dogs are treated like children.Many have their own rooms and all the things a dog could want Some even have their own clothes.Many of these pets spend their days playing,learning to follow or even going to classes.Their owners gi

29、ve them the best,and enjoy doing so. Whether as workers or objects of affection(钟情)dogs have become helpful to humans in many ways.There are plenty of advantages for the dog,too.Many kinds of wild dogs have nearly disappeared from the Earth.However,the domestic dogs special place as mans best friend

30、 has allowed it to survive (存活)in a human world.(1)What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? A.Hospitals need many special dogs.B.Dogs can take care of patients.C.Patients need love in the hospital.D.Doctors are too busy to see patients.(2)What does the underlined word domestic in Paragraph 5 mean? A.Tr

31、ained.B.Smart.C.Hungry.D.Valuable.(3)Whats the purpose of the passage? A.To ask people to treat dogs as their own children.B.To explain why humans need beagles in their work.C.To tell people about the history of dogs development.D.To show a good relationship between dogs and humans.(4)Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? 14(8分)Eight hundred years ago,a man in sou

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