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七年级英语Why do you like koalas教案.docx

1、七年级英语Why do you like koalas教案Unit3 Why do you like koalas?课型:授新课 主备人:魏丽华 审核: 授课日期:班级:_ 姓名:_第一课时(Section A 1a-2c)学习目标:1.学会用smart cute等形容词描述动物。2.学会用why询问原因,用because回答。课前预习:搜集已学过的有关动物的名词,eg : cat dog tiger ect.信息反馈:检查学生读单词,并加以纠正,强调掌握学会的单词和句型。合作学习:自编对话,让学生自由谈论各自喜欢的动物并说明原因。可以3C为模板,完成对话练习。Eg: Do you like

2、giraffes? Yes,I do . Why? Because theyre very interesting.知识链接:1. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,let后常接不带to 的不定式,在英语中使役动词let have make等和感官动词feel hear see等常接省略to 的不定式。即原形。2. kind of 意义是“有几分”,常修饰形容词,同意词“ a little ” a kind of 意为“一种”,后接名词。 all kinds of 各种各样的 kind “友善的” a kind girl 一个友善的女孩Its kind of +(人) to do

3、sth. 某人做真的太友善了。当堂巩固练习:一、 选择填空( ) 1._ does your friend go to the zoo? Because he wants to see animals. A. Where B. Why C. How D. What( )2. Pandas are _ cute.A. a kind of B. kinds of C. all kinds of D. kind of ( )3. My aunt thinks she has an _ face, _ she never goes out to meet her friends.A. kind of

4、; but B. ugly ; so C. very; so D. smart ; but ( )4. Why _us ? We are friendly to you. A. not join B. dont join C. join D. not to join( )5. There are many. _ flowers in the garden.A. kind B. kinds C. kind of D. kinds of 二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Sunday is the _ (one) day of the week.2. How many _ (animal) are

5、there in the zoo ?3. Let him _(go) with Tom.4. Does Mike like _ (live) in China?5. Where _ ( be) the elephants from?三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1.你为什么要走?_ do you _ to go ?2.我喜欢树袋熊,因为他们可爱。I like koalas _ theyre _.3.你经常去动物园吗?Do you often _ to the _ ?4.桌子上有两个盒子。There _ two _ on the table.5.这个问题有点难。This question is

6、_ of _.教学反思:Unit3 Why do you like koalas?课型:授新课 主备人:魏丽华 审核: 授课日期:班级:_ 姓名:_第二课时(Section A 3a-4)学习目标:速读巩固所学动物的单词,并学会谈论这些动物的出处。(如来自哪个国家)课前预习:搜集一些动物的图片。信息反馈:检查学生的口头表达能力。结对活动:Have ss practice the conversation on the right . Use the unimals and countries in 3a.知识链接:1. south. n. 南、南方;常与“the”连用,还可作adj. “南方的

7、”2. 辨析cute 、 clever 与其smart 三词的区别与联系。“cute”意为“聪明的、伶俐的、惹人喜爱的”,常用于口语中,同义词是“clever”,但在口语中有时可通用。但“cute”多用来指动物的脑子灵活,理解事物快。“smart”意思也是“聪明的”,既可修饰人也可修饰物,与clever同义。 当堂巩固练习:一、 根据句意及首字母填空。1. There are many _ in the zoo.2. Look at the _? Please show me where China is. 3. The _ has a long neck.4. _ live in the S

8、outh Pole.5. Hainan is a city in the _ of China.二、选择填空( ) 1.Lets see the pandas _. A. one B. first C. the first D. a first( )2. Penguins are cute _ugly.A. of B. or C. so D. but( )3. There is _ elephant in the zoo. _elephant is from Africa.A. an ; The B. an; An C. an; / D. the ; an( )4. Can you find

9、Xiangfan _ the map of China? A. on B. in C. at D. of( )5. _ tigers are dangerous (危险的), _Lily doesnt like them.A. Because; so B. So ; because C. Because ; / D. So ; /三、句型转换。1. The panda is from China. = The panda _ _China.2. I like dogs because they are smart. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ you _ dogs?3. What do you

10、 come to school late for?(同义句)_ do you come to school late?4. Koalas are a little cute. (同义句) Koalas are _ _ cute.5. He wants to see the penguin. (一般疑问句) _ he _ to see the penguin?四、选择合适的句子完成对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi,Henry ! Where do you want to go ?B: 1 _A: That sounds great. 2_B: I like elephants.A: 3 _B:

11、Because theyre strong and smart. What about you? A: 4 _ They are lovely. B: Where are they from? A: 5 _B: Lets go to the zoo together.A: Ok。A. Theyre from Australia. B. Why?C. Whats your favorite animal? D. What animal do you like?E. I want to go to the city zoo. F. I like koalas a lot G. Why do you

12、 like it? 教学反思:Unit3 Why do you like koalas?课型:授新课 主备人:魏丽华 审核: 授课日期:班级:_ 姓名:_第三课时 (Section B 1a-2c)学习目标:1. 学习描述性的一些形容词。 Eg: ugly、 friendly 、. shy、clever、cute、scary .ect. 2. 提高听说技能课前预习:1. 试读此页的生词并熟记。2. finish part 1听力训练: Task1: Listen and circle the worlds in 1a your hear. Task2: Listen again and fil

13、l in the chart.AnimalMarias wordsTonys wordsElephantspandas结对活动: pour work (3a)Talk about the animals you know.知识链接:friendly 的用法:friendly由名词friend加后缀“ly” 构成,意为“友好的、和蔼可亲的、友善的”常用短语,be friendly to sb. 对某人友好。 Be friendly with sb. 与某人友好相处。当堂巩固练习:一、选择填空( ) 1.The cat is playing _ a ball. A. for B. to C. wi

14、th D. /( )2. Elephants like to eat _A. fish B. grass C. grasses D. meat( )3. What do you often do _.A. at the night B. in night C. at night D. at the evening( )4. John _ at 9:00 in the evening and _ nine hours every day.A. goes to bed, goes to bed B. sleeps , sleeps C. goes to bed , sleeps D. sleeps

15、 , goes to bed( )5. He likes to eat much _ at lunch. A. apples B. bananas C. meat D. milk二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. I can see many _ (animal) in the zoo.2. Dolphins need a _ (swim) pool.3. The people here are very _(friend) to us.4. A giraffe has a long neck so that (以便) it can eat _(leaf) on the tall tree

16、s.5. His father usually _ (relax) half an hour after supper.三、根据汉语完成句子。1.你还喜欢其他什么书?_ _ _ do you like?2.我认为猪很懒惰。I think pigs _ _ _ 。3.白天她和她的朋友们玩耍。She _ _ her friends _ the day.4.他经常晚上看书。He often _ _ _ _.5.请安静!该上课了!Please _ _ ! Its time for class.教学反思:Unit3 Why do you like koalas?课型:授新课 主备人:魏丽华 审核: 授课

17、日期:班级:_ 姓名:_第四课时 (Section B 3a-4)学习目标:1.培养和提高学生阅读和写作能力。2.学会描述某种动物。课前预习:1. 让学生自读三段短文,掌握其大意2. have ss finish 3a . Then guess what the meanings of the following words. to do sth. _ 2. be quiet _ 3. play with _ 4. during the day _ 5. at night _ 6. get up _知识链接:1.isnt he cute? 该句是一个否定疑问句,常表示“反问、责问

18、”等,意为“难道不吗?”其答语与一般疑问句的答语一样,凡是与事实相符的用“yes,” 不相符的用“no,”但意思恰恰相反,“yes”译成“不”。 “no”译成“是的”2.grass(草) 不可数名词。3.leaf (树叶),可数名词,其复数为“leaves”当堂巩固练习:一、 英汉互泽1.一只丑陋的狮子 2.一只友好的树袋熊 3.吃草_ 4 请保持安持_5.一只可怕的老虎_ 6 be from China _7.kind of cute _ 8. my favorite animal _9. during the day _ 10. at night _二、请用方框中的词或短语的适当形式填空。

19、Relax, leaf, play with , eat, dont 1. He often _ at home on Sunday.2. His little sister likes to _ her dog.3. An elephant enjoys _ grass.4. _you like penguins? Theyre so cute. 5. Koalas come from Australia. They eat _三、完成句子。1.狮子也来自非洲。 Lions _ _ from Africa.2.我父亲最喜欢的动物是大象。My fathers _ animals is an _

20、.3.玛丽喜欢海豚,因为它们很聪明。Mary likes dolphins _ they are very _.4.汤姆为什么想要看老虎?_ does Tom _ to see the tigers?5.咱们先去看那些企鹅吧。 Lets see the _ _.四、用方框中所给的单词填空。Zoo, clever, from , play , His . friendly , dolphin , want ,swim, oldHello, everyone. This is Peppy, He is a 1_ . He is 2_ the ocean(海洋)。He is about half a

21、 year 3_ . He can 4_ very fast. He likes to 5_ with people. He is very 6_ and 7_ .8_ home is in the Atlantic Ocean. But now he is in the 9_. I think he must 10_ to go home.教学反思:Unit4 I want to be an actor.课型:授新课 主备人:魏丽华 审核: 授课日期:班级:_ 姓名:_第一课时(Section A 1a-2c)学习目标:1. 学会谈论职业,要求学生学会谈论自己与他人的职业,会运用“What

22、does he /she do?” 询问职业,用“waiter、doctor、actor”等表示职业的名词回答。并能进一步谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业。“what do you want to be ? I want to be a /an ”2. 学会写招聘广告。课前预习:1. 让学生搜集已学过的职业的名词。2. 让学生自己认读1a的单词。合作学习:让学生自编对话,相互询问彼此的父母,兄弟姐妹的职业,以及其将来想从事的职业(2c)Eg: What does she /her mother do? Shes a doctor. What does she/her mother want to

23、 be ? She wants to be a/an知识链接: 1.对职业进行提问时常用下列句型。What +do/does +主语+do?What +is +ones +job?What +be +主语?针对以上三种句型回答时都可用:主语(I/He/She/We/ They)+be +职业名词。2.对某人理想中的工作进行提问常用句型。What+do/does+主语+want to be?回答常用: 主语+want(s)+to be +职业名词当堂巩固练习:一、选择填空( ) 1._? Shes a worker. A. Whats she work B. Where does she wor

24、k C. What is she do D. What does she do( )2. Toms parents _to be teachers.A. wants B. want C. wanting D. likes( )3. Whats your brother? _.A. He is ten B. He is tall C. He is Tom D. He is a driver( )4. Is she a student?A. Yes, she does B. No, she is C. Yes, she is D. No, she doesnt( )5. Liu YiFei is

25、_ actress. She is _ famous actress(女演员)。A. a, a B. an, a C. an; an D. a ,an二、根据图片完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. Jackie Chan is a great _ .We all like his movies very much.2. Whats your friend? Hes a _.3. My father is a _ . He works in a big hospital.4. My uncle wants to be a _.5. She likes to talk to people. So sh

26、e wants to be a _.三、按要求完成下列句子。1.My mother works in a school. (变一般疑问句)_ your mother _ in a school?2. Cindy is a doctor.(对画线部分提问)。_ _ Cindy _?3. I want to be a teacher because its interesting. (对画线部分提问)。_ _ you _to be a teacher?4.His uncle wants to be an English teacher. (对画线部分提问)。_ _ his uncle _to be ?5. What are they? (改为同义句)What _ they _?教学反思

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