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1、全国职称英语考试阅读理解部分讲解分析2017年全国职称英语考试阅读理解部分讲解分析第一章At present,almost all our energy comes from fossil fuels.现在,几乎我们所有的能源都来自矿物燃料。All substances are made of very small parts called molecules.所有的物质都是由分子的微粒组成的After world war II.the energy derived form burning the various fractions of petroleum exceeded that of

2、 coal.二战后,燃烧各种石油馏分所产生的能量超过了燃烧煤所产生的能量。As engineering becomes more and more precise,better accuracies than this will be needed.随着工程需要越来越精确,我们需要比这更高的精确度。Almost everything in the world has been improved or changed in the last hundred years as a result of technology.由于技术进步的原因,在过去的一百年里,几乎世界上的每一种事务都有所改善和变化

3、。At the present moment, petroleum is being used up much more quickly.目前,石油正在以更快的速度被消耗掉。A number of different coolants had been employed, including water, carbon dioxide and liquid metals.用过的冷却剂多种多样,包括水、二氧化碳和液态金属。About three hundred years ago a mathematician made a system using only 1 and 0, but he d

4、idnt realize how much this binary system would some day be used.大约三百年前,一个数学家制定了一个只用1和0的计数系统,但是,他不知道这种二进制系统将会有多大用处。Almost all other substances are similarly affected by temperature.几乎其它所有物体都同样受温度的影响。All he had to do then was to stop the car and shut the doors.接着他要做的是停下车并关好车门。A computer needs to have

5、a progaram in order to work.为了工作,计算机需要设计程序。A basic knowledge of science can help you to understand both the questions and the answers. 基础科学知识能帮助人们理解这些问题及其答案。Ask you teacher how to pronounce the word.问问你的老师这个单词怎样发音。All these materials come from living things所有这些材料都来自生物A lorry traveling at 70 mph has

6、more momentum than a car traveling at 70 mph 。以时速70英里行驶的卡车比时速为70英里的小汽车的动量大All nationalities, in all foreign countries, can be found judging what they see, hear, taste and smell according to their own habits and customs所有民族到了外国,往往总是按照自己的风俗习惯去判断他们所看到 听到 品味和嗅到的东西And those who are going to keep up the w

7、onderful progress being made in science and engineering need math more than anyone else does。那些想继续保持在科学和工程上取得惊人进步的人比其他人更需要数学All substances are made of very small parts called molecules所有的物质都是由称为分子的微粒组成的A person can be weightless , if desired如果愿意的话,人可以失重Any combination of ones or zeros representing a

8、 character can be written magnetically or read back when needed表示一个字符的1或0的组合都能在需要时被磁写或读取Autumn is the best season of the year秋天是一年中最好的季节A nylon shirt lasts longer than a cotton shirt 尼龙衬衫要比棉衬衫耐穿Are you or he going to do it ?是你还是他去做这件事All of the different kinds of science are important and interestin

9、g .所有多种多样的科学都很重要而且有趣 All but 20 of the over 100 elements identified to date are metals/ 在迄今为止已确认的100多种元素中,除20种外,其它元素都是金属All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 只工作不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻A number of other things such as wood, plants and oil are made very largely of carbon .其他许多东西如木头,植物和油的大部分都由碳组成 After roads

10、 come cities 有道路后有城市And yet this is the result :here a complete mastery of the language ,however stupid the child 而结果却是:不管学话的幼童多笨,却能完全地掌握语言At no time should we lose our vigilance 我们在任何时候也不要丧失警惕性An acquaintance of mine who lives in England and had never been outside it until last decided to go over t

11、o France for z trip 我有一位熟人常住英国,从未出过国,去年夏天决定到法国去旅游As the apple falls, it loses potential energy because its height decreases当苹果下落时,因其高度下降,便失去其势能As the temperature of the environment rises, the rate of heat loss from the body becomes less and less随着环境温度的升高,热量损失也越来越少Although it is less abundant in the

12、earth, more chemically active and harder to extract than aluminum, it is present in sea water and that means there is almost an endless supply of it 进关于铝相比,它在地壳内的储量少,化学性质更活跃,且更加难以提炼,但它存在于海水中,这就意味着它几乎使无穷无尽的And where there is shale there is likely to be oil在有页岩的地方,就有可能有石油 At the present time the accep

13、ted theory is that all matter consists of very small particles called atoms。一切物质都是由称为原子的极小的微粒组成的,这是目前公认的理论。Aunt Harriet lived in that leisurely age when servants were employed to do homework.哈丽特姑妈生活在一个悠闲的时代,那时家务事情都可以用雇工来做。All matter is made of atoms,which are too small to be seen even through the mo

14、st powerful microscopes.一切物质皆由原子构成,原子本身太小,即使大倍数的显微镜也看不见它们. Aluminum alloys,which is not so strong as steel,find wide application in aircraft,industry。铝合金虽然强度没有钢那么高,但它却广泛地用于飞机制造业。 After Hitler came into power in Germany,Einstein went to Amerca and became her citizen。希特勒在德国掌权后,爱因斯坦到美国去了,并成为美国公民。As soo

15、n as the computer is plugged into the national network,we can be informed about weather conditions at any time。电子计算机一接入全国性网络,我么就可以随时了解天气情况。A lot of more researches will have to carry out before these or other ways of predicting dangerous earthquakes can be found。必须进行更多的研究才能找到预报各种危险地震的方法。At speeds fa

16、ster than the speed of sound,the plane leaves the sound waves behind where they cannot cause the plane any trouble。飞机以高于声速的速度飞行时,把声波抛在后面,这样声波就不会给飞机造成麻烦。All structural materials behave plastically above their elastic range.(超过弹性极限时,一切结构材料都会显示出塑性)A highly developed physical science is characterized by

17、 an extensive use of mathematics.一门高度发展的自然科学的特点是广泛地应用数学.After people has learned that magnets attract things,centuries passed before they took note of the fact that magnets sometimes also repel things.人们早已知道了磁体能吸引别的物体,又过了几百年,才注意到磁体也有时排斥物体这一事实。As the floods had put the telephone out of order,we could

18、 not find out how they were managing。由于洪水已使电话发生故障,因此我们就不能了解他们正在怎么办.Anyone who thinks that knowledge need not to be derived from perceptual knowledge is an idealist。如果不认为理性认识不来源于感性认识,他就是一个唯心主义者。As helicopters can go anywhere and can hover over any spot,they make good flying cranes。直升飞机什么地方都能飞去,任何地点都可

19、起飞,因此是一种良好的飞行起重机。A simple device is gathering the suns rays and concentrating them so that the solar stove is hot enough to boil water and cook food.一个简易的装置正在收集太阳光线并把它聚集起来,因而太阳炉灶有足够的温度把水煮开,把食物煮熟。All is not gold that glitters.发光的并非都是金子。A force is needed to stop a moving body.要使运动的物体停下来需要用力.A physicis

20、t designs his measuring teaching technique so that disturbance of quantity measured is smaller that his experimental error物理学家设计测量方法以便使所测物理量的干扰少于试验误差A doctor performing an operation in a hospital can now use a laser to make a far more precise cut than any knife is capable of现在医院的医生可以使用激光做手术,而且比任何手术刀

21、所做的手术要准确的多But no matter what he did,hecould not get the engine to start.无论怎么做,他都无法将发动机发动起来。Birds flying close enough to the Great Salt Lake in the United States were said to be easily captured在美国大盐湖附近飞行的鸟据说很容易被捉住Being leaders,you have to overcome your pessimism and pluck up your courage to face to d

22、ifficulties。(作为领导者,你们必须克服悲观情绪,鼓起勇气,面对困难)Be careful when crossing the street穿过街道时要当心By using well-known optical and electronic techniques ,it is possible to count each distance of half a wavelength as you move along the laser beam.通过使用熟悉的光学和电子技术,沿激光束移动时我们有可能计算半个波长的距离But for the flood , the ship would

23、 have reached its destination on time 要不是洪水 ,轮船早就按时到达了But the writer thinks that everyone needs to know something about science 但笔者认为每个人都需要懂点科学知识Because the oil burns well, it is used as fuel and in some ways it is superior to coal in this respect石油因易于燃烧,被用来作为燃料,而且在某些方面,比煤要优越Borrowed garment never f

24、its well。(借来的衣服不和体).But for your cooperation,we could not have succeeded in our experiment.没有你们的帮助,我们的实验是不可能成功的。Clothing can restrict the transfer of heat from the body because it reduces the area of skin which is exposed衣服可阻止热量从人体传出,因为他减少了皮肤暴露的面积从而减少了辐射的热耗China is a developing country中国是一个发展中国家Comm

25、unist Party of China was founded in 1921 中国共产党成立于1921年 Careful attention must be paid to the construction of the diagram in using this equation.用这一公式时必须十分注意其图形结构. Chinese trade delegations have been sent to African countries,who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments。中国派了贸易代

26、表团前往非洲各国,以便哟有关政府商谈贸易协定。Chinese delegation have been sent to European countries,who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments。中国派出代表团前往欧洲各国,以便与各国政府谈判贸易协定。Computers work so fast that they can solve a very difficult problem in a few seconds。计算机工作如此迅速,一个很难的题目几秒钟内就能解决。Consequently f

27、rom carbon atoms come two things so different to look at 果,两种看起来 如此不同的东西都来自碳原子Computers are more flexible,and can do a greater variety of jobs.(计算机的灵活性比较大, 因此能做更多不同的工作)Christmas tree is an assembly,which contains control valves pressure gauges and chokes assembled at the top of the well to control t

28、he flow of oil and gas after the well has been drilled and completed。(采油树是一种装在井口的,带有控制阀门,压力计和油嘴的装置,用于在钻井和完钻后控制石油和天然气的产量。)Did you see him go out.你看见他出去了吗?Different builders are then invited to submit estimates,or tenders ,for doing the work. 然后邀请不同的建筑商进行报价或投标。(可以教他们做许多不同的工作。)Do you hear someone knock

29、ing at the door你看见有人在敲门吗Dont you see him coming towards us 难道你没有看到他正向我们走来吗?Dick doesnt know much about physics ,and neither does Mare 迪克不大懂物理,玛丽也不大懂Down came the hammer and out flow the sparks.铁锤一落,火星四射。Drivers of long-distance truchs have a particular interest in weather information because it will

30、 affect their perishable goods during transportation。长途卡车司机对天气预报特别感兴趣,因在运输过程中,易腐烂的货物将会受到天气的影响。Do you see any green in my eyes?(你认为我是好欺骗的吗?) Diagnoses are made quick and accurate by an electronic computer,the use of which is introduced in the hospital。如果医院采用电子计算机,开处方会变得更快、更准确。Early space colonists wi

31、ll come from all over the world. 早期太空移民将来自世界各地。Even if you want to go into business for youself ,youll need marth.即使你本人想进经商,也需要数学。Energy is the ability to do work.能是作功的能力。Each cell became specialized in a different function每个细胞都有了不同的独特功能Every knife,fork and spoon has to be counted.每个刀,叉,匙均过过数Every s

32、ubstance known to us has the form of a solid,a liquid or a gas.我们了解的每一种物质都有固态,液态,气态三种形式 Either he or you are responsible for the failure他或你应对这次失败负责Economists know that places where transportation lines meet are good place for making raw materials into finished goods经济学家知道,运输线交汇的地方是将原材料加工成成品的好地方Engineers have to know the best and most economical materials to use.工程师必须要知道如何最有效和最经济的使用材料。Energy losses due to friction occur in every machine.每台机器都由于摩擦而损耗能量。Electricity which is passed through the thin tu

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