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1、叶面肥对苹果果树生长及果实品质影响研究2010届高校教师人员申请硕士学位论文叶面肥对苹果果树生长与果实品质的影响研究 作者姓名 李志强 指导教师 郝建平 副教授 学科专业 细胞生物学 研究方向 细胞工程培养单位 生命科学学院 学习年限 2007年9月-2010年6月二一年六月山西大学2010届高校教师人员申请硕士学位论文叶面肥对苹果果树生长与果实品质的影响研究 作者姓名 李志强 指导教师 郝建平 副教授 学科专业 细胞生物学 研究方向 细胞工程培养单位 生命科学学院 学习年限 2007年9月-2010年6月二一年六月Thesis for Master s degree,Shanxi Unive

2、rsity,2010Effect of Different Foliar Fertilizer in Apple Tree Growth and Fruit DevelopmentStudent NameZhi-qiang LiSupervisor Prof. Jian-ping HaoMajor Cell BiologySpecialtyCell EngineeringDepartmentSchool of Life ScienceResearch Duration2007.09-2010.06June,2010中文摘要 IABSTRACT II个人简介 32ContentsABSTRACT

3、(Chinese)IABSTRACT(English)II1 Introduction11.1 Foliar fertilizer involved in nutrient cycling mechanisms of orchard11.2 Research status of domestic and abroad31.3 Purpose of the study42 Materials and Methods52.1 Test materials52.2 Experimental design52.3 Analysis methods53 Results and Analysis83.1

4、Different treatments measured in leaves of mineral nutrition83.2 The soil in different determination of mineral nutrition123.3 Determination of fruit quality153.4 Determination of mineral elements in fruit204 Conclusion244.1 Monopotassium phosphateB enzyme is the most beneficial for leaves to absorb

5、 nutrients and the fruit trees to grow244.2 Urea and Monopotassium phosphateB enzyme are the most beneficial to increaseproduction and improve fruit quality245 Research Prospects25References26Acknowledgements31Personal Resume and Contacts32The Letter of Commitment33中 文 摘 要叶面肥不仅能够提高作物养分的供应效率,而且可以增加作物



8、树生长;果实品质ABSTRACTFoliar fertilizer not only can improve the nutrient supply efficiency of crop, but also can increase the source of major elements and various elements during crop growth period. Fertilizer spraying is a commons measure in agricultural production. Fertilizer spraying can replenish nut

9、rients of crop, regulate plant growth and increase crop yield, improve crop quality. This experiment use red Fuji apple in flourishing period for the test materials and spray different combinations of fertilizer during fruit trees growing period. The results are as follows. Spraying combination fert

10、ilizer of urea can significantly promote the growth of fruit trees and increase amount of fruit tree growth. Meanwhile, this combination of fertilizer is beneficial for fruit trees leaves to assimilate N, Mg and has maximum inhibitive ability in absorption of P, Fe; spraying monopotassium phosphateB

11、 enzyme is most beneficial for leaves to assimilate K, Cu, Zn,Mn, Fe, Mg, B. However, spraying different ingredient fertilizer has little effect on exchangeable Mg in soil. Thus, when the N nutrient supply of basal fertilizer used in orchard is sufficient, spraying monopotassium phosphateB enzyme ca

12、n supply nutrients by maximum speed, and is able to increase the growth vigor of fruit trees, but if spraying a single nutrient composition often has little effect, and relatively is poor. Therefore,the monopotassium phosphateB enzyme is the best fertilizer formula in this experiment. The analysis o

13、f different indicators for fruit quality after spraying different foliar fertilize showed that spraying urea and water can significantly increase fruit shape index, chlorophyll content and titratable acid content, and is the most beneficial to increase the fruit, but if inappropriately spraying othe

14、r fertilizer will affect improvement of fruit quality. And the treatment of monopotassium phosphateB enzyme can significantly increase fruit weight, anthocyanin, fruit firmness and fruit mineral nutrients, significantly improve the quality of the fruit, so in the early and mid-term of fruit trees growing, should spraying urea and water on fruit trees to speed up the growth of fruit trees

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