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1、赖斯的演讲keynotespeech教学提纲赖斯 的演 讲 keynot espeech赖斯的演讲 keynote speech formerU.S.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the World Economic Forum 主旨演讲在世界经济论坛年 会提示:人名: Klaus, Preside nt of the World Econo mic Forum Preside nt Couchep in 壬瑞士总统 Pascal Couchep inBismarck 俾斯麦(政治家,学过历史的都知道吧 AA)Hank Paulson美国财长,曾

2、经的高盛公司一把手Thank you very much. Thank you, Klaus, for that terrific introduction. I m tempted to ask if you are the con ductor and to say that it is a very good thing if no one misses any no tes, the pia no or the orchestra.I want to applaud you for everything that you ve done to put this World Econo

3、mic Forum together and to make it a place where people come to share ideas, and ideas that can in deed lead to a better world. It is a won derful gatheri ng of civil society, of bus in ess, of great leaders from around the world. And also, I note that you ve also gone out of your way to in clude you

4、ng people, and I tha nk you very mu ch for your effort.Let me tha nk also Preside nt Couchep in for the work that the gover nment and people of Switzerla nd have done in gen erously welco ming us to this beautiful countr y.Preside nt Karzai, Dr. Pachauri: Thank you very much for your won derful work

5、 andI m really just delighted to share the dais with you tonight.Disti nguished guests, ladies and gen tleme n:It is an honor to join you here, and as Klaus has said, I have tried to get here several times before. I was determined to make it as Secretary of State and I guess I can say better late th

6、an never, Klaus. I spoke at the Forum by video in 20 06, and I had the pleasure last year of recei ving a group of Young Global Leaders a t a first-ever U.S. Policy Summit. And so I understand that some of them are here t oday. It s a wonderful legacy that you re leaving, Klau s, in bringing these y

7、oung people in.I was thinking about what I was going to say toni ght, and I ve bee n watch ing the news and I ve been looking at the images on television and I ve reflected on the eve nts of the day. And of course, what comes front and cen ter for all of us i s the turbule nee - political and econo

8、mic - in our world:The viole nce in Ken ya. The tragic assass in ati on of Mrs. Ben azir Bhutto in Pakis tan. The ongoing and at times halting efforts of Iraqis and Afghans to build peacef ul, functioning gover nmen ts. The looming dan ger of climate cha nge. The forecasts of market woes and econo m

9、ic troubles. Eve n a grow ing concern about globalizati on itseIf - a sense that increasingly it is something that is happening to us, not contro lied by us.As I took a look at all of this, I decided to do someth ing risky: I want to tal k about the importa nee of ideals and I want to talk about the

10、 n eed for optimism in their power.Now, I know that whe never America ns start talk ing about idealism and optimism, interna tional audiences groan. Perhaps there is a little concern that you re goingto hear a long, moraliz ing lecture. Well, I promise not to do that.And ano ther com mon concern whe

11、 n America ns talk of idealism and optimism is, “Well, there they go aga in, ” the in nocents abroad. In deed, there is a long intern ati onal traditi on of view ing America as kind of young and na ?/e.Well, in our defense, I would just say we re not that young.And if you are tempted to think that w

12、e are na ?/e, the n you should hope that Bismarck was right whe n he said, “ God has a special provide nee for fools, drun ks, and the Un ited States of America. ”Seriously though, I recognize that there is a climate of anxiety in our world t oday. And it is tempti ng for many people to turn in ward

13、, to secure what they have, and to shut others out. Some want to go it alone. And there is certainly cynicism a bout the salie nee of our ideals whe n it seems that it s just hard eno ugh to protect our in terests.I know that many are worried by the recent fluctuations in U.S. financial markets, and

14、 by concerns about the U.S. economy. Preside nt Bush has announ ced an outl ine of a meanin gful fiscal growth package that will boost con sumer spe nding and suppor t bus in ess inv estme nt this year. My colleague, Hank Pauls on, who had hoped to be wi th you, is lead ing our Adm ini strati on s e

15、fforts and work ing closely with the leaders of both parties in Con gress to agree on a stimulus package that is swift, robust, broad-based, and temporary.The U.S. economy is resilient, its structure is sound, and its Iong-term econom ic fun dame ntals are healthy. The Un ited States continues to we

16、lcome foreig n inv estm ent and free trade. And the economy, our economy, will remain a leading engine of g lobal econo mic growth. So we should have con fide nee in the un derly ing stre ngth of t he global economy and act with con fide nce on the basis of prin ciples that lead t o success in this

17、world.And on that no te, I would submit to you this eve ning that there is not one chai lenge in the world today that will get better if we approach it without con fide nce in the appeal and effective ness of our ideals - political and econo mic freedom, open markets and free trade, huma n dig nity

18、and huma n rights, equal opport unity and th e rule of law. Without these principles, backed by all forms of national power, we may be able to man age global problems for awhile, but we will not lay a foun datio n to solve them.This is the core of America s approach to the world. We do not accept a

19、firm d istinction between our national interests and our universal ideals, and we seek to marry our power and our prin ciples together to achieve great and en duri ng progress. This America n approach to the world did not beg in with Preside nt Bush. In deed, it is as old as America itself. I have r

20、eferred to this tradition as American Realism.It was American Realism that enabled the United States to come into being in th e first place. It was American Realism that led us to rally our allies to build a b ala nce of power that favored freedom in the last cen tury. And in this cen tury, it i s t

21、his America n Realism that shapes our global leadership in three critical areas t hat I d like to talk about tonight: the promotion of a just economic model of deve lopment; the promotion of a freer, more democratic world; and the role of diplomacy in overco ming differe nces betwee n n ati ons.Firs

22、t, let us take developme nt. Amidst the extraord inary opport unit ies of the global economy, which we will talk about here, the amount of deprivati on in our world still rema ins un acceptable. Half of our fello w human beings live on less than $2 a day. That s simply not acceptable in a civilized

23、world. But as we approach the challe nges of developme n t, let us remember that we know what works: We know that whe n states em brace free markets and free trade, govern justly and invest in their pe ople, they can create prosperity and then translate it into social just ice for all their citize n

24、s.Yes, some states are grow ing econo mically through a ki nd of “ authoritarian capitalism. ” But it is at least an open question whether it is susta in able for a gover nment to respect people s tale nts but not their rights. In the long run, democracy, developme nt, and social justice must go han

25、d in hand.We must treat develop ing n ati ons not as objects of our policy, but as equal part ners in a shared en deavor of dig nity. We must support lead ers and citize ns in develop ing n ati ons who are tran sform ing the charact er of their countries - through good governance and economic reform

26、, investment in health and education, the rule of law and a fight against corrupti on. And we must tran sform our foreig n assista nce into an incentive for developing nations to embrace political and economic liberty, t o build just and effective states and to take own ership of their own de velopm

27、e nt.In rece nt years, the Un ited States has bee n trying to put these pri n ciples into practice in our core developme nt policies. In deed, un der P reside nt Bush, and with the full support of our Con gress, the Un ited St ates has laun ched the largest intern ati onal developme nt effort since

28、th e Marshall Pla n.We have met or are clearly on course to meet all of our intern ati on al commitme nts to in crease official developme nt assista nee: Since 2001, we have doubled our assistanee to Latin America, we ve quadrupled itfor Africa, an d we ve tripled it worldwide, all while reformi ng

29、it to better support resp on sible policies of develop ing states.We have put $7.5 billio n in to our Mille nn ium Challe nge Acco unt in it iative, which is rooted in the ideals of the Mon terrey Consen sus. We ha ve also launched historic efforts to combat malaria and HIV/AIDS. In fa ct, Preside n

30、t Bush s Emerge ncy Pla n for AIDS Relief is the largest eff ort ever by one n ati on to combat a sin gle disease.But more and better aid has to be accompa nied by the global expa nsi on of free and fair trade. It isn t easy I will tell you, it is noteasy - for the America n preside nt to advocate f

31、ree and fair trade at a time of grow ing econo mic populism. Yet Preside nt Bush remai ns committ ed to completi ng a successful Doha Round, and my colleague Susa n Schwa b, who is here tonight in Davos, is working hard to do just that.The Preside nt has pledged that the Un ited States will elim in

32、ate all tariffs, subsidies, and barriers to free flow of goods and services in clud ing agriculture as other n ati ons do the same. We expect our partners to join us in finding a way to make Doha a success.If we are to continue expa nding global econo mic growth, we also nee d to find a new approach to en ergy and the en vir onmen t. If we proceed o n our curre nt course, we have an un acceptable choice: Either sacrifice global econo mic growth for the health of our pla net or sacrifice thehealth of our pla net for fossil fue

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