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Lesson 20 One man in a boat.docx

1、Lesson 20 One man in a boat Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟【New words and expressions】 生词和短语catch v. 抓到catch fish,catch thiefcatch cold : 染上感冒catch a bus : 赶车catch ones breath : 摒住呼吸catch sight of = see : 看见catch fire : 着火catch ones eyes : 吸引某人注意力fishermann. 钓鱼人, 渔民boot n. 靴子a pair of bootswaste n.

2、 浪费You are wasting time.a waste ofIt is a waste of time/money/food.realize v. 意识到I realized that I was wrong.实现, realize ones dream【课文讲解】fish一般情况下作为不可数名词用There are a lot of fishes(表示种类)in the : 钓鱼, 捕鱼主语通常由名词和代词充当, 以及动词+ing, 如eating,reading等等for+时间表示一段时间for hours=for some hourswithout(pr

3、ep.)介词后面一定要加宾语, 介词后面的动词一定要加 “-ing” 动词+ing : 1.做主语; 2.做宾语anything用在否定句中without作为状语而出现, 表示结果状语He went out without saying any words.Without asking for money,the boy went to school.without 后面的动作是主语来做的(v.)worry sb. 作动词一定要加人作宾语, 翻译时从后往前翻 The house worried me. / My daughter worried me.(adj.)be worried abou

4、t 主语为宾语而感到担心 I was never worried about this. = This does not worry me.instead of 后面的词一定是没有做的, 可以放在主句后面without强调没有做某件事, instead of强调这件事没做成而做成了另外一件事instead of:我原准备做但是后来做了I went to school instead of staying at home.我没呆在家里而是去上学了I bought books instead of buying dresses.less+原形 : A is less . than B (译为不如)

5、 more beautiful / less beautifulspend+时间+在某地 : 在某地度过时间after(conj.)+从句, 从句主语必须是主句的主语才能换成下面一种形式after(prep.)+名词/动词的ing形式After I go to school,I learned a lot of knowledge. (用一般式表示一个事实, 不用 “went to” )After going to school,I learned a lot of knowledge.With an empty bag 注意连读with: 带着(状语)without; 没带 I always

6、 go home without angthing. 什么都没带回家give up doing sth : 放弃做某事/stop doinggive up interested in 主语对什么感兴趣在船上in a boatnot at all在否定句中起强调作用【Key structures】关键句型细读下面的例句, 特别注意用斜体印出的以-ing结尾的词. a 动名词作主语Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是一件愉快的事情. Watching television is my favourite pastime. 看电视是我最喜爱的业馀爱好

7、. Reading in bed is something I always enjoy. 我总喜欢躺在床上看书b 动名词作宾语I am very keen on cycling. 我非常喜欢骑自行车. She is afraid of staying in that house alone. 她害怕单独住在那间屋子里. He is capable of doing anything. 他能胜任任何事情. c Note how these sentences have been joined.注意在以下例句中如何用动名词将两个短句连到一起. He sat there. He did not s

8、ay anything. 他坐在那儿, 他什么话也不说. He sat there without saying anything. 他默默无语地坐在那里. He turned off the radio. He left the room. 他关掉了收音机, 他离开了房间. Before leaving the room, he turned off the radio. 离开房间之前, 他关掉了收音机. He looked at this watch. He hurried to the station. 他看了一下手表. 他匆忙赶到火车站. After looking at his wa

9、tch, he hurried to the station. 他看了一下手表之后, 就匆忙赶往火车站. Or: After having looked at his watch, he hurried to the station.I must apologize. I interrupted you. 我得表示道歉. 我打断了你的说话(工作). I must apologize for interrupting you. 由于打断了你的说话(工作), 我得表示道歉. Or: I must apologize for having interrupted you.I must apologi

10、ze. I did not let you know earlier. 我得表示道歉. 我没有早一点让你知道. I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 由于没有早点让你知道, 我得表示道歉. Or: I must apologize for not having let you know earlier.He congratulated me. I won the competition. 他向我道贺. 我赢得了这次比赛. He congratulated me on winning the competition. 在我赢得这次比

11、赛之际, 他向我祝贺. Or: He congratulated me on having won the competition.动词+ing(非谓语动词)可以做主语和宾语b. be keen on,be fond of,be interested in,enjoy+动词ing : 喜欢做某事 be afraid of be up to ,be capable of (capable adj.有能力的, 能干的, 有可能的, 可以.的) without, instead ofc. I apologize. 我道歉 (apologize vi.道歉, 辩白) apologize for (no

12、t) doing sth. 为什么事情而道歉 thank you for listening/attending for interrupting you 只强调这件事 (doing) for having interrupted you 强调这个动作先做了, 强调时间 (having done) 以上两者为时间概念不同 not doing 没做某事congratulate sb. on doing sth. (congratulate vt.祝贺, 庆贺, 恭喜)Exercises C(用括号中的词来连接下列句子, 如需要可对原句进行必要的改动)1.He went out of the re

13、staurant. (without) He did not pay the bill.1.withoutwithout prep.+ doingHe went out of the restaurant without paying the bill.2.She bought a pair of boots. (instead of) She did not get a pair of shoes.2.instead ofShe bought a pair of boots instead of getting a pair of shoes.She bought a pair of boo

14、ts instead of a pair of shoes.3.She was afraid. (of) She did not spend the night alone.3.of She was afraid of spending the night alone.4.(After) She heard the news. She fainted.4.afterafter+从句; after prep.+doingAfter hearing the news,she fainted. (faint n.昏晕, 昏倒 adj.虚落地, 衰弱的, 软弱的, 无力的, 微弱的, 暗淡的, 模糊的

15、 vi.昏晕, 昏倒, 变得微弱, 变得没气力)5.Think carefully. (before) Answer my question.5.beforeThink carefully before answering my question.在回答我的问题之前, 请仔细考虑. 6.(On) I saw the plane coming towards me. I dashed for cover6.on as soon as : 一. 就. : as soon as I entered.the moment +从句 : the moment I had entered以上两个主语不一定是

16、同一个人on (prep.)+doing 两个动作必须是同一个人(即主句主语)On seeing the plane coming towards me, I dashed for cover.(冲进掩护体 n.少量(搀加物), 冲撞, 破折号, 锐气, 精力, 干劲 vi.猛掷, 冲撞 vt.泼溅, 使猛撞, 搀和, 使破灭, 使沮丧, 匆忙完成)【Special Difficulties】 难点a Interested and Interesting. Excited and Exciting.Fishing is not interesting. I am not really inte

17、rested in fishing. (11. 7-8)钓鱼没意思. 我对钓鱼并不真正感兴趣. The match was very exciting. The crowd got very excited. 比赛非常激动人心. 观众非常激动. b Its and Its. Its a waste of time. (11. 6-7)Its (= it is) cold today. Its raining too. 今天天气冷. 而且正在下雨. The cat drank its milk. 猫喝了它的牛奶. This engine has lost its power. 这台发动机已失去了

18、动力. c Realize and Understand. They dont realize . (1. 7)I realized he was mad. 我意识到他疯了. He didnt realize that he had made a mistake. 他没有意识到他犯了一个错误. I dont understand English. 我不懂英语. Exercises(选择正确的词填空)1.I (realized) (understood) he was not telling me the truth. I realized.意识到2.This poem is difficult

19、. (Its) (Its) impossible for you to (understand) (realize) (its) (its) meaning.Its understand its meaning / for sb 逻辑主语 its形容词性物主代词 poem n.诗, 象诗一样, 美丽的东西 its = it is; it作形式主语3.There was some (excited) (exciting) news on the radio.3.exciting news.excited 感动的exciting令人激动的on the radio 在广播

20、上Eg. : I got news on the radio/on TV/on the telephone/on the line(在线). 4.He is not an (interesting) (interested) interesting personinterested 感兴趣的interesting 有趣的5.He is an explorer. He leads an (excited) (exciting) exciting life explorer n.探险家, 探测者, 探测器lead a life 过着.日子lead a happy

21、 lifeEg.; He leads a poor life.excited 感到激动的exciting 令人激动的如果 -ed,-ing 做形容词即作定语时, 和被修饰词有关, 如题中, 令人激动的生活而非生活感到激动6.I am not (interesting) (interested) in other peoples affairs.not interested in . affairs.interested感兴趣的interesting 有趣的be interested in 对感兴趣【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题2 The writer enjo

22、ys _ .a.catching fish c.doing nothing d.swimming in the river2. .enjoys.Ccatching fish 抓鱼fishing钓鱼doing nothing什么都不做swimming in the river在河里游泳enjoying doing sth / enjoy + n.I enjoy books.I enjoy reading books.6 His bag is empty. He has _ .a.a empty bag empty bag c.empty bag empt

23、y bag6. .He has.Ban empty bag one empty bagan指一个, 强调名词one一个, 强调 one,强调数量I have a garden.I have one garden.强调empty bagI sent a letter.I wrote one word.7 I am only interested in doing nothing. Thats _ Im interested in.a.only b.the one c.all d.the only7. .Thats.C(thats/the) only 一般加名词that+从句, 从句往往以特殊疑问

24、词引导thats whythats whenthats all 那就是一切 (Thats all said.)Thats all(I heard).Thats all I can remember.the one 指东西, 不指事情11 He always goes _ with an empty home house the house d.home11. .Dgo home 习惯用法, 最佳答案go to the house语法正确没有规则与语法相提并论时, 语法为大. 当语法与习惯用法相提并论时, 习惯用法为大. Where are you going?(更习惯这么说)Where are you going to?

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