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1、雅思作文1. 大学生交学费In this time and age, higher education is advancing at an alarming rate. A sizable percentage of the people hold the opinion that the government should be responsible for the full tuition of college students. They claim that after graduation college students will make much contribution

2、to the society. This argument is true to some degree. However, I am convinced that university students should support themselves for the full tuition. There are many reasons supporting my view.The main reason is that it can ensure the quality of college education. College education needs many well-p

3、aid professors and various advanced facilities. In other words, it needs a great sum of money. If the college students do not pay the tuition fee, it will pay a heavy burden on the government. If the government is unable to invest enough money on university education because of the limited budget, t

4、he quality of education cannot be ensured.It might also be noted that it is quite fair to require students to pay the full tuition. It is unnecessary that all the citizens go to colleges. Some high school leavers give up their further study because they have their own life aim. That is to say, going

5、 to university is a totally personal choice. Therefore it is not unreasonable that the people who make such choice pay for it.Some people may say that students from the countryside and undeveloped areas cannot go to college if students are required to pay full tuition. In fact, there are some feasib

6、le methods to solve the problem. The first opinion is the government grant and bank loan, although they may have to be paid back at later date. In addition, the students should be encouraged to study hard to win scholarship. Furthermore, they can work part-time to earn money to cover some expenses.S

7、o, as I see it, college students should pay for the full tuition. It can guarantee the quality of higher education. It is reasonable practice. In addition, students from poor families still can go to college even if they have to pay the full tuition. 2.考试In the long history of human education, great

8、 changes have taken place in every field of study. However testing a person by examinations is still regarded as the only reliable and feasible method to measure ones knowledge and ability. Form elementary schools to universities, students have to take many examinations. They even regard examination

9、s as an indispensable part of their life.Some people hold that examinations have negative impacts on students. First of all, examinations are unable to evaluate ones true ability. They can only test memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure. Secondly, examinations encourage bad study hab

10、its. Students tend to lay emphasis on what will be tested. They are encouraged to memorize rather than to think. Finally, examinations lower the standards of teaching. Teachers have to train students in exam techniques instead of teaching their subjects.Many other people, however, believe examinatio

11、ns have some advantages. In the first place, they serve as a driving force to stimulate students to work hard. Laziness is part of human nature. Without examinations, students tend to ignore their studies. Moreover, the results of examinations are just like mirrors for both students and teachers. St

12、udents can assess themselves and teachers can adjust their teaching method according to the information they obtain from examination. Finally, till now no better methods have been discovered to replace examinations. Other forms of assessment are too time-consuming and therefore are infeasible.In my

13、opinion, examinations have positive effects on teaching. They make students hardworking. They also provide a clear objective standard by which the students can assess themselves and teachers can know what they should do next. Furthermore, at present no better methods are available. Therefore, I am s

14、ure examinations will continue to play an essential role in education.3.出国留学Over the last several years, along with the rapid development of economy, an increasing number of parents have been sending their children to study abroad. A majority of people hold the view that studying abroad brings stude

15、nts many benefits, while others are of the opinion that students should finish university education in their motherland. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.People, who advocate that studying abroad has a lot of disadvantages, have their

16、 sound reasons. First of all, living far away from home. Students will suffer from loneliness and homesickness. Overseas students often feel disoriented and depressed for lack of adequate knowledge and understanding of the local customs and lifestyle. Secondly, many students do not want to return to

17、 their native country after graduation because most of them want to seek a more comfortable life and a brighter future overseas. This may result in a serious brain-drain and our country will inevitably incur a huge loss of talents.To this issue, some other people hold a different attitude, arguing t

18、hat students should go abroad to study. To begin with, it can broaden the students vision. They get a chance to experience a totally different culture. The knowledge of social customs acquires in the other countries helps them to become more open-minded. Next, there are academic advantages. Students

19、 can learn advanced science and technology. They receive a different education. The book resources are more up-to-date. The professors are aware of all the latest development in their fields. Therefore the standard of teaching is much higher. Moreover, when they finish their study abroad, they will

20、have more choices for their future career. All the above merits are conducive to their self-betterment and self-realization.It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue. For my part, I stand on the latter opinion that while oversea

21、s study has its drawbacks, the advantages are more obvious. It can broaden ones horizon. Students have easy access to the first-rate facilities and the latest development in science and technology. In addition, when they finish their study, they have more job opportunities. Therefore, as long as it

22、is financially feasible, an overseas education may dod a person more good than harm.4.大学生找不到工作These days there is an increasing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding ideal jobs when they graduate. Carefully weighing in my mind, I think this phenomenon is caused by the followi

23、ng reasons.In the first place, over-estimated ability and lacking of practical knowledge, as far as I am concerned, are the two main reasons for some university students who cannot find a proper job when they graduate. Up to now, some students have never clearly realized that what a person learns in

24、 university is, to some extent, theoretical knowledge which takes time to apply to reality and boasted themselves when they were interviewed. Although some of them have many certifications, those are not equal to practical ability and operative skills. On the contrary, when hunting a job, those cert

25、ificates make the students unable to estimate themselves rightly, therefore, they are likely to lose some opportunities. Another cruelty of reality is that, many students spend too much time on passing a variety of examinations but ignore the practical knowledge which suits the demand of the society

26、. That also makes them find no place for themselves.Meanwhile, the growing population and serious unemployment situation make the social competition much keener than before. The students have to ace the current situation that there are more labors than what are needed in the labor force market. And

27、more seriously, they have to compete not only with their schoolmates but with the experienced workers who have more skills and abilities as well. There is clear-cut evidence showing that some students even ask no salary in order to get a job. Furthermore, some majors, which used to be in great deman

28、d, are no longer needed by the advancing society. The fact also makes the students find it hard to get a decent job in the job market. Taking into account all these factors, the students should always adapt themselves to the development of society. Besides concentrating on their courses, developing

29、colorful interests and cultivate personal ability to keep pace with the outside world are also necessary. At the same time, the government should create more suitable positions to university students and provide them with proper job hunting skills. In a word, we should always remember the saying:“ T

30、he survival of the fittest.”5.照看老年人 Parents have devoted all their lives and energy to their children and when they are old, it is time for their children to repay their care and love. Therefore, it seems that it should be the childrens responsibility to take good care of their parents in their late

31、r years. However, I believe that a better way of ensuring that aged parents lead a happy and healthy life is to put them in nursing homes.Living in nursing homes, they have more opportunities to communicate with their peers. Keeping each others company, they dont feel lonely and can do a great deal

32、of things together, such as morning exercise, playing games, and exchanging memories and stories from their past. On the other hand, if they live at home, they are often left alone when their children and grandchildren are away working or studying.In such retirement homes, aging people can receive i

33、ntensive medical care from professional doctors. Besides, they can receive a proper diet prepared by dieticians to meet their individual requirement. This is especially good for those old people in poor health. Moreover, they could have regular medical check-ups so that any disease could be diagnosed in its early stages. What is the

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