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1、牛津英语八年级下Unit7教学案Unit7 International CharitiesWelcome to the unit & comic strips学习目标:1. To understand a few big charities. 2. Discuss how to better help people in poor areas. 教学重、难点: Talk about how to better help people in poor areas.学习过程:课前预习导学1.预习新单词,根据音标试着朗读单词2.朗读漫画,体会漫画含义3.尝试翻译短语。 零花钱 吃一顿丰盛的午餐 该是

2、的时间 太虚弱不能行走 一些国际的慈善 基础的教育 平等的权利 为某人提供某物 阻止一些严重疾病的扩 课堂学习研讨教学过程Step 1 Warming upHave you ever done anything for charities? Were you happy to help charities?What charities do you want to help?Lets learn the different charities in China!Save Chinas Tigers 拯救中国虎Project Hope 希望工程Project Green Hope 绿色希望工程S

3、pring Bud Project 春蕾计划What will you do for the charities? Step 2 Comic strip1) Look at the picture and read , then answer the questions.What are Eddie and Hobo doing? Are they ready to help the charity?What is needed for charity?What does Hobo want Eddie to do?What does Eddie want to do first? Why?H

4、ow far will they go?2) Complete the following passage.Hobo hears that charity n_ money. He wants to donate Eddies p_ money to charity. But Eddie thinks it is lunch t_ because its 12 oclock. He wants to have l_ first. He pretends(假装) that he is too w_ to walk any f_. Finally, Hobo encourages (鼓励) Edd

5、ie they only have five k_ left. Keys: needs; pocket; time; lunch; weak; further; kilometresStep 3 Pair workWork in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. You can add your own ideas. Step 4 Useful phrases 1. You have some pocket money left. leave- left-left left (adj.) 剩下的,剩余的,没有用完的我

6、只剩下一张票了。I have only one ticke left.冰箱里什么也没有剩下。There is nothing left in the fridge.leave for 前往 leave 忘带,落在 2. Im too weak to walk any further.我太虚弱了,走不动了。“tooto”结构表示“太而不 能”, 副词后接形容词或副词的原形,其后再接动词不定式。 句中的further是far的比较级,这里是副词,意思是“较远,更远”。Step 5 PresentationWhat do you think people in poor areas need mos

7、t?What can we do for people?What international charities do you know about?ORBIS 奥比斯How does this charity work?It works to help the blind people in poor areas. It is best known for its Flying Eye Hospital.WWF: World Wide Fund for Nature 世界自然基金会How does this charity work?The groups focuses on protect

8、ing forests, rivers, oceans and so on.Oxfam 乐施会How does this charity work?It works in more than 90 countries to help poor people.UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会How does this charity work?It provides food and health care to children in developing countries.Step 6 Listen and make the conversationMr Wu is asking the s

9、tudents about international charities. Listen to the tape and tell me how UNICEF helps people.Read the conversation after the tape. Then make a dialogue use the conversation as a model. 当堂训练巩固单项选择( )1. Dont worry. Theres some time . A. left B. leaveC. leaving D. will leave ( )2. Could you please pro

10、vide us some information about the students health? -Of course , with pleasure. A. to B. of C. from D. with ( )3. Its always difficult to be in a foreign country, if you cant speak the language. A. extremely B. especiallyC. specially D. naturally ( )4. Dont worry me. I can look after myself well. A.

11、 about B. for C. with D. on ( )5. Its time lunch. Lets go. A. to B. forC. with D. of ( )6. Internet bars shouldnt let anybody bad things. A. watch B. to watchC. watches D. watching ( )7. these pictures, I like this one best. A. Between B. InC. Among D. About备 注Unit7 International CharitiesReading (1

12、)学习目标: 1.通过上下文语境猜测生词词义。 2.读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。 3.学会用正确的语言介绍奥比斯医生的工作。4理解采访中使用的开放性问题。教学重点:读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。学习过程:课前预习导学1.预习新单词,根据音标朗读单词,记忆单词含义。2.预习教材,回答问题1. What does Dr. Ma do? 2. How many people around the world are blind? 3. What is the plane also used as? 4. What does ORBIS need to carry on with

13、 the work? 课堂学习研讨教学过程Step 1 Watch a video about ORBISWhy is there a plane in the logo?Because ORBIS workers take a plane to visit poor countries. The plane is called a flying eye hospital. (飞行眼科医院)Information about ORBISORBIS is a charity that helps blind people. Most eye problems can be cured or pr

14、evented. However, many people cant afford to go to hospital. The doctors on the ORBIS plane fly to poor areas to treat people with eye problems and teach local doctors and nurses new skills. After learning from the ORBIS doctors, they can help more people.Step 2 Do some exercisesSkim and write T or

15、F:1. All the eye problems can be cured or prevented.2. Many people cant afford to go to hospital.3. The plane is used as a hospital and teaching centre.4. ORBIS is a business that helps blind people.5. Local doctors and nurses can help people in poor areas after learning from ORBIS doctors.Step 3 Re

16、ad and answer some questions.Lines 1-61. How many people does blindness affect around the world? Where are they mostly from?2. How many sick people can be cured or prevented?3. Why dont some people receive medical treatment?Lines 10-261. Why dont ORBIS doctors work in a hospital?2. How many operatio

17、ns did Dr Ma perform during his last visit?3. Is the plane only a place to perform operations? Step 4 Can you divide the passage? 1. (Line 1-6) something about blindness 2. (Line 7-15) the work of ORBIS3. (Line 16-20) Dr Mas work and his feeling 4. (Line 21-26) Dr Mas hopeStep 5 Practice 1. Finish B

18、3&4 2. Check answers当堂训练巩固用所给词的适当形式填空1.The doctor said he needed an_ _( operate) at once.2. Look, there is an_ (advertise) on the wall. 3. We hope people will support our work by sending_ (donate) to ORBIS.4. Timmy tells me_ (not tell )you the bad news.5. He is used to_ (drink) milk in the morning.

19、6. They are looking forward to_( see) you again. 7. My brother used_( watch) TV in the evening, but now he doesnt.拓展延伸提高根据短文内容以及首字母提示完成单词。 ORBIS has the worlds only F 1 Eye Hospital. A very large plane was changed into a teaching and treatment centre. The ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital and its internatio

20、nal medical team have t 2 to more than 70 countries since 1982. Many of the worlds famous d 3 have p 4 operations and carried out training prpgrammes on the plane. The ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital and its medical t 5 are working hard at training doctors a 6 the world. ORBIS first went to f 7 countries:

21、 Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, India, and Vietnam. In these countries , it works to treat m 8 childhood blindness caused by cataract(白内障), glaucoma(青光眼) and trachoma(沙眼).课后反思改进备 注Unit7 International Charities Reading(2)学习目标: 1.通过上下文语境猜测生词词义。 2.读懂文章,了解奥比斯医生的基本工作情况。 3.掌握课文中的词组句型。学习重点、难点:掌握课文中的词组句型。学习过程

22、:课堂学习研讨Step 1 Language points1. Many of our patients cant afford to go to hospitals, so we have to go to them. 句中的afford意思是 “买得起;(有时间)做” 通常与can, could, be able to连用,多用于否定句和疑问句。如:Can we afford a car? 我们买得起新车吗?We cannot afford a new house.我们买不起新房子。2. Also, local doctors and nurses are invited on board

23、 to learn about eye operations. on board 在飞机(船、火车)上3. By training them, we hope to help more people. 句中的by是介词,意思是 通过某种方法,手段,后接名词或者动词-ing形式。如: You can learn more about the news by reading todays newspaper. 看看今天的报纸,你就能对这条信息有更多的了解。4. Im proud to help people see again and improve their lives. proud adj.

24、 自豪的,骄傲的 e.g. They were proud of their success. 他们为自己的成功而骄傲。5. Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can be treated and cured. develop vi.&vt. 发展;加强 e.g. Modern music was first developed in Italy. 现代音乐最初是在意大利发展起来的。 treat vt. 治疗;处理e.g. Doctors treated her with a

25、spirin. 医生用阿司匹林为她治疗。6. But more money is needed to carry on with our work. 短语carry on with something表示继续干某事,坚持做某事。当堂训练巩固Fill in the blanks.1. 80 percent of the cases of _ (blind) can be cured or prevented.2. At present, Mr. Li is in hospital receiving _ (medicine) treatment.3. Tom is searching the I

26、nternet for _ (far) information.4. Dr. Ma does five _ (operate) every day.5. The camera was one of the greatest _ (invent) in the 19th century.6. Lucy didnt go to school because of her _ (ill) yesterday.7. Theyre all nurses, _ (most) from the poor countries.8. The children in poor areas hope to rece

27、ive good _ (educate).单项选择( )1. All we need enough money to carry on our work.A. is; with B. are; with C. is; for D. are; for( )2. I hope my father ask me about my studies.A. not B. not to C. wont D. dont( )3. Ill remember the of the ORBIS doctors,A. kind B. kindlyC. kindless D. kindness( )4. I want

28、money Project Hope.A. donate; to B. to raise; forC. to raise; to D. to donate; for( )5. How many do they do during a visit? Many patients during the last visit.A. operations; were operated onB. operation; were operated onC. operations; were operated D. operation; were operated ( )6.He operates 150 p

29、atients every week.A. about B. on C. for D. to7. About 80 per cent of these cases can . A. be prevented B. preventC. be preventing D. prevented8. I plan to improve my spoken English listening to radio and tapes every day. A. on B. with C. through D. by拓展延伸提高填空:Zhang Hua is a Grade 9 student of Sunsh

30、ine Secondary School. His family is r _. He u _ to spend most of his p_ money buying snacks and playing computer games. He didnt work s_ hard at school. He was a_ of doing his homework.Last summer, he went to a p_ village. There he saw many children who werent able to go to school because their families were too poor. That experience a_ Zhang Hua a lot. Now Zhang Hua works very hard at school and he d_ most of his pocket money to UNICEF and he takes an active part in ma

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