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1、明思教育牛津初中英语重点句型全览明思教育牛津初中英语重点句型全览 请注意,这里提供给大家的不仅是句型和词组,还有做事的态度与方法,甚至是人生的哲学:一“夹生”是导致英语学习失败的最主要原因。掌握一个句型需21次巩固,前4次为固定(几乎不变化),之后就要变化人称、句式和时态(语态)。听写一、两次就了事只能导致前功尽弃。二“理解掌握运用结构”是学习的核心。把英语作为知识来学、忽视其本质特点(工具性)从而放弃实际运用,是英语学习失败的根源。不可把知识作为主要目标甚至唯一目标,今后的考试将进一步考查记忆的准确性和运用的灵活性。三、乔布斯成功的秘诀是:聚焦+简化。目标过于宽泛、追求面面俱到、把教材的每个

2、角落都学到是低效的做法。四、背诵单词串时,可以在相对完整处截断,如背诵The international agreement says: “Rich and ugly interviewers must train their skills or donate their pocket money to carry on the inventions and improve health care, or they will be punished and even operated on in the war.”,可以先背:The international agreement says:

3、“Rich and ugly interviewers must train their skills”,待这句话背熟后再继续延展。这种滚雪球的办法已经被证明是非常有效的做法。7A Unit 1 This is me. (强化:第三人称单数的概念及相应变化及be动词因不表示具体动作而可以提前)R: 1. I am = Im twelve years old. Are you twelve years old? Is he thirteen years old? 2. Millie is in Class One, Grade Seven. Is she in Class 2, Grade 7?

4、 3. I live in Beijing. Does he live in Donghai? He doesnt live here. (从此时开始,就应不断强化一个观念:表示动作的动词不能提前,不能加nt,只有助动词才有这些功能。)4. I love reading. (love之后不能用read的原形形式,否则犯了“两行为动词原形连用”的大忌)5. I was born in Shanghai. (was是am的过去式,因“出生”发生在过去,所以不能用am形式)6. I love playing football after school. (汉语说“我喜爱放学后踢足球”,“放学后”在动

5、词前,而英语却是经常相反的。学英语不可不注意这样的现象。)7. He is good at swimming.(Checkout中有Are many of you good at computer games?)8. Sandy likes listening to music. She comes from Beijing. 9. He enjoys playing computer games in the evening. (finish, spend, have fun, have trouble)G: 10. He/She/It likes/ does not like (反复练习,

6、务求能意识到“is not like”是错误的) 11. Do you/they/like? No, I/ they dont. 12. Does she/he/it/Jim like? Yes, she/he/it does. (答语中用be动词还是do、does,取决于问句,即:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)13. Does your Maths teacher always have/eat dinner in a restaurant? No, he doesnt. (本句和词组结合了)14. Do you usually listen to CDs for half an hour at th

7、e weekend? Yes, we / I do. I: 15. You look happy. She looks happy today. Does Tom look happy today? Do they look happy? (类似的变式训练要常做,练到在实际生活中可以自由运用,就能帮助夯实英语学习的基础了。) 16. He is my favourite football player in the school football team. 17. Does he often score for our school football team?18. Frank is th

8、e newest member. He plays for Huanghe Team. 19. The sports news says he plays very well in the match. S: 20. Can I borrow your rubber? Sorry, I dont have one. 21. Excuse me. How do you say that in English? M: 22. I have dark brown eyes and my hair is short and black. 23. Sometimes the strong player

9、is polite and helpful. He begins to wear glasses. (这位强壮的运动员有时候既有礼貌又乐于助人,他开始带眼镜了。本句专为记忆7个重要单词而编制。) 24. Do they all come from Beijing? (不能说Are they all come,因为be动词后不跟动词原形,而come就是原形形式) 25.Your new friends sound great. (sound great和第15条的look happy是同类型的结构。)注意:Main task中没有新句型,用前面的句型包装该部分的短语是个好做法,如:Main ta

10、sk中有listen to CDs,live with等,可让学生练习、听写这样的句子:Does he often listen to CDs after school? 等。 语法:一般现在时的各种句式词组:W: good night R: years old; be born in; come from(强调be come from不对并说明理由:be + V原 = x,这个意识要不断强化); long black hair; play computer games; G: in the English Club; go swimming/running; at the weekend;

11、half an hour; watch games; have breakfast/lunch/dinner 7A Unit 2 My day. W: 26. Look at the time/watch/clock. 27. Is it time for breakfast? Is it time to wake up / to do after-school activities? 28. What are you going to do today? What is Eddie going to do?(多做变换人称的训练) 29. Some dogs just dont know ho

12、w to have fun. She doesnt know how to play computer games. 30. I want to go to sleep. (有些学生即使到了初三,还会说I want go to sleep,仍然没有意识到英语学习的核心:使用动词时不能让两个实意动词连用(极个别情况除外)。)R: 31. I am a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. 32. I like my classroom because it is big and clean. She likes Amie because sh

13、e is polite and helpful. 33. There are lots of nice people in my class. (牢固树立:there be结构用于“在某处有”而非“某人有”) 34. We always chat with each other or play games.35. My new classmates are all nice to me. (此处的to表示方向)36. The school day starts at eight every morning. (注意动词start加了s,为什么?介词用at。下文中紧接着有Our lessons

14、begin at 8.25 a.m.,动词begin就没有加s,为什么?)37. My favourite lessons are Chinese and English. 38. Millie spends about two hours a day doing her homework. (可替换为practicing drawing / chatting with her hero on the Internet.) 39. She also likes playing volleyball twice a week. (like之后的play用了ing形式说明:两个表示行为的动词不能直

15、接连用。)40. We always have a good time at school. She always has a bad time at school. 41. Please e-mail me soon. V: 42. We should listen to her because shes always right. G: 43. Peter and I both love/like talking about films on Sundays. 44. She does not have much time to talk with her friends. 46. The

16、 answer to the question is difficult for clever models to understand. (这个问题的答案对聪明的模特们来说也难以理解。她们大多空有“好皮囊”,思维能力令人不敢恭维。6个四会词。)I: 47. We will have our trip from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. next Monday. (养成一个好习惯:注意动词形式will have和时间状语next Monday之间的对应关系,因为时间是next Monday,动词得用将来形式,have才加了will。) 48. What do you think of

17、your new school? 49. When does your school day start? (第36条:The school day starts at eight every morning.) 50. Do you do morning exercises at school? (分清两个do的不同功能和含义是必须的,能够放到主语you之前的do是助动词,帮助构成疑问句,而you之后的动词do是表示具体动作的,不可以提前。)M: 52. They help us get ready for the day. 53. I love reading because I want

18、 to learn more about the world. 54. She doesnt like basketball because she is not tall. 55. The homework is too difficult and we have too much. 56. The busy swimmer would like to send the mails together, except the first one. (这位忙碌的游泳者想要把这些邮件一起发出去,除了第一封。本句含有8个四会生词。)语法:主格人称代词的和宾格人称代词,用正确的人称代词替换名词。短语:

19、W: wake up; get up; eat breakfast; go to school; have lessons; do morning exercises; have lunch; have fun; want to do sth; do after school activities(前已出现); go home; do homework; watch TV; go to sleep;R: in Class 1, Grade 7; ones best friend; under the tree; play games in the playground; chat with e

20、ach other; a member of; have a good time = have fun G: meet up with; talk with; talk about; dancing lessons; a lot of friends(单记a lot of没有什么意义); I: get some information about(听写时加上宾语); have a trip(联系have fun/lessons等); next Monday(注意整合:如:We are going to have a trip next Monday.); thank you for; woul

21、d like to; the price for each student; a great day out M: be good for; get ready for (听写短语时,注意给介词加上宾语,如a day out、the class trip等)7A Unit 3 Lets celebrate!W: 58. Hobo is dressing up as Monkey King. 59. Which is your favorite festival? R: 60. Thank you for telling me about Mid-Autumn Festival. 61. We

22、have a special party on October 31st. Do you have a special party on October 31st? 62. We knock on peoples doors and shout “trick or treat”. 63. If they do not give us some candy as a treat, we can play a trick on them. 64. We wear special costumes with masks. (介词短语with masks作定语,“定”costumes,说明这些是什么样

23、costumes。)65. Sometimes we paint our faces and people do not know who we are. 66. We cut out the eyes, the nose and the teeth.67. My family always has a wonderful party on the evening of October 31st. G: 68. Do you have any money? No, I dont have any money. I: 69. It is my first time to see it and I

24、 am very excited. (注意动词不定式的用法)70. Which is your favorite day in the year? (复习Which is your favorite festival?)71: Who gives you the present on your birthday? M: 72. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes, the nose and the teeth. C: 73. I like Halloween best. 74. How do you go

25、there? We go there on foot. 75. We must celebrate the interesting holiday. 语法:表达时间、星期(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)、月份(January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)和季节(spring, summer, autumn, winter)的介词;特殊疑问句的结构;so

26、me和any的用法。W: Chinese New Year; Mid-Autumn Festival; like to do(这事实上不是一个词组)R: tellabout; have a party; play a game called; cut out; V: New Years Day; May Day; Childrens Day; Teachers Day; National DayG: at six oclock; at breakfast; at Christmas (at的基本含义是“在附近”) on Monday; on 15th July; in winter; see

27、the doctor; have a long holiday; model trainI: at night; lion dance; fromto(该词组上个单元就出现过)M: in the West; in many ways;7A Unit 4 FoodW: 76. Eddie walks to his bowl many times a day. 77. What food do you like? What food is your favorite? 78. What about fish? It is healthy. 79. I like / dislike / hate /

28、 love hamburgers.R: 80. Kitty wants to be a dancer. 81. A healthy diet is very important for a dancer. 82. She needs a lot of energy to dance. 83. Its easy for her to get tired when she dances.84. I seldom eat sweet snacks like cakes, sweets or drink Coke between meals. 85. She usually has fruit and

29、 vegetables because she wants to be healthy. 86. For dinner, I usually eat meat and vegetables. 87. Daniel likes playing computer games and chatting with his friends on the Internet after class. 88. Its time for him to change now. 89. She needs to keep fit. 90. She dances for two hours every day. (f

30、or+时间段) (How long does she dance every day?)G: 91. What do we need to buy?92. There isnt a lot of energy in the fruit. 93. Are there many potatoes on the table? 94. Millie sometimes goes roller skating in front of her house. But she seldom plays badminton. I: 95. How long do you sleep every night? (

31、For) Less than eight hours. 96. How much TV do you watch every day? More than thirty minutes. 97. How often does she exercise? 98. I love hamburgers but I dont eat them any more. 99. Heroes like eating mangoes, potatoes and tomatoes on the shelves with knives. (英雄们都喜欢拿着刀子坐在架子上吃芒果、土豆和西红柿。整个中学阶段易考的以o结

32、尾加es变复数形式的单词都在这里,shelf和knife的复数也被编入此句,期末考试肯定考这句话。)M: 100. Millie often plays volleyball so she is fit and healthy. 101. For breakfast, she always has some bread and an egg. 102. All hungry careful persons never carry noodles, bottles of juice and salt without a plan. (所有饥饿而细心的人从不无计划地搬运面条和成瓶的果汁和盐。本句有11个生词,分几次念11遍后差不多就能记住这些单词了。) 103. There are no calori

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