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Unit 11 Could you please clean your room单元教案.docx

1、Unit 11 Could you please clean your room单元教案新目标英语八年级上Unit 11 Could you please clean your room单元教案课时安排4课时 第一课时: (Section A 1a -2c)第二课时:Section A Grammar focus, 3a ,3b, 4第三课时:Section B 1a ,1b,2a,2b,2c. 第四课时: Section B 3a, 3b , 3c, 4 , Selfcheck . 单元目标与要求1. 能够学会有礼貌地提出请求.,熟悉并能灵活 运用 Could you (please) ?

2、Yes, sure. Sorry, I cant. I have to Could I please? Yes, you can. But first you have to No,Sorry , you cant. I .能听、说、读、写A、B部分的四会单词和句型。能够听、说、读A、B部分的对话。能够听懂简单的听力回答,完成听力部分的练习。教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌.能够谈论家务,提出请求;能够申请许可;能够口头或书面描述日常活动学习写留言条以请求他帮助.通过本单元的学习培养学生热爱劳动,帮助他人的传统美德。2. 1. Period 1 (Section A 1a -2c)教学内容与分析一

3、. Teaching objectives1. Learning to make polite requests.2. Learning to ask for permission.3. Learning and reviewing some verb phrases二 Teaching key1. FunctionsMade polite requestsAsk for permission2. Target languageCould you please take out the trash? Sure.Could I use the car? Sorry, but I need it.

4、 I have to go to a meeting.3. Structures Could for polite requests Could for permission Make versus do4. Vocabularydo the chores, do the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the trash, fold the clothes , make the bed , clean the living room, do the laundry, wash the car5. Learning Strategies Self-evalu

5、ating , Personalizing教学重点、难点分析一. Teaching important points1. Students master the use of some important expressions for doing chores.2. Students master the new language 二. Teaching difficult points How to encourage the students to master the new language 1. Listening method to improve the students li

6、stening ability.2. Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.3. Task-based method 课前准备教学课件和录音机 教师设计 教学步骤 建议和说明 Step1 Warming upT: Could you please speak English loudly in class? Next well watch the cartoon. But the lights are on. Its too bright in the classroom. I want to ask

7、someone to turn off the lights. Guess what I will sayNo, Im more polite.Now lets watch the cartoon Step 2 Students learn new words all by themselvesT: What day is it in the cartoon? Tom does a lot of things on Sunday. Do you do any housework on Sunday? Who does housework in your family? What housewo

8、rk do your family have to do ? Please discuss in groups of four.Then ask some students to say.Step 3 Presentation Show pictures to present new words.clean the room do the dishes sweep the floor make the bed do the chores take out the trash fold the clothes wash the car do the laundry Step 4 Memory g

9、ameShow students pictures quickly then cover them and ask students to say what chores they saw.Step5 GroupworkLets see who is the best helper at home.Do you do these chores at home? What other chores does your family have at home? Who does these chores? Please write down these phrases and check() be

10、fore each chore you do. And tell your partner. Lets see who is the best helper at home.”Step 6 Presentation and pairworkT: Who does most of the chores at home? Your mother is tired after work every day. On Sunday she wants you to help her. What does she say to you ? What do you say ? 1. A: Could you

11、 please clean the living room? B: Yes, sure./ All right/ OK./ 2. A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Sorry , I cant. I have to do my homework. Look at the picture below. Ask your partner to do the chores that you see.Step 7 Listening1. SB P65 1b T: OK, lets listen to a conversation. What chores

12、does mom do? What chores does Peter do?2. Present Could I please go to the movies? T: After doing the chores and homework, Peter wants to go to the movies and do other things. But first he must ask his father if he can do these things. What should he ask?3. SB P 66 2a T: Now lets listen . What does

13、Peters father say?( first read the phrases)4.2b T: Listen again. Why does Peters father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart above. Step 8 Task 1 On a sunny Sunday, after a test, you dont want to do homework at home. So you ask your father or mother if you can do some things. Work in pai

14、rs.For example: You: Could I please use your computer, Dad ?Father: Sorry .Im going to work on it now.You: Well, could I watch TV?Father: Yes, you can. But first you have to clean your room.Step 8 Task 2You and your parents are going on vacation. Ask your best friend to help you take care of your ho

15、use.For example:You: Could you please water the flowers?Friend: Sure Step9Task 31. We are going to have a big cleaning our classroom this afternoon. Everyone in our class needs help and could you please give your hand to others when they need your help? Please work in groups of four. (组长作记录) Eg .A:

16、Could you please sweep the floor?B: Yes, sure. / Of course. / All right. / OKA: Could you please carry water(提水)?C: Yes, sure.A: Could I pleaseD: These phrases will help you:carry water, clean the desks, clean the chairs, clean the windows , clean the blackboard, turn off the lights, take down the o

17、ld pictures, put up the new pictures, clean the classroom 2. Then write down a conversationHomework1 Remember all the phrases learnt today.2. Make a dialogue between you and your mother with “Could I please?” and “Could you please?”3. Help your parents do chores at home.A Period 2教学内容与分析教学内容:Section

18、 A Grammar focus, 3a ,3b, 4教学目标:1.Vocabulary :work on , laundry , do the laundry , wash .2.Master and use : I like doing sth because . I dont doing sth because .3.情感态度目标:教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌.教学重点、难点分析:一. Teaching important points1. Students master the use of some important expressions for doing chores.2.

19、Students master the new language 二. Teaching difficult points How to encourage the students to master the new language 1. Listening method to improve the students listening ability.2. Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.3. Task-based method 课前准备教学课件和录音机 教师设计 教学步骤 建议和说明 S

20、tep1(Warm-up/Revision)1.Revise chores What kind of chores do you do at home?How often do you do it? 2.Look at the pictures about Sallys weekend.Ask Look! What chores does Sally do on weekends?What do you think of her? Get the answers from the students . Let them know how to be a good child. 3.Revise

21、 the pattern : Could you please ? Could you ?Chain drillsWhich group can ask and answer the most questions with different verb phrases? A: Tom, could you please do the dishes?B: Yes, sure. Ann, Could you?C: Sorry, I cant. Jim, D:Step2 GroupworkYou are going for a picnic. Please arrange all the affai

22、rs. (things you have to bring, different work) For example:A: Could you please make a fire/ cook/ bring some vegetables/)B: Step3 TaskBe polite in your family ( Pairwork) Could you please? Yes, sure. Sorry, I cant. I have to Could I please? Yes, you can. But first you have to No,Sorry , you cant. I

23、.Step4 Practice and ConsolidationSB Page 67 , 3a .Read the conversation to class with a student .Say blank every time you come to a blank .Ask Ss to fill in each blank with the work make or do .Correct the answers .SB Page 67 , 3b .Ask two Ss to read the sample phrases . Say ,Now write a list of cho

24、res you have to do ,you can use the list of chores in 1a .Ask a student to say the name of a chore .Then ask another student to say I like or I dont like .Then ask a third student to give a reason .Students work in pairs. A: Do you like doing chores ? Why?B: Yes, I like doing because its interesting

25、 No, I hate doing. because(No, I dont like doing )Step5 ExtensionLearn the story about poor CinderelaShe has to do all the chores at home. Shes cleaning the floorOne day, the king invited all the girls to his party. Look! Cinderelas step mother(继母) is taking her two ugly daughters to the party. Talk

26、 about What is Cinderera saying to her mother?Whats her mothers answer? Cinderella: Could I go to the ball party?Step mother: No, you cant. You have to do all the chores .OrSure, you can. But you have to do all the chores at home first, and you need to get a nice dress. Hahaha Look! Shes a fairy, sh

27、e can do any thing. She can help her .Answer the question Whats your dream? Ask the fairy to help you make it true.Ask students to make polite requests.For example:A: Could I have a car?B: Sure, you can! Look! Its over there.A: Could you take me to the moon?B: Yes. / Oh, sorry,Step6 Emotion Educatio

28、nAsk But is there really a fairy in the world?Encourage Ss Try our best to make our dreams true!HomeworkMake 2 conversations withCould you please? Could I?and then answer it. 利用图片营造氛围,并有意识地复习前面学过的家务劳动短语和句型使学生在完成任务的同时能有效地复习了前面学过的描述人、物的形容词。 真实的情景使学生容易学会如何表达自己或其他人的身高。创设语境,激起了孩子们说的欲望;难度适中的任务,使大部分孩子有体验成功

29、的机会。自生真实的情况有助于孩子们语言的输出。通过Cinderela的故事,巩固重点句型,同时进行思想教育鼓励学生努力学习,实现自己的梦想Period 3 Teaching contents : Section B 1a ,1b,2a,2b,2c.Teaching goals :1.structures:a. 学习谈论家务 b.提出请求;申请许可 c.能够口头或书面描述日常活动2.vocabulary: snack ,borrow ,invite ,disagree ,teenager3能力目标: 熟悉并能灵活运用Could you (please) ?4.情感目标:培养学生热爱劳动,帮助他人

30、的传统美德。教学重点和难点:1 Could for polite requests2 Could for permission3 Make versus doTeaching procedures :Step 1 warm-upTwo students stand face to face before the class, the teacher show one student a verb phrase, he act it out, and the other student guess “What does it mean?” Step 2 Listening2a Listen an

31、d check the things in activity 1a that you hear.Step 3 TaskTalk about Sallys weekend: What chores does Sally do on weekends? Step 4 GameAsk and answer according to the pictures in your cards.The one who gets a red card asks and the one with a blue card answers.Step 5 Listening2b Listen. What is Sandys

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