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1、人教版高中英语基础知识同步训练二十五(人教版)高中英语基础知识同步训练(二十五)必修五 Unit 5First aid词汇积累1 毒药 2 救护车3 头痛 4 发烧5 哽住;窒息 6 伤害7 呼吸 8 症状9 手术 10 急救11 医疗 12 人工呼吸13 呼救 14 身心健康15 保持镇静 16 照顾伤员17 求助 18 等待救援佳句背诵1 在生活中,急救非常重要,特别是在有人突发疾病或受伤的时候。 2危急时刻,应该保持镇静以解决问题 。 3有人劝说她每四小时服一次药。 4如果你所在的房子着火了,你应该用水把毛巾浸湿, 用湿毛巾捂住嘴和鼻子,弯下身子,跑出着火的房屋。 单词默写1 n& vt

2、. 帮助;援助;资助2 adj. 暂时的;临时的3 vi.& vt. 流血4 n. 毒药;毒害 vt. 毒害;使中毒5 vt.& vi. 榨;挤;压榨6 vt.& vi. 倒;灌;注;涌7 n变化;多样(化);多变(性) adj.各种各样的8 adj.轻微的;温和的;温柔的 adv.轻微地;温和地9 vi.& vt.(使)膨胀;隆起 adj.肿胀的10 adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的 adv.紧地;牢牢地11 adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的 adv.坚固地;稳定地12 n勇敢;勇气 adj.勇敢的13 vt.& vi.治疗;对待;款待n.款待;招待 n治疗;疗法;对待;待遇14 vt.涂;敷;

3、搽;应用;运用vi.申请;请求;使用;有效 n申请人 n申请(书)巧学活用I语境串记(用所给词的适当形式填空)(1)People had to themselves in their own way before they received the sent by the government.(treat)(2)I dont know why so many have handed in their to for such an easy job: the ointment (药膏) to the wound.(apply)(3)The boys were rewarded with med

4、als for their in the earthquake.(bravery).短语活用()根据汉语提示写出短语1 (对伤患者的)急救2 生病3 触电;电休克4 脱下;起飞5 榨出;挤出6 反复;多次7 在适当的位置;适当8 若干;许多9 找到10 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用()选用上述词语填空1 guests who came from home and abroad attended their wedding.2Sometimes its very difficult to the things that one is looking for.3Arriving in Lond

5、on, she suddenly because she couldnt bear the changeable weather.4I hope you will put all your books .5Im sure that our hard work can and everything will be OK.长句表达除非衣服紧贴在烧伤面上,否则要把衣服脱掉。如果需要的话,可以使用剪刀。 课文重温 1仔细阅读课文“First Aid For Burns”,写出文章的主旨大意。 2根据课文内容用适当的词填空,使短文完整。The skin is an essential part of o

6、ur body and its largest organ, has three layers to protect us against disease, poisons and the suns (harm) rays.The functions of the skin are also very .So our skin gets burned by different kinds of things, the first step in the treatment of burns is first aid.Generally speaking, there are types of

7、burns.First degree burns affect only the top layer of the skin.Second degree burns affect both the top and the second layer of the skin.Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin as well as any tissue and organs the skin.Different types of burns have different and first aid treatments.Fo

8、r first degree burns, we can do as follows: First, remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is (stick) to the burn and take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.Second, cool burns immediately and dry the (burn) area gently.At last, cover the burned area with a dry, clean banda

9、ge and hold in place with tape.But for second or third degree burns, get the victim to see the doctor at once.重点词汇1aid n& vt.帮助;援助;资助(1)do/offer/give/perform/carry out first aid to sb.对某人进行急救with the aid of sb. with sb.s aid 在某人的帮助下in aid of 为了援助(2)aid sth./doing sth. 在某方面帮助某人aid sb.with sth.

10、以某事/物帮助某人aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事活学活用A介词填空 aid of opening the door, they fixed a handle in it.He aids the poor money.As he promised, he came my aid.We may travel the aid of a good map.活学活用B一句多译他总是乐于帮助那些需要帮助的人,这为他赢得了好名声(reputation)。 .(使用定语从句) (使用动名词作主语)2vital adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的be vital to/for是至关重要的It

11、is vital to do sth. 做很重要It is vital that . 是十分重要的(从句中要用 shoulddo虚拟结构, should可省略)活学活用完成下列句子 for all of us to consider others.对我们所有人而言体谅别人是极其重要的。As far as Im concerned, regular exercise 在我看来,经常锻炼对我们的健康非常重要。Its vital that we safety standards as life is the most important in the world.我们绝不降低安全标准是至关重要的,因

12、为在世界上生命是最宝贵的。3apply vt.涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使用;有效(1)apply sth. to 把涂到;把 运用到apply oneself to 致力于;集中精力于apply to 适应于apply (to .) for . (向)申请(2)applicant n. 申请人application n. 申请;申请书;适用活学活用选用上述词语填空The nurse is some medicine his wound.We had to the government financial help.If you the job in hand, youll s

13、oon finish it.4present n礼物;目前adj.在场;出席;当前的v.颁发;授予;赠给present sth. to sb.授予/赠给某人某物present sb. with sth. 授予/赠给某人某物at present 目前;现在for the present 暂时;暂且be present at 出席;到场活学活用完成下列句子Wu Bin (被授予) the title of “hero of bus driver”On Teachers Day, our class will (赠花) to our teachers.The general manager will

14、 (呈递报告给) the Board of Directors (董事会) of the company.5fall ill生病fall asleep入睡;睡着fall behind 落后;掉到fall silent 安静下来fall in love with sb.(sth.) 爱上某人(某物) 名师指津fall ill短语中的fall为连系动词,意为“进入状态;变为”。活学活用用fall的相关词语完成下列小片段Lily a boy so that she others in her studies.In fact, she became so tired of all her subjec

15、ts that she would immediately she saw the textbooks.If her teacher asked her why she hadnt handed in her homework, she would lie that she the day before and couldnt do any work.6in place在适当的位置;适当(1)out of place不在适当位置;不合适in place of 代替;取代in the first place 首先;第一点(2)take place 发生take ones place 就座;代替t

16、ake the place of 代替;取代 名师指津take place作“发生”讲时,无被动语态。活学活用完成下列句子Youd better put things back . Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them.你最好把你的东西放回原位,不然很难找到。 ,_he has all the qualifications for the job.首先,他具备做这份工作的全部资格。Newspapers usually send special journalists to the place where important events .报

17、社往往派遣特殊记者到有重大事件发生的现场。7make a difference区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用(1)make no/some difference (to sb./sth.)(对某人/物)没有(有些)作用或影响(2)tell the difference (between A and B) 辨别;区分(A和B)活学活用完成下列句子Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could .谢谢你让我觉得自己很重要,让我知道我可以产生影响。That what you say.你说什么对我都

18、没关系。Does it whether she will come to our party?她来不来参加我们的聚会有什么关系吗?The twins are so alike; its difficult .这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难分辨出来。单元要点串记 用本单元词语翻译下列短文今天凌晨,所有的人还在熟睡,一座大楼突然起火(on fire)。人们从睡梦中惊醒,惊慌失措(panic)。有人被挤伤(squeeze),有人被烧伤(get burnt),很多人因吸入浓烟而昏倒(unconscious)。幸好医护人员及时赶到,给他们实施急救(first aid)。消防员一次又一次地(over and

19、over again)进入燃烧的大楼救人。最后在消防员的努力下,大火被扑灭(put out)。 范文背诵话题火灾中如何逃生体裁说明文写作建议条理清楚,逐条提出建议First of all, dial the number 119 for help if there is a fire. Then what you should do is to find out where the fire is in order to choose the best way to escape quickly. Soak a towel in water and cover your mouth and n

20、ose, bend down and run out of the place that is on fire. If you cant go downstairs, better stay in a room and seal the windows and door with wet towels to prevent the fire and smoke coming in. Then try to go to the balcony and ask the passersby for help or wait for the firemen to come. KEYS:词汇积累1poi

21、son2ambulance 3headache 4fever 5choke 6injury 7breathe 8symptom 9operation 10first aid 11medical treatment 12mouthtomouth breathing13call for help 14mental and physical health15keep calm 16take care of the injured17ask sb. for help 18wait for rescue 佳句背诵1First aid is very essential to life, especial

22、ly when people suddenly fall ill or get injured. 2In time of danger, you must keep calm to solve the problem.3She was advised to take the medicine every four hours.4If you are in a house that is on fire, you should soak a towel in water and cover your mouth and nose, bend down and run out of the pla

23、ce that is on fire.单词默写1aid 2temporary 3bleed 4poison 5squeeze 6pour 7variety 8mildmildly 9swellswollen 10tighttightly 11firmfirmly 12braverybrave 13treattreatment 14applyapplicantapplication 巧学活用I语境串记(用所给词的适当形式填空)(1)People had to treat themselves in their own way before they received the treatment

24、sent by the government.(treat)(2)I dont know why so many applicants have handed in their applications to apply for such an easy job: applying the ointment (药膏) to the wound.(apply)(3)The brave boys were rewarded with medals for their bravery in the earthquake.(bravery).短语活用()根据汉语提示写出短语1first_aid(对伤患

25、者的)急救2fall_ill 生病3electric_shock 触电;电休克4take_off 脱下;起飞5squeeze_out 榨出;挤出6over_and_over_again 反复;多次7in_place 在适当的位置;适当8a_number_of 若干;许多9put_ones_hands_on 找到10make_a_difference 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用()选用上述词语填空1A_number_of guests who came from home and abroad attended their wedding.2Sometimes its very diffi

26、cult to put_his_hands_on the things that one is looking for.3Arriving in London, she suddenly fell_ill because she couldnt bear the changeable weather.4I hope you will put all your books in_place.5Im sure that our hard work can make_a_difference and everything will be OK.长句表达Remove clothing using sc

27、issors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.课文重温 1仔细阅读课文“First Aid For Burns”,写出文章的主旨大意。答案:The_passage_tells_us_about_the_function_of_the_skin,_introduces_three_types_of burns_and_gives_us_some_advice_on_how_to_give_first_aid_according_to_the_characteristics_of_different_burns.2根据课文内容用适当的词填空,

28、使短文完整。The skin is an essential part of our body and its largest organ, which has three layers to protect us against disease, poisons and the suns harmful (harm) rays.The functions of the skin are also very complex.So if our skin gets burned by different kinds of things, the first step in the treatme

29、nt of burns is first aid.Generally speaking, there are three types of burns.First degree burns affect only the top layer of the skin.Second degree burns affect both the top and the second layer of the skin.Third degree burns affect all three layers of the skin as well as any tissue and organs under

30、the skin.Different types of burns have different characteristics and first aid treatments.For first degree burns, we can do as follows: First, remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck (stick) to the burn and take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.Second, cool burns immediately and dry the burned (burn) area gently.At las

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