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1、高考英语写作增分关键环节详解高考英语写作增分关键环节详解善用句型语法和词汇 很多考生在面对高考英语作文部分时往往觉得无从下手,只能机械地写出几个连自己都觉得太平淡的简单句因此造成较多失分。其原因很明显:首先,在听说读写四项技能中,写作无疑是难度最大的一项。其次,大家平时最容易忽视的,最缺乏练习的就是写作。 然而,高考写作是有规律可循的。通过恰当的练习,考生们完全可以在较短的时间内取得较大的提高,这在新东方的课堂是屡见不鲜的。 高考作文采用总体评分方式,评分标准集中在四个方面: 1.覆盖所有内容要点; 2.应用了较多的语法结构和词汇; 3.在使用复杂结构或高级词汇时允许有些许错误; 4.有效地使

2、用了语句间的连接成分,全文结构紧凑。 大部分考生在句型词汇及句子连接方面达不到要求,导致低分。本文以2001年考题为例,谈一谈如何运用较复杂的句型语法结构和词汇。 2001年考题: 假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Dick听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担, 来信询问有关情况。请你根据下表提供的信息,写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。 周末活动 (减负前) 周末活动:(减负后) 白天: 上课,做作业 白天: 餐馆博物馆,学习电脑,绘画 晚上:做作业 晚上: 看新闻,读书,看报 就寝时间: 11:30 就寝时间: 10:00 注意: 1词数为100左右 2开头已为你写好 3生词

3、: 减轻学习负担reduce learning load Dear Dick, How nice to hear from you again. 当年大部分考生只是对图表进行了简单的翻译,导致文章异常单调、重复,分数很不理想。如何才能在简单的内容上运用较复杂的句型词汇呢?考生在写“减负前”的情况时只会简单地写: I always had classes and did homework in the daytime and did homework at night. I often went to bed at 11:30. 这无异于简单机械地翻译中文!得分可想而知! 其实考生完全可以使用学

4、过的比较复杂的句型语法结构。例如我们可以使用tooto句型:I was too busy having classes and doing homework at weekends to go to bed before 11:30. 我们也可以使用定语从句: I used to spend whole weekends attending classes and doing homework, which often kept me up until 11:30 at night. 我们还可以使用倒装句:Not until 11:30 PM could I go to bed because

5、 I had to finish my homework after having lessons by day. 或者:So busy was I attending classes and doing homework that I could not go to sleep before 11:30 at night. 我们甚至还可以使用拟人手法:Weekends used to find me attending school and doing homework. 由此读者可以看出:高分和低分的作文的区别主要体现在语言形式方面。故考生努力的方向就应该是有意识地,恰当地使用比较复杂的句

6、型语法和词汇。读者应先培养这种意识,然后进行大量练习。下面的练习重点训练的就是句型词汇和有效连接,请读者不要进行简单的翻译,而是通读上下文,尽量多地使用复杂多样的句型词汇。 根据2001年考题填空。Dear Dick,How nice to hear from you again.1.过去_, I used to have classes all day and do homework at night. And I didnt go to bed until 11:30.2.连接词_, nowadays, I have more time做我想做的_.周末变得更加丰富多彩了_.3.白天_,

7、I often visit museums or 学电脑及绘画_.使用拟人句_.4.In the evening,使用eitheror句型_.5.而且_, I go to bed/sleep earlier than beforeat ten oclock.6.发挥一句I hope _. 参考答案:1过去In the past , I used to have classes all day and do homework at night. And I didnt go to bed until 11:30.2连接词Fortunately/ However, nowadays, I have

8、 more time 做我想做的to do what I desire/like/ choose/ want/ prefer/am fond of .周末更加丰富多彩了the weekends have become more interesting/fun/ less tiring/ no longer study-centered/ exam-oriented .3白天In the daytime/ during the day, I often visit museums or 学电脑及绘画learn computer and drawing/go to computer and dra

9、wing lessons.使用拟人句 Daytime finds me visiting museums or learning computer and drawing.4.In the evening, 使用eitheror句型I can either watch news reports or read newspapers and books.5.而且What is more/In addition/ Besides/ More importantly, I go to bed/sleep earlier than beforeat ten oclock.6.发挥一句I hope th

10、ings wont have to change in the future/ can become even better/ the learning load could be further reduced. I hope you are also enjoying pleasant weekends now. (作者:方林广州新东方中学部优秀教师)2009高考英语作文备考学案. NMET书面表达第五项要求1. 覆盖所有的语言要点。 内容要点可用不同方式表达。对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。2. 应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性。值得注意的是语法结构或词汇方面虽有些许错误, 但为尽力使用较

11、复杂结构或较高级词汇所致; 具备较强的语言运用能力。3.有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。. 常见的不足1 汉语式英语2 无过渡语3 句式单一,平铺直叙. 如何增强书面表达效果使用较高级的词汇使用恰当的连接词使用较丰富的句式一、怎样使用较高级的词汇1. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.2. We all think he is a great man.3. Suddenly I thought out a good idea.4. The students there neednt pay for

12、their books.5. As a result the plan was a failure.6. When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow.7. She went to Austria in order to study music. 8. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited.9.In our school, there are twenty-six classrooms.10. You can find my house easily. 二、怎样使用恰当的连接词 连

13、接词使文章语意通顺,前后衔接紧密,可采用以下方法: 提示1:恰当使用关联词,如when,so,if,because,so that等。 提示2:巧妙使用意思有联系的词或短语,如First, Second, Third, Soon, Whats more, As a result等。 提示3:适当使用过渡性语句,如The reasons are as follows./Every coin has two sides./On the other hand,/On the contrary, Besides, it would be better for her to have a pet dog

14、 as I have kept one at home for some time. ( 2007全国I) First, she can make some pocket money to meet pet daily needs and thus develop a sense of independence. Second, she can learn how to deal with various problems in the workplace. Third, she can build up new friendships and improve bet social skill

15、s. (2007陕西) In my opinion, learning English is a step-by-step process. (2007浙江)连接词、句型的选择1、递进关系 (肯定)Besides / Whats more / Also /In addition/Furthermore (否定)Whats worse / Even worse / Worse still /To make matters worse2、时间 一就:The moment / On doing / as soon as /immediately / directly 不 久:It was not l

16、ong before / After a while / Soon 然 后:After that / Then / So / Next 同 时: At the same time / Meanwhile3、转 折:however , / but / on the contrary / On the other hand / yet / although4、顺 序:First / Second / Third / Last / Next/Then5、条 件:If / As long as / So long as /on condition that / unless 6、强 调:It was

17、that / who / So she did . /I do hope / She did help me. /It really worked./ besides/ furthermore/moreover/whats more/ certainly/ actually/ in fact7、其 它: 不得不做某事:have to do sth./have no choice but to do sth./have nothing to do but do sth. 有必要做某事:There is no need (for sb.) to do sth./It is necessary (f

18、or sb.)to do 最好 做某 事:Youd better do sth. / Its better to do sth. 做某事没困难:have no difficulty in doing sth. / have no trouble in doing sth. 感 谢 某 人:thank sb. / be thankful to sb./ express ones thanks to sb. /be grateful to sb. / Thanks to 求 助 某 人:turn to sb. for help / ask sb. for help / with the help

19、of / with ones help 惊 奇:To ones surprise / In surprise / Surprisingly / only +不定式(表意外结果) 结 果:As a result / Therefore / Thus / So 总 结:In a word / In short / Above all / After all/ generally speaking/ to sum up/ in all/altogether / as is known to all 表 达 观 点:In my opinion / I think / I believe / Im su

20、re / I guess 原因如下(很多):he reasons are as follows. /here are many reasons for it. 浪费金钱(时间):Its a waste of money / time Task: 请在下列句子中(间)填上恰当的关联词或意思有联系的短语。Yao Ming was walking in the street he heard someone cry for help.He advised that I hire a car I could travel around in the west .It was not long the

21、police came. he heard the cry for help, he jumped into the water to save the girl.o you agree with my arrangement ? ,do write to me soon.We can go downtown and do some shopping. , we can pay a visit to some places of interest. 7、I shared the cost of the gas with my friends . , I saved $80. 8、Eating

22、sugar is bad for our teeth. , it may make us fat.Task: Writing Practice 请你给中国日报写一篇稿件,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因及你的看法。原因: 1、家庭贫穷,供不起儿童上学,他们不得不在家赚钱养家。 2、部分家长认为女孩上学无用,不愿让她们上学。 3、 部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。看法: 1、 每个儿童包括女孩都应有受教育的机会。 2、全社会都应重视儿童教育,他们对国家的未来将起到重要的作用。要求: 1、不要逐字逐句翻译。 2、语句要连贯通顺。 3、字数100个左右。 Now in the country areas

23、, there are many children out of school. Most families are poor and cant afford their education. They have to stay at home and make money. Some parents think daughters neednt go to school. They dont let them go to school. Some children are not interested in their studies and wouldnt like to go to sc

24、hool. All the children including girls should be educated. The whole society should pay attention to it. Theyll play an important part in the future of our country.诊断:?优点 1、词能达意; 2、语句表达基本正确。缺点 语句不够连贯药方 1、使用常见句型; 2、每两个句子之间使用关联词或过渡词。 Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school.。,mo

25、st families are too poor to send their children to school . ,they have no choice but to stay at home and make money. ,some parents think there is no need for their daughters to go to school. ,they dont let them go to school. ,some children are not interested in their studies. ,some wouldnt like to g

26、o to school. ,all the children including girls should be educated . ,the whole society should pay attention to it theyll play an important part in the future of our country one day.三、怎样使用较丰富的句式方法一. 使用非谓语动词使句子简洁高档Rewrite the sentences1. They arrived at the school. They felt the happy atmosphere.2. I

27、will be given another chance. I will succeed.3. He wants to improve his English. He studies hard. 4 When he arrives, please give me an e-mail.(使用V-ing形式).Complete the sentences with non-predicate (非谓语动词)听到这个消息, 他们变的很激动。 _the news, they got excited.6. 尽管被告知许多遍, 他仍然重复这个错。 _many times, he still repeate

28、d the mistake.7. 除非被邀请发言, 你应该在会议上保持沉默。 Unless _to speak, you should keep silent at the meeting.Translate the following sentences by using non-predicate (非谓语动词)8. 面对困难时,他从不放弃。9. 引入市场后,该产品大获成功。10. 做完作业后,他回家了。方法二. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力Complete the sentences1. He didnt realize his foolishness until he returned

29、 home. Not until .2. We can save the earth by changing the way we live. Only .3. He is clever but he does not work hard. as / though .4. The clock tower stands on the other side of the street. On the other side of the street .Translate the sentences by using Inverted Sentences(倒装句)5. 他从不说关于他家庭的事。6. 只有我们每个人都意识到水的重要性, 我们才能生活得更好。7. 只有用这种方式, 我们才能有足够的精力好好学习。8. Describe the character(济公) by using Inverted Sentence(倒装句)9. 他是个孩子,却知道很多。10. 墙上有个通知,上面写着“请节约用水”。方法三. 尝试多样化表达方式1、感叹句 e.g. 1) How happy I was when I received your lett

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