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1、湖南省长郡中学届高三上学期第一次月考开学考试英语精校解析Word版长郡中学2019届高三月考试卷(一)英语试题第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AChina has announced its abolishing its one-child policy. What difference has it m

2、ade, statistically speaking?400 million births prevented The one-child policy, officially in place since 1979, has prevented 400 million births. Parents have faced fines and other punishments for having more children.The majority of the decrease in Chinas fertility(生育)rate happened in the 1970s.It d

3、ropped from 5.8 children per woman in 1970 t0 2.7 in 1978. Despite the one-child policy the rate had only fallen t0 1.7 by 2013. 21:28 baby death rate Since the one-child policy was introduced, baby girls have become more likely to die than boys.In the 1970s, according to the United Nations, 60 male

4、s per l,000 live births died under the age of one. For girls the figure was 53. In the 1980s, after the one-child policy became official, the rate for both was 36. By the 1990s, 26 males per l,000 live births died before the age of one-and 33 girls. The 2000s saw 21 boys per l,000 livebirths dying a

5、nd 28 girls.1.16 boys born for every girlSexually selective abortions have been considered as a major cause of Chinas unusual sexual imbalance.Gietel-Basten, associate professor in social policy at Oxford University, says the births of many girls are not registered if parents have broken the rule by

6、 having two children, adding officials often turn a blind eye. Its estimated there are now 33 million more men than women in China.4:2:1 familiesWith the ageing of Chinas population and the continuation of the one-child policy, a “4: 2 : 1”home is the description given to households in which there a

7、re four grandparents cared for by two working age parents, who themselves have one child.By 2050, its predicted that a quarter of Chinas population will be 65 or older. The predicted decline in the number of people of working age is thought to have persuaded the government to drop the one-child poli

8、cy.1. When was the baby death rate for both boys and girls equal?A. In the 1970s. B. In the 1980s.C. In the 1990s. D. In the 2000s.2. What makes the one-child policy abolished according to the passage?A. The decline of birth rate.B. The rise of baby death rate.C. The change of family structure.D. Th

9、e decline of working age people.3. The passage sums up the one-child policy by .A. number B. exampleC. contrast D. analysis【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A【解析】试题分析:本文通过四组数字来回顾我国的独生子女政策。【1题详解】B 细节理解题。根据第二部分的第二段In the 1980s, after the one-child policy became official, the rate for both was 36可知正确答案。故选B。【2题详解】D 细节理解

10、题。根据文章的最后一句The predicted decline in the number of people of working age is thought to have persuaded the government to drop the one-child policy.可知让政府废除独生子女政策的原因是The predicted decline in the number of people of working age。故选D。【3题详解】A 推理判断题。从全文分析尤其是每段的小标题可知。文章的第一段的statistically speaking有暗示。本文是通过数据回看

11、我国的独生子女政策的。故选A。【名师点睛】关于细节理解题用细节定位法:细节理解题属直接解答性问题,是阅读理解题中最简单的一种,多数属中低难度的送分题。但由于高考所占的比例很大,应特别引起注意。事实和细节题的命题特点是:把某词语、某个句子或某具体事实用不同于原文的另一方式或句型表达,即同义改写。解答这类题的窍门是:A)注意掌握英语的多种表达法;B)正确分析词语在句中的作用;C)熟练运用英语的句型转换;D)读懂题干所提出的问题,并准确地找到文中涉及该问题的句子。比如文章第2题,就需要快速定位在文章的最后一句The predicted decline in the number of people

12、of working age is thought to have persuaded the government to drop the one-child policy.可知让政府废除独生子女政策的原因是The predicted decline in the number of people of working age。这样就可选出正确答案为D。考点:考察社会生活类短文阅读Blts a little hard to figure out the rules for sure, but the baby African buffalo( 7K午) seems to have the u

13、pper hand. The two stand a couple feet apart, staring at each other. Behind them, their mothers look on with the kind of indifference(不关心) of mothers everywhere who see their kids playing a harmless game.The alarm went off about half an hour ago, the second time tonight. Here, one bell means “elepha

14、nt”, two, “rhino” (犀牛), and three and four, 1 really cant remember for what, because when youre awoken by bells in the middle of the night, your first thought wont be “Animal! ”. But as soon as I realized it was the rhino alarm,I was running for the stairs. Yet Im the only one watching the animals s

15、tare-down. Either everyone else died of a heart attack when the bells went off, or l was the only one in the entire hotel who didnt turn the alarm switch to off before going to bed.The Ark, a hotel shaped like the biblical ark(圣经的方舟) , lies in the highlands of Kenyas Aberdare National Park, about 10

16、0 kilometers north of Nairobi. At the Arks prow(船首) are huge windows overlooking a waterhole. Earlier tonight, Id watched a pack of wolves, buffalos and elephants. And now, at three or so in the morning, Im down for rhino bells. The first time, 2. 5 hours ago, it was a single black rhino, which came

17、 down, got a drink, and left. Id have been sorry for the lost sleep. Ive already arranged with a guide to take me out at sunrise for the so-called “should_never_miss” bird-watching, where well get to see 30 species, but really, how many times in your life will you get to wake up and say, “Wow! Rhino

18、!”? Isnt that the definition of a pretty good night? Last week we went from Uganda into Kenya. Before I left home, 1 thought Id be happy with ten elephants and five or six giraffes on the whole trip. I didnt dare to dream the rhino.4. The message that the hotels bells sent was .A. a very wise way th

19、e author had never heard ofB. hard for the author to remember in detailC. a matter that all visitors had got used toD. like conditioned response training for animals5. Whats the authors attitude toward the bell?A. Its bothering but two bells are welcome.B. It should be turned off whenever it rings.C

20、. It lets visitors have a chance to see buffalos.D. It is a very bad way to wake the guests up.6. What can we learn from the passage?A. The author hates all the animals.B. There are lots of wild animals near the Ark.C. The author slept well during the whole trip.D. The author has no interest in thin

21、os.7. What did the author see at about 3:00 a.m. ?A. Two buffalos were fighting fiercely for food.B. A rhino and a buffalo were fighting for water.C. A rhino and a buffalo were staring at each other.D. A buffalo was teaching its baby to walk freely.【答案】4. B 5. A 6. B 7. C【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者到肯尼亚度假,住在the

22、Ark宾馆里,在这个宾馆的附近有很多的野生动物,半夜的时候被这些野生动物的声音吵醒了。作者描述了被吵醒以后观察到的具体情况。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段第二句1 really cant remember for what, because when youre awoken by bells in the middle of the night, your first thought wont be “Animal! ”.可知当作者几乎记不得当时的情况了。故B项正确,【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句Either everyone else died of a heart atta

23、ck when the bells went off, or l was the only one in the entire hotel who didnt turn the alarm switch to off before going to bed.可知作者对第一次bell感觉很恼火。根据第四段how many times in your life will you get to wake up and say, “Wow! Rhino!”?可知作者对后来的bell有点期待了。故A项正确。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段第三句Earlier tonight, Id watched a

24、 pack of wolves, buffalos and elephants.可知在宾馆的周围有很多的野生动物。故B项正确。【7题详解】细节理解题。根据文章第四段可知第一次铃声是在2点半,只有一头犀牛。第二次是30分钟以后出现了一头犀牛和水牛but the baby African buffalo( 7K午) seems to have the upper hand. The two stand a couple feet apart, staring at each other. Behind them, their mothers look on with the kind of ind

25、ifference(不关心) of mothers everywhere who see their kids playing a harmless game. And now, at three or so in the morning, Im down for rhino bells。故C项正确。*CMany people trying to sell homes find that an increase in home prices has turned the market in their favor. But sellers can still get the short end

26、 of the deal if they arent careful. Here are a few tips for you:Dont test your luck. Of course you think anyone who moves into your lovely home should be willing to pay top dollars, especially if youve recently invested in some improvements. But listing a home at a price thats too high above the mar

27、ket price could turn away some buyers.Buyers noticing that the home still hasnt sold may begin to assume theres something wrong with the house and use that as a reasonable excuse for offering a lower price. And if a home hasnt received any offers after two weeks, it might be time to reset the price.

28、A price thats too low can bring about an undesired outcome. Listing your home at or slightly below the market price can have the effect of drawing in a large group of buyers and increase the chances that a home will receive multiple offers. But setting the price too low comes with several risks. One

29、 possibility is that buyers will get skeptical of the home that is listed for $ 15,000 to $ 20,000 less than similar homes in the area, especially if its not properly marketed. Once again, people might assume there is something wrong with the home and may not bother to look at it.Spy on the competit

30、ion. Going to other peoples open houses can give you a better sense of how your home compares to others on the market. Check out the decoration in their kitchens, the size of their backyards and use the information to figure out where your home should fit in the range of the price. But dont set your

31、 pricing just on what you see elsewhere.8. What does the underlined part in Paragraph l probably mean?A. Be at a disadvantage.B. Get the upper hand.C. Have control over the situation.D. Be unable to fit in.9. What should home sellers do according to the passage?A. Price your house on the basis of it

32、s geographic location.B. Price your house slightly above the market price after decorating it.C. Change the price if no offer has been received within a week.D. Price your house at or slightly below the market price.10. If you set the price of your house too low, .A. buyers might think it not worthwhile to go to have a lookB. you are likely to come into conflict with the neighborhood sellersC. your house will be crowded with buyers

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