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1、04年自学考试英语阅读二试题课程代码:00596全部题目用英文作答(翻译题除外),并将答案写在答题纸相应位置上,否则不计分。SECTION 1 VOCABULARY(30 points)I. Directions: Match the words in Column A with their definitions in Column B. Write the letter of the answer to each word in Column A on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each) A B1. challenge A. ma

2、king dirty or impure2. inaccessible B. against reason or common sense3. surge C. forward movement like powerful waves4.diverse D. greatness of size or importance5. foul E. of different kinds6. emerge F. rock in a very hot liquid state7. heed G. question the lawfulness or rightness of8. absurd H. giv

3、e attention to 9.lava I. that cannot be reached10. magnitude J. come into existenceII. Directions: Read each of the following sentences carefully, and choose A,B,C or D that has the closest meaning to the underlined word or phrase. Blacken the corresponding letter of the answer on your ANSWER SHEET.

4、(10 points, 1 point for each) 11. Through the passing millennia, thousands of animal species have come and gone.A. arrived and leftB. appeared and escapedC. come into existence and become extinctD. approached and disappeared12. Occasional loss of livestock must be weighed against the good these anim

5、als do in maintaining the balance of nature.A. estimated by B. balanced byC. copied in terms of D. compared in terms of value of13. Recognizing the growing threat HIV/AIDS poses to child survival, the Agency will support efforts for a solution.A. affects B. takes toC. increases D. points to14. Pesti

6、cides have also taken their toll.A. threatened their lives B. destroyed their habitatC. played their part D. caused deaths15. With each departure a small part of the diversity of nature that makes life so interesting is also gone.A. going away B. extinctionC. changing D. disaster16. Several months l

7、ater a similar feat was performed by the first American astronaut to walk in space.A. ordinary task B. noteworthy achievementC. common deed D. something done17. On the earth, our atmosphere diffuses light so that, when the sun is up, light seems to be everywhere.A. sends out in every direction B. fo

8、cuses in every directionC. concentrates in every direction D. reflects in every direction18. During the subsequent lull in hunting, the seal population made a good, although temporary, recovery.A. stop B. stillnessC. quietness D. pause19. A mutation happens to suit a new environment, and the “odd” c

9、reature survives because it is better fitted.A. calcium B. remnantC. alteration D. eradication20. This is an unexplored area in vitamin research and the only known advantages of vitamin E are confined to specialized medical cases.A. assessed in B. restricted toC. contributed to D. expected onIII. Di

10、rections: Scan Passage 1 and find the words which have roughly the meanings given below. Write the word you choose in the corresponding space on your ANSWER SHEET.(10 points, 1 point for each) Note: The numbers in the brackets refer to the numbers of paragraphs in the passage.21. conditions and surr

11、oundings that affect peoples lives (1)22. passing on of physical or mental characteristics from parents to children (2)23. have an effect on each other (2)24. way in which something works (3)25. power of learning, understanding and reasoning (4)26. controlling or handling something with skill (4)27.

12、 characteristics and qualities of a person (5)28. deciding the value or amount of something (6)29. explaining something which is not easily understandable (6)30. make something difficult to see clearly (6)Passage 11. We inherit genes, not traits. When we say that a boy got his brown eyes from his fa

13、ther, we really mean that he got the genes for brown eyes from his father. Every gene must develop in an environment, and the environment influences how that gene will develop. In the case of fruit flies, the vestigial(退化的)-wing characteristic will develop if the flies are raised at room temperature

14、. If the flies are reared at about 92oF(33oC), however, the wings will be almost normal.2. In the final analysis, the question, “Which is more important, heredity or environment?” has no meaning. There can be no “heredity versus environment” situation: both factors, heredity and environment, must in

15、teract for an organism to develop.3. Still, we can get some idea of the relative contributions of heredity and environment to certain traits. To do this, we must determine the genetic mechanism for a particular trait. We must also determine how much effect the environment can have on the trait. Neit

16、her of these determinations is easy, but for a few traits they have both been made.4. In the case of Downs syndrome, for example, we know that the presence of an extra number 21 chromosome sets limits on the development of the intelligence and largely determines certain other abnormal characteristic

17、s of the victim. Unfortunately, no amount of environmental manipulation can cause the victims intelligence to exceed a certain “subnormal” level. Thus we can say that in the development of the phenotype of a person with Downs syndrome, heredity makes a relatively great contribution by imposing sever

18、e limits.5. But in most situations one can study, the role of the environment is very much in evidence. Identical human twins who have been reared apart show quite noticeable phenotypic differences, in personality and even in some physical characteristics.6. The problem of assessing the relative con

19、tributions of heredity and environment to human intelligence is notoriously difficult and controversial. On the one hand, many studies have shown high correlations between the intelligence of individuals and their degree of “relatedness”. On the other hand, the many variables encountered in studies

20、of this type make interpretation very difficult. But some studies have found correlations suggesting environmental factors influence intelligence more than genetic factors do. So the question of intelligence and inheritance is still very much up in the air. The problems and the controversy should no

21、t, however, obscure one basic fact: intelligence, like any other trait, depends on the interaction of both genetic and environmental factors.SECTION 2 READING COMPREHENSION (40 points)IV. Directions: Skim passage 2 and read the statements given right after the passage and judge whether they are True

22、 or False. Blacken the corresponding answer you choose on your ANSWER SHEET. (10 points, 1 point for each)Passage 21. Mild stress is known to improve learning. A totally relaxed child will not be as receptive to new information as a child experiencing mild stress. It is also known that when the stre

23、ss of working at a job is removed when elderly people retire they age more quickly unless new activities are substituted in their lives. It is thought that senility occurs more frequently with inactivity than with continued activity. Much of the great art, inventions and discoveries has resulted fro

24、m the stress of the creators. Would we have the Sistine Chapel(西斯行廷教堂) if Michaelangelo had lived a quiet stressless life?2. We must also admit that the bodily changes that occur under stress often lead to activities that could not be performed under normal circumstances. The 110-pound woman who lif

25、ts a one-ton automobile to release her child caught under the wheels could not ordinarily perform this feat; the bodily changes produced by the stress of the situation enable her to do this superhuman act. An athlete relies on the changes that occur under stress to help him run faster, tackle harder

26、, and win the game.3. It appears that the amount of harmful stress any particular individual experiences depends upon how he views the stressful experience. If he sees it as threatening, it is a bad stress; but if he views it as a challenge, it can be a beneficial stress. Also, his personality type

27、plays a significant role in the determination of whether the stress is good or bad. Certain types of people appear to need stress to make their lives exciting and meaningfulit keeps them young, alive, and functioning. Other types seem to need routine, quiet, and peaceful environment.4. Should you av

28、oid stress or encourage it? The experts dont have the answer. Since stress has always been part of the human condition and life is not staticunexpected things do happencomplete avoidance is impossible. In fact, worrying about stress is a stress itself. Some authorities suggest that everyone use medi

29、tation and relaxation techniques to lessen the effects of stress. They favor changing our busy life-style to slower-paced living, striving less, and staying put more. Other authorities state that these methods may erase the beneficial effects of stress and that if you receive gratifications from a h

30、ectic lifestyle, adopting a more relaxed routine may deprive you of needed stimuli and lower the quality of your life.5.All do agree that attitude is one of the most important factors. A positive attitude can make stress your ally. A negative attitude will make stress your enemy. Since we may never

31、know whose advice to follow, perhaps the best course is to accept stress as inevitable, both good and bad, and to keep the stress that feels good and try to eliminate the stress that feels bad. You be your own expert!31. Total relaxation enables you to receive new information more easily than stress

32、ful circumstance.32. People age much more quickly if they are active after retirement.33. People under stress can sometimes make incredible events happen.34. Women whose weight is over 110 pounds can lift a one-ton object.35. Whether stress is good or bad is not decided by the stressful situation itself, b

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