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1、易受心理定势干扰的选择题讲练高考语法专题系列复习第1讲易受“心理定势”干扰的选择题讲练(石狮一中高三英语备课组 余信路 整理)I.讲解:心理定势是指由于先前的活动而造成的一种心理准备或心理定向,它使人以比较固定的方式进行认知或做出行为反应。但在在情况变化时,定势则会阻碍人们找到新的方法去解决新问题。因此,我们必须正确灵活地运用已有的认识和方法去解决相似的问题,绝为可想当然。否则,便会犯这样那样的错误。II.练习:1. He couldnt help _ anything for his family because he was busy with the entrance exam. A.

2、doing B. to do C. did D. and did2. We should prevent pollution _ happily.A. living B. from living C. to living D. to live3. He was too busy _ his friend.A. receive B. to receive C. receiving D. received4. The girl looked _ at her dying cat.A. happy B. happily C. sad D. sadly5. It is hot _ January. B

3、etter take off your coat.A. A. in B. during C. for D. to 6. Is _ “m”the 13th letter in the English alphabet?A. / B. a C. an D. the 7. _, she could hardly have any time to play with her little daughter.A. Busy as she was B. As was she busy C. was busy she D. As she was busy8. Do you have any idea of

4、the reason _ he referred to?A. that B. as C. why D. when9. Is this the park _ he visited his friend the other day?A. the one B. that C. where D. /10. He hid himself behind the door _ he still could see what would happen to his classmate. A. there B. which C. from which D. from where11.They have a br

5、idge to have _ rebuilt.A. somebody B. it C. / D. that12.It is known _ all that the electric light was invented by Edison.A. to B. by C. for D. as13. _ either you or I to look after her?A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Should14. Why dont you come again _ other day?A. the B. some C. any D. in15. Mary didnt come

6、to out party yesterday because he was busy preparing for the exam. We all felt sorry _ her. A. for B. without C. except D. besides16. _ will all have to answer for the fire.A. You, he and I B. I, you and he C. He, I and you D. He, you and I17. An ant has two _ in its body.A. stomach B. stomaches C.

7、stomachs D. both B and C18. The family has been _ the lost child for nearly a month.A. in a long search for B. searching for C. in a long search of D. searching19. He must have been asleep at that time, _ he?A. mustnt B. neednt C. hadnt D. wasnt20. _ 1994, he had learned advanced mathematics al by h

8、imself.A. By B. Until C. In D. Around21. The tower is taller than _ building around it.A. any B. any other C. the other D. any of the other22. China is larger than _ country in Africa.A. any other B. all other C. all the D. any23. It rains more often in Shanghai than _.A. Beijing B. in Beijing C. it

9、 in Beijing D. that in Beijing24. Beijing has a much larger population than _.A. Nanjing B. that of Nanjing C. that in Nanjing D. in Nanjing25. Towards _ evening, _ cold rain began.A. /;a B. an; a C. an; / D. the; /26. He spent much of his spare time _ the nearly forest where he kept a garden. A. in

10、 B. on C. at D. for27.The two pairs of shoes are different _ size.A. on B. about C. from D. in 28. He has made much progress _ these years.A. in B. from C. for D. over29. Written English is more or less the same _ both Britain and America, though there are some spelling differences.A. in B. as C. wi

11、th D. to30. About half an hour _ and I found that I had lost my way.A. later B. late C. or so D. passed31. -How many guests have arrived so far? -_.A. Few than 15 B. Fewer than 15 C. Little than 15 D. Less than 1532. _ from his expression, he was greatly moved.A. To be judged B. To judge C. Judging

12、D. Judged33. _ piano is useful to those who enjoy music.A. / B. One C. The D. A34. They went there _.A. by bikes B. with bikes C. on bikes D. on bike35. They are _ children that they cant dress themselves.A. so little B. such little C. so small D. too small36. What he did suggested that he _ little

13、education.A. receive B. receives C. receives D. should receive37. Bob insisted that John _ the wallet.A. steal B. should steal C. has stolen D. had stolen38. It was at eleven last night that he arrived _ home.A. at B. in C. to D. /39. -I feel a bit hungry. -Why not have _ bread?A. a B. any C. some D

14、. a few40. The car got the medal, but its driver came close to _.A. be killed B. being killed C. kill D. killing41. Im going to town, for there is something I need _.A. buy B. to buy C. to be bought D. buying42. Tom might have come to school in time for class, _.A. if he got up earlier B. unless he

15、had got up earlier C. but he got up rather late D. but he fhad got up so late.43. The skin of snakes _ some kinds of musical instruments.A. is used to make B. is used to making C. are used to make D. are used to be made44. The table in that restaurant are so close together that theres hardly any roo

16、m to move _ them. A. between B. among C. in the middle of D. at the center of45.The room _ face south is the bedroom of his.A. whose B. whose window C. which D. the window of which46. _ about the get-together, few of them were present.A. Not having been told B. Having not been told C. Having been no

17、t told D. Having been told not47. Write it _ a pen and blue ink.A. / B. with C. by D. both A and B48. There is no _ book in the bookshop.A. / B. a C. such D. such a 49. Is this the watch you wish to _?A. have it repaired B. repair C. have repaired D. have repaired it50. -Sorry. I forgot to post the

18、letter for you. -Never mind. _ it myself after school.A. Im going to post B. Ill post C. Id rather post D. I had better post51.The window _ while he slept, he caught a cold.A. opening B. open C. to open D. was open52.It was the bravery of William Tell _ encouraged the Swiss people in their fight aga

19、inst the enemies.A. that B. which C. who D. both A and B53.The is nothing else _ a table in the room.A. besides B. but C. except D. except for54. Nothing can make him turn _.A. thief B. a thief C. thieves D. both A and B55. How hard he studies, _?A. isnt it B. isnt he C. doesnt he D. doesnt it56. I

20、wish to have a word with you, _ I?A. dont B. cant C. will D. may57. Dont make any noises, _ you?A. do B. can C. will D. wont 58. Can you see _ boy coming toward us?A. few B. a few C. little D. a little59.The news ahs come from Japan _ Liu Xiaomei has got the first place in the womens 100-metre dash

21、in the 12th Asian Games.A. where B. from where C. which D. that60. I have enjoyed my visit here. Ill be very sorry _.A. for leaving B. to leave C. of leaving D. to have left61.he has a suggestion _, please listen to him.A. make B. to make C. making D. made62. Over 80 percent of the population of Chi

22、na _ farmers.A. has been B. have been C. is D. are63. -Why isnt John here yet? -Sorry. I forgot all about _ him.A. telephoning B. telephoning to C. to telephone D. to telephone for64. It is who _ to answer for his safety.A. am B. is C. are D. both A and B65.She is the only one of the women teachers

23、who _ invited.A. have been B. has been C. had been D. were66.One day he will have to answer _ her _ his wrong doings.A. for; for B. t; for C. to; to D. for; toKey:1-5. BDBDC 6-10. ADACD 11-15. CACBB 16-20. BCADA 21-25. ADBAA26-30. ADDAD 31-35. DCDCB 36-40. CDDCB 41-45. BCAAD 46-50. ABCCB51-55. BAAAA

24、 56-60. DCDDB 61-66 BDAABB 高考语法专题系列复习第2讲易受“假性原型”误导的选择题讲练(石狮一中高三英语备课组)I.讲解:对解决问题产生启发作用的事物叫原型。在英语学习中,学习者受其自身知识水平的制约,容易将貌似原型的事物当作原型,以致获取了错误的解决问题的方案。命题者往往会利用学生这一心理特点,故意设置一些所谓的原型,来诱使学生模仿。要排除这类题设“陷阱”的诱导,就必须全面把握题干的语境,努力拓展思维的广度,注意对所获取的信息的分析和比较,决不可凭一知半解就匆忙作结论。II.练习:1. -Dont forget to come to my birthday part

25、y tomorrow. -_.A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent2. -I wonder if your wife will go to the ball. -If your wife does, so _ mine.A. is B. do C. does D. will3. -Would you lend me your pen for a while? -Certainly I _.A. would B. should C. will D. shall4. -When will the train start? -It _ at 2:35 t

26、his afternoon according to the time-table.A. start B. starts C. will start D. is going to start5. -What need I do now? -You _ get into touch with them by phone at once.A. need B. need to C. will need D. both A and B6. The Whites came here, to buy some clothes and _ on an old friend of theirs.A. call

27、 B. to call C. calling D. called7. He said French is the beautiful tongue in the world and _ he was determined to learn it well.A. / B. that C. also D. besides8. Japanese speak Japanese, and _ German.A. German B. Germans C. Germen D. Germanies9.I wonder why _ little animals eats so many insects.A. s

28、o B. such C. very D. too10. One evening he came to borrow the book Robinson Crusoefrom me and promised to get through it _ one evening.A. in B. on C. about D. /11. Do you go to school every day before you went to _ university?A. a B. an C. the D. /12. An electric light can give us rich light. We all

29、 think it great for Edison to invent _.A. electric light B. an electric light C. the electric light D. electric lights13. It is a good piece of advice to write that on _.A. a white paper B. a paper of white C. a white piece of paper D. a piece of white paper14. You should throw these old papers into _ basket.A. a paper B. paper C. papers D. the papersKey:1-5. BDCBB 6-10. ABBBA 11-14. CCDA高考语法专题系列复习第3讲易受“意群”影响的选择题讲练(石狮一中高三英语备课组)I.讲解: 所谓意群,就是句子中根据句法结构和

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