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逻辑大全笔记Text C.docx

1、逻辑大全笔记Text C写在前面:粉色是正确答案,黄色是我做得答案,如果题目中只有黄色,说明那个是正确答案。Questions 1-2 are based on the following.We have heard a good deal in recent years about the declining importance of the two major political parties. It is the mass media, we are told, that decide the outcome of elections, not the power of the pa

2、rties. But it is worth noting that no independent or third-party candidate has won any important election in recent years, and in the last nationwide campaign, the two major parties raised and spent more money than ever before in support of their candidates and platforms. It seems clear that reports

3、 of the imminent demise of the two-party system are premature at best.(本文逻辑:两大政党的力量正在衰弱,现在是大众媒体决定选举结果;但是,现实却是这几年,没有独立的或者第三方的候选人赢得了任何重要选举,而且上一次的全国竞选中,两党都花费了比以前更多的金钱去支持他们的候选人现在说两党力量衰弱还为时过早)1. Which of the following is an assumption made in the argument above?(A) The amount of money raised and spent by

4、 a political party is one valid criterion for judging the influence of the party.(由本文逻辑可清楚的知道,文章是通过两党花费了比以前更多的金额这个事实,推断出两党力量没有衰弱;所以,假设就是两党所花费的金钱是一种判断党影响力的重要因素)(B) A significant increase in the number of third-party candidates would be evidence of a decline in the importance of the two major parties.

5、(C) The two-party system has contributed significantly to the stability of the American political structure. (取非,两党制对美国的政治体制稳定没有任何贡献。但没有办法削弱结论)(D) The mass media tend to favor an independent or third-party candidate over a candidate from one of the two major parties.(Whether media favor third party

6、or not would not affect the reasoning in the question: raise lots of money - the two parties are still important.)By 隐身会员1) choice D (media prefer other canidate) + (no canidate of other party is chosen) - media is not important.2) but the conclusion is the reports of the imminent demise of two part

7、y system are premature, which asks about the party influence, not the media influmence. By lingling2005(E) The mass media are relatively unimportant in deciding the outcome of most elections.补充:(假设题的基本做法就是取非削弱;但是在取非之前就能通过无关选项排除掉一部分。注意到题目问的是argument的假设,首先就要知道什么是argument。以本题为例,argument就是,没有独立的或者第三方的候选

8、人赢得了任何重要选举,而且上一次的全国竞选中,两党都花费了比以前更多的金钱去支持他们的候选人现在说两党力量衰弱还为时过早。所以如选项D,E,最后都是在证明mass media的事情,排除;C选项,最后证明的是两党的稳定性而不是两党的力量衰弱,理应排除)个人意见,仅供参考再啰嗦一些,为什么无关选项要尽快排除,如同C选项,取非后我们发现没有意义。因为文中没有再给出支持的论据,所以你自己说什么的都是正确的,或者什么都是错误的。因为文中没有办法让你得出这一结论。2. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument

9、above?(A) The percentage of voters registered as independents is higher today than ever before.(B) In a recent presidential campaign, for the first time ever, an independent candidate was invited to appear in a televised debate with the major-party candidates.(C) Every current member of the U.S. Sen

10、ate was elected as the candidate of one of the two major parties. (支持了原文结论:说两党制衰弱还为时过早)(D) In a recent opinion poll, most voters stated that a candidates party affiliation was an insignificant factor in judging his or her fitness for office.(C)(E) In the last four years, the outcome of several state

11、wide elections has been determined by the strength of the third-party vote. (削弱了原文)3. Psychologists conducted a series of experiments to test the effect upon schoolchildren of violence in films. In the first experiment, grammar school children were shown a film that included scenes of a male teenage

12、r engaging in violent acts against others, such as punching, pushing, and kicking. During a free-play session following the film viewing, 42 percent of the children were observed to engage in one or more violent acts similar to those in the film. In a second experiment, a different group of children

13、 was shown a similar film featuring a female teenager. Only 14 percent of the children were observed behaving violently afterward. The psychologists concluded that children are more likely to imitate violent behavior on film when a male model is shown than when a female model is shown. (原文逻辑:【实验题】实验

14、目的:电影中的暴力画面对在校儿童有什么影响;实验内容:第一组放的电影里是男学生实行暴力活动,结果又42%的人在看完电影后有了相似的暴力活动;第二组放的电影是内容相似但是是女学生进行的暴力活动,结果只有14%的人有相似的暴力活动;实验结论:儿童们更有可能去模仿由男主角实行暴力活动的电影,而不是女主角)Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the psychologists conclusion?(A) In both experiments, the victims of the filmed violence

15、included both males and females.(B) In the second experiment, 28 percent of the children appeared upset during the viewing the violent film scenes.(C) The first group included 19 male students and 20 female students; the second group included 20 male students and 21 female students.(D) In the first

16、group, 58 percent of the children appeared bored during the showing of the film, and 12 percent fell asleep.(结论是说两组比较的结果,D选项只有first group的情况,显然不能削弱结论)(E) The percentage of children known to have discipline problems prior to the experiment was greater in the first group than in the second group. (实验题

17、经常出的假设或者加强或者削弱都是关于实验前两个对比组是不是有区别的,这对于一个实验来说很重要)4. Mainline Airways was bought by its employees six years ago. Three years ago, Mainline hired QualiCo Advertising Agency to handle its promotions and advertising division. Today Mainlines profits are over 20 percent higher than they were five years ago

18、 and 10 percent higher than they were three years ago. Employee ownership and a good advertising agency have combined to make Mainline more profitable. (原文逻辑:6年前,公司改变了ownership加上3年前,公司聘请了Q广告公司+利润比五年前增长了20%,比3年前增长了10% = ownership,Q公司一起为M公司带来了更多的利润)Which of the following best describes the weak point

19、in the argument above?(A) It fails to establish a causal connection between the change in ownership at Mainline Airways and the hiring of QualiCo, on the one hand, and the rise in Mainlines profits, on the other. (松散的逻辑关系,写argument作文的时候七宗罪就是,用时间上相同来代替实际的因果关系,是很没有说服力的)(B) It presents no evidence show

20、ing that employee-owned airlines are any more profitable than other airlines.(C) It assumes that the profits of Mainline Airways will continue to rise.(D) It gives no exact figures for the current profits of Mainline Airways.(A)(E) It fails to explain how the profits of Mainline Airways are calculat

21、ed.5. At many colleges today, regulations have been imposed that forbid the use in speech or print of language that “offends” or “insults” the members of any group, especially women and racial, ethnic, and religious minorities. Although these regulations are defended in the name of “democracy,” they

22、 restrict freedom of speech and the press in a way that opposes the true spirit of democracy. (原文逻辑:一些保护少数人利益的法规是在“民主”的保护下建立的,但是同时又限制了人们的言论自由,这一点又真正违背了民主的精神)The argument above attempts to prove its case primarily by(A) impugning the credentials of an opponent(B) providing examples that support a the

23、oretical principle(C) taking advantage of inconsistencies in the definition of “democracy”(D) revealing a contradiction in an opposing point of view(明显的矛盾)(E) appealing to the patriotic feelings of its audience6. In 1980, a Danish ten-re coin minted in 1747 was sold at auction for $8,000. Eleanor Bi

24、xby owns another Danish ten-re coin minted in 1747. When she puts it on the market next week, it will fetch a price over $18,000.Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the conclusion drawn above?(A) Since 1980, the average price for rare coins has increased by over 150 percent.(B) There

25、are only four coins like the one in question in the entire world.(C) Since 1980, the consumer price index has risen by over 150 percent.(D) In 1986, a previously unknown cache of one hundred coins just like the one in question was found.(如果19861980,这题就有了削弱的意义,物以稀为贵)(E) Thirty prominent, wealthy coin

26、 collectors are expected to bid for Bixbys coin.7. Merco has been in business longer than Nolen. Inc, Olean Industries was founded years before the Potter Company, and the Potter Company was started years after the Quarles Corporation. Nolen, Inc., and the Quarles Corporation were founded in the sam

27、e year. (原文逻辑:MN; OP; PN=QP)(E) Nolen, Inc., has not been in business for as many years as the Potter Company.8. Which of the following best completes the passage below?A primary factor in perpetuating the low salaries of women workers has been their segregation in the so-called pink-collar occupati

28、ons, such as nursing, teaching, library science, and secretarial work. Partly because these jobs have traditionally been held by women, their salary levels have been depressed, and, despite increased attempts to unionize these workers in recent years, their pay continues to lag. Moreover, although a

29、 large percentage of women than ever before are now entering and remaining in the job market, most continue to gravitate toward the pink-collar fields, despite the lower salaries. It seems clear, therefore, that if the average salaries of women workers are to approach those of men, _(原文逻辑:女性工人长期低工资的

30、原因是她们被隔离在pink-collar工作里; 尽管他们这几年都联合起来,但是由于pink-collar一直是妇女们工作的传统,所以他们的工资一直被压低.Moreover,尽管这几年有更过的妇女出来工作,他们仍然继续选择低工资的pink-collar工作,所以,如果女性的平均工资提高到接近男性的水平,(需要).) 低工资理由:1)粉领低工资2)妇女们因为传统还是选择粉领的工作为了提高工资: 脱离传统,不再做粉领(A) labor unions must redouble their efforts to improve the lot of working women(B) societys

31、 perception of pink-collar jobs as less important and less demanding than other jobs must be changed(C) more men must be encouraged to enter fields traditionally occupied by women(D) the number of jobs in the pink-collar fields relative to the size of the work force as a whole must be markedly increased(if引导的条件从句,空白处应该填上条件)(E) more women must enter occupations other than those traditionally reserved for them

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