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新编英语教程3 Unit 11 language work.docx

1、新编英语教程3 Unit 11 language workUnit 11Text IIWriting Skills After Twenty Years is a short story written by O Henry. The short story is a form of fiction generally under 10,000 words in length. Because of its limited length, a short story presents very few characters (generally one or two), and focuses

2、 on only one event. Through some means or other, the short story achieves suspense and dramatic effect through complication.Structurally, a short story may break up into five sections: the situation (setting and a brief introduction to the characters), the generating circumstance (the incident in th

3、e story), the rising action, the climax and the ending.The plot is developed mainly through the dialogues.The characters are described and shown to the readers through their external action and dialogue.The language of this short story is somewhat out-dated and ungrammatical at times.IILanguage Poin

4、ts1. on the beat: on the route he was ordered to patrol beat: (n) the usual path followed by a policeman on duty巡逻 e.g. The two policemen are covering their s. par. The young policeman was on the route he was ordered to patrol. (The young policeman was on his .) the particular news source or activit

5、y that a reporter is responsible for covering 记者负责采访的新闻, 范围或单位 e.g. The fledgling newspaper reporter is on the sports . The woman reporter has been removed from the White House . She goes out on the City Hall for the evening paper at 3 every out of /off ones : (fig.) be doing sth. with

6、which one is not familiar, sth. different from ones usual work做非本行的工作, 做自己不熟悉的事 e.g. Doing that is rather off my . English grammar is out of my .2. impressively: admirably impressive: (adj.): making a deep impression on the mind and feelings 于人印象深刻的, 令人佩服的 e.g. They observed an ceremony last week. M

7、r. Brown made an speech on environmental protection. impressiveness: (n.) e.g. This gives to what he says. The professors makes us admire and respect him. impressively: (adv.) e.g. The policeman walked along the street impressively.3. for show: intended to be seen but not used e.g. He wears glasses

8、for show on many occasions.All this ceremony is just empty show: its all done for show: it doesnt mean a thing. The decoration is just for show, not for comfort. par. She is wearing a very bright dress at the party to show herself. Many people donated money not to show themselves but to help the poo

9、r.4. cast his watchful eye down the pacific thoroughfare eye: the power of seeing e. g. The little girls fell on the teddy bear as soon as she entered the room. To a great sculptors , a young muscular archer ready to shoot an arrow would make a good statue. There is much to arrest the of the travell

10、ers in this souvenir shop. cast an eye/ ones eye at /on /ove: look at, examine e.g. The policeman on duty always cast an eye at/over/on the places they are responsible for. par. Please keep an eye on the luggage for a while. He asked me to examine the condition of the machine.5. vicinity: (n.) nearn

11、ess, closeness of relationship (fml) be in close to e.g. This school is in close to the church. neighborhood e.g. There are two primary schools in our . Are there any amusement parks in this ? par. There are no shops in the neighborhood. The post office is somewhere in the neighborhood. There are qu

12、ite a few universities in the neighborhood. in the of: a) near par. There are some cinemas in the place near our college. The biggest post office in our city is near the railway station. His home is near our factory. b): about par. His income is about $5,000 a year. The cost of the leather coat is a

13、bout twenty dollars.6. (every) now and then/again: at times; form time to time; occasionally par. I dont think about my old home very much, only from time to time. Foreign visitors come to our county occasionally. At times, I see David at the library.7. majority majority (n.): the greater number or

14、amount (esp of people ); most a/ the of e.g. The of doctors believe smoking is harmful to health. The proposal failed to find a . par. The new leader is supported by the greater number of the people. Most people seem to prefer watching games to playing games. The company holds the greater amount of

15、the stock. be in the/ a : the greater number of people or things居多, 占大多数 e.g. People who can read and write are not in the in some countries. par. In our department, the greater number of students are girl students. majora) (adj.): greater when compared with others, in size, number, or importance e.

16、g. The car needs repairs. (大修) The play is a success.b) (vi.): specialize in ( a certain subject) at college or university e.g. Brian ed in economics when he was at college. I in English and minor in French.(主修英语,兼修法语)c) (n.): subject ed in e.g. Can you tell me what your is, Christina?8. have long s

17、ince: Its a long time since par. Its a long time since he worked in this company. (He has long since worked in this company.) It is a long time since I forgot what our quarrel was about. (Ive long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.) Its a long time since he married. (He has married long sin

18、ce.)9. hardware store-ware: (n.) things of the same hard material, esp. for use in a house, hotel, restaurant, etc. 器皿,制品 e.g. tinware/ ironware/ goldware/ silverware/ jadeware things used in the stated place for the preparation of food烹调用具 e.g. kitchenware ovenware/ microwave ovenware10. reassure r

19、eassure (vt.): to comfort and make free from fear, remove doubts or worries of e.g. The doctor d the sick man (about/of his health). The mother was / felt d when she knew her sons safety. reassurance (n.) e.g. She wont believe it in spite of all our (s). reassuring (adj.) e.g. Pets, such as dogs and

20、 cats, like pats. He was longing for words. reassuringly (adv.) e.g. “You will be all right,” he said .11. be torn down = be pulled down: be broken in pieces and destroyed (something built) par. Half the houses in the street are being pulled down to make room for the new post office. Many old buildi

21、ngs have already been pulled down in our vicinity. tear sth. down/off/away/out of: cause (sth.) to our of place by pulling sharply e.g. The man tore a notice down from a notice-board. One page is missing here; it must have been torn out of the book. He tore off his clothes and jumped into the water

22、to save the boy from drowning. tear oneself away (from): leave; stop doing e.g. At last we tore ourselves away from Guilin and returned home. par. She could hardly make up her mind to leave the beautiful park. (She could hardly tear herself away from the beautiful park.) The boy couldnt put down his

23、 teddy bear. (The boy could not tear himself away from his teddy bear.)12. oddly setset: fix, put one thing firmly in another镶,嵌 set sth. in sth./ set sth. with sth. e.g. The king is wearing a crown set with jewels. The tops of the walls were set with broken glass. Please set this diamond in the rin

24、g.13. figure (v.)a) believe, think, imagine e.g. You may the situation for yourself. I that different people like different things. She d that she would she would be the next to be interviewed.b) have a part (in a play), appear e.g. He d as Henry VIII in the play. She d as chief guest at the party.

25、His name d in my recent report.c) used in phrases sth .out: calculate, work out, reckon e.g. We should out the cost of the operation precisely. He couldnt out what had gone wrong with the washing machine. par. I can hardly work out the answer to this problem. We tried our best to work out what he me

26、ant. in: reckon in, include, take into account e.g. Have you d in the expenses in the hotel? Did you in the cost of a taxi across London? on: expect, estimate, conclude e.g. We didnt on so many people here. I didnt on his presence. (n.)a) symbol for a number, esp. 0 to 9 e.g. He has an income of six

27、 s. Will you check these s?b) (pl.)arithmetic e.g. Are you good at s?c) human form, esp the appearance and what it suggests e.g. I saw a approaching in the darkness. The dancer has a good/handsome . I am dieting to keep my .d) (an important) person, esp his character of influence e.g. The new leader

28、 is a dominating like Napoleon. Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious in Indian history.e) price e.g. We bought the house at a very high /low . Name the lowest you can take /accept.14.destiny destiny (n.)a) u: fate, power believed to control events 命运 e.g. Destiny often plays tricks on

29、 human beings.(命运之神常常捉弄人) Destiny is sometimes cruel.b) c: that which happens to sb., thought of as determined in advance by fate定数, 天 命 e.g. It was his to die in a foreign country, far from his family. It was the great mans to lead his country to freedom.2 destine (vt.): (usu. pass.) decide or orda

30、in in advance, intended by fate, willed by God e.g. He as a soldiers son and was d from birth for the army. They were d never to meet again. His hopes were d to be realized. /He was d to failure. par. Fate had determined that his work should never succeed. (His work was destined never to succeed.) I

31、 never thought that I would marry her, but I suppose Fate had decided that I should do it. (I never thought, but I suppose it was destined/ I was destined to marry her.)15. correspond1 correspond: (v.)a) exchange letters regularly with with sb. e.g. I with my brothers and sisters regularly. Janet and Handson ed for several years before they met. par. Our teacher has been exchanging letters with his students. Ja

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