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高中英语 Unit 8 New Ideas and Inventions素材含教案和练习冀教版必修1.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 8 New Ideas and Inventions素材含教案和练习冀教版必修12011-2012学年高一英语必修1(冀教版)素材(含教案和练习) Unit 8 New Ideas and Inventions一. 教学内容:Unit 8 New Ideas and Inventions二. 教学重点:1. 重点单词:approach, signal, leak, absorb, solution, promote, common, ordinary, affect, control, pleasant, complete, similar, throughout2. 重点

2、句型: Wake up immediately, or you will. Your key to success might be3. 语法:过去分词作定语和表语句子的种类三. 重难点解释:1. make sb do sth意为“使某人做某事”,make 表示“使做某事或成为”时,常用下列结构: make + 宾语 不带to 的不定式; make + 宾语 形容词; make + 宾语 v-ed 分词。例如:People who wont work should be made to work. (注意:be made to do something) 那些不愿意去工作的人应该被迫去工作。I

3、t will make me so happy if you will accept it. 如果你能收下(它)会让我非常高兴。The street was made as light as day. 街道被装饰得像白天一样明亮。He made his plan known to the whole class. 他向全班公布了他的计划。2. burst into 强调“突然发生,突然出现”, 或者意为“闯入”,“(花,木等)开出”等。The running car bursts into flames without any good reason. 汽车跑着跑着就莫名其妙地突然着火了。On

4、 hearing the sad news, they burst into tears. 听到这个悲伤的消息,他们大哭。The pear trees behind my house burst into bloom last night.我家后院的梨树昨晚一下子都开花了。短语拓展burst into (tears, laughter, song etc.) 意为“突然哭、笑、唱起来”。例如: The whole class burst into laughter when they heard the joke. 听到这个笑话,全班哄堂大笑。 burst out (laughing, cry

5、ing etc.) 意为“大声地说;咆哮地说”。例如:“Why dont you listen”, he burst out. 他突然咆哮说,“你怎么就不听呢?”3. burn down/ burn sth down 意为“(被)焚烧”,也可以当作不及物词组,意为“火势减弱”。例如:Then it burst into flames, burning down their hut. 接下来它猛地喷出火焰,烧坏了棚子。The house burned down in 1995. 那所房子于1995年被烧毁。4. use sth on/in sth (介词on/ in强调用于方面) 例如:The

6、ancient Chinese realized after a long while that the mixture that the alchemists had made could be used on something different. 相当一段时间之后,古代中国人才意识到那些炼金士制出来的混合物也能应用在其他某一事情上。短语拓展 use sth for sth (介词for强调使用目的) 例如:The Chinese did not use their new creation for war. 中国人没有将他们的新发明运用到战争中. use sth as sth (介词强

7、调把用作) 例如:They used their fireworks as signals for many things such as signaling that another army was approaching. 烟火作为信号被广泛应用于各种领域,比如在军事上,用来示意敌军的到来。 use sth to do sth 意为“用来做”。例如:It is used to blow stones out of ground. 它可以被用来从地下炸出石头。The box is used to hold pencils. 这个盒子是用来装铅笔的.5. be pleased with意为“

8、对满意,对高兴”,类似短语还有:be happy with, be satisfied with,be pleased to do等。例如:Actually, my father is very satisfied with his current job. 事实上我爸爸很满意他目前的工作。6. be made out of 意为“由做成”,指做成某个成品的材料,常用于口语中,意思同be made of/ from , 但语气较之更强。例如:The skirt is made out of the cloth. 这裙子是用这种布制成的。They made the first fireworks

9、 out of the new material. 他们用这种新材料制成了第一批烟火。短语拓展 be made up of 意为“由组成的”,强调整体和部分的关系。例如:The medical team is made up five doctors and ten nurses.医疗队是由5个医生,10个护士组成的。 be made of意为“由制成的”。例如: The table is made of wood. 桌子是由木头制成的。 be made from意为“由做成”,指成品制成后,已看不出原料。例如:Gas is made from coal. 天然气是由煤制成的。 be made

10、 into意为“被制成,被做成”。例如: The material was made into an ankle-length long dress, which looked very good.那块布料被制成一条拖到脚的长裙,很好看。The grapes are made into wine. 葡萄用来做酒。7. be filled with意为“充满”,相当于短语be full of。例如: The house is filled with smoke and shouting. 房子里充满了烟和喊叫声。He was full of curiosity. 他的心里充满了好奇心。8. ov

11、er and over (again) 意为“多次,反复地,一再”。 例如:Ive told you over and over again not to do that. 我一再跟你讲不要再那么做。He studied it and test it over and over. 他们一次又一次地研究和测试。短语拓展over and over 同义短语有:again and again, time and time again和over and over again. 9. look into 相当于及物动词, 意为“往里面看;调查,审查”。例如:It is impolite to look

12、into others room. 窥视别人的房间是不礼貌的。The police is looking into the cause of the accident.警察正在调查这起事故的原因。短语拓展 look after sb/ sth意为“对负责;照料;照顾”。例如:Who will look after my baby if I am away? 如果我走了,谁来照料我的孩子啊? look around/ round意为“环视,环顾,四下观察”。例如:People came out of their houses and looked around. 人们走出家门四处查看。 look

13、 down on sb/ sth意为“鄙视,轻视,瞧不起”。例如:Dont look down on those who havent been to college. 不要瞧不起那些没有上过大学的人。 look forward to sth意为“(高兴地)盼望,期待”。例如:Im always looking forward to going abroad for a while. 我一直都很希望自己能够去国外呆一段时间。 look sth up意为“(在词典或参考书中)查阅,检查”。例如:Do remember to look up the new words if you are not

14、 sure. 如果你自己不把握的话,一定不要忘了查阅工具书。10. get/ take credit for sth 意为“因某事而受到称赞,表扬;归功于”。例如:We did all the work and she gets all the credit. 工作是我们干的,而功劳却归了她。 The little boy was given credit for good spelling. 这个小男孩因拼写出色而受到表扬。11. put/ set/ turn ones mind to sth 意为“集中精力做,下决心做”。例如:She could have been a brilliant

15、 pianist if she put her mind to it. 如果她专心致志,坚持到底,她本可以成为一个出色的钢琴家。12. think of 的意义很多,做一下分析: 与think about 相同,意为“考虑到,关心,替着想;考虑,打算(做某事)”。例如:Dont you ever think about other people? 难道你就从来没有考虑过别人?He thinks too much about himself. 他为自己想得太多。She is thinking of changing her job. 她在考虑换工作。常与can 连用,意为“记得,想起”。例如:I

16、 can think of at least three occasions when she arrived late. 我记得她至少迟到过三次。I cant think of her name at the moment. 我一时想不起她的名字。意为“评价,看待”。例如:What do you think of my singing? 你觉得我唱得怎么样?短语拓展think sth out意为“认真考虑,仔细盘算”。例如:It is a well thought out plan. 这个计划考虑得十分周密。think sth over意为“(尤指在做出决定前)仔细考虑,慎重思考”。例如:I

17、ve been thinking over what you said. 我一直在思考你的话。13. except for意为“除了之外”,是在整体中除去某些因素,有美中不足之意,使用这个短语的时候,前后的性质不同。例如:Except for an old lady, the bus was empty. 除了一个老太太以外,这辆公共汽车空空的。Everything is quiet, except for some barks from far away.除了远处的几声狗叫声,到处都很安静。14. speed up意为“加速”,它有及物和不及物两种用法。The car sped up and

18、 overtook the truck. 那辆小车突然加速,超过了卡车。15. add sth to sth意为“增加,添加”。例如: add fuel to the flames 火上浇油add insult to injury 伤害之外又加侮辱I usually add little sugar to my coffee. 平常我喝咖啡很少加糖。If you add 5 to 4, you will get 9. 5加4等于9。The minister said he was satisfied with the talks, adding that he had enjoyed his

19、stay in the city. 部长表示了他对这次谈判的满意,并补充说在这个城市住得很愉快。短语拓展 add up 意为“把加起来;有道理”。例如:Add up all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me. 把这些数字加起来,你就明白欠我多少钱了。 add up to意为“总共是,总计是”。例如:All the numbers add up to exactly 900. 所有数字加起来正好是900。 add to 意为“使增加,使扩大”。例如:The bad weather only added to our difficul

20、ties. 恶劣的天气平添了我们的困难。16. connect A to/ and B意为“(使)连接,联结”。例如:The bed is connected to an alarm clock. 床和闹钟连接起来。短语拓展connect A with B 意思是“A与B有关系”。例如:That old man was suspected to be connected with the crime.那个老头被怀疑与犯罪事件有关。17. kicks you in the head 意思是“踢你的头”,表示敲,打,击,牵引的某个部位的时候,英语和汉语的表达方式是不同的。英语的结构是“动词sb介词

21、身体的某一个部位”。这样的词有很多,比方说beat, kick, strike, hit, pat , lead, catch等。例如:The thief hit him on the head and ran away. 小偷打了他头一下,然后跑了。18. in bed/ in the bed 英语中一些表示地点的名词,如果单纯的表示这个地点,要和冠词一起使用;如果表示与这一地点相关的行为或活动时,通常不和冠词连用。例如:Youre in bed! 你还没有起床。A mechanical “foot” is in the bed. 床上有一只机器脚。19. every two years意为

22、“每两年”,every表示时间或距离上的间隔,意为 “每,每隔”。具体用法如下:every基数词可数名词的复数形式every序数词可数名词的单数形式everyother可数名词的单数形式(表示每隔一)everyfew可数名词的复数形式 ( 表示每隔几)every two years/ every second year/ every other year 每两年/ 每隔一年We had to stop every few miles. 我们每走几英里就得停一停。The Olympics are held every four years/ fourth year. 奥运会每四年举办一次。We

23、have English classed every other day. 我们每隔一天上一次英语。They planted the trees every few metres. 他们每隔几米种一棵树。20. over the years意为“随着时间的推移”,相当于短语over time,通常和完成时态连用。例如: Over the years, they have changed from huge rooms full of equipment used by a few scientists, to a handy little tools that can be carried a

24、nywhere. 随着时间的推移,他们已经由几个科学家操作的装满房间的巨大设备变成了便携的可以带到任何地方去的工具。21. change fromto 意思是“由变成”。例如:In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天树叶由绿变黄。短语拓展 changefor意为“换;交换;换去”。例如:She took the dress back to the shop and changed it (for another). 她把衣服拿回到商店又换了一件。 changeinto意为“将变成”。例如:He changed the yard int

25、o a garden. 他将庭院改成了花园。22. help (to) do意为“有助于做某事,能帮忙做某事”。例如:A dictionary helps learn English. 字典有助于学习英语。I cant help repair your bike, because I have to prepare for my exam.我不能帮忙修理你的自行车了,因为我要准备考试。23. with beads on wires 是with的复合结构,其具体构成如下:with/ without的复合结构在句中主要作状语(表示谓语动作发生的伴随情况、时间、原因、方式和条件等) with + n

26、 + doing ( doing表示 with 后名词发生的动作,此名词为动作的执行者)With so many children talking and laughing, I couldnt settle down to my work. 这么多孩子又说又笑,我不能专心工作。with + n + done (done 和with后面的宾语构成动宾关系,此宾语是动作的承受者。)The thief was brought in with his hands tied back. 小偷被带进来了,手被绑在后面。 with + n + to do 动词不定式表示目的或将发生、未发生的事。With

27、all these mouth to feed, he didnt know what to do.有这么多人需要养活,他真不知道怎么办才好。 with + n + prep phraseThe teacher came in with some textbooks under her arm. 老师进来了,手里拿了一些书。Her daughter opened the door, with tears in her eyes. 她的女儿打开了门,眼里含着泪水。 with + n + adjWhen he is eating, he doesnt speak with his mouth fu

28、ll of food. 他从不吃着东西讲话。 with + n + advWith the road lights on, we didnt have to feel our way. 路灯亮了,我们无需摸索着走路。With the breakfast over, the boy hurried to school.吃过早饭,那个小男孩匆匆地去上学。24. adapt oneself/ sth to sth意为“使适合/适应”。例如:When you are abroad, you must adapt yourself to the culture and customs there.当你在

29、国外的时候,你必须要让自己适应那里的文化和习俗。This book is adapted to children. 这本书适合孩子们。The children adapt to the changes very well. 孩子们很适应这些变化。25. can/ could have done表示本可以做却没有做成,暗含说话人遗憾的语气,比较委婉。could 不是can的过去意义,它表示的可能性比can表示的更小些。例如:His “engine” could have been used to solve many number problems.他的机器本来是能够用来解决一些数字方面的问题的

30、。He always works hard, and he could have passed the exam.他一直学习很刻苦,本来是能通过考试的。Can / Could they have been to America? 他们可能去过美国吗?26.take in 的具体含义如下: 意为“吸收”。例如:Trees keep our air clean by taking in carbon dioxide and sending out oxygen.树吸收二氧化碳,释放氧气,从而保持空气清新。 意为“听进去,理解”。例如:She read many poems, but she did

31、nt take them in. 她读了很多诗,但是没有理解它们。27. break off 相当于及物动词,意为“折断,中断”。它也可以作不及物动词,表示工作中的休息,或是停止说话。例如:Many branches were broken off during the heavy rain. 很多树枝在大雨中被折断了。I think it is time to break off our conversation. 我认为该中断我们的谈话了。Lets break off for an hour. 让我们休息一小时。【模拟试题】(答题时间:50分钟)I. 用括号所给的动词的适当形式填空1. _(lead) by the Party, the Chinese people are working hard for _(realize) the four modernizations.2. _ (encourage) by the teacher, the boy did the expe

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