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1、初三英语词汇句型易溷易错知识点汇编1. Its said that he is a good student 据说Its believed that 据相信Its reported that 据认为2. within the year 在一年之内3. to this day 直到今天4. check in V. 登记住宿手续check-in n. 登记住宿手续check out v. 登记退宿手续check-out n. 登记退宿手续checkout n. 收款台 5. a check up on eyesight6. after all 毕竟7. There are three window

2、s in the wall8. have a word with sb. = talk with sb.和某人说句话have words with sb. 和某人吵架9. The girl asked someone else to take a picture= The girl had a picture taken. 让某事被做10. Youll be late for school if you dont hurry.= Hurry up, or youll be late for school.=You wont be late for school unless you hurry

3、 up.11. be worth doing 值得做某事=be worthy of being done=be worthy to be done12. (1) Pleased to meet you.(2) Im pleased to meet you. with you work.(3) What pleasant weather!(4) do sth. with pleasure 乐意做某事 (5)Thanks a lot. It is a pleasure. (不用谢)14. go bad 变坏 wrong 出错15. think of sb. as 把。看作think about t

4、he plan 考虑关于那计划think it over 仔细想think hard 努力想16. in his spare time 在他空余的 时间free17. vegetarian 素食者18. His story proved (to be ) true. (证明, 无被动)19. whatever = no matter what 无论什么20. however,= but21. everyone every one of us22. English is easy to learn.This kind of watches sells well.This pen writes s

5、moothly.This kind of cloth is easy to wash.23. be angry with sb. / at sth.24. say / talk /speak /explain to sb.25. think it + adj. + to do26. The train will arrive very soon. 时间上的快27. such a nice book = so nice a booksuch an interesting book = so interesting a book28. He doesnt know if you have any

6、questions, if you have any questions, raise your hands.29. besides English = in addition to English30. The thing that matters is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.31. catch sb. doing sth. 撞见某人在某事=sb be caught doing sth.32. let sb.down 让某人消沉33. look forward to doingpay attention

7、 to doingon ones way to being a doctorlead to doingin addition to doing34. Once 一旦you have it, you must work hard to keep it.35. be supposed to 应该36. not a little = verynot a bit = not at all37. Wildfires are common 常见的during the Australian summer.38. There was nothing left.剩下的 39. under control/way

8、/repair/discussion/consideration在。之中make repairs/arrangements/preparations40. Is your father a teacher?Well, he used to be.41. Did he use to get up at six?Yes, he used to.42. TV series 电视连续剧43. a copy一份44. make oneself understood45. his health problem46. If you are not careful = unless you are caref

9、ulIf you arent quickIf you dont hurry upWhen you are spoken toUnless Im invited47. steal a wallet from a ladyrob a lady of a wallet48. My room needs / requires / wants cleaningto be cleaned49. warn his of the dangerwarn sb. to be carefulwarn sb. not to smoke50. Dont waste time doing sth.51. Its a wa

10、ste of time to so sth.52. in a way 在某种程度上53. Where do you think he lives?54. be angry with sth.55. lie lied lied 撒谎lie lay lain-lying 躺 (不及物动词)lay laid laid-laying放,下蛋 (及物动词)56. teach me French57. her best friendToms best friend58. We havent heard from him since last month.59. What useful info

11、rmation he has told me!How useful information you have offered me is !60. the latest news / song61. Im sure thatIm not sure if Are you sure that62. create creative creation 创造63. develop developing developed development64. occur occurred occurred (= happen)65. burn burning burnt burnt burned - burne

12、d66. long length- lengthen (v.加长)67. short shorten (v. 改短)68. wide width widely widen (v.拓宽)69. strong strength strengthen (v. 加强)70. hot heat heat (n.)heat (v.加热)71. expect unexpected 没有被预料到的72. warm warmth73. prefer preferredrefer referred 谈到,涉及到76. imagine imagination realize realization examine

13、examinationrecite recitation explain explanationpronounce pronunciationorganize organization exclaim exclamation prepare preparationconsider-considaration77. real really reality 现实invite invitationinvent invention78. his courage 勇气his encouragement 鼓励encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励79. environment environ

14、mental environmentallyautomatic automatically 自动的educational seasonalreason reasonable 公平的, 合理的accident 事故 by accidentally 偶然, 碰巧80. prefer preference81. die dead dying deadly death82. respond v. 反应 response n. 反应 responsible(负责的)83. choose chose chosen choice84. raise the flag / pets / flowers / qu

15、estionsbe raided85. rise from the chairThe river rose 5 feet.86. deep deeply depth87. include including88. improve improvementaccept acceptable 可以接受的89. his surprised look 感到惊奇的the frightened horse 感到害怕的90. prove seem +adj.91. Tom looked excited at Marys news / words.when he heard Marys news / words

16、92. The doctor did everything to save the drowning boy.what he could to save94. what to do what to do about it how to do it what to do next how to do the next how to do it next95. how to deal with = what to do with 处理96. Care must be taken. 小心Action must be taken.行动97. The cake is untouched.没有被接触过的9

17、8. read the text / poem aloud in a low / high / loud voicespeak a little louderDont speak loudly.99. What useful news!How useful news is !What useful news it is !What useful news he has told me !How useful news he has told me is !100. Shanghai has changed a lot in the past few years.101. The courses

18、课程 in our school are changed102. The number of the students in our school has changed.103. He was asked whether it would rain this afternoon.104. He is asked whether it will rain this afternoon.105. He was invited to dinner tomorrow.106. Why did you keep silent when you were spoken to?107. I knew no

19、ting about it until I was told.108. What does he look like?109. the girl in redthe girl in a red coat110. Please wait for me at the bus stop.111. He is waiting for the bus.112. Please wait in line.113. Please wait until I come back.114. Look, Mike has drawn a picture on the wall. He drew it just now

20、.115. Please wait for me to play with you.116. his anger117. his hunger118. Could you tell me what is the matter (with you)?what is wrong (with you)?what is the trouble (with you)?what your trouble is ?which is the way to the post office?who you are? who is the man over there? what the population of

21、 China is119. fight flight lightninggive sb a frightThe news frightened the little boy.The frightened boy is frightened at the frightening film.121. Computers come in all sizes.122. Do you have jeans of my size?123. on a hot summer day124. one hot summer day125. be shortened be widened126. Tom must

22、study hard, mustnt he?127. Tom must be in the teachers office, isnt he?128. Tome must be reading in the room , isnt he?129. It may have rained last night, didnt it?130. It must have rained last night, didnt it?131.His handwriting is far/much/still/a lot/even better than I.132. Wang Hai is in charge

23、of sports in his class. Wang Hais job is to be in charge of sports in his class.133. His job at the moment is to organize the sports meeting. His job now is to organize the sports meeting.135. You will use it at some time in the future 在某个时候 sometime136, attend school = go to school 上学137. decide to

24、 do = make a decision to do =make up ones mind to do =be determined to do 138. Black caught cold two minutes ago . Black has had a cold since two minutes ago. Black has had a cold for two minutes.139. They began to learn German two years ago.=They have learned German for two years.140. They got to k

25、now each other two years ago. =They have known each other for two years.141. pay the postage / the bus driver / the rent142. pay two yuan for the postage pay for what I have done for you.143. pay money to the government.144. pay with a credit card / by credit card145. two hours (how long)146. two ho

26、urs ride (how far)147. twice (how many times)148. twice a week (how often)149. since 1950 (since when=since which year)150. since yesterday (how long)151. prevent people from polluting the river152. prevent the river from being polluted153. He is forgetful.154. an unforgettable thing155. How long ha

27、ve you been in Shanghai?156. How many times have you been to Shanghai?157. so many books158. so much bread159. so few books160. so little bread161. such a little cat = so little a cat162.such nice books163. such interesting news164. such an interesting book = so interesting a book165.have sth done=g

28、et sth done have you baby looked after have the baby crying=keep the baby crying have sb do=let sb sb=make sb do=get sb to do167. What does Jeffi look like?168. How does Jeffi look?169. college expenses 大学费用170. too told for anyone to swim any of us any one of us171. at the expense of long term mala

29、ise172. The meeting will last for 2 hours.持续 lasting (adj.) 永久的 The experience had a lasting effect on him.173. hesitate to do 犹豫做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫174. Mr. Li is ill today. Mr. Wang will take his lesson instead.代课175. in the nineteen thirties 在二十世纪三十年代176. Tom is absent from class 缺席177. To

30、ms absence from class made her angry.178. swim across the English channel179. go through the forest / door / tunnel go across the road/the street/field/grass180. by accident = accidentally 碰巧182. take an active part in sports 积极参加 take part in sports actively be active in sports183. This is the place which he visited yesterday. This is the place where he was born This is the place in which he was born. This is the place that / which/. he was born in.184. This is the day which h

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