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暮光之城 2剧本中英文对照版DOC.docx

1、暮光之城 2剧本中英文对照版DOC暮光之城 2: 新月 The Twilight Saga 2: New Moon 双语剧本 These violent delights have violent ends,“那些狂暴的快乐会产生狂暴的结局”and in their triumph die, like fire and powder,“如同火和火药的亲吻”which, as they kiss, consume.“在最得意的一刹那烟消云散” 罗密欧与朱丽叶Gran?祖母?Edward, dont! Shell see you.Edward,不要!她会看到你Okay.好吧Gran, Id lik

2、e you to meet.祖母,我想要见见Happy birthday, Bella.生日快乐,BellaHappy birthday.生日快乐I thought we agreed, no presents.不是说好了不要礼物的么Well, the one from mes not wrapped, so it doesnt count.哦,我给你的这个没有包装 所以并不算Thats actually great. Thanks, Dad.看起来真不错,谢谢老爸It goes with this one from your mom. We coordinated.还有这个是你妈妈给你的 我

3、们商量好的Well, she coordinated me.实际上,是她配合我Its to put your pictures in from senior year.这个是用来存放 你毕业这一年的照片Senior year.都要毕业了啊- Howd you get so old so fast? - I didnt. Its not that old.- 你怎么长得那么快啊? - 哪有啊,还没那么老吧I dont know. Is that a gray hair?不知道,是根白头发么?No. No way.不会吧,不可能Happy birthday.生日快乐Thats really fun

4、ny.真好笑啊!Another missing hiker brings the total to three presumed dead.又有一名驴友下落不明 目前失踪人数已达3人Rangers are searching for the killer animal.警方正在全力追捕行凶的野兽Situations all criticalSituations all criticalYouve got to look first before you goYouve got to look first before you goIts Bella. Bella!Bella来了,Bella!-

5、 Hi. - Im.- 好啊 - 我Todays the big day, Bella.今天可是个大日子啊,BellaR and J essay due.有两篇论文要交了- Oh, yeah. - Wherefore art thou, Bella?- 恩,没错 - 汝从何而来,Bella?Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like,我给你们拍个照吧 我妈妈想让我照些照片a scrapbook full of memories.然后做成一个载满回忆的相册- Oh. - Cool. Yeah.-

6、 哦 - 好啊,没问题I take them. Im not in them.拍他们吧,我就算了- No, no, no, come here. - Well, you are today.- 不,不,一起来吧 - 一起照一张吧Youll photoshop this if my nose looks big, right?如果我鼻子照的太大的话 帮我PS一下怎样?Dont worry, Im in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys.别担心,只要我在照片里边 没有人会在意你们的Thats good.好极了Oh, good. Cull

7、ens here.看那边,Cullen来了Well, talk to you later.一会再聊- Happy birthday. - Dont remind me.- 生日快乐 - 我知道啊Mmm.恩Bella, your birth is definitely something to celebrate.Bella,你的生日一定要好好庆祝一番- Yeah, but my agings not. - Your aging?- 恩,我已经变老了? - 你老了?I think 18 is a little young to start worrying about that.我觉得18岁就开

8、始考虑那个 会不会有点太早了Its one year older than you.总比你大一岁吧No, it isnt. Im 109.不可能,我已经109岁了Well, maybe I shouldnt be dating such an old man.或许我不应该和这么老的男人约会- Mmm. - Its gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed.- 恩 - 很显然,我已经被彻底征服了Uh-huh.哦,呵呵- We have to go to class. - Okay.- 我们去上课吧 - 好的Wait a second.等一下Someone wa

9、nts you.有人要见你- Bella! - Jacob!- Bella! - Jacob!What?怎么啦?Ill leave you to talk.你们慢慢聊Hello, biceps! You know, anabolic steroids are really bad for you.好啊,肌肉男! 激素可不是什么好东西啊Well, Im just filling out, Bella.我只是在发育,BellaYou know, it wouldnt seem so drastic if we hung out more.如果我们多出去玩几次 就不会见面老顶嘴了You should

10、 switch schools. You can come hang out with the palefaces.你应该换个学校了 就可以和那些白人出去玩了Im all right. I prefer the rez schools exclusivity.我很好 我更喜欢保留区的学校They let any old riffraff into this place.这儿的学校什么样的人都有- I see. Then why are you slumming it? - Mmm-hmm.- 我明白了,那你怎么? - 恩I was just buying a part for the Rabb

11、it.我在买一些车的零件You should really come take a ride when its done.等弄好了你真该过来开开我的车Is it fast?它很快吗?Um.恩Its decent.还不错- Im kidding. - Okay. Good.- 开玩笑啦 - 哦,没关系Hey, happy birthday.生日快乐!Your dad told my dad, so.你爸告诉我爸的,所以Yeah, of course he did.哦,他当然说了I saw this the other day and thought of you.前些天我看到这个 然后想到你老做

12、噩梦Catches bad dreams.驱走噩梦Thats kind of perfect.真是太棒了Thank you.谢谢No problem.不用客气- Good seeing you. - Yeah, Ill see you later.- 见到你真高兴 - 改天见Bye.再见So how come Jacob Black gets to give you a gift and I dont?Jacob Black都来给你送礼物 而我却没有?Because I have nothing to give back to you.因为我没什么可给你Bella, you give me e

13、verything just by breathing.Bella,你已经通过呼吸给了我你的全部了See? Thank you.真的吗?谢谢- Thats all I want. - Bella!- 那都是我自愿的 - Bella!- Happy birthday! - Shh, shh!- 生日快乐! - 嘘,小声点!I thought I said no presents.我想我说过不要礼物的Ive already seen you open it, and guess what,我已经预先知道你打开它了 猜猜是什么you love it.你会喜欢的Youre gonna wear it

14、tonight. Our place.你今晚就戴上吧 去我们那里Come on. Please? Itll be fun.去吧,好吗? 一定会很有意思的- Okay. All right. - Great!- 好吧,我去 - 太好了!Okay, Ill see you at 7:00.好的,我们7点钟见Jasper, no fair with the mood control thing.Jasper,控制我的情绪不公平!Sorry, Bella. Happy.抱歉,Bella,生日快Never mind.还是算了吧You cant trust vampires. Trust me.不能相信吸

15、血鬼,真的!O my love! My wife!噢,我的真爱!我的妻子!Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath死神虽然吸干了你甜蜜的气息hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.却没有力量摧毁你的美丽Thou art not conquered.你没有被征服Beautys ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks.美丽的红旗仍然轻拂着你的嘴唇和面颊And deaths pale flag is not advanced there.死神的白旗

16、还未插到那里I hate being celebrated.我讨厌别人给我庆祝生日There are worse tragedies. I mean, look at Romeo.悲惨的结局 我是指罗密欧Killed his true love out of sheer stupidity.愚昧地杀死了他的真爱Yeah.没错Though I do envy him one thing.但是有一点我很羡慕他Juliet is, like, perfect.Juliet简直太完美了If you like that obviously beautiful sort of thing.如果你喜欢那神话

17、般美丽的东西Not the girl, the suicide.不是喜欢她,是她的殉情Its nearly impossible for.对某些人来说 几乎不可能For some people.For humans, a little poison,对人类而言,一小瓶的毒药a dagger to the heart.刺向心脏的匕首Theres so many different options.有那么多不同的选择Why would you say that?你为什么要那么说?Because I had to consider it once.因为我曾有过同样的经历I didnt know if

18、 Id get to you in time.我不知道我是否能及时地救下你I had to come up with some kind of plan.我不得不做出一些计划What was the plan?什么计划?That Id go to Italy and provoke the Volturi.我想去意大利激怒Volturi家族- The what? - The Volturi.- 什么? - Voltur家族Now, whod like to repeat the last few lines of iambic pentameter接下来谁来为大家 重复一下最后几句台词just

19、 to show they were paying attention?看看他是否专心上课Mr. Cullen?Cullen先生?Yes, Mr. Berty.好的,Berty先生O here will I set up my everlasting rest“这儿,啊,我要在这儿永远安息and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world-wearied flesh.“从我这厌恶人生的躯体上挣脱厄运的奴役Eyes, look your last.眼睛,最后再看一次Arms, take your last embrace!“手臂,最后

20、用报一次吧And, lips, O you, the doors of breath,“嘴唇,啊!气息的大门seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death!“用一个合法的吻跟贪婪的死神 订立一份永久的合同“Eyes on the screen, people.同学们,上课要专心ROMEO: Thus with a kiss I die.“在死之前给我最后一吻”The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family.Volturi家族非常古老 力量非常强大I guess

21、theyre the closest thing to royalty my world has.是我们种族里类似王室的家族- Is that Carlisle? - Yeah.- 那是Carlisle? - 是的He lived with them for a few decades.他和他们一起住了几十年Described them as very refined. No respect for human life, of course,说他们很文雅 当然,并不在乎人类的性命but a respect for the arts and the sciences, at least.但起码

22、尊重艺术和科学And the law.还有法律Above all, the law.高于一切的法律Vampires have laws?吸血鬼也有法律?Not very many.不是很多And only one thats regularly enforced.只有一条是必须遵守的What is it?是什么?That we keep the existence of our kind a secret.确保我们的存在不为人知We dont make spectacles of ourselves,我们不能让自己太引人注目and we dont kill conspicuously.杀戮不能

23、太明显Unless, of course, you want to die.当然,除非你自己想死You gotta stop talking about that.别再说这个了I cant even think about someone hurting you.我简直不敢去想有人会伤害你Bella, the only thing that can hurt me is you.Bella,唯一能够伤害我的只有你And I dont have anything else to be afraid of.其他的我都不怕Thats not true.可事实并非如此Victoria? Shell c

24、ome for me one day.Victoria?总有一天她会来找我Alice will see when she decides, and well be ready.Alice会提前预感到的 我们会做好充分准备I could protect you我可以保护你if you change me.如果你把我变成吸血鬼Bella, you already do protect me.Bella,你已经在保护我了Youre my only reason你是我继续活下去的唯一理由to stay alive,if thats what I am.我为此而生But its my job to pr

25、otect you.我的职责就是保护你From everyone except my sister.不受任何人伤害 除了我的妹妹Its time! Its time. Its time. Its time!开始了!时间到了!要开始了!Your lips are nettlesYour lips are nettlesYour tongue is wineYour tongue is wineYoure left as liquid But your bodys pineYoure left as liquid But your bodys pineSorry about all this.真的

26、不好意思- We tried to rein Alice in. - As if that were even possible.- 我们本应该管住Alice的 - 看起来是不可能了- Happy birthday, Bella. - Thanks.- 生日快乐,Bella - 谢谢I found it in your bag. You mind?在你包里找着的,不介意吧?Dating an older woman. Hot.姐弟恋,很新潮嘛- What? - You first, Rosalie.- 怎么了? - 你先来,RosalieIts a necklace. Alice picked

27、 it out.一串项链,Alice挑的Thanks.谢谢Show me the love.秀一下你们有多恩爱吧!This ones from Emmett.这是Emmett送你的Already installed it in your truck.已经装在你的卡车上了Finally a decent sound system终于有个像样的音响了- for that piece of. - Hey! Dont hate the truck.嘿!又不是车的错Open Esme and Carlisles.看看Esme和Carlisle送你什么了Just a little something to

28、 brighten your day.能让你开心的小玩意儿Yes, youve been looking kind of pale lately.没错,我们觉得你最近脸色不大好Ow.哇Paper cut.被纸划伤了Jaz, Jaz. Its okay. Its just a littleJaz,Jaz,放松点 只是一点blood.血Get Jasper out of here.把Jasper带出去Im sorry, I cant.抱歉,我得出去了Ill have to stitch this up in my office.去我办公室 我得给你缝合一下Check on Jasper.去看看Ja

29、sperIm sure hes very upset with himself,他肯定对自己特失望and I doubt hell listen to anyone but you right now.恐怕现在除了你他没人能听得进去Edward.Edward- I never wanted to have a party. - Its not your fault.- 我从来就没想过办聚会 - 不是你的错Jasper hasnt been away from human blood as long as the rest of us.Jasper还没像我们一样长时间远离人血How do you

30、 do it?你怎么做到的?Years and years of practice.年复一年的磨练Did you ever think of just doing it the easy way?你有没有想过让它顺其自然呢?No.没有I knew who I wanted to be. I wanted to help people.我知道我想成为什么样的人 我想帮助人类It brings me happiness, even if I am damned regardless.这能带给我快乐 即使受到诅咒在所不惜Damned?诅咒?Like hell?比如说,下地狱?Carlisle, you couldnt be damned.Carl

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