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1、牛津小学英语五年级5A第2单元教案集体备课牛津小学英语五年级5A第2单元教案集体备课 Unit 2 The 1 perid (Date: )教学内容教学目标知识和能力1、 能正确理解、掌握对话内容、并能朗读、初步表演对话。2、 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇a stud、 a bedr、a all、a dr、a bed3、 能正确地听、说、读、词汇large、near、live4、 能正确地听、说、读、句型hats in / n / under / behind/? Theres a /an in / n/under /behindThere are sein/n/under /behindThe

2、re isnt a/an There arent an 过程和方法让学生学习有关“家庭设施”方面的词汇以及There be句型,使用直观教具,让学生自备家庭平面图,促使每一位学生认真主动参与到教学活动中。情感态度与价值观本的学习要和学生的生活实际相结合,学完本,学生对家庭设施有了更多的了解,培养学生热爱家庭生活,培养学习英语的兴趣。xb1教学重难点教学重点:能正确理解、掌握对话内容、并能朗读、初步表演对话。教学难点:能比较流畅地朗读对话并能在掌握对话内容的基础上进一步表演对话。教学准备1 教师准备校园、家庭平面图等。2 录音机、磁带。3 学生准备一张家庭平面图。教学过程学生活动诊断与调整 AR

3、evisin1Free talGlad t see u Its the fifth da f the ne ter2复习第一单元句型,师提问,生根据实际情况回答: T:hats in ur shl?S: There is a building in shlT:H an lassrs are there ?S:There are T:Is there a puter r?S:es ,there is/ N,there isntT:Are there an reading rs in the building?S:es, there are /N, there arent T:herere the

4、 puter rs? S:The re n the send flrB Presentatin and pratie出示ang Ling家的新居平面图进行问答1复习单词a bathr, a bedr, a stud, a ithen, a dining-r, a sitting-r等 2借助图片,教师描述新居的情况。教学生词:live, largeT: This is ang Lings huse ,its big L ,There are three bedrs, t bathrs, a stud, a ithen, a dinning-r and a large sitting-r ang

5、 Ling and her parents live in this huse 3 根据图片自由问答 ,教学There isnt a /anThere arent an 请学生向教师提问,引出句型。S:Is there a stud/a ithen/a garden/a dinning-r in ang Lings huse? T:es, there is/N, there isnt a stud/a ithen/a garden/a dinning-r in ang Lings huseS:Are there an bedrs/ reading rs in it? T:es, there a

6、re/N, there arent an bedrs/ reading rs in it S:H an bedrs are there? T:There are4出示一张中国地图和ang Ling卧室的平面图,复习a ap f hina, 教学a ap f rld, all, n the all 对话引出介词near/in/na This is ang Lings huse Its large, ang Ling and her parents live in this huseb 指着ang Ling卧室图进行提问,教学介词nearheres the des?Its near the bed

7、教学hats in the bedr/n the all?引导学生回答:There,s a/There are se Read and sa1 再次出示本图片,请学生留意听对话录音。学生听整段对话,模仿跟读两遍。2 学生自读对话,教师巡视并给予个别指导。3 学生以四人小组为单位,分角色朗读对话。4 四人一组自由练习,表演对话。 请二至三组学生表演对话。D nslidatin1 学生出示家庭平面图进行自由问答。 2 示范表演。3 评选出优胜者。E Assign her1 听录音,朗读并表演对话。2 抄写要求四会掌握的单词和句子。3 后参观同学家庭,了解这些家庭的家庭设施,并用英语向全班报告。Ta

8、l ith the teaherAnser the teahers questinsL at the pitures (挂图), as and anser in pairsSs l at the pitures,tr t as se questins lie thisSs l at the pitures,and listen t the teaher分组练习同桌根据图片内容自由问答。板书设计: Unit 2 A ne huseIs there a? es,there is N,there isntAre there an n/in/near the ?es,there areN,there

9、arenthats n/in/near the? NUnit 2 The 2 perid (Date: )教学内容教学目标知识和能力1 能正确地听、说、读、写词汇large、live、under、behind2 能正确地听、说、读、写句型hats in / n / under / behind? Theres a /anin/n/under/ behindThere are sein/n/under/behindThere isnt a/an There arent an 过程和方法直观教学与游戏教学相结合,让学生深刻记忆几个方位介词的用法与区别,并能灵活应用。情感态度与价值观通过本学习培养学

10、生精确的描述事物方位的能力,使学生更具有空间方向感,体会利用所学知识用于实际生活的成就感,进一步激发学习热情。教学重难点教学重点:介词under、behind的正确运用。教学难点:能把握住单词behind的重音,能正确使用介词in,n,under,behind。教学准备1 教师准备盒子、玩具兔子、图片。2 录音机、磁带。3 学生准备一张家庭平面图。4 分组竞赛的材料袋教学过程学生活动诊断与调整A Revisin1 出示图片进行对话。A: hats in ang Lings huse / bedr? B:There is a/There are se A:Is there a/Are there

11、 an in/n/nere? B: es, there is/ N, there arent2 抢答。教师出示图片数秒,学生抢答,说得多者为优胜者。B Presentatin and pratie1 教学介词: under、behind教师出示一只玩具兔子和一个盒子进行问答,引出介词under、behind。T: hats this in English ? S: Its a rabbitT: here is the rabbit ? S: Its in / n the bxT: Is it in / n the bx ? (变化位置)S: (Help t anser) Its under /

12、 behind 2pare: behind通过听读训练,让学生感知单词的重音所在。3 Drill:教师说口令,学生做动作。学生边做边说。 Sa a rhe 1 投影出示小诗, 2 听录音跟读。3 Read it ut4 Rerite the rhe (注重培养学生进行创造性思维能力。) eg D u lie huse/ Little use?Heres the sitting - r, theres the sfa Heres the bedr, theres the hairD nslidatin1 分组竞赛。a 教师把四张有窗户的卧室图分给四小组,让学生按教师的指令布置房间。如教师说The

13、res a bed near the ind Theres a des near the sfa Theres a ap n the all Theres a telephne behind the bs n the des Theres a ball behind the dr There are se shes under the bed 等。 2 完成练习册听力部分。E Assign herer1 抄写本单元所学的要求四会的单词。2 根据情景,表演对话。 Tal ith the teaher学生抢答Pla the gae ,guss!Listen and da学生试读。b听录音跟读。Re

14、ad it uta学生逐个把有关的图贴上去。b 根据卧室图进行问答 学生对照图进行整体描述。板书设计: Unit 2 A ne husehats n/in/near/under/behind the?There is a There are se Unit 2 The 3 perid (Date: )教学内容教学目标知识和能力1 进一步掌握句型 hat s in/ n/ under / behind?及其回答There is a in/ n/ under/ behind/ There are se in/ n/ under/ behind。2 能正确掌握词汇 a dr 以及介词的用法3 熟读对

15、话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。过程和方法使用生喜爱的玩具进行方位介词的巩固联系,避免产生重复操练的枯燥乏味。情感态度与价值观体会利用所学知识用于实际生活的成就感,激发学习热情教学重难点教学重点:进一步掌握句型 hat s in/ n/ under / behind?及其回答There is a in/ n/ under/ behind/ There are se in/ n/ under/ behind。教学难点:熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。教学准备l 磁带和录音机 2 实物:玩具狗,具用品等 3 单词卡片 4 挂图、E 教学过程学生活动诊断与调整Aaring up:1

16、 Sing “D u lie huse?”2 Free tal and revisin1) Greetings2) L at the piture f the text and anser the questinsH an rs are there in huse?hat are the?3) Read the text tgether B Presentatin and pratie1Revie the rds:T: hats in the piture? (shing the rd piture)S: There is a in the piture2Pratie:T: hats in t

17、he bx?S: There is a t dg in the bx(the sae ethd t pratise it)T: hats under the b?S: There are se pens under the b板书: hat s in/ n/ under / behind?There is a in/ n/ under/ behind。There are se in/ n/ under/ behind。 Learn 1 Suarize the usage f the sentenes(pa attentin t the rd se)hat s in/ n/ under/ beh

18、ind?There is a in/ n/ under/ behind。There are se in/ n/ under/ behind。2 Students l at the piture f Part and as questins3r in pairs t finish the pitures f Part 4Read Part E b urselves and tr t understand Explain the dialgue and tr t at itDHave a ditatin f the rdsEHer1) ae a ne dialgue (tal abut ur be

19、dr)2) D se ritten r Sing the sngAnser the questinsL at the piture f the text and anser the questinsa Read theb pratise thse sentenes using the things in the lassrStudents l at the piture f Part and as questinsHave a ditatin f the rds板书设计: Unit 2 A ne husehats n/in/near/under/behind the?There is an/i

20、n/near/under/behind There are se n/in/near/under/behindUnit 2 The 4 perid (Date: )教学内容教学目标知识和能力1复习本单元所学词汇。 2熟练掌握会说、会读、会写句型:There isnt a/an There arent anHere is a /an fr u Here are se fr u3能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语。 4了解元音字母a在单词中的读音。过程和方法培养分组合作,小组交流,自主学习习惯,表演法、讨论法和直观教学相结合。情感态度与价值观体会英语中的幽默元素,感受学习英语带的喜悦,激

21、发进一步学习英语的动力。教学重难点教学重点:熟练掌握会说、会读、会写句型:There isnt a/an There arent anHere is a /an fr u Here are se fr u教学难点:根据所给情景正确使用 There isnt a/an There arent anHere is a /an fr u Here are se fr u教学准备1PartD,,G 挂图 2几张已学过的表示地点的图教学过程学生活动诊断与调整ASing “D u lie huse?” BFree tal and revisin 1Greetings 2At part E Pratie F

22、 1T: L, there is a b n the des There isnt a pen n the des 2板书句型:There isnt a in/ n/ under/ behind/near T: h an ae se sentenes? S: There isnt a rubber in penil bx T: Heres a rubber fr u 3T: L, there are se penils n the des There arent an rulers n the des 板书句型:There arent an in/ n/ under/ behind T: h

23、an ae se sentenes? S: There arent an pens in penil bx T: Here are se pens fr u 4As and anser in pairs arding t the pitures L at the piture f partD and ae se sentenes 6As se students t atDListen and repeat 1Teaher shs the piture f Part G, students anser hats in the pitures 2Teaher puts the rds n the

24、blabard, giving prinene t “a “ a æ bla happ hat rabbit ED exerises: Finish the exerises in the rb FHer 1)p the sentenes f part D 2) ntinue t ae a ne dialgue iitating E Revie the rds and expressins, prepare fr the ditatinSing the sngGreetings ith the teaherae se sentenes,tal ith the teaherPrati

25、se ith the statineriesPratise ith the statineriesaAs and anser in pairs arding t the pituresbr in pairs ,as and anserListen and repeat1) Thin abut ther siilar rds 2) Listen t the tape and read after it板书设计:Unit2 A ne huse There isnt a/an There arent an a æ bla happ hat rabbit Unit 2 The perid

26、(Date: )教学内容教学目标知识和能力1 通过复习,能熟练地掌握本单元所学的介词和有关家庭设施类单词。2 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语过程和方法游戏法,练习法,先复习后作业,实现知识在理解基础上的应用,达到有效地巩固和转化情感态度与价值观培养发散思维能力,养成学英语用英语的习惯,以游戏激发学习热情。教学重难点教学重点:1 能熟练地掌握本单元所学的介词和有关家庭设施类单词2能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。教学难点:培养学生的综合运用语言的能力。教学准备1 教师准备一只玩具老鼠、E F两部分的图片等。2 学生准备一张家庭平面图。教学过程学生活动诊断与调整A Free

27、talae the dialgue f A Read and saB L and read1 出示图片,指导学生看图,体会其中的幽默。2教师提问T: heres the use in Piture 1 /2 / 3 S: Its in / n / under / behind / near3 教师分别出示各图,要求学生用Theres a use in / n / under / behind / 4 教师出示一只玩具老鼠让一学生随意放,并提问,学生根据实际情况抢答。T: heres the use n ?S: Its near shlbag Find the differenes1 出示图片,

28、学生相互提问认读图上的各个物品,注意名词的单复数形式。2 教师根据图画内容作出示范:Theres a table in Piture 1 There isnt a table in Piture 2There are se eggs in Piture 1 There arent an eggs in Piture2 3小组竞赛,看哪组说得又快又准确。D nslidatin 创设到同学家作客,参观同学的新居或卧室。用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语表演对话。并能将之以前所学的内容联系起。E Assign her1 抄写本单元所的四会单词和句子,并能默写。2 背诵并表演L and read。There is a学生创设情景改变或自编对话。a 学生示范表演。b 自由表演。学生看图,思考,根据图片内容回答:: Its in / n / under / behind / nearAs and anser 相互提问认读图上的各个物品同桌讨论,找出不同之处。分组练习。板书设计: Unit2 A ne huse There is aThere isnt a/an There are se There arent an

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