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1、三年级起点第一册第二模块三年级起点第一册第二模块 dule 2 Intrdutins一、Teahing ais: 1Have the hld the reading f unit 12Hld the intrdutins:hell,hi,h are u?3Hld the ain sentene pattern f unit 2:gd afternn4Listen and sing a sngGd rning SaFinish the exerises n the Ativit B二、Teahing Ephases:1The hlding f the intrdutins2The ain sen

2、tene pattern f Unit 1三、Teahing Diffiulties:The rret prnuniatin f the rds:afternn,nae四、Teahing Ideas:Have the students n the as t intrdue theselves五、Teahing Tls:pitures,tape rerder,assettes六、Teahing sures:The different as f intrdutins in Aeria and the U七、Teahing perids: 4 perids八、Teahing urse: Perid

3、1Teahing ais:Have ss hld the intrdutins f the dialgue in unit 1Teahing urse:(一) rganizatin:1 Sing an English sng:Hell,hell2 D the atins(二)aerThe teaher stands at the dr and greets the students as the e int the lassrT:hellHi,SaThe teaher stands in frnt f the lass and greets all the students again and

4、 prpts the t anser(三)Ne lessns:Ativit 1:Listen and pint:T:lets pla a gaeThe teaher explains that the have t greet their lassates ne againIf the first student sas “Hi”,the ther student has t sa “hell”The send student sas “hi”if the first student sas “hell”The teaher des an exapleT:Hi lass:Hell Sh the

5、 pitures f this unit and enurage the t tell the str ith iaginatin as uh as the anLearn t sa the ne rds and expressins:Fine身体很好 b男孩子 girl女孩Have the n the eaning f theRead the after the teaherRead the ne b ne and ath the reading spead f thehe the reading up and rret the prnuniatinsAtivit 2:Read the ne

6、 sentenes and at the ut-H are u?-I fine,t And h are u? -I fine tThan uHave Ss hld the eaning f the abveTr reading the flling the teaherPratise the in desatesRead the ne b ne fr 2 tiesPla the tape rerder and have the fll ithe up and rret the prnuniatinRead the tgether n bsAt the dialgue ut in grups(四

7、)Suing up:eve gt uh intrdutins this lass and ened urselves,right?(五)Her:Read the ne sentenes flling the tape rerder and ae a ne free tal(六)Bardrds design:dule 2 Unit 1 Intrdutins-H are u?-I fine,t And h are u? -I fine tThan u(七)Suing after the lass: Perid 2Teahing ais:Have ss hld the dialgue in unit

8、 2Teahing urse:(一)rganizatin:1Sing an English sng2at it ut:intrdue theselves t eah ther(二)arer:Pla a gae:The teaher explains that he/she is ging t sa different greetingsand fareellsThe students have t respnd ith siilar greetings f fareellsThe gae ntinues ith the teaher saing the greetings faster and

9、 faster(三)Ne lessns:tivit 1:Listen and pint:T: L at ur bs,pleaseThe teaher ass the students t desribe the pitures in hinese<Sa greets t rLi,and r Li ass hi that “hats ur nae?”T:lse ur bs,pleaseN listenPla the tape and repeat itThe teaher plas the tape again,pauses it after eah utterane and the st

10、udents repeat the stateentspen the bs and pint and saThe teaher plas the tape again and the students pint t the apprpriate pitures and sa the sentenesT:Gd afternn (The teaher repeats the greetings) S:Gd afternn (The teaher prpts the students t respnd)S1:H are u?T:I fine,than uT:hats ur nae?S2:I saTh

11、e teaher has anther student as the questinAtivit 2:At it utT:L at Ativit 1 again,pleaseN pint and saRead the dialgue after TListen t the tape and fllr in pairs ad at it ut(四)Suing up:eve gt re intrdutins this lass(五)Her:Read the ne sentenes flling the tape rerder and ae a ne free tal(六)Bardrds desig

12、n:dule 2 Unit 2 hats ur nae? I saGd afternn(七)Suing after the lass: Perid 3Teahing ais:1Learn t sing a ne sng:gd rning,Sa2D the exerises n the ABTeahing urse:(一)rganizatin:1Sing an English sng:ne t three fur sng2at it ut(二)Revisin:Free tals:have t r three grups f lass have a free tal t revie the int

13、rdutins learned befreRead the dialgue learned in last lass(三)Ne lessns:Ativit 1:Listen and sa,then sing and d the atinsBefre singing the sng:The teaher ass the students t desribe the pituresThe teaher explains that the are ging t listen t a snghile singing the sng: The teaher plas the tape ne r tieT

14、hen have lass listen and sing,After singing the sng:The teaher ies shaing hands and then aves at the students fr the drThe students shae hands ith a partner and then ave t the teaherAtivit 2:Listen and irle:pen the ativit bs and l at the pituresThe teaher ass the students t desribe the pitures in hi

15、neselse the bs and listen t the tapeListen and irleThe teaher rrets it(四)Suing up:eve learned a ver seet ne sng and dne se interesting exerise(五)Her:Sing the ne sng t ur parents and listen t the tape tie(六)Bardrds design:dule 2 unit3 Gd rning,SaH are u?I fine,than u(七)Suing after the lass: Perid 4Te

16、ahing ais:1Pla the gae n the SB and at the ut2Finish the exerises n the ABTeahing urse:(一)rganizatin:1Sing an English sng:Gd rning,Sa2d the atins t revie the rds(二)arer:Free tals:have t r three grups f lass have a free tal t revie the dialgue learned befre Revie the hle dialgue and he the reading up

17、 ne b ne(三)Ne lessns:Ativit 1:Gae:Pla and sa:pen the students bs and the teaher pints t ne student and sa,then pints antherThe teaher explains the gaeT:gd rning!(T greets t bs!)Bs:gd rning,girlsGirls:gd rning,bsThen have the r in grups f furPla the gaeAtivit 2:listen and ath:The teaher ass the stude

18、nts t desribe the pituresThe teaher ass the students hat the thin the have t dListen t the tape and dIf it is t diffiult t get the students t identif the haraters initiall,the teaher shuld pint and sa the naes and the students an repeat theListen again and ath the pituresAtivit 3:At it utHave Ss ath

19、 the pitures n page 8 n their bsExplains t the students and have the lear theRead the sentenes after the teaherThen prepare t at it ut in grupsAt it ut(四)Suing up:eve finished ding se interesting exerises and ated it ut nderful(五)Her:Revie the hle dule,read the dialgue and listen t the tape(六)Bardrds design:dule 2 unit 3Hell,I Xiaqianghats ur nae?Hi,I Lili(七)Suing after the lass:

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