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高中英语第二册上Unit3 Art and architecture 练习与解析2.docx

1、高中英语第二册上Unit3 Art and architecture 练习与解析2Unit3 Art and architecture 练习与解析2单项填空1He seems to like me but I cant the sight of him.A. take B. hold C. stand D. make解析 题意是“他似乎喜欢我,但我不能忍受看见他”。cant stand “不能忍受”.2Did they live European style when they were in Japan?A. in B. on C. with D. to解析 instyle “以方式”。答案

2、A3Will you drop in at my house this afternoon if ?A. it is convenient for youB. you are convenientC. it is convenient of youD. you sill be convenient解析“在你方便的时候”,用if/when it is convenient for you.答案A4She missed the plane, driving very fast to the airport.A. despite B. unless C. though D. without解析 de

3、spite是介词,后接动名词,意为“尽管,虽然”。答案A5 Their country has plenty of oil; ours has none.A. While B. When C. Before D. Where解析 题意是“他们的国家有丰富的石油,而我们国家却没有”。while可作“但是,而”解答案A6They used to take their holidays in their own country foreign countries.A. in favour of. B. in preference to C. in honour of D. in spite of解析

4、 题意是“他们过去常在自己的国家度假,而不喜欢在国外”。In preference to 意为“优先于;喜爱甚于”。答案B7We saw the houses in the street in order to mane room for a large square.A. pulled off B. pulled upC. pulled down D. pulled in解析 pull down意为“拆除;拆掉”。答案C8They hurried back home only to fine their house into.A. break B. to break C. broken D.

5、 breaking解析 find sth. done是固定结构;break into与前面的house 是被动关系。答案C9 Doesnt Elaine want to see that movie/ Yes, but she says go tonight.A. shell rather not B. shed rather notC. shed not rather D. she wont rather解析 would rather后接动词原形,其否定或在would rather后加not.答案B10The house has been standing without use for m

6、onths.A. empty B. still C. quietly D. lonely解析 stand 后接形容词作主语补足语,表示主语的状态。答案A11A nest is to a bird a house is to a man.A. where B. how C. what D. when解析 A is to B what C is to D是固定句式。答案C12When he came to, he found himself on a chair, with his hands back.A. to sit; tied B. sitting; trying C. sat; tied

7、 D. sitting; tied答案find sb doing“发现某人在做某事”;hands与tie是被动关系,故用过去分词答案D13We do not feel to enter modern buildings; everything about then seems unfriendly.A. invited B. inviting C. to invite D. to be invited解析 feel后接形容词,此处用invited 表示主语we的感受。答案A14Im going to have my letters tomorrow if Ive got them ready

8、by then.A. to type B. type C. typed D. typing解析 此处是have sth. done结构。答案C15Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty in art and literature.A. expressed B. to express C. being expressed D. to be expressed解析 此处是have sth. done结构。答案A完形填空Grace Darling was a very brave girl. She lived in a

9、 lighthouse with her father.One night there was a 1 storm. A ship with sailors and passengers 2 the rocks and was destroyed. The 3 was so rough that the lighthouse keeper couldnt 4 his boat out to save 5 on board. All night long the waves were 6 on the ship and breaking it up. It did not seem that a

10、nybody could be 7 alive. The storm 8 all night long. When morning 9 , Grace Darling could see that a few people were still on the ship and 10 for help. So she 11 her father to go to save them . 12 she was only a young girl, she went with him and 13 him to row(划船).She didnt 14 of her own danger. All

11、she wanted was to save the 15 people on the wreck(残骸)。In the end, after a hard 16 , she and her father 17 them. It wasnt easy to get them on board the little boat, because they were nearly 18 with cold, and could hardly move. But at last Grace and her father 19 in taking the few 20 sailors and passe

12、ngers to the lighthouse. I t was because of Grace Darlings great courage that their lives were saved.1A. terrible B. hardly C. hard D. large解析 修饰storm的词用terrible,表示“很糟的,可怕的”答案A2A. touched B. hit C. knocked D. met答案B3A. storm B. sea C. rock D. ship解析 指大海的风浪大答案B4A. have B. send C. bring D. take解析 驾驶船出

13、海答案D5A. them B. those C. the ones D. people解析 代指被围困的那一些人。答案B6A. patting B. hitting C. beating D. striking解析 表示海浪连续不断的地拍打轮船。答案C7A. left B. thought C. hoped D. regarded解析 根据句意好像没有人能幸存下来,即活着被剩下来。答案A8A. happened B. passed C. lasted D. kept答案C9A. appeared B. calling C. welcoming D. waving答案C10A. running

14、B. calling C. welcoming D. waving解析 选做此题关键应抓住前面的谓语动词see,远处能看见的是挥手。答案D11A. persuaded B. warned C. suggested D. told解析 persuade sb. to do sth.“说服某人于某事”。答案A12A. Though B. As C. Even if D. But答案 A13A. asked B. helped C. watched D. wanted答案B14A. care B. think C. mind D. consider解析 think of sb. 习惯搭配,意为“为着

15、想”。答案B15A. lost B. hopeless C. poor D. sad解析 poor 在此处作为“可怜”之意。答案C16A. time B. fight C. battle D. struggle答案D17A. reached B. saved C. received D. served解析 reach此处意为“够得着”答案A18A. died B. frozen C. frightened D. hurt解析 be frozen with cold “冻僵了”。答案B19A. sailed B. settled C. started D. succeeded答案D20A. re

16、mained B. left C remaining D. leaving解析 “幸存的,残留的”,用remaining。答案C阅读理解 ANew ways of building are being tried out everywhere. There are many new shows to watch!In England, I saw a 17-story building made right on the ground. First, the workers dug a deep hole. They build the basement. This word was the

17、same as on any building. From then on, the work was not the same.On the ground, the men set 40 big jacks(千斤顶)。You know what a car jack does. It lifts a car. These big jacks were to lift each floor of the building. On top of the 40 jacks, the men first built a roof. Yes, the roof of the building!What

18、 next? The jacks lifted the floor one story high. The builders worked on this floor. It was not the bottom floor. It was on the ground them. But it was going to be floor 17. The jacks lifted floor 17.Under it, the workers built floor 16.They built it right on the ground, too.When floor 16 was done,

19、the jacks lifted it. Under floor 16,the men built floor 15.And so it went. The bottom floor of the building was made last.The work went quickly. Under the roof, the man worked even in rain or snow. They didnt need to climb to high places. And trucks brought things right to them.It took only one man

20、to work the jacks, He just pushed a button. Right away, the jacks began to lift.In the United States, also, some builders use big jacks. But the jacks are above the floors, not under them. The floors are made of concrete(混凝土)。They are made on the ground, one on top of another. Strong posts run throu

21、gh them.At first, the floors look like a beg pile of pancakes, as the picture shows. Then jacks at the top of the posts lift each floor into place. The top floor makes the roof.In Texas, I saw a roof made in a new way. A helicopter flew over the building, again and again. Each time, it stopped to pu

22、t a piece of the roof into place. The helicopter was like a bird building a nest.What a funny way to make a roof! But the helicopter built in one morning. To make a roof like this, builders take weeks.1What might people feel is the most special and interesting thing in the new ways of building?A. Th

23、e floor are made of concrete.B. The roof is built first and on the ground.C. Jacks are used for building.D. The building is completed in a short time.解析 从第三段最后一句之后的感叹号和第四段Not at all之后的感叹号可推测出这件事特别并使人感到有趣;而且确实是我们一般想不到的。答案B1 Which picture shows what the floors described in the 8th and 9th paragraphs l

24、ook like at first?解析 此文介绍了楼房建筑的一些新的方法,你可能闻所未闻,据文章第八、九段看出A是正确选项。答案A2 What can we infer about the new way of building the writer saw in England?A. The workers never needed to get to high places during the whole course of the building.B. The jacks were controlled by machines.C. The jacks were controlle

25、d by machines.D. Each floor was really one big piece.解析 文中讲,用千斤顶提楼板,一个人按电钮即可,可见是机器的力量。虽然文中说工人不必爬高,并不等于永远不用爬高,故A可排除。答案B3 What is the purpose of the writer in writing this passage?A. To suggest a new way of building.B. To show the advantages of modern machines.C. Just to introduce some new ways of bui

26、lding.D. To show the power of imagination.解析 综观全文,作者只是想让我们了解一下这些新奇的建筑方法。答案C BSome building designers are thinking about building whole cities under glass domes(圆顶) in the desert, Of course, those heating and cooling systems(系统)will be necessary to control the climate in the domes. However, there wil

27、l never be climate in the domes. However, there will never be any rain or snow, and the temperature will always be comfortable.Perhaps everyone will live in high vertical(垂直)cities that are so large that they can contain all the necessities of life. Since vertical cities will use less land than hori

28、zontal(水平的)cities, and provide homes for people, they will be practical for small countries that have large population.Another idea that will be helped to small countries and island countries is the floating city. Monaco has already built homes, stores, and offices on the water of the Mediterranean

29、Sea. And a Japanese designer has suggested a plan for constructing building on bridges over Tokyo Bay(湾)。There are some people who think we will go band to living in caves. But the caves of future will be very different from the caves of the Stone Age. Computers will control light and climate. Farms

30、 and parks will be on the land over the cave city. When people want to go to the country or a park, a shout ride in a lift sill take them there.1The text is mainly about .A. future life B. future citiesC. building designers D. how to save land解析 文中提到的 “whole cities under glass domes in the desert” “

31、high vertical cities” “floating cities”等都只是人们的设想,是对未来城市的想法。2What kind of city covers less land?A. The city under glass dome in the desert.B. The vertical city.C. The city in the desert.D. The horizontal city解析 从第二段第二句话可知答案。答案B3People living in can enjoy natural climate.A. the cities under glass domesB. either vertical cities or cave citiesC. both vertical cities and floating citesD. all the above cities except the underground cities解析 “the cities under glass domes”中的气候是由人造系统控制的。 “cave cities”中的气候是由计算机控制的。4Which of the drawing below gives the correc

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