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高一英语必修一 unit1 friendship 导学案.docx

1、高一英语必修一 unit1 friendship 导学案Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod 1 Vocabulary主备人: 审核人:高一英语组 使用时间:2016年9月 编号1一 学习目标:1. Students can read all the new words in unit1.2. Students are able to know the meanings of all the new words except those with “”.3. Students can use all the important black words.二 学习内容:Step Read

2、 all the new words in unit 1 for five minutes and meanwhile remember their meanings.Step II Important words. (5 minutes)1. upset _ _ 2. vt.忽视,不理睬 _ 3.calm_ 4.concern_ 5. adj.松的,松开的_ 6. German_ 7. adv.在户外_ 8. thunder _ 9. _ adj. 整个的,完全的_ adv. 10. 窗帘_ 11.dusty_ 12.power_ 13.settle_ 14.痊愈;恢复 _ 15. 十几岁的

3、青少年 _16确切地;正是_ 17不同意_18手提箱;_ 19感激的_ 20 tip_Step III Important phrases. (5 minutes)1. 合计 _ 2. (使某人)平静下来_ 3. 关心,挂念_ 4遛狗. _ 5. 经历,经受,仔细检查_ 6. 记下,写下,放下_ 7.一系列的,一连串的 _ 8. 故意地_ 9.为了做某事 _ 10. 在黄昏_ 11. 面对面地_ 12. 不再_13 遭受,患病 _ 14 对某事厌烦_15将打包 _ 16与某人相爱_ 17与相处;进展 _ 18加入;参加_Step IV Usage of key words and phrase

4、sNO .1 重点单词点击1. upset (1)vt _ (2) adj _His cheating in the exam upset his teacher. 翻译_Our plans were upset by the sudden change in the weather. 翻译:_I was very upset if you dont come .2.calm Calm down!There is nothing to worry about.The girl was so excited that they couldnt calm her(down).When facing

5、 danger,one should keep calm;when taken photos,one should keep still;when someone else is asleep,one should keep quiet;in class,one shouldnt keep silent about the teachers questions.3.concern My greatest concern is the development of our school.More and more people are concerned about healthy proble

6、ms. 归纳拓展: Be concerned about/for sth./ that-clause 为-担心;挂念 Be concerned with 与-有关系 As far as -be concerned 就-而言4.settleAs far as I know,they have settled in Beijing.Lets settle the date of the next meeting!Its time that you settled your differences with your father.归纳拓展:Settle down 定居;安静/安定下来 Settle

7、 into 习惯于,适应于5.suffer At least he died suddenly and didnt suffer.The people in flooded area are suffering (from) cold and hunger.The car suffered severe damage in the accident.Ms Kings legs were badly hurt and she suffered great pain.The factory suffered a great loss in the fire.uffer from+某种疾病No.2

8、短语精析1 add up Add up all the money I borrowed from you.He set down the weights of all the stones and then added them up.add to增加加;往里添加add up to总计;加起来等于 add that.补充说2. go throughAlthough he has gone through many difficulties,hes still happy. How long will it take you to go through the book?I w

9、ent through the students papers last night.The plan has gone through.3.set downYou dont have to set down all that our teacher said.You had better set down your idea before you forget it.Please set me down at the next corner.归纳拓展:set about (doing) sth.着手做某事 set off(for.)动身;引爆(炸弹等)set out(to do sth.)出

10、发;着手干 set up竖起;创设,开办4 on purposeIn my opinion,he didnt hurt you on purpose.I upset my drink on purposeI needed an excuse to leave the room. 归纳拓展for/with the purpose of 为了-目的 by accident/chance 偶然地,意外地 order to In order to catch the train,she got up early this morning.He deiced to work harder in

11、order to / so as to catch up with the others .We started early so that (in order that) we could catch the early bus.=We started early so as to (in order to) catch the early bus.=In order to catch the early bus, we started early.6.get/be tired of sth /doing归纳拓展Be tired from/with 因-而疲倦 be tired

12、of 厌倦某事You may get/be tired with/from studying,but you shouldnt get/be tired of it.7.get along with =get on with其后可用well,nicely,badly等修饰语How are you getting along with your new work? Quite well.Do you get along well with your new friends?I can get along well with my classmates.8.fall in love withThe

13、 first time Jack saw Rose,Jack fell in love with her.They have been in love with each other for five years.9.join in She started singing and we all joined in. Can you join us in singing?It is said that more than two hundred students have joined in the discussion. Step V 课堂检测(10 minutes)一写出下列短语1. 合计

14、_ 2. (使某人)平静下来_ 3. 关心,挂念_ 4遛狗. _ 5. 经历,经受,仔细检查_ 6. 记下,写下,放下_ 7.一系列的,一连串的 _ 8. 故意地_ 9.为了做某事 _ 10. 在黄昏_ 11. 面对面地_ 12. 不再_13 遭受,患病 _ 14 对某事厌烦_15将打包 _ 16与某人相爱_ 17与相处;进展 _ 18加入;参加_ 二 单选1 He was greatly_at the news that his father was seriously ill.Aangry Beager Cupset Dsad2 Mike_with Janet for over one y

15、ear before they got married.Ahad fallen in love Bhad been in loveChas fallen in love Dhas been in love3 In time of danger it s important for one to keep_.Aquiet Bcalm Cstill Dsilent4 The meeting was concerned_reforms and everyone present was concerned_their own interests.Awith;for Bwith;with Cfor;ab

16、out Dabout;with5 Were going to play basketball. Would you like to_?Ajoin Bjoin in Cattend Dtake part in6 Sorry,I cant go with you. Im_a serious headache.Asuffering Bsuffered Csuffering from Dsuffered from7 The police asked him to_the facts just as he remembered them.Aset about Bset down Cset up Dset

17、 out8 Look! The telephone is broken. Someone damaged it_purpose.That may be right. But perhaps it was broken_accident.Aon;by Bby;by Con;on Dby;on三 作业与练习:1背会课堂检测一中没有写出的短语2把课堂检测二中的错题补错。3预习阅读课文,熟读至少三遍。 Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod 2 Warming up and Reading- Annes Best Friend主备人: 审核人:高一英语组 使用时间:2013年9月 编号2一 学

18、习目标:1 Know what qualities a good friend should have through warming up.2 Know the background and get the main idea of the passage3. Finish the summary after learning the text.二 学习内容: Step I Warming up1. Do the survey and find the following useful phrases.1)have to pay to get it repaired _ 2) come to

19、 school very upset_3) go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down_4) have got to go to class _ 5) be concerned about_6) go on holiday _ 7) while walking the dog_8) pay the bill _ 9) take the end-of-term exam_10) cheat in the exam_ 11) should have studied_2 Learn what qualities a good friend should h

20、ave: honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, wise, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful,generous,loyal,patient,selfless,StepRead the passage quickly and complete the table. The time of the storyThe place of the storyThe heroine(女主人公) of the storyAnnes best friendThe length of time they hid away

21、The date of the diaryStepIII: Fast Reading Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text.1 According to Anne, a true friend is a person _.A that would laugh at you B who makes you happyC whom you can trust D who could save your life.2Anne said that she had grown crazy about nat

22、ure because_.Aher interest in nature Bshe had always been soCshe had been outdoors Dshe had been indoors long3 She didnt dare open the window when the noon was bright. Thats because _.A they might be discovered B her family might be disturbed C it was very good D a thief might get into the room.4 Wh

23、at kind of friends did Anne want best?A She wanted a friend who could help her when she was in difficulty.B She wanted a friend who could share her feeling and thoughts.C She wanted a friend who could laugh at her.D She wanted a friend who could keep a record of facts for her.5Why did Anne make Kitt

24、y her best friend?ABecause Kitty was helpful when Anne was in trouble.BBecause Anne and Kitty were neighbors from childhood.CBecause Kitty was also a Jewish.DBecause Anne had no other choices at that time.Step IV:Careful ReadingRead the passage carefully again and complete the summary.Anne was a lit

25、tle girl who lived in the Netherlands with her family. Because they were Jewish,they had to 1._ everywhere,2._ they would be caught by the German Nazis.3._ that time she had to regard the diary 4._ her only friend,because she thought the diary was a friend 5._ she could tell everything to,like her d

26、eepest 6._ and thoughts. And she neednt be afraid that it would 7._her,or just couldnt understand what she was 8._.In one of her diaries,she described how she felt after 9._ in the hiding place for over two years:I havent been able to be 10._ for so long that Ive grown so 11._ about everything 12._

27、with nature the sky,the song of the birds,the flowers,even the wind and the rain.Sadly,I am only able to look at 13._through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows. Its no 14._looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be 15._.三总结与反思:通过本篇课文的学习,你掌握了哪些阅读技巧?文章中还有哪些难句难点是你不理解的?四作业与练习:仔细阅读课文,完成Period 3学案中的重点短语和句子。Unit 1 FriendshipPeriod 3 Important ph

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