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1、八年级英语期末试题期末测试题听力测试(略)一、语音(10分)A从下列单词中找出其画线部分的读音与众不同的选项。(5分)1Ashout Bround Ccloudy Dcountry2Atooth Bcool Cfoot Dmooncake3Akill Bisland Cdiary Dwife4Aseason Bpleased Ceasily Dgreat5Aweather Bsouthern Cteeth DfarthestB根据所给音标完成句子。(5分)1.My mother was doing some cooking in the _.2Have you been to the _?3.

2、 Kate is my _. We often go to school together.4.From the small house came a girls _.5.In the end, they worked out a software _ with the old machine.二、按要求写出下列各词相应的形式(10分)1push(反义词) _ 2we(反身代词) _3run(现在分词) _ 4see(过去分词) _5easy(副词) _ 6cool(反义词) _7above(反义词) _ 8popular(最高级) _9tomato(复数) _ 10thick(反义词) _三

3、、选择能代替画线部分的正确答案(10分)1Mother went away and left her son alone.Aby herself BhimselfCby himself Dherself2They came at last.Alate Bat onceCat the end Din the end3Did you enjoy yourself at the party yesterday?Ahave a good meal Bhave a good timeChave a wonderful game Dhave a good rest4Im pleased to help h

4、er with her English.Agood BkindCsad Dglad5Take-away food is very popular.Ainteresting Bliked by many peopleCimportant Dread by many people6Dont worry. Youll be OK very soon.Aright BniceChappy Dwell7It was wet yesterday.Acloudy BwindyCsunny Drainy8We got to the shop at six.Areached BarrivedCgot Dleft

5、9She called me yesterday afternoon.Ashouted BphonedCtalked to Dgo to see10Im able to read English stories.Amay BcanCmust Dreed四、单项填空(10分)1They are talking and laughing _. How _ they look!Ahappy; happy Bhappily; happyChappily; happily Dhappy; happily2Would you mind turning down the music? _.AYes, I w

6、ould. BNo, I wont do it.CSorry. Ill do it right away DSony. Ill turn it up later.3He and his friends _ much time _ the work.Aspend; doing Bspent; doingCtook; to do Dcast; do4Mark Twain liked to tell funny stories _.Ato make people to laugh Bto make people laughingCto make people laughed Dto make peo

7、ple laugh5My brother drew _ picture yesterday.Aquite a nice Ba quite niceCquite nice a Da nice quite6He saw his dog _ out of the house.Ato go BgoCgoes Dwent7The old man was often _ at home, so he felt _ sometimes.Aalone; lonely Balone; aloneClonely; lonely Dlonely; alone8Could you tell me _?Awhere i

8、s it Bwhere was itCwhere it is Dit is where9Could you _ my son, please?Amake a room for Bmake room forCmake rooms for Dmakes room forl0The baby has slept _ half past one.Ain Bfor Csince Dafter五、完形填空(10分)Paris has a beautiful name, the City of 1 Do you know 2 it means? Many beautiful buildings are li

9、ghted at 3 . the street are very 4 When you 5 in Paris, you need not turn 6 your headlights even after dark.Paris is full of light all day and all night. But this is not the 7 reason for its beautiful name. For hundreds of years, Paris has been the centre of science and art. 8 scientists and artists

10、 have come to 9 here. For this reason also, people 10 it the City of Lights.1AFlowers BCars CLights DStars2Awhat Bhow Cwhere Dwhen3Anoon Bnight Cday Devening4Ablack Bdark Cnoisy Dbright5Awalk Bgo Cdrive Dlive6Aoff Bdown Cout Don7Aonly Bother Cany Danother8ANo BMany CFew DA few9Astudy Bdrive Cplay Dh

11、ave dinner10Amake Bcall Cbuild Dfind六、补全对话,每空一词(10分)A: What are you going to 1 in your summer 2 ?B: Ill go to my 3 town 4 my parents.A: Who will you 5 there?B: My grandparents. August 15th 6 my grandpas birthday.A: Oh, 7 will you get him?B: A big birthday cake 8 a new coat.A: I think youll have a go

12、od 9 .B: Im 10 we will.七、阅读理解(20分)A根据短文内容选择正确答案。There is a village, and in the village everybody is rich. They all have beautiful houses and nice clothes. They are good at business(经商). One day a young man comes to the village. He talks with a merchant(商人). Look, he says. You are all good businessme

13、n. What is the secret? The secret is this, answered the merchant. We eat a lot of fish, and the fish is good for our brain(大脑). It makes us clever. I see, says the young man, and what is the name of the fish? I dont know, says the merchant. But if you give me ten pounds, I can send you some. The you

14、ng man thinks it is a good idea. So he gives the merchant ten pounds and tells him his address(地址). Soon the young man receives a box. In the box there are three fish.After about a month the young man meets the merchant again. Thank you for the fish, he says, but listen. Ten pounds is very expensive

15、 for just three fish. Ah, you see! says the merchant. The fish is beginning to have an effect(效果). You are becoming clever!1People in the village are good at _.Afarm work BfishingCbusiness Dteaching2The merchant tells the young man that they _.Asell fish Beat fishCcatch fish Dkeep fish3The young man

16、 gives ten pounds to the merchant because _.Ahe needs a boxBhe wants to know the name of the fishChe wants to eat the fish and become cleverDhe is a rich man4The young man isAclever Bnot cleverCbright Dgreat5The story tells _.Athe merchant is cunning(狡猾)Bfish is clearCfish is deliciousDfish can real

17、ly make one cleverB根据文章内容判断正(T)误(F)。Today almost everyone knows computers and Internet(因特网). If I ask you What is the most important in your life? Maybe you will say Computes and Internet.The first computer was made in 1946 It was very big and it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller an

18、d smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, People cant live without computers today.Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, writ

19、e letters, buy something, or make friends.Many students like Internet very much. They often go to Internet bars(吧)as soon as they are free. There they make friends and maybe they have never seen these friends. They dont know their real names, ages, even sex(性别). They are so interested in making the

20、unreal friends that they cant put their hearts into study. Many of them cant catch up with the others on many subjects because of that. We can use computers and Internet to study or to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by compute

21、rs and Internet.1Internet cant be used for shopping.2When computer was invented, it was large and worked slowly.3Internet was born in about 1980.4Students know the friends in Internet very well.5The writer thinks that students can use computers and Internet to study or to learn more about the world.

22、八、书面表达(20分)A句型转换:按要求改写下列句子。(10分)1Hurry up, or youll be late for class again.(改为同义句)_ you _ hurry, _ _ be late for class again.2This problem is very difficult. we cant work it out.(合并为一句)This problem is _ difficult for us _ work out.3Tom has few friends in his class, _ _?(完成反意疑问句)4Mr Ii is busier tha

23、n all the other teachers.(改为同义句)Mr Li is _ _ teacher _ _.5He said, I live in Beijing.(改为间接引语)He said _ _ in Beijing.B书面表达:根据下列提示,写一个假条。(10分)你是王立,昨天你和同学们去农场帮助农民摘苹果,不幸从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你呆在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天。参考答案提示一、A1D 2C 3A 4D 5CB1kitchen 2church 3cousin 4voice 5programme二、1pull 2ourselves 3runni

24、ng 4seen 5easily 6warm 7below 8most popular 9tomatoes 10thin三、1C 2D 3B 4D 5B 6D 7D 8A 9B 10B四、1B 修饰动词要用副词happily; look是系动词,后跟形容词happy做表语,并用How修饰。2C3B spend时间或金钱(in)doing sth.结构。4D make sb. do结构,make是使役动词,用动词原形做宾补。5A quite a nice picture鈥溝嗟逼恋囊环潯6B see sb. do sth.用动词原形作宾补,表示看到事情发展的全过程。7A alone 鈥湹溃雷遭潱籰

25、onely鈥湽露赖模患拍拟潯8C 宾语从句用陈述语序。9B room做鈥溈占溻澖猓遣豢墒省10C 鈥渟ince时间点鈥澅硎锯溩源逾奔湟岳粹潯五、1C 只读上下句,无法判断此空的正确选择,只有通读全文,特别是文章最后一句点明the City of Lights。2A 疑问句代词what引导宾语从句,且在从句中作宾语。3B at night意为鈥溤谝估镡潱肮哂梅4D 从上下文可知。5C 由主句中的headlights可判定选C。6D 由even after dark推知选D, turn on意为鈥湸蚩潯7A 以上作者只找了一个原因,B、C、D显然不符合逻辑。8B 从全文分析,many最符合常理。9A 科学家和艺术家来巴黎是为了学习,深造。10B call it鈥湷浦潯六、1do 2holidays 3home 4with 5visit 6is 7what 8and 9time 10Sure七、A1C 村子里的人很会做生意。2B 商人告诉那个年轻人他们吃鱼。

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