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FA247Aen Alignment of hoist machineryBM起升机构安装和调整.docx

1、FA247Aen Alignment of hoist machineryBM起升机构安装和调整ALIGNMENT OF HOIST MACHINERY起升机构安装和调整Instruction describes generally the alignment of any kind of hoist machinery and boom hoist machinery. Hoist machinery of container crane (STS) is an example of this.该说明总述了各种起升机构和俯仰机构的安装和调整,以岸桥的起升机构为例。Inspection rep

2、ort of alignment shall be done and attached into quality documentation. Consult designing department, check all aligning values. Big attentions have to pay Brakes and their comissioning. Before installing any ropes to the rope drum all aligning and commissioning of hoist machinery must be completed.

3、应完成“安装检测报告”并附属于质量文件。咨询设计部门,检测所有的调整值。特别留意制动器以及制动器的调试。装配钢丝绳于卷筒之前,所有的安装以及调试工作必须完成。Alignment of hoist machinery can be done before lifting machinery house on its place. Supporting locations during machinery assembly time shall be same than final fixing locations. Otherwise alignments fail. When crane an

4、d machinery house is erected the alignment of all machinery need to check again.起吊机器房前,可在地面完成起升机构的安装和调整。机构安装时支撑位置与最终固定位置应一致,否则安装失败。起重机和机器房吊起后应再次检测该机构。Check and study all related drawings of machinery and its components.检查和研究所有相关图纸和配套件。CAUTION: Read this instruction carefully, in case of doubtful con

5、tact Konecranes 警告:仔细阅读该说明,如有疑问与科尼联系CAUTION: Read all Health and safety instructions警告: 阅读健康和安全说明CAUTION: Check all machinery component and their assembly instructions before starting alilgnment.警告:开始安装前,检查所有机构配套件以及安装说明。CAUTION: Alignment of hoist machinery can be done by professional and educated p

6、erson.警告:起升机构安装和调整应由专业人士完成。 1. Principe原则Basic principe of aligning machinery is to start from the biggest and/or heviest component. Make final alignment of it and start aligning of the second biggest component. Continue until alignment of all component have been done.机构安装调整的基本原则:从最大或最重的配套件开始;调整好该配套

7、件和开始第二大的配套件;继续后续配套件调整直至完成;2. Aligning of hoist machinery起升机构安装调整When doing aligning of hoist machinery the steps are as follows:起升机构的安装调整步骤- Aligning of Machinery house according center line of Crane.- 根据起重机中心线,安装调整机器房- Aligning of Rope Drum, Drum coupling and gear reducer- 安装调整钢丝绳卷筒、卷筒联轴器和减速器- Alig

8、ning of motor, brakes and other components- 安装调整电机、制动器和其它配套件Picture 1. Hoist machinery inside of machinery house. 1. Center line of Crane, 2. Center line of rope drum, 3.Reference line of machinery house, 4. Drum coupling, 5. Clutch, 6. Gear reducer, 7. Normal brake, 8. Emergency brake, 9. Machinery

9、 house wall, 10. Bearing house图1. 机器房内起升机构 1. 起重机中心线 2. 卷筒中心线 3. 机器房参考线 4. 卷筒联轴器 5. 离合器 6. 齿轮减速器 7. 高速轴制动器 8. 紧急制动器 9. 机房壁 10. 轴承支座;2.1. Aligning of Machinery house 起升机构安装调整Aligning of M-house shall be done according to Center line of Crane. During fabricating it is recommended to make following Cen

10、terline markings to the M-house basement. All markings shall be made so that they can be seen later. 机器房应根据起重机中心线进行安装。机房底盘制作过程中,要求在机房底盘上标识如下中心线,这些中心线可以在后续工序进行识别。- Centerline of crane markings on the top side of basement and also under side of basement. 起重机中心线(标识于机房底盘顶面和地面)- Refefence line markings (

11、item 3 on picture 1) on the top side of basement and also under side of basement. 参考线(标识于机房底盘顶面和地面)Previous “reference line” marking shall be exactly perpenticular relating “Centerline of Crane” marking. Reference line can taken and move from machinery-house fixing bores (if any) or from other geome

12、trical element which represent exact perpenticularity from crane centerline. Reference-line -marking can be used when doing aligning of hoist machinery.上述的参考线应精确的垂直于对应的起重机中心线。参考线可以机房底盘上的孔(如果有)或从垂直于起重机中心的几何元素上获得。1. 2. 2.1. 2.2. Aligning of Rope drum钢丝绳卷筒的安装和调整Rope drum will be assembled and aligned t

13、ogether with Gear reducer. Piano wire or line marking can be done according “reference-line” -marking (item 3, picture 2). Check distance (D1 in picture 2) from rope drum to reference line in the both end of rope drum. Difference can be 1 mm/m maximum. (Check this value from design department).钢丝绳卷筒

14、应该与减速器一起装配和调整。根据参考线拉装配钢丝或划装配线(见图2,项目3)Picture 2. Aligning of Rope Drum by checking distance (D1) from with piano wire (“reference line” (3). 图2. 通过检测距离D1(卷筒边到参考线)调整钢丝绳卷筒 2.3. Aligning of Bearing housing轴承支座的调整Bearing house, opposite side to gear reducer, of rope drum have spherical bearing. Purpose

15、of that is to compensate deflection of long rope drum. Bearing house shall be aligned so that it is parallel comparing flange of rope drum. 钢丝绳卷筒轴承支座(与减速器对应侧)设有滚珠轴承。目的为补偿较长的卷筒的变形。轴承支座应调整为平行于对应的卷筒法兰。Check distance (D2 in picture 3) both side of bearing house before final torquing of fixing screws. Al

16、ingment shall be less than 1 mm/m. (Check this value from design department)最终紧固螺丝前,检测图3中的尺寸D2。平行度误差应小于1mm/m(核对设计部给定值)Picture 3. Bearing house have spherical bearing. Dimension (D2) shall be equivalent both side of bearing house. Difference shall be less than 1 mm/m. Take measuring from machined sur

17、faces.图3. 轴承支座设有滚珠轴承。尺寸D2在轴承支座两侧相等。偏差应小于1mm/m。从机加工面处测量。 2.4. Aligning of Gear Reducer and Drum coupling减速器和卷筒联轴器的调整Aligning of gear reducer and Drum coupling shall be made together with aligning of rope drum. Axial position and Angular alignment of drum coupling need to adjust. All these shall be do

18、ne together same time. So called “fixing plates” are under Gear reducer all legs. Those will be welded during assembly and aligning of these components.减速器和卷筒联轴器的调整应和卷筒一起进行。卷筒联轴器需要调整轴向定位和角度定位。轴向和角度定位必须同时进行,同时满足。减速器底座下面的固定板应在完成这些配套件的安装和调整后再焊接。2.4.1 Axial Positioning of Drum coupling卷筒联轴器轴向定位Axial pos

19、itioning of drum coupling shall be made so that indicator is matching with “axial setting line”, see picture 4. Difference shall be less than 0,9 mm (Check this value from design department).卷筒联轴器通过指示器与测定线的配合程度来调整轴向定位,见图4. 指示器与测定线的偏差应小于0.9mm(核对设计部给定值)Picture 4. Drum coupling have indicator. Indicato

20、r shall match with “axial setting line”.图4. 带指示器的卷筒联轴器。指示器应与轴向观测线相配。2.4.2 Angular alignment of Drum coupling联轴器的角度定位Angular aligning of “Drum coupling” shall be made with appropriate Dial Test Indicator. Some cases normal dial indicator used in machining workshops are too big and not suitable. Lever

21、 Type Dial test indicator is proper device for that case, see picture 5. Fabricator need to prepare “Hand-made fixing frame” (see picture 5) according to shaft diameter, type of dial indicator, and existing space.卷筒联轴器的角度定位通过合适的千分表测定。一些情况在机加工车间使用的法向千分表太大不适合。杠杆式的千分表在此适用,见图5. 装配工需要根据轴径、千分表类型和实际的空间,手工制

22、作固定圈(见图5)Picture 5. Inspection of Angular alignment of drum coupling with Dial test indicator. A) Hand made fixing frame for Dial test Indicator. B) Dial test Indicator, Lever type.图5. 采用杠杆千分表检查卷筒联轴器的角度偏差。 A) 固定千分表的手工制作的固定圈。B) 杠杆式千分表Dial test indicator Dimension need to inspect and record in four po

23、ints at 90deg.Rotating of drum can be done by rotating brake disc with hand. Brake shall be opened. Rotate rope drum many round until there is no any axial movement within one round.Biggest Dimension difference within one round shall be less than 0,4 mm/m. (Check this value from design department).千

24、分表每转检测并记录4个点(每90检测一个点)。通过选择制动盘来选择卷筒。制动器应打开。选择卷筒多圈直到保证一圈内没有轴向位移。一圈内最大的尺寸公差应小于0.4mm/m(核对设计部给定值) 2.4.3 Aligning and Fixing of Gear Reducer减速器调整和固定All “fixing plates” shall be bolted under gear reducer legs before lifting reducer on the basement, see picture 6. Use masking tape around screw in order to

25、centerize bolt hole of reducer body and thread hole of fixing plate. Screw shall have small torque. No shim plate between gear reducer body and fixing plate. 提升减速器到支座前应先将固定板与减速器底座螺栓连接,见图6. 采用胶带包裹螺栓以使固定板和减速器螺纹孔尺寸对中。部分扭矩螺栓。减速器和固定板间无垫板Air gap between fixing plate and basement shall be fill with shimm p

26、lates. Shimm plates Thickness 0.2 3,00 mm can be used. Biggest remaining clearance shall be less than 0,2 mm, Use feeler gauge. Shimming shall be made tight and carefully because in case of air gap the fixing plate will go down (weld shrinking) when welding or tackwelding of it.固定板与减速器支座的间隙通过垫板调整;垫板

27、的厚度范围为0.2-3mm之间。最大残余间隙为0.2mm,塞尺检查。仔细调整垫板,保证垫板间紧密以免由于焊接收缩导致固定板下降;Picture 6. Fixing of Gear Reducer. All 4 leg of gear reducer have weldable “Fixing Plate”. Depends on basement situation some shim plates need to use under fixing plate (Filling of gap).图6. 减速器固定. 减速器底座的四个脚均装有可焊的固定板. 根据支座情况,用垫板调整减速器(填充间

28、隙)Tackwelding of fixing plates can be done when:满足以下条件后方可点焊固定板- No air gap between fixing plate and basement (proper shimming)- 固定板和支座无间隙(合适的垫片调整)- Axial positioning of Drum coupling is OK- 卷筒联轴器轴向定位合格- Angular alignment of Drum coupling is OK- 卷筒联轴器角度定位合格- Groove is clean and free from oil, rust, d

29、irty and all other defects- 坡口清除油污、灰尘以及其它杂质- Approval from Konecranes supervisor- 科尼监理批准Tackweld all 4 fixing plates around. Some a5 and 15.20mm tackweld and 100mm space between tacks can be used. 四周点焊各固定板。点焊焊缝采用a5,焊缝长15-20mm,焊缝间隙100mm。After tackwelding Check angular alignment of drum coupling again

30、. If value is too big open tackweldings and do aligning and shimming again (one or more leg).点焊后再次检查卷筒联轴器的角度定位。如果值太大,打开焊缝重新调整,再次垫片调整一个或多个减速器支腿。Final Welding of Fixing plate can be done when: 满足以下条件后方可最终焊接固定板- Tack welding is completed, inspected and accepted- 点焊完成,检查合格- All Alignments are OK- 所有的调整定

31、位合格- Preheating of weld groove have been done- 预热焊接坡口完成- Approval from Konecranes supervisor- 科尼监理批准Check weld size from drawings. In case shimming have been made weld need to increase accordingly. 检查图纸焊缝尺寸,根据垫片调整情况,增加相应的焊缝的大小。 2.4.4 Special tools & hints when doing Gear Reducer assembly 减速器装配的特殊工具和

32、提示When doing gear reducer assembly some special tools and workmethods can be used in order to make assembly easier and faster. Here are shown 3 Hints, see picture 7.装配减速器时,为了装配更容易和快捷,应采用一些特殊的工具和工作方法。下列3个提示,见图7。Hint 1. (see picture 7). Drill and make M30 size thread into machinery Basement. One thread into every leg position. This makes shimming work much easier. Lifting the recuder can be doner by this M30 screw when putting shim plat

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