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本文(牛津版八年级英语暑假班周测2趣味阅读L11动词不定式阅读C篇牛津新.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、牛津版八年级英语暑假班周测2趣味阅读L11动词不定式阅读C篇牛津新I. Choose the phrases in their proper forms to fill in the blanks.find out get along with in other words get tired ofgo on a diet grow up have no idea hear fromin a hurry in order to in the past in danger1. _, people usually went out by bus. But now, we can also take

2、 the underground.2. Tom wants to be an artist when he _.3. I got up early this morning _ catch the early bus.4. I havent _ Linda since she went abroad last year.5. Nowadays, more and more people _ to keep fit.6. Too much homework may make the students _ study.7. She set off so late that she arrived

3、at school _.8. The police have _ who stole the old mans wallet.9. Everyone should learn how to _ others.10. We must do something to save the animals _.Lesson 11 The Puffer FishMost people avoid eating dangerous foods. They dont want to get sick. However, there is one food that can be deadly, yet som

4、e people eat it on purpose. Its called the puffer fish.This kind of fish, called fugu in Japanese, lives in the Pacific Ocean. Some people die every year from eating fugu. In fact, the Emperor of Japan is not allowed to touch it. Why? Well the insides of the puffer fish are very poisonous. They cont

5、ain a poison 275 times more powerful than the deadly poison cyanide.Usually nothing bad happens when fugu is on a restaurants menu. Customers feel great after the meal. Thats because chefs are trained to remove the insides of the puffer fish before they give it to customers. If they miss even a smal

6、l amount, the fish is not safe to eat.Puffer fish is very expensive. A plate of fugu costs more than 200 in some restaurants in Tokyo. Besides being dangerous to eat, the fish is very ugly, with spines all over its body. Also, it can puff, or blow itself up to double its normal size. Why do the Japa

7、nese risk so much for such an ugly and dangerous fish? Well, some people like taking risks. And fugu tastes wonderful. (211 words)I. VocabularyA. Put the right word in each blank the sentences are from the text. avoid contain customers on purpose miss normal besides risk amount double yet powerful1.

8、 _ feel great after the meal.2. However, there is one food that can be deadly, _ some people eat it _.3. Why do the Japanese _ so much for such an ugly and dangerous fish?4. They _ a poison 275 times more _ than the deadly poison cyanide.5. Most people _ eating dangerous foods.6. Also, it can puff,

9、or blow, itself up to _ its _ size.7. If they _ even a small _ the fish is not safe to eat.8. _ being dangerous to eat, the fish is very ugly, with spines all over its body.B. Vocabulary: New context. Put the right word in each blank. besides avoids amount on purpose yet powerful contained risks cus

10、tomers missed double normal1. Heavy snow is _ for Iceland at this time of year.2. Peanuts make him sick, so he _ eating them.3. Henry said he hit me by accident, but I know he did it _.4. I _ three balls during the soccer game, but we still won.5. She received a package from her family that _ food a

11、nd clothes.6. He took so many bad _ with money that he was penniless in a year.7. She may look shy and weak, but they say shes one of the most _ people in banking.8. Five people live in my house _ me.9. The two couples went to the movies together on a _ date.10. The _ of money you save depends on ho

12、w much you earn.11. He said he wasnt hungry, _ he ate a whole pizza by himself.12. So many _ ate at Luigis restaurant on the first evening that he decided to get a second chef.C. Vocabulary: Review. Put the right word in each blank.similar gloves touch individual trained excellent tournament metric

13、grind recent distance take turns1. To make coffee, you need to _ the beans first.2. What is the _ from the earth to the moon?3. My parents _ helping the children with their homework.4. Did you hear the most _ news from Mexico?5. Can I borrow your _? Mine are lost and my hands are freezing.6. The dre

14、sses are _. They are the same color and style, but Nancys has a belt.7. There was a tennis _ that day, but Philip had a cold and couldnt play.8. Her written work was _, but she failed the oral test.9. She _ as a ballet dancer for five years before she appeared on the stage.10. “Please dont _ the cak

15、e,” their mother warned. “Its for our guests.”11. I want to learn the _ system of measurement before I got to France next year.12. One _ walked out of the movie theater after an hour.II. Reading comprehension.( ) 1. The puffer fish live in _. ()A. Japan B. The Pacific Ocean C. the USA D. the UK( ) 2

16、. The Emperor of Japan is not allowed to touch the puffer fish because _. ()A. he will die if he touches it B. the puffer fish is very expensiveC. the insides of the puffer fish are very poisonous D. the puffer fish is very ugly( ) 3.In restaurants, the puffer fish is safe to eat if _.()A. it is coo

17、ked by the chefs B. customers feel greatC. the fugu is on the menu D. the chefs remove the insides of the puffer fish( ) 4. The puffer fish is _.()A. poisonous B. expensive C. ugly D. all the above( ) 5 Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE? ()A. The puffer fish makes some people die every ye

18、ar.B. The puffer fish is not always dangerous to eat.C. Customers like eating the puffer fish because it tastes wonderful.D. A plate of puffer fish costs more than 200.( ) 6. What is the main idea of the text? ()A. Fugu is one of the most expensive foods in the world.B. Some people are willing to ri

19、sk their lives to eat fugu.C. Chefs must be carefully trained to prepare puffer fish for customers.D. Puffer fish is a dangerous animal.根据原文填写相关单词,首字母已给。Most people avoid eating dangerous foods. They dont want to get s_1_. However, there is one food that can be deadly, yet some people eat it on p_2_

20、. Its called the puffer fish.This kind of fish, called fugu in Japanese, lives in the Pacific Ocean. Some people die every year from e_3_ fugu. In fact, the Emperor of Japan is not allowed to touch it. Why? Well the insides of the puffer fish are very poisonous. They c_4_ a poison 275 times more pow

21、erful than the deadly poison cyanide.Usually nothing bad happens when fugu is on a restaurants menu. C_5_ feel great after the meal. Thats because chefs are trained to remove the insides of the puffer fish b_6_ they give it to customers. If they m_7_ even a small amount, the fish is not safe to eat.

22、Puffer fish is very expensive. A plate of fugu costs more than 200 in some restaurants in Tokyo. B_8_ being dangerous to eat, the fish is very ugly, with spines all over its body. Also, it can puff, or blow itself up to double its n_9_ size. Why do the Japanese risk so much for s_10_ an ugly and dan

23、gerous fish? Well, some people like taking risks. And fugu tastes wonderful.Hello, Mr. Boss.The Boss: Wheres Miss Simpson, Bob? I want her.Bob: Do you want to speak to her, sir?The Boss: Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office. Tell her to come at once.Miss Simpson: Did you want to see me, sir?Th

24、e Boss: Ah, yes, Miss Simpson. How do you spell “intelligent”? Can you tell me?Miss Simpson: I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T.The Boss: Thats right. Youve typed it with only one “L”. This letters full of mistakes. I want you to type it again.Miss Simpson: Yes, Ill do that. Im sorry about that.The Boss: And her

25、es a little present for you.Miss Simpson: What is it?The Boss: Its a dictionary. I hope it will help you.动词不定式是一种非谓语动词,其结构为“(to) + 动词原形”。动词不定式的用法:1. 作宾语不定式常用作某些动词的宾语, 如want, hope, wish, agree, learn, like, love, offer(表示要),plan, promise, remember, forget, try(努力), decide(决定), begin, start等。例如:She wa

26、nted to buy a few postcards. 她想买几张明信片。The car repairer began to check my car. 汽车修理工开始检查我的汽车。It started to snow at midnight. 半夜里开始下雪了。在某些动词如know, learn, decide, wonder(想知道),remember, forget, tell, show, teach等后,还可以接“疑问词 + to不定式”。例如:I didnt know what to say to him. 我不知道对他说什么好。 They are learning how to

27、 use the computer. 他们正在学习怎样使用电脑。 Did they tell you where to go? 他们告诉你去哪儿吗? The farmer showed us how to cut rice. 农民教我们怎样割稻。 动词不定式作宾语与动名词作宾语辨析 在动词want, wish, hope, decide, help, promise, plan, manage, agree等后只能用动词不定式作宾语,而在动词dislike, keep, finish, mind(介意),practice(练习),enjoy等后只能用动名词作宾语。例如:We promise t

28、o keep our classroom clean all the time. 我们答应始终保持我们的教室清洁。 Ted enjoys growing flowers. 泰德喜欢种花。 Would you mind telling me your address? 你介意把你的地址告诉我吗? They have all finished reading the passage. 他们都读完了这篇短文。 在like, love, prefer后既能跟动词不定式作宾语也能跟动名词作宾语,但意思上有细微差别,不定式多表示具体的动作,而动名词多指一般的情况,表示泛指。例如: He would lik

29、e to listen to pop music for a while. 他想听一会儿流行音乐。 He likes listening to pop music. 他喜欢听流行音乐。 She would love to invite her friends to her house next Sunday. 她想邀请她的朋友下个星期天到她家来。 She loves inviting her friends to her house on Sundays. 他喜欢星期天邀请她的朋友到她家来。 在begin, start, continue(继续)后既能跟动词不定式作宾语也能跟动名词作宾语,且意

30、义没有差别。例如:We began to learn / learning English two years ago. 我们两年前开始学习英语。 Lets continue to play / playing the PC game. 咱们继续玩电脑游戏吧。 remember, forget, mean, go on, stop, try后既能跟动词不定式也能跟动名词,但意义差别很大。 remember to do sth. 记得要做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事例如: Remember to tell him not to smoke any more. 记得叫他不要再抽烟了。 He still remembered going a

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