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1、基于CPLD的三相多波形函数发生器的外文翻译资料1英文资料(From DIGITAL DESIGN principles & practices ,John F. Wakerly)Language OverviewWhat is VHDL?VHDL is a programming language that has been designed and optimized for describing the behavior of digital systems.VHDL has many features appropriate for describing the behavior of

2、 electronic components ranging from simple logic gates to complete microprocessors and custom chips. Features of VHDL allow electrical aspects of circuit behavior (such as rise and fall times of signals, delays through gates, and functional operation) to be precisely described. The resulting VHDL si

3、mulation models can then be used as building blocks in larger circuits (using schematics, block diagrams or system-level VHDL descriptions) for the purpose of simulation.VHDL is also a general-purpose programming language: just as high-level programming languages allow complex design concepts to be

4、expressed as computer programs, VHDL allows the behavior of complex electronic circuits to be captured into a design system for automatic circuit synthesis or for system simulation. Like Pascal, C and C+, VHDL includes features useful for structured design techniques, and offers a rich set of contro

5、l and data representation features. Unlike these other programming languages, VHDL provides features allowing concurrent events to be described. This is important because the hardware described using VHDL is inherently concurrent in its operation.One of the most important applications of VHDL is to

6、capture the performance specification for a circuit, in the form of what is commonly referred to as a test bench. Test benches are VHDL descriptions of circuit stimuli and corresponding expected outputs that verify the behavior of a circuit over time. Test benches should be an integral part of any V

7、HDL project and should be created in tandem with other descriptions of the circuit.A standard languageOne of the most compelling reasons for you to become experienced with and knowledgeable in VHDL is its adoption as a standard in the electronic design community. Using a standard language such as VH

8、DL virtually guarantees that you will not have to throw away and recapture design concepts simply because the design entry method you have chosen is not supported in a newer generation of design tools. Using a standard language also means that you are more likely to be able to take advantage of the

9、most up-to-date design tools and that you will have access to a knowledge base of thousands of other engineers, many of whom are solving problems similar to your own.A brief history of VHDLVHDL, which stands for VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language, was developed

10、in the early 1980s as a spin-off of a high-speed integrated circuit research project funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. During the VHSIC program, researchers were confronted with the daunting task of describing circuits of enormous scale (for their time) and of managing very large circuit des

11、ign problems that involved multiple teams of engineers. With only gate-level design tools available, it soon became clear that better, more structured design methods and tools would be needed.To meet this challenge, a team of engineers from three companies ?IBM, Texas Instruments and Intermetrics ?w

12、ere contracted by the Department of Defense to complete the specification and implementation of a new, language-based design description method. The first publicly available version of VHDL, version 7.2, was released in 1985. In 1986, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE

13、) was presented with a proposal to standardize the language, which it did in 1987 after substantial enhancements and modifications were made by a team of commercial, government and academic representatives. The resulting standard, IEEE 1076-1987, is the basis for virtually every simulation and synth

14、esi product sold today. An enhanced and updated version of the language, IEEE 1076-1993, was released in 1994, and VHDL tool vendors have been responding by adding these new language features to their products.Although IEEE Standard 1076 defines the complete VHDL language, there are aspects of the l

15、anguage that make it difficult to write completely portable design descriptions (descriptions that can be simulated identically using different vendors?tools). The problem stems from the fact that VHDL supports many abstract data types, but it does not address the simple problem of characterizing di

16、fferent signal strengths or commonly used simulation conditions such as unknowns and high-impedance. Soon after IEEE 1076-1987 was adopted, simulator companies began enhancing VHDL with new, non-standard types to allow their customers to accurately simulate complex electronic circuits. This caused p

17、roblems because design descriptions entered into one simulator were often incompatible with other simulation environments. VHDL was quickly becoming a nonstandard.To get around the problem of nonstandard data types, another standard was developed by an IEEE committee. This standard, numbered 1164, d

18、efines a standard package (a VHDL feature that allows commonly used declarations to be collected into an external library) containing definitions for a standard nine-valued data type. This standard data type is called std_logic, and the IEEE 1164 package is often referred to as the Standard Logic pa

19、ckage. The IEEE 1076-1987 and IEEE 1164 standards together form the complete VHDL standard in widest use today. (IEEE 1076-1993 is slowly working its way into the VHDL mainstream, but it does not add significant new features for synthesis users.)Standard 1076.3(often called the Numeric Standard or S

20、ynthesis Standard) defines standard packages and interpretations for VHDL data types as they relate to actual hardware. This standard, which was released at the end of 1995, is intended to replace the many custom (nonstandard) packages that vendors of synthesis tools have created and distributed wit

21、h their products.IEEE Standard 1076.3 does for synthesis users what IEEE 1164 did for simulation users: increase the power of Standard 1076, while at the same time ensuring compatibility between different vendors?tools. The 1076.3 standard includes, among other things:1) A documented hardware interp

22、retation of values belonging to the bit and boolean types defined by IEEE Standard 1076, as well as interpretations of the std_ulogic type defined by IEEE Standard 1164.2) A function that provides don&care or wild card testing of values based on the std_ulogic type. This is of particular use for syn

23、thesis, since it is often helpful to express logic in terms of don抰 care values.3) Definitions for standard signed and unsigned arithmetic data types, along with arithmetic, shift, and type conversion operations for those types.The annotation of timing information to a simulation model is an importa

24、nt aspect of accurate digital simulation. The VHDL 1076 standard describes a variety of language features that can be used for timing annotation. However, it does not describe a standard method for expressing timing data outside of the timing model itself. The ability to separate the behavioral desc

25、ription of a simulation model from the timing specifications is important for many reasons. One of the major strengths of Verilog HDL (VHDL抯 closest rival) is the fact that Verilog HDL includes a feature specifically intended for timing annotation. This feature, the Standard Delay Format, or SDF, al

26、lows timing data to be expressed in a tabular form and included into the Verilog timing model at the time of simulation.The IEEE 1076.4 standard, published by the IEEE in late 1995, adds this capability to VHDL as a standard package. A primary impetus behind this standard effort (which was dubbed VI

27、TAL, for VHDL Initiative Toward ASIC Libraries) was to make it easier for ASIC vendors and others to generate timing models applicable to both VHDL and Verilog HDL. For this reason, the underlying data formats of IEEE 1076.4 and Verilog SDF are quite similar.When should you use VHDL?Why choose to us

28、e VHDL for your design efforts? There are many likely reasons. If you ask most VHDL tool vendors this question, the first answer you will get is, It will improve your productivity. But just what does this mean? Can you really expect to get your projects done faster using VHDL than by using your exis

29、ting design methods?The answer is yes, but probably not the first time you use it, and only if you apply VHDL in a structured manner. VHDL (like a structured software design language) is most beneficial when you use a structured, top-down approach to design. Real increases in productivity will come

30、later, when you have climbed higher on the VHDL learning curve and have accumulated a library of reusable VHDL components. Productivity increases will also occur when you begin to use VHDL to enhance communication between team members and when you take advantage of the more powerful tools for simula

31、tion and design verification that are available. In addition, VHDL allows you to design at a more abstract level. Instead of focusing on a gate-level implementation, you can address the behavioral function of the design.How will VHDL increase your productivity? By making it easy to build and use lib

32、raries of commonly-used VHDL modules. VHDL makes design reuse feel natural. As you discover the benefits of reusable code, you will soon find yourself thinking of ways to write your VHDL statements in ways that make them general purpose. Writing portable code will become an automatic reflex.Another

33、important reason to use VHDL is the rapid pace of development in electronic design automation (EDA) tools and in target technologies. Using a standard language such as VHDL can greatly improve your chances of moving into more advanced tools (for example, from a basic low-cost simulator to a more advanced one)

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