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4、着脸。从你的平视角度看过去他的眼睛的位置刚好在书页之上。这时请他阅读。当他阅读时请注意他眼睛的移动。你会发现,他的眼睛不是匀速平滑地移动,而是停顿一下,跳跃一下,再停顿一下,再跳跃一下。也就是说,阅读的过程不是看一个词读一个词的,而是看几个词读几个词的。用术语说,就是看一个“组块(chunk)”,读一个“组块”。 组块的大小因能力而异。英语初学者阅读的组块很可能就是一个组块=一个单词。随着阅读能力的提高,组块会扩大为/一个词组/一个短语/一个意群/一个句子乃至“一目十行”。如果我们请阅读水平不同的几位同学来做同样的实验,或者请不同年段的同学来做这个实验,我们可以发现,阅读能力较强的同学与阅读能


6、细节和事实。2、既理解具体事实,也理解抽象概念。3、既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。4、既理解某句、某段的意思,也理解全篇逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。5、既能根据材料所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。启示:阅读理解考查的不仅仅是学生的理解能力,还侧重考查学生的逻辑思维能力。学生既要抓住文章的整体,又得吃透其细节;既需理解文章的表层意思,又需领会其深层含义。阅读理解常见题型及解题方法一、直接信息题(细节题) 直接信息题多从文章的某个具体事实或细节出发来设计题材目。其题目设计的方式一般有: 1、以who, what, when, where 等疑问词开

7、头提问短文的具体内容。 2、以true or false 形式,让考生判断文章某一事实或细节。 3、 句意转换理解。 4、就文中具体内容进行简单计算,排序,识图等。 5、以According to the text/From the text 开头,考查某一细节。这类题目的信息一般在文章中可以直接找到,大家只要抓准文中与题目有关的信息词、句、稍加分析,便可得出正确答案。 如: Where did Jack hide himself and his bike ?原文:When he got to his uncles watch factory, Jack got off his bike an

8、d hid himself and the bike behind the big tree near the factory.细节题训练1. What? A. in 1835 B. a new car C. the day after tomorrow D. with great speed2. Why? A. last week B. for some ice C. very carefully D. my mother tongue3. Which ? A. at seven oclock B. the forth C. all over the world D. on the floo

9、r4. Where ? A. New York B. Greek C. French D. Canadian5. How ? A. 1000 B. with the help of others C. a sharp knife D. careless6. How much ?A. in fifteen minutes B. 3,500 C. five metres long D. the population of the country7. When ? A. all over the world B. in the southern area C. ten days before the

10、 test D. once a month8. How hot ? A. slight hot B. terribly hot C. a few hot D. much hot9. How soon ? A. in several weeks B. on Monday morning C. after that D. once a month 选择正确答案:1. The teacher told his students to do the second and the third exercises, but they should leave the first exercise out.

11、How many exercises should the students do ?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Zero.2. Jean and Mary asked Della to go out for a walk, but she didnt want to.Who probably did not go out ? A. Jean. B. Mary. C. Della. D. Jean and Mary3. The answers to the questions which were in part 3 of the English test tha

12、t we had were rather difficult for most of us.How many parts does the English test have? A. Only three. B. At least three. C. Obviously more than three. D. Only four.二、猜测词义题 根据上下文的说明。1、He was one of 80 middle school students from China attending a month-long “Youth Summit” . The summit was to mark t

13、he 25th anniversary(周年) of President Nixons journey to China, which was the turning point in China-U. S. relation. The Youth Summit was aimed at increasing understanding and friendship between young students of the two countries through visits and discussionsThe words “Youth Summit” refer to _. A. v

14、isit to the Nixon Library B. the Chinese students visit to the U. S. C. a meeting discussing relations between China and the U. S. D. activities to strengthen the tie between the Chinese and American students.2、A man named Walter Scott had the first “diner” in 1872. It wasnt really a diner. It was o

15、nly a food cart.根据文中说明,“diner” 不是小餐馆,而是流动小餐车。、根据文中的解释在or, that is, such as, that is to say, in another word, in other words 这些词或词组后面的部分往往用来解释前面某一个难以理解的词、词组或句子,括号、破折号在句中常引出注释性词语,通过这些解释和注释,我们可以推断出词的含义。例如:根据定义或解释猜测词义例1 A calendar is a list of the days ,weeks, months of a particular yearCalendar :日历例 2

16、He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of his hat, swallowing fire, and other similar tricks.Prestidigitator :变戏法的人,或魔术师三、根据上下文提供的情景。有时候语境中既没有明确的定义,又没有明确的解释,而是作者制造一种情景,暗示某词所指的性能和特征。比较下面两个句子:1、In spite of the fact the fishermen were wearing souwesters, the storm

17、was so heavy that they were wet through. 2. An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a souwester usually bring rain.四.根据同等关系猜测词义例1 There is no reason to insult and defame the man simply because you do not agree with him.defame “诋毁” ,“中伤”或“诽谤”例 2 In the ancient city of Rome

18、, we visited every mansion , church, battle site, theatre and other public halls.mansion 建筑物或场所五、运用同义词关系例如:1.The game Americans call soccer is known around the world as football. 2. The house stood at the end of a quiet neat street. The little dwelling, however, looked neglected and cheerless.六、运用反义

19、关系。例如: Most women in China -educated and iliterated,urban and rural, the young and old-work to earn an income in addition to maintaining their roles as housewives and mothers.七.根据生活常识In old days, when girls from rich families were married to their husbands, they expected to bring with themselves a l

20、arge quantity of dowry.嫁妆八.根据构词法猜测词义例 1 He has renamed the restaurant “Paradise”.re -再,又 rename 重新起名,改名2. Women have equal say in everything.3. The colours of England in the spring are unforgettable.4. The disobediented students were forced to leave school.5. Both the developed and the underdevelope

21、d should try their best to popularize education.Exercise :Choose the correct answers1.“Are you at leisure now ? Id like to have a word with you .” “No , I have not a moments leisure now. I have a lot of work to do . Come to me this evening.” time B.busy time C.time for sleep D.time for work2.

22、A tiger is a fierce animal . If you have not a gun in your hand you dare not go near It, or it will eat you . A.wild B.rude C.brave D.huge3.Joe will be put to death because he killed an old man with a lot of money. It is said that the execution will take place in public.A.beating B.killing C.hunting

23、 D.running4.Mr Brown is very old. He is now over 80 years old. Two years ago his white hair began to fall out, soon more and more hair fell out and now he is completely bald.A.white B.hairless C.old 5. There are different kinds of minerals in the earth. Workers often dig them out for mans use

24、. Salt is an example of minerals.A.a vegetable that grows on the groundB.An animal that lives on the earthC.Solid matter that is formed naturally in the earthD.Water that comes out from under the groundGuess the meaning of the wordScientists predict that there will be 7.3 billion people in the world

25、 in the year 2008. 预测Mr. Brown is a gentleman who is always punctual for all his classes, but he arrived over 10 minutes late yesterday morning.守时的,准时的She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading.全神贯注The noise was so faint that it was impossible to be sure what

26、it was or even where it came from. 微弱的In the strong wind, the beggar shivered with the terrible cold.发抖Although people in many countries consider raw meat delicious, we Chinese people seldom eat any meat that is uncooked.生的,未煮熟的Dr. Smith is recognized as one of the founders of ethnology, the study o

27、f animal behavior.生态学长句和难句的理解1. Air travel is such an everyday experience these days that we are not surprised (when we read about a politician having talks with the Japanese Prime Minister one day, attending a conference in Australia the following morning and having to be off at midday to sign a tr

28、ade agreement in Bangkok.) 三、主旨归纳主旨大意题型主要测试读者对短文的全面理解和概括能力。提问的内容可能是全文的大意,也可能是某段的段落大意。针对主旨问题的提问一般比较笼统,不涉及具体内容,所以有时不易直接在文中找到答案。 为了要准确而又迅速地找到短文的中心句(表达中心思想的主题句), 我们首先要明确作者的写作意图和文章的结构。The position of the topic sentence1.At the beginning2.In the middle3.At the end4.No topic sentencetopic sentence 1. On th

29、e night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to p

30、ieces. Nobody forgot Merlins grand entrance for a long time!2. When you throw a ball up into the air as fast as you can, the ball reaches a point where it seems to pause for a moment, and then it comes down. When a bullet is shot straight up, it will travel much faster and higher than a ball, but it

31、, too, will come down. Whatever goes up must come down. We have always thought this to be true. An airplane may climb to a height of seventeen miles and then travel far and long. Yet it does not stay up forever. Finally, like everything else, the plane must come down.针对短文中心思想或主旨大意提问的方式主要有以下几种: 1.The best title for this article is _ . 2. The passage is about _ . 3. Whats the main idea of this passage ? 4. The main idea (topic, subject) of the passage is about _ . 5. With what topic is the passage chiefly concerned ?6. Which of the following is the main idea of the passage

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