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1、NonStop歌词After the war I went back to New York战争结束之后我回到纽约A-After the war I went back to New York战争结束之后我回到纽约I finished up my studies and I practiced law我完成了学业 开始从事律师职业I practiced law Burr worked next door我也开始从事律师职业 伯尔就在隔壁工作Even though we started at the very same time尽管我们几乎同时开始工作Alexander Hamilton beg

2、an to climb汉密尔顿却开始飞黄腾达How to account for his rise to the top?他是怎样一步步登上顶峰的?Maaaaan the man is天啦噜 这家伙Non-stop!永不停步!Gentlemen of the jury Im curious bear with me陪审团的各位先生 我很好奇 请容我发问Are you aware that were making histry?你们是否知道我们正在创造历史?This is the first murder trial of our brand-new nation这是我们新建立的国家 第一次进行

3、谋杀审理The liberty behind自由建立于DeliberationNon-stop!永不停步!I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt我打算拨开疑云来证明With my assistant counsel当然 和我的助理律师一起Co-counsel是协理律师Hamilton sit down汉密尔顿 你坐下Our client Levi Weeks is innocent. Call your first witness证明我们的当事人李维威克斯是无辜的 传唤你的第一位证人吧Thats all you had to say!你就说这些

4、就够啦!Okay!好吧!One more thing还有Why do you assume youre the smartest in the room?为什么你总觉得自己是最聪明的?Why do you assume youre the smartest in the room?为什么你总觉得自己才智无双?Why do you assume youre the smartest in the room?为什么你总觉得自己聪明绝世?Soon that attitude may be your doom!这态度会很快招致毁灭!Awwww!啊!Why do you write like youre

5、 running out of time?为什么你总是奋笔疾书好似你已时日不多?Write day and night like youre running out of time?不分日夜 奋笔疾书 好似你已时日不多?Evry day you fight like youre running out of time每一日都在奋战 好似你已时日不多?Keep on fighting. In the meantime你继续战斗吧 与此同时Non-stop!永不停步!Corruptions such an old song that we can sing along in harmony腐败问题

6、如此老调 我们人人耳熟能详And nowhere is it stronger than in Albany没有什么地方比纽约州首府阿尔巴尼更猖狂This colonys economys increasingly stalling and这殖民地的经济止步不前Honestly thats why public service老实说 这就是公职Seems to be calling me.召唤我的原因Non-stop!永不停步!I practiced the law I practicly perfected it我从事律师职业 准确地说我完善了法律Ive seen injustice in

7、the world and Ive corrected it我看见世间的不公便打抱不平Now for a strong central democracy现在我要建立强有力的中央民主制度If not then Ill be Socrates如果行不通 我就模仿苏格拉底Throwing verbal rocks把语言的巨石At these mediocrities.向庸人们投去Hamilton at the Constitutional Convention:汉密尔顿出现在制宪会议上I was chosen for the Constitutional Convention!我被推举参加制宪会议

8、啦!There as a New York junior delegate:作为一个纽约青年代表Now what Im going to say may sound indelicate我接下去说的话可能听上去有些不妥.Goes and proposes his own form of government!他上前提议了他自己设想的政府!What?什么!?His own plan for a new form of government!他自己设想的政府!What?什么Talks for six hours! The convention is listless!他滔滔不绝了六个钟头!与会人都

9、困倦不堪!Bright young man好小伙.Yo who the f is this?干,这特么是谁?Why do you always say what you believe?为什么你总是要把信念公之于众?Why do you always say what you believe?为什么你总是要把信念昭告天下?Evry proclamation guarantees你的每句发言都成了free ammunition for your enemies!敌人用来打击你的把柄Awww!啊!Why do you write like its为什么你总是奋笔疾书 好似Going out of

10、style?你写的东西将会走样?Write day and night like its不分日夜 奋笔疾书 好似Going out of style?你写的东西将会走样?Evry day you fight like its每一日都在奋战 好似Going out of style你写的东西将会走样?Do what you do再接再厉吧!Alexander?亚历山大?Aaron Burr sir亚伦伯尔,阁下Its the middle of the night这大半夜的Can we confer sir?我们能谈谈吗,阁下?Is this a legal matter?有关法律?Yes an

11、d its important to me是啊,而且这事很重要What do you need?你想要什么?Burr youre a better lawyer than me伯尔,就律师而言你比我强Okay?嗯哼?I know I talk too much Im abrasive我知道我喋喋不休 尖锐粗鲁Youre incredible in court. Youre succinct persuasive你在法庭上优秀杰出 你言简意赅又令人信服My client needs a strong defense. Youre the solution我的当事人需要强有力的辩护 你就是解决方案

12、Whos your client?你的当事人是谁?The new U.S. Constitution?刚推行的美国宪法?No不 不行Hear me out听我说No way!没门!A series of essays anonymously published我们匿名发表一系列文章Defending the document to the public面向民众 为宪法辩护No one will read it没有人会读的I disagree我不这么认为And if it fails?那如果它失败了呢?Burr thats why we need it伯尔,这恰恰是我们需要它的原因The con

13、stitutions a mess宪法订得乱七八糟的So it needs amendments所以它需要修订案Its full of contradictions它处处自相矛盾So is independence独立也是这样We have to start somewhere我们总得找个切入点No. No way不 没门Youre making a mistake你在犯下一个错误Good night晚安 走好不送Hey嘿!What are you waiting for?你在等待什么?What?怎么地?We won the war我们打赢了战争What do you stall for?你为

14、什么犹豫?What was it all for?是为了什么?Do you support this constitution?你支持这宪法么?Of course当然Then defend it那就为它辩护And what if youre backing the wrong horse?那如果我们支持错了人呢?Burr we studied and we fought and we killed伯尔 我们笃学不倦 被坚执锐 杀敌致果For the notion of a nation we now get to build为的是我们现在得以建立国家的信念For once in your li

15、fe take a stand with pride人生中就这么一次 请你带着自尊明确立场I dont understand how you stand to the side我不懂你怎么能袖手旁观Ill keep all my plans我把所有的计划Close to my chest深藏心底Wait for it wait for it wait等待 等待 等待Ill wait here and see我要等着看Which way the wind这股风Will blow吹向哪里Im taking my time我要慢慢来Watching the观察这Afterbirth of a nat

16、ion国家出生后的将来Watching the tension grow.观察这局面剑拔弩张I am sailing off to London. Im accompanied by someone我要乘船去伦敦 我嫁了个Who always pays随时随地买单的男人I have found a wealthy husband who will keep我嫁给个有钱人Me in comfort for all my days他能保我一世不愁吃穿He is not a lot of fun他不怎么风趣but theres no one who但有谁能Can match you for turn

17、 of phrase及得上你的巧妙措辞My Alexander我亲爱的亚历山大Angelica安吉莉卡Dont forget to write别忘了给我写信Look at where you are看看你身处何地Look at where you started想想你当初境遇The fact that youre alive is a miracle你能活着已是奇迹Just stay alive that would be enough活着就好 我已别无他求And if your wife could share a fraction of your time如果你的妻子能分得你的些许相伴If

18、 I could grant you peace of mind如果我能为你提供心灵的庇护Would that be enough?还有什么好要求的呢?Alexander joins forces with James Madison and John Jay亚历山大联手詹姆斯麦迪逊、约翰杰伊to write a series of essays撰写了一系列文章defending the new United States Constitution来为美国宪法辩护entitled The Federalist Papers.合称联邦党人文集The plan was to write a tot

19、al of twenty-five essays原定计划书写二十五篇文章the work divided evenly among the three men.三人平摊工作In the end they wrote eighty-five essays最后 他们一共撰写了八十五篇文章in the span of six months.花了六个月的时间John Jay got sick after writing five.约翰杰伊写了五篇之后就病倒了James Madison wrote twenty-nine.詹姆斯麦迪逊写了二十九篇Hamilton wrote the other fift

20、y-one!汉密尔顿写了另外的五!十!一!篇!How do you write like youre为什么你总是奋笔疾书 好似你Running out of time?已时日不多?Write day and night like youre不分日夜 奋笔疾书 好似你Running out of time?已时日不多?Evry day you fight每一日都在奋战好似你Like youre好似你Running out of time已时日不多Like youre好似你Running out of time已时日不多Are you你是否Running out of time?已时日不多?How

21、 do you write like tomorrow wont arrive?为什么你奋笔疾书 好像明天不会到来?How do you write like you need it to survive?为什么你奋笔疾书 好像你要以此谋生?How do you write evry second youre alive?你为什么奋笔疾书 在你生命的每一秒?Evry second youre alive? Evry second youre alive?生命不息 写作不止?They are asking me to lead他们要求我来领导I am doing the best I can我在

22、尽我所能To get the people that I need甄选我需要的贤才Im asking you to be my right hand man我请求你 成为我的左膀右臂Treasury or State?财政部?还是国务院?I know its a lot to ask我知道这对你要求太多Treasury or State?财政部?还是国务院?To leave behind the world you know让你离开你所熟悉的世界.Sir do you want me to run the Treasury or State department?阁下,您希望我接手财政部 还是

23、国务院?Treasury财政部Lets go成 没问题Alexander亚历山大.I have to leave我得走了Alexander亚历山大Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now你看看 你瞅瞅 我们何其幸运能活着走到这里Helpless我没了办法They are asking me to lead他们让我去领导Look around isnt this enough?事已至此 这还不够吗?He will never be satisfied他永远不会满足He will never be satis

24、fied他永远也不会满足Satisfied满足Satisfied满足.History has its eyes on you.历史自会见证你.He will never be satisfied他永远不会满足Satisfied满足Satisfied满足.Why do you fight like youre running out of time?每一日都在奋战 好似时日无多?Why do you fight like你为何奋战 好似History has its eyes on you历史自会.I am not throwin away my shot!我不会错失良机!(just you wait)你等着瞧I am not throwin away my shot!我不会错失良机!(just you wait)你等着瞧I am我是Alexander Hamilton!亚历山大汉密尔顿!(Hamilton)just you wait你等着瞧I am not throwin away my shot!我不会错失良机!

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