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1、轮机英语会话评估问答题参考答案111111轮机英语会话评估问答题参考答案第一章1. How long have you worked on board? (For 5 years.)在船上工作了多长时间2. Which certificate stifikit(证书)do you have now? (2nd Engineer certificate.)你现在有哪个证书?3. What is your marital status? How many departments dip:tmnt(部门)are there on board? (I am married.mrid 已婚的. Ther

2、e are three departments on board.)Marital mritlstatus steits婚姻状况你的婚姻状况如何?我结婚了。在我们船上由三个部门。4. How many people are there in your family? Are you married? (Three. No, Im not married.)家有几口人?你结婚了么?5. How many countries have you ever been to?(Four.)你曾去过几个国家?6. When did you begin to work on board? What kind

3、 of ship have you worked on? (In 1999. Container .kntein 集装箱ship.)什么时候开始在船上工作的?你曾在什么样的船上工作过?1999年集装箱船7. How many important canals .knl 运河are there all over the world? (Two. the Panama .pn,m:, -,m: 巴拿马and Suez. sju(:)iz 苏伊士)全世界有几条重要的运河?两条。巴拿马运河和苏伊士运河8. Can you tell me what is the most important thing

4、 for a seafarer si: fer 船员,航海家? (Safety.)你能告诉我对海员来说什么是最重要的?9. What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on? (Main engine: Sulzer苏尔寿, Man B & W engines and so on. Generator engine: Yamaj:m, Wasilla Diesel and so on.)你们曾经用过什么样的主机和发电柴油机10. Which classification .,klsifikein 分类societ

5、y .ssaiti 社会is your ship registered redIstd 登记,注册with? (CCS.)你们的船是在哪个船级社注册的11. Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical .kritikl 决定性的, 关键性的equipment? (Yes, I have worked on a bulk .blk 散装货物carrier .kri that the main engine had been damaged.)12. How do you make your maintenance meintin

6、ns 维持; 维护; 保养; 维修schedules .edju:l 时间表, 日程安排表? (It is based on ships planed maintenance system and the machinery .mi:nri 总称)机器 running hours records.)你们是如何制定保养计划的根据船的计划保养体系和机械运行时数记录。13. Could you list international .,ntnnl 国际的, conventions knvenns 协议, 协定concerning .kns:ni 关于marine shipping? (STCW, S

7、OLAS, MARPOL, ISM Code and so on.)你能列举出关于船运方面的国际公约么?海员培训,发证和值班标准国际公约,联合国IMCO)海上人命安全公约,国际防止船舶造成污染公约,国际安全管理规则等等。14. Could you tell the usages .ju:zid 使用, 用法of the STCW convention? (To provide standards .stndds 标准, 水准, 规范of training, certification ,s:tfken证书 and watchkeeping for seafarers.)你能说出STCW公约的用

8、途么?15. What is the purpose p:ps 目的; 意图of Classification Society? Could you list some of them? (To ensure .inu 确保, 担保safety of ship and human life, and prevent pollution of the environment. invairnmnt 环境.CCS, ABS, NK, DNV and so on.)船级社的目的是什么?你能列举出一些船级社么?确保船舶和人命安全,防止环境污染。中国船级社,美国船级社,日本海事协会,挪威船级社。16.

9、Could you list different kinds of ships surveys .sveiz 调查? (Annual .njul 年度的survey, docking survey, special .spel survey, etc .,etsetr 等等.)你能列举出不同的船舶检验类型么?年检,坞检,特别检验等等。17. What does UMS stand for? Have you served UMS? (Unattended Machinery Space. Yes.)UMS代表什么?你用过UMS吗?18. Have you even experienced PS

10、C inspection? Where and when was your last inspection? (Yes. Last year, in Hamburg.)你曾经历过PSC检查么?上一次检查是什么时候,在哪里?19. What should be paid attention to in the overhaul of a cylinder? (Every operation must be complied with the precaution measures regulated in the SMS.)在气缸检修中(吊缸),应该注意什么?20. Before enterin

11、g an enclosed space such as ballast tank, what action will you take? (Check the content of oxygen and ventilation.)在进入密闭空间前(比如压载舱)你要采取什么措施?21. Please tell me the minimum safe oxygen percentage for the safety of the workers in an enclosed space. (18%.)请告诉我在密闭舱室中对于工人的安全而言最低的安全氧的百分比第二章1. Please introdu

12、ce one type of the main engine. (The main engine is large bore two-stroke crosshead type with turbo charging system.)请介绍一种主机类型主机是大缸径的二冲程十字头类型带有涡轮增压系统2. Please introduce fuel injection process of electronically controlled main engine. (The electronics control of fuel injection improves low- load oper

13、ation engine speeding up, giving better engine balance and load control.)请介绍电控主机的喷油过程3. Please introduce dual fuel technology of main engine. (This kind of main engine can burn both natural gas and fuel oil used in large medium speed engine.)请介绍主机的双燃料技术4. Why is the two-stroke engine widely used on

14、board ship?(Because of its long life, lower cost and reliability.)为什么两冲程柴油机被广泛应用在船上?5. Why is the air exchanging quality of tour-stroke engine more than that of two-stroke engine?(Four-stroke engine has an enough overlap between inlet v/v opening and exhaust v/v closing.)为什么四冲程柴油机的换气质量优于两冲程柴油机的换气质量?

15、四冲程柴油机在进气阀打开,排气阀关闭期间,有足够的气阀重叠时间6. Please introduce three moving parts of marine diesel engine.(Piston, crankshaft, connecting rod.)7. Whats the sequence of the four strokes?(Suction, compression, expansion and exhaust.)8. Please introduce four fixing parts of marine diesel engine. (Bedplate, cylinde

16、r block, scavenge air box and frame.)9. What is called a working cycle of diesel engine?(The operation between two injections.)10. What is the foundation of diesel engine?(Bedplate.)柴油机的基础是什么?11. What are the function and feature of the tie rods?(To hold the bedplate, frames and cylinder block toget

17、her.)贯穿螺栓的作用和特点是什么12. What is the function of the governor?(To control the engine speed.)调速器的作用和特点是什么13. What is the feature of the governor? (Instantaneous因私谈拟而私 speed, regulating瑞哥类停 speed fluctuation弗拉克为身, and so on.)调速器的特点是什么14. What is used for connecting the piston rod and connecting rod?(Cros

18、shead.)什么被用来连接活塞和活塞杆?15. What is used for sealing between the crankcase and scavenging air box?(Piston rod stuffing 私大分box.)什么被用来密封曲轴箱和扫气箱?16. What are the two types of the cooling system?(The closed cooling system and the open cooling system.)冷却系统的两种类型是什么17. Whats the function of the head tank in t

19、he cooling water system? (For expansion of water and water make-up.)在冷却系统中高置水柜的作用是什么18. Please introduce the open cooling system. (Open cooling system use similar elements奥了慢私 with closed system expect诶克私吧克特 that a drain 准tank is used instead 因私大of a head tank.)请介绍开式冷却系统19. Please introduce the clos

20、e cooling system. (Closed cooling system has the engine jacket heat exchanger and circulating赛可类听 pump to form a continuous肯听牛爱私 circuit色开特 with a head tank open to atmosphere.啊特目标斯比叶)请介绍闭式冷却系统20. Please introduce the central cooling system. (Central cooling system is based被私的 on sameSEI木 design 地RA

21、恩principles with convention sea water cooling system but with a central cooler and one additional额滴是脑 set of pump)请介绍中央冷却系统21. Whats the advantage of the central cooling water system? (The corrosion克柔韧 problems趴不LEN are greatly诡刺类 reduced.瑞迪有私特)中央冷却系统的优点是什么?腐蚀问题大大降低22. How to control fuel oil viscos

22、ity of main engine? (By controlling the oil temperature谈破车.)如何控制主机燃油粘度23. Please introduce two sub-systems of the fuel oil system. (They are fuel supply色普拉爱 and fuel injection systems.)请介绍燃油系统的两个分系统24. Please speak out the function of the fuel oil viscosity regulator. (Controlling the oil temperatur

23、e.)请说出燃油粘度调节器的作用25. How does the fuel oil viscosity regulator work? (By controlling and adjusting额扎私听 the fuel oils temperature.)燃油粘度调节器是如何工作的26. Please tell at least three composition of fuel oil. (Sulphur,骚分 hydreogen, caibon.)请说出至少三种燃油组成成分27. Please name at least three of main factors to select a

24、 fuel oil. (Viscosity,为四靠私听 water content, flash副啦时 point炮恩特, setting赛听 point, calorific卡了瑞非克 value瓦哦有 and so on.)请说出选择燃油的主要因素(至少三种)28. What is the usual coolant in the marine diesel engine? (Fresh water.)船用柴油机中常见的冷却剂是什么?29. Why sea water is not used directly as a coolant in diesel engine? (Because

25、it is corrosive.)作为柴油机的冷却剂,为什么海水不能被直接使用30. Whats the advantage of oil-cooling piston? (Leaking力肯 into crankcase will not cause problems.)油冷活塞的优点是什么31. Whats the disadvantage of water-cooling piston? (Cooling water leakage can pollute普楼特 the lube oil.)水冷活塞的缺点是什么32. Whats the function of the lubricati

26、ng oil in main engine? (To reduce friction,非可身 remove瑞某 heat, neutralize牛戳拉爱私 acid额赛的 conditions肯得甚私, wash瓦身 away 外wear 为儿detritus的CHUA特私 and so on.)主机滑油的作用是什么减少摩擦,带走热量,中和酸性物质,带走磨屑33. How do you clean the lube oil filters? (By washing with diesel oil)如何清洗滑油滤器34. When do you clean the fuel oil filter

27、s? (When the filter佛偶特 is clogged克劳个的 by impurities恩PIOU力私.)什么时候清洁燃油系滤器35. Why must the cylinder oil have alkalinity? (To neutralize acid conditions.)为什么汽缸油必须含碱中和酸性物质36. Whats the function of the cylinder oil? (Lubrication, sealing and removing瑞木WENG heat.)汽缸油的作用是什么37. How do you start the air compr

28、essor? (Unload昂楼的 starting.)如何启动空压机卸载运动38. What do you pay attention额谈身 to when you stand by engine? (Check差可 various 外瑞叶私pressure and temperatures ,warm up the engine, turn the engine with turning谈宁 gear and so on.)备车时应注意什么39. Do you know the reasons why the engine does not start on air? (Too low s

29、tarting air pressure, incorrect因可RUA克特 timing of starting air valve, etc.)你知道主机为什么不能靠空气起动的原意吗?40. What should you periodically do for the air reservoir? (Drain oily water.)对于空气瓶,你应该定期做什么?41. Whats the function of gas exchange in diesel engine? (Supplying fresh air and removing exhaust gases.)柴油机中换气的

30、作用是什么?42. Whats the function of supercharging in diesel engine? (To increase output power.)柴油机中增压机的作用是什么?43. How do you operate the main engine in cold weather? (To warm up the main engine first.)在冷天里,如何操作主机?44. How do you heat the main engine? (By circulating the cooling water which is heated to proper temperature.)如何加热主机?通过循环冷却水加热到适当的温度45. How do you change diesel oil into fuel oil? (Diesel oil heated to proper temperature and open the fuel oil v/v.)如何将柴油更换成燃油46. How do you change fuel oil into diesel oil? (Shut the steam v/v, decre

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