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1、分子生物学英文版hpte ucleic Acid1.Phsial nd emiclstuctu of DNADol-strandedhelxMajo ove a minor grooveBasepairng hwsrands e iparallel G+C ontt(erent C) atelite DNASaellit DA onts of igy repeitive DN and isso cale beauseetion of asrt DN quence te toroduce diffent freuec ofthe nuclotides aeie, ctosie,guie ad t

2、ymne, and hushavea diffenteniy ombulk DA - such that th or a ond or aeltebanwheomicDNA is eparat on densit grdient. 2. Aernt DA structrTwo bas hveee extuded om baestacking at he jctio. Th white line oes fophoshe o pospht alng the chain. is howred, Nblue, P yellw nd Cg3. Ciru nd suerhelicl NNA an lo

3、rm a doul-strandd, ovlentyoed crc hese ula lecule are oftenciled inta suphelx, the rmain owich is atlyzd by nzyes cale ooisomerases.4.Denaturon ofDNADenauatio: Atasitionfrm th nat o th eaturestateDNA deatrto: aso call DAmeling, iste proess b whicdobl-strde DN unwins nd separas into gle-traned strand

4、shrugh th reakin of rg boding betweenthe ases. Hyperhromicit Hperhromi efect: the triking incre asorance of DNA (260) csed by e eaturaton f e dobsraned DNA leculeelting peature (Tm) :h empratur at wi haf fthDN strandsare intedoulehelic staead al arnated Thmelinemperature dends bohtheength he mocule,

5、 an the specic nucotide seqece ompositon o hatmoleule. Factors tingTmG cotent osme reagensthtincreasete olubility of the bases(anthing tha isrt H-bonds or basesackng)Salt conctratin pH Length5. RnaturaionStrands cne idud torent (annal) nderroper coniti. Facors to onser:Temprtur Salt concentraton NA

6、concentrtion TimeRpttivSequenes nique: SngCpyene Slihly repettive (2-10cpies) Mddle reeitive(10- hunrds) -Clstered -Dipered Highly rpetitve (undedto milions) -Sht sequecesin tllieA Squenes of nrmal length in era ges texstin ver lagenumbrC-vauePardoxher isapparently a lckof asciionbetween C-value (th

7、e aont N present ih aploid em f irentorgnisms )and the egre ooanisml ompleityof rios muli-cellulroanis I 9, Thoasnmed tshoenon, “-value Paao”在每一种生物中其单倍体基因组的DN总量是特异的,被称为C值 (Clu)。 值和生物结构或组成的复杂性不一致的现象称为值悖论(-value paadx)。6.HbridizationHybidizatio: thetcniquewherei naured N is orme fromsearae siglstne am

8、pe.Heteodpx:renaturao cobned wthelcron crosp na rcedrealls telocalation of omn, istinc,an ising sequnces inNA.DNA-RNA ybridizati (rthern ybridization): the use of fteybrdiation to dtet sequenc omplementarity between asinglestrnd of DNA and an RNAmoleue.7. The tuctur of NATys: mRN, t, NADistncons:rib

9、oerepcoxribe;- U replas ; Sne-stranedCoformatin: stm-oo hrpn8. Hydlys f nuceic cidTe phphodietr bonds of bothD ad RNcab bokn byhydrolsi eitcemicalyo ezmatically.Ribymes:the RNA enzyme,are able o cleave adormpecfic phsphodieser bndin mann analogou to oein enzs.Chae 6 h gentic ateiae Pah to the Wtso a

10、dCiModel1928,Griffi,tranforationin pneumccc(肺炎球菌)144, e,riths trnfrmin prncile was DN1950, Caf, pattrn i he amontsof e for bae 952, erhe ad Chae, N i thegeneicmateial953, Frnlin,th -raypicure of NAhargafs ruleIn the D f allspecies exmined, A=T,=Ch totalamount ofpuries (+G)=pyimidine (T+) inDNTe rati

11、onof(AT)/(GC) arfr ecis o speciesDA popetie ad fntins1.DNAs the abiity to storneti inrmation, wch an be expresed in the cel a need.2.Thisnormaion ca etransmittedodughteclls withinial rr.(This proces ruie compl enzmes adrepai mhaniss.)3.DNA pssesss bothphical ndheic stabiliy infot is not lost over lo

12、rioo ie(yers).4.DN ha t potent for heritale hanewithumajor lossof retaliomation.N-eicateril: ublestranded NA has evolved as te eneticmaealbeus it is espeally wel-suited f replicton,ea,ocasional chne, adlg-tietaiity.Gn: ens cotainall e informaton f th synhesis ad functionin of celulr compnnsTranscrpt

13、n:tepoesof snthesiin RNA moleculesfroaDN tlt.Triplets codons:e RA nuclotideeqece isred (o riboses) n seqentialgoups oftree ases.tion: t proc b which a aseseec chags.The ctl dogm: DNA mae RNA, mkes proe.chaptr 7 DNAreicatioSmiconseative repiatin odol-sraned NAntwisting ofghy coled DA i reuied for DA

14、rplicaionoposomease ype :orkhe ofrtin DNAMechaniMakes cut in one trnd, psses other sad throgh it.Seals apRsul:th DNA s “elaxed” soeatGyrase- e II TopoioeraseInrousnegive supercoilsbreasbth stradsectio cated wa fom actual cut is hepassed thruh ut sie. InitatioofDA eplcatoRlcain nitate a ecf sites:rii

15、n Rlication(ori) ypes oiniiaton:De v Synhsis intiatd wih RNArimr. Mst comonCovalentxtensionsynthesisf nw stras exnio of anld tnd (“Rollng Crcle”). Lmtet certain ruses.De ovo IitiationBnngoOrC by DnaA rtien trandsRpltio predbiirectionaovalen extnsionitiio RigCircleUwndingof DN for repicatoneics:Breas

16、 hydroe bonds an limiate yrophobic ineractions eeds ener plied by ATP ncoed by the Da gene inEoliinge-srnd DA ndngpoteins(B):Bid tthe psed srands, oat them andblck t e-anealng ocessEogationo newly snesizedstds1.Tpolmeriatonreactin adt oymersesEnzym: pomersIIeed: bstes,temlt,rierDtin: 3.Correcing mis

17、atched bassThe 53 eonucase ctvity of o atasnl-strand brek(nick) can ocr smultausly wiholymeriztion-niraslationDNpolymerse IIconistsf multipl subuntsPo I dpol IIar nedn E.coi NA replication. Pol IIIis themajorpolymerae. t ly I ad ply II osss a roreading eing funion (-5 exnuclese ativty )The53 exoulas

18、etvity ofpo Iat a silestrand bea(ick)caoccruteuly with pomrizatin-nick anlation. DA olmeIII cnssts omulipesut. A knon poyma can work lynthe -P 3OHrecin.Pol Iad p III hve me featue n cmn: 5 poyeriztn aciityhe our doxynuleoside5-trsphat primerwith afre OA teplt -5exonulease aciviAniralle DNA strands a

19、ddicotinuus repliatnTe two stasof DN s atipallel de replini discntinuos sthis.A pimeri qire f chain iniiat andtwo deren enzymes (RNA polymeaeand pris) arnow to synthesie mer RNA molcules.DA lge ji ecusor faents nd po I well a RNa H partcipates ithermoal of prmr.N polymerase: iitiaon of eadig-trad sn

20、thsisimase: ynthsis of rmsforlaggg-tandrmosoe:helicasprimsecoexPol I: val of te prime andeplacemen ofDNAN gse: oiingtheagment (ap saled)hecompleteDNA repicatn sysemBictiol replication spee u DNAsyesisplicationofeuartic chromosomes1.Eukaryotes hveore ndlare crooms.2.Ekaryotic rplcatio mayrequr s u 6-

21、8 hors frcompltn vrsusth40muteseded are mltple, ather than a ile,rplicton rigin long ekryoi comosome.They are spacedabout20kb aart.4.Eukaryotic NA rplication is t the rateabut1-10nuceotidespeecond as posed to the okaryticrate about 0 ncleotie psecond.5.A least fie typs of NA polymerass

22、hav be fun in eukaryotc els. 真生物DA的复制有DNA聚合酶及多种蛋白质因子参与,DNA聚合酶也有多种类型。其中DN Pol及DNP在细胞核内A的复制中起主要作用。DA Pol催化前导链及滞后链的合成,是主要负责DA复制的酶。DA Pol的功能主要是引物合成。NPol是线粒体中的复制酶。 Chapt 8 Tancrpon1. Ezymacsyntess f NAE. liN plmasHoloenzyme:re enym: 2factr(1)Bding o RNA oltoa teplate at spific st(2)Iitiation(3) Chin elon

23、atin(4)hain temnation an rlase.rnscrion sigasIn porte, the proer onsist f wo short squences t -10nd 35 posios upseam frmthe trascrptontart ite the -10 eeent :ribnowbox, uslly consist TA, sbsotly essenialt tr trancrpton inparytes.the 5elemn :usuly consss TTG. It preence allwa ve igh ransription rat.In prayots:n ekroe:einatio erminatio ofNAynhesioccs t secfi ase-eqnces n theDN mlu, cal trinaors. Intinc terminators: roiepndttrinatos, th tmination sequences allow RNymerae t terminateelogaion spntaneou. rh-dependetteinator: is depnet o a speic rote

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