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When isyour birthday教案备课讲稿.docx

1、When is your birthday教案备课讲稿Unit 7 Whens your birthday?第一课时Teaching aims:1.本课要求学生能流利地按顺序说出12个月份的名称,能运用句型When is?Its on the 谈论日期 熟练地表达人物的生日和一些重大节目. Key points:1掌握日期的表达方法,灵活运用句型When is ? Its on the谈论日期.2了解国内外一些重大节日的小知识.3熟练地表达人物的生日,学会关心他人,热爱生活. Difficulties:1.能够听、说、读、写12个月份,及其缩写形式。2.能用“When is your birt

2、hday?”询问对方的生日,并能用“My birthday is in .”来表达自己的月份。3.能结合所学语言点开展对话。课前准备:1教师准备教学过程中所需要的年历、声音和课件。2教师准备录音机及录音带。四、教学过程:Step 1: Warmingup (5)1.Sing a song 2. Running game .Revise first to thirty-first. Step2: Presentation (20)1. T:Take out a large calendar to show Ss. (Point to JanuaryDecember) Teach the mont

3、hs of a year.Ss:Listen carefully and repeat.2. T:Point to August and tell the students “My birthday is in August. ” And draw a big birthday cake on the Bb.Say “My birthday is on the 27th of August. ”3. Ss: Listen to Part A of Unit 10 and answer the questions: Whens Peters birthday? Whens Linglings b

4、irthday? Whens Childrens Day?4. Ss:Listen to the tape again,and let Ss repeat.Step 3:Practice:1. T:Ask the Ss “When is your birthday?”Ask individual student to answer. 2.Ss: Ask and answer in pairs.(Whens your birthday? Its on the of)3.教师说一个月份,请学生说出它的下一个月份。 4.Ss:全班分成男生队和女生队。男生队派一名代表说月份,女生说出中文;男生说中文,

5、女生说出相应的英文。而后互换,评出优胜队。(巩固所学新知) Step 4:Consolidation and extension:1. Group work发给学生一个表格,让学生在组内进行调查,问问组员都是几月份的生日。提问:“How many birthdays are there in January/May ?”,学生根据小组的调查表进行回答。鼓励学生根据调查结果说一说全班在一月份生日的有多少人,二月份的有多少人。2.HomeworkA.Copy new words.B.Listen to the tape and repeat. C.让学生制作一个“A personal calend

6、ar”。D.查找国内外重要节日及相关日期Bb design:Unit 7 Whens your birthday?January (Jan.) February (Feb.) March (Mar.)April (Apr.) May JuneJuly August (Aug.) September (Sept.)October (Oct.) November (Nov.) December (Dec.)教学反思:五年级学生的英语已有较多的语言积累,因此五年级的课堂是丰富多彩也不失活泼的,应尽可能地给学生创设语言交际的情景。本堂课我采用根据自己的实际情况,介绍生日的方式教授句型Whens you

7、r birthday? Its 在教学过程中,我始终注意与学生进行有意义的对话,询问学生的生日,从而引出句型的教学。课文内容我采取了分层教学,让学生思考问题听录音,带者问题听课文录音,淡化了课文枯燥的内容,简化了学习的复杂性,了解课文内容,便于学生的掌握。但仍有少部分学生对于月份单词和日期表达法的掌握不到位,在今后的教学中要不断复习,反复出现,帮助学生巩固。第二课时 Teaching aims:1.Say the months words freely.2.Ask and answer others birthday freely.3.Learning how to love others a

8、nd how to help others.4.能够听懂、会说句型“When is your birthday? Its on the5.能用英语表达中西方的一些重要节日,并了解他们所在的月份。Difficult points and key points:1.Say the months words freely.2.Ask and answer others birthday freely.Teaching aids:A tape recorder.Some word cards.A calendar.教学过程:Step 1:Warmingup (5)1. Sing a song 2. C

9、hant:January or February, draw a circle.March or April, up your stand. May or June, touch your nose. July or August, touch your toes. September or October, touch your knees. November or December, clap 1, 2, 3.学生听录音,边说边做动作。请若干名学生说月份,其他同学做出相应的动作。(巩固所学月份)Step 2:Presentation1.T:询问学生“What day is today?”,

10、学生说出“Today is ”。又问:“Whats the date?”,帮助学生说出今天具体日期:“Its ”。 2. T:让学生拿出课前准备的年历(最好是学生自己制作的),随意指着某天询问学生:“Whats the date?”,学生:拿着年历相互用“Whats the date? Its .”进行问答练习。3.T:拿着年历从一月开始问学生:“Who has a birthday in January? Please stand up.”,而后教师问起立的学生:“Whats the date?”,让一月份生日的学生答出具体日期。(提高学生综合运用新知的能力。)Step 3:Practice

11、:1.Chain game:问一名学生:“When is your birthday?”,当这名学生回答完后问另一名学生“When is your birthday?”,帮助学生答出。 2.Pairwork.Guessing game:让一名学生到讲台前,面对黑板。用“Is your birthday in ?”句型猜一猜站着同学的生日,站着的同学用“Yes, it is.”和“No, it isnt.”来判断对错。Step 4:Consolidation: 1T:问学生:“Do you like June? Why?”,有的学生可能说出有六一儿童节,教师帮助学生说出“Childrens da

12、y”。 请学生说一说他们还知道哪些节日,用英语表达。将一些重要的节日写在黑板上,配以相应的图片,让学生朗读。(Womens Day, Army Day, Childrens Day, Teachers Day, New Years Day) 2.提问学生:“When is Childrens Day?”,请学生答出:“Its in June.”。 请若干名学生就其它节日进行提问,直至把所有节日问完。(培养学生用英语解决问题的能力。) 3. 若干名学生说日期,请其他同学猜一猜是什么节日。 3.Homework:A.Copy new words.B.Listen to the tape and r

13、epeat. C.查找自己喜爱的明星的生日Bb design:Unit 7 Whens your birthday? A: Whens your birthday ?B: Its on theofA:Whens Teachers Day?B:Its on theof教学反思: 语言是一种交际工具,作为启蒙教育的小学英语教学要遵循交际性原则,充分调动小学生学习英语的积极性,培养和保持他们学习英语的兴趣,使学生在生活化的教学场景中学习、使用语言,为他们将来更好地成长、成才奠定坚实的基础。本节课我利用歌曲和小诗来复习月份,既达到了学习的效果,又帮助学生了解了月份和节日。在以后的教学过程中,在巩固部分

14、可以多设计一些多变性的程序让学生更好的掌握知识点。第三课时 Teaching aims:1.Can combine the knowledge in the Unit 7.2. Finish Part F. Make birthday cards.Difficult points and key points:1. The Sscan make a birthday card or a festive card.2.Can combine the knowledge in the Unit 7.Teaching aids:1.A tape recorder.2.Some cards.3.Col

15、or pencils.4.Color papers.教学过程:Step 1:Warmingup1.学生看单词卡片,认读12个月份。 2.教师出示标有12个月份的大转盘,在转动指针前提问:“Which month is it?”,让学生判断,如“Its July/June .”等。 3.放节日歌曲,如“Jingle Bell”,“Happy New Year”等,学生听歌猜节日。如,“Its New Years Day”。 lay 放置 laid laiddeal 处理 dealt dealtStep 2:Presentationsleep 睡 slept slept1.拿出家庭照片,指着自己的

16、母亲对学生说:“Do you know her? She is my mother. Her birthday is on the 4th of April”。而后问学生:“When is your mothers birthday?”,帮助学生说出:“My mothers birthday is on theof”。 2. 请若干名学生提问其他同学:“When is your mother/fathers birthday?”。 Step 3:practiceovercome 克服 overcame overcome1.Pairwork.2.鼓励学生说一说其他家庭成员的生日,如:My unc

17、le/sister/grandmas birthday is in .。3.交流各自收集的明星的生日。run 跑 ran runStep 4: Consolidation and extension:1. Make a birthday card并评出优秀作品。2.让学生课后自己制作一个小型挂历,要求用英文写出月份和星期,并用英文标注出节日。鼓励学生使用自己的小挂历,并向自己的父母介绍英文的月份和节日的名称。把设计漂亮的挂历在班内进行展览,可以挂在教室内使用。(活动目的:培养学生查找、搜集资料的能力,同时扩大学生知识面。复习巩固所学内容。)choose 选择 chose chosenbe(am

18、 / is / are) 是 was / were beenhurt 受伤 hurt hurtquit 放弃 quit / quitted quit / quittedBb design:broadcast 播放 broadcast broadcastset 安置 set setspit 吐出 spat / spit spat / spitUnit 7 Whens your birthday?broadcast 播放 broadcast broadcastWhen is s birthday?teach 教 taught taughtHer/His birthday is on theof.b

19、ecome 变成 became become2. 以d结尾的词,把d变成t。如:buildbuilt, lendlent, sendsent, spendspentput 放置 put put教后反思:首先,课前我精心准备了多媒体课件展示一些节日歌曲,让学生猜节日。然后我设计了说家人的生日和说名人生日,利用歌星和体育明星的生日,帮助学生学习巩固了本单元的重点句型,Whens your birthday? Its.激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。既复习了课本上的生日,又解了重要节日和明星,学生兴趣浓厚,并且不拘泥于课本知识。但在以后的教学过程中,还要注意面向全体学生,让每个学生都参与,特别是激发中下生动脑筋举手回答问题,让全班学生共同学习进步。4. 以ow / aw结尾的词,把ow / aw变成ew。如:blowblew, drawdrew, knowknew, growgrewquit 放弃 quit / quitted quit / quittedswim 游泳 swam swum

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