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1、大学体验英语3单词unite1ah int.a cry of surprise, pity, pain, joy, dislike, etc. 啊,哈air-conditioner n. a device used to control temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and movement of air in conditioned space 空调机 air-conditioning n. the system that uses machines (air-conditioners) to control the temperature of t

2、he air in a room or building to keep it cool and dry 空调 ( 系统 ) appliance n. an apparatus, instrument, or tool for a particular purpose, esp. an electrical machine that is used in the house 器具,器械,(尤指)家用电器 artificial adj.made by humans, esp. as a copy of something natural 人造的 battery n. an apparatus f

3、or producing electricity, consisting of a group of connected electric cells 电池 communicative adj.relating to communication 通讯的;交际的 conference n. a formal meeting, which is held so that opinions and ideas can be exchanged 大会,会议 conscious adj. knowing, understanding, or recognizing something 有意识的,有知觉的

4、 constant adj. fixed or unchanging 不变的 dam n. a wall or bank built across a river to keep back water, esp. to make a reservoir 水坝,堤坝 debate n. a meeting, esp. in public, in which a question is talked about by at least two people or groups, each expressing a different opinion 争论,辩论 deforestation n. t

5、he action of clearing an area of forest or trees 采伐森林 disaster n. sudden serious misfortune causing great suffering and damage 灾难 dispose v. to get rid of 处理 drought n. (a long period of) dry weather when there is not enough water 干旱 ecological adj. of or concerning ecology 生态 ( 学 ) 的 efficiency n.

6、good productivity or performance 效率 erosion n. the process of eroding or being eroded 腐蚀,侵蚀 faucet n. a device through which the flow of water or other liquids is controlled 水龙头 forum n. a place where public matters may be talked over and argued about 论坛,讨论会 garbage n. waste material, . from a house

7、 or office, to be thrown away 垃圾,废物 gas n. (a type of) substance like air, which is not solid or liquid and usually cannot be seen 气体 harmful adj. causing or likely to cause harm 有害的,伤害的 hence adv. for this reason or from this origin; therefore 因此,从此 host n. a person who receives guests and provides

8、 food, drink, and amusement for them 主人,东道主 influence n. (the power to have) an effect on someone or something without the use of direct force or command 影响 install v. to set (an apparatus) up, ready for use 安装 liter n. a metric measure of liquid 公升 mount v. to prepare and produce (an attack) 为作准备 o

9、verflow v. to go beyond the limits 溢出 partner n. either of two people sharing the same activity or business 合伙人,伙伴 plastic n. a light artificial material produced chemically 塑料 pollution n. the action of polluting or the state of being polluted 污染 profit n. money gained by trade or business 利润 recyc

10、le v. to treat (a substance that has already been used) so that it is fit to use again 使再循环,回收利用 renewable adj. that can be renewed, esp. by natural processes or good management 可更新的,可再生的 shortage n. a condition of having less than is needed; an amount lacking 短缺 solar adj. using the power of the su

11、ns light and heat 太阳的 solve v. to find a solution to, an explanation of, or a way of dealing with (something) 解决,解答stack n. an orderly pile of things one above another 一摞,一叠 starve v. to (cause to) suffer or die from great hunger ( 使 ) 挨饿,饿死 style n. general manner of doing something which is typica

12、l or representative of a person or group, a time in history, etc. 风格,方式 sweat n. liquid which comes out from the body through the skin to cool it 汗,汗水 v. to have sweat coming out through the skin 出汗 symposium n. a meeting between scientists or other people experienced in a particular field, in order

13、 to talk about a certain area of interest 研讨会,专题讨论 system n. a group of related parts which work together forming a whole 系统,体系 wow int. (an expression of surprise and admiration) ( 表示惊叹、羡慕 ) 哎哟 ! 哇 ! yeah adv. (informal) yes 是 addictedadj.dependent on something, esp. a drug 成瘾的 ailingadj.unwell; il

14、l 不舒服;生病atmospheren.the mixture of gases that surrounds any heavenly body, esp. the earth 大气(层)carbonn.碳 consequencen.result 结果consumern.a person who buys and uses goods and services 消费者; suitableness; the quality of being convenient 方便an apparatus, service, etc., which gives com

15、fort or advantage 便利设施或用具 cut down the forests 砍伐(森林) dioxiden.二氧化物 the direction that the wind is moving 顺风处 ecosystemn.生态系统elementn.a necessary part of a whole 成份;要素environmentn.the surrounding physical and/or social conditions 环境 change into steam and dis

16、appear 蒸发expertn.a person with special knowledge or training 专家 exploitationn.the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage 开采 fossiln.化石globaladj.of or concerning the whole earth 全球的 greedn.strong desire to obtain a lot or more than what is fair 贪心,贪婪greenhousen.a glass building used for

17、growing plants 花房,温室 inexhaustibleadj.which is in such large amounts that it can never be finished 取之不竭的,用不完的 separate from others 使孤立,使隔离 give care and food to 养育 particula adj.separate and distinct from other of the same group,category or nature 特定的; 特有的oxygenn.氧,氧气petroleum

18、n.a mineral oil obtained from below the surface of the Earth 石油planetn.a large body in space that moves round a star, esp. round the sun 行星 make (air, water, soil, etc.) dangerously impure or unfit for use 污染priorityn.the state, quality, position, or right of being first in position or ea

19、rlier in time优先(权),重点something that needs attention, consideration, service, etc., before others 优先考虑的事productn.something (useful) produced by growth or from the ground, or made in a factory 产品 make pure 使纯净,净化releasen.the act of setting free 释放,放出sourcen.a place from which something come

20、s 来源specificadj.detailed and exact 明确的,具体的particular 特定的,特有的particularadj.separate and distinct from others of the same group, category or nature 特定的;特有的strategyn.a particular plan for winning success in a particular activity, as in war, a game, a competition, or for personal advantage 战略,策略

21、 catch by a trick or deception 设陷阱,诱捕to holdback, block挡住,拦住 walk on, over, or along 在上走to walk or step 践踏wisdomn.the quality of being wise 智慧 atopprep.on, to, or at the top of 在顶上audioadj.connected with or used in the broadcasting or receiving of sound radio signals 听觉的;声音的boundaryn.the d

22、ividing line, esp. between two areas of land 分界线;边境线brilliantadj.very bright, splendid, or showy in appearance 光辉的,灿烂的cabinn.a small room on a ship usu. used for sleeping 船舱a small roughly built (wooden) house 小(木)屋climaten.the type of weather that a region has 气候 make known 告知,传达to s

23、hare or exchange opinions, news, information, etc. 交流,交际,通讯decaden.a period of 10 years 十年directlyad. in a direct manner 直接地 bring into a focus 集中(注意力) frogn.蛙,青蛙 make a continuous low sound 发出嗡嗡声indicatorn.a needle or pointer on a machine to show a measurement (测量器的)指针logn.a rough

24、length of tree-trunk 原木 maplen.枫树 come up to the same level as from behind, and usu. pass 追上,赶上(of a feeling) to affect very strongly (在感情上)压倒 prairien.(esp. in North America) a wide treeless grassy plain 大草原residencen.the place where one lives 住所 sensitivityn.the quality, state, or degr

25、ee of being sensitive 敏感(性),灵敏(度) control of oneself, not drunk 清醒的;未醉的 speciesn.a division of animals or plants (植物或动物的)品种,种类 studion.a workroom for a painter, photographer, etc. 画室;摄影室subtleadj.delicate, hardly noticeable, and esp. pleasant 细致的,微妙的 continue to live 存活syrupn.s

26、weet liquid, esp. sugar and water 糖浆,糖水tonen.the character or quality of a sound 音色,音质urgen.a strong wish or need (for something) 强烈的渴求,冲动weirdadj.strange; unnatural 古怪的,奇异的Phrases and Expressions (from, over) a long distance 从远道be blind toto be unable to perceive or understand 对没有觉察到be separate fro

27、mto be disconnected 分开,分离impact onto have an effect on 对产生影响result fromto be the result of; happen because of 起因于result into have as a result; cause 造成sit backto take no action 不采取行动;观望take actionto begin to act 开始行动at this/that rateat this/that speed 按这样的速度by handby a person, not a machine 手工做的for the sake offor the good or advantage of 为(的利益,好处)着想vice versain the opposite way from that just stated 反之亦然

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