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1、北京市专升本词汇和语法历年考题Part I. Vocabulary and Structure & Part IV. Word Forms非谓语动词1.Jenny is only three years old. She is too young _ alone at home. (03年,1题)Ato leave B. to be leavingC. to be left D. to have been left2. _, we missed our train the day when we were back to Paris. (03年,12题) A. With the bus lat

2、e B. The bus to be late C. The bus being late D. The bus was late3. _ from the top of the TV tower, you will find the city far more beautiful at night. (03年,14题) A. To see B. Seen C. Seeing D. See 4. _ well enough before the final exam, he failed to finish answering all the questions in time. (04年,5

3、题) A. Preparing not B. To preparing not C. Not to prepare D. Not having prepared5. The new president is reported _ China after he takes office in the capital. (04年,9题) A. to visit B. to have visited C. to be visiting D. visiting6. At one time we had about eighty people here who did nothing but _ int

4、o his family history. (05年,14题) A. to research B. researched C. researching D. research7. You were late again this morning. I think you had better _ on time. (06年,11题) A. to start to be B. started being C. start being D. to be8. (compare) _ with our small flat, Bills house seemed like a palace. (05年

5、48题, Compared)9. All of them stared at him carefully, as though (try) _ to understand something. (05年55题, trying)10. Weather (permit) _, well have a picnic at the beach next Saturday. (04年49题, permitting)11. The computer does not work properly. I think it needs (repair) _. (04年50题, repairing / to be

6、 repaired)12. Youd better speak slowly; otherwise you will fail to make yourself (understand) _. (04年53题, understood)13. The place is so (attract) _ that most tourists will spend more time here than in other places. (04年55题, attractive)14. Dont get your schedule (change) _; stay with us in this clas

7、s. (03年,49题, changed)15. The two men (stand) _ over there heard every word we said. (03年,52题, standing)16. It is so lonely a place that I object strongly to (stay) _ here alone. (03年,53题, staying)17. The school has honored one of its brightest and most (promise) _ students. (06年,46题, promising)18. W

8、hen (heat) _, the metal expands. (06年47题, heated)19. The bus left after (wait) _ for about half an hour at the bus stop. (06年,52题, waiting)虚拟语气1. He talked as if he _ there before. (03年,6题)A. used to be B. was C. had been D. had gone2. If it _ in early April, the crops wouldnt be growing so well now

9、. (04年,14题) A. didnt rain B. wasnt rained C. hadnt rained D. was not raining3. _ harder, you would have passed this exam. (05年15题) A. Were you worked B. Had you worked C. If you worked D. If you have worked4. But for his kind help, I _ this experiment so quickly. (03年,15题) A. shouldnt be finishing B

10、. couldnt finish C. hadnt finished D. wouldnt have finished5. Mary _ clean out the guest room last Saturday, but she was too busy that day. (04年,13题) A. has intended to B. was intended to C. intended to D. had intended to6. You _ come to meet me here at the station. The tube is quite convenient in t

11、his city. (05年,13题) A. neednt B. neednt have C. didnt need to D. dont need to7. If the tablets had dissolved, David _. (06年13题) A. would probably die B. had probably died C. probably would be died D. would probably have died8. It is high time that we (start) _ to do the experiment.(03年,47题, started)

12、9. Id just as soon you (do) _ not drive the car while Im gone. (05年,54题, did)10. Ms Lee recommends that the student who was late this morning (speak) _ to the director. (04年51题, should speak)倒装句1.Little _ about his situation though he was in great danger himself. (04年,8题)A. does he care B. he cared

13、C. did he care D. he cares2. Never for one moment _ that it could happen to her. (05年,11题) A. has she imagined B. she did imagine C. had she imagined D. she would imagine3. No sooner had the thief disappeared into a side street _. (03年,11题) A. than the police arrived B. as the police arrived C. then

14、 the police arrived D. when the police arrived4. _ that the pilot couldnt fly through it. (06年,9题) A. The storm so severe was B. So severe was the storm C. The storm such severe was D. Such severe was the storm动词时态、语态、情态1.By the end of 2002 we _ more than 5000 teachers of English all over the provin

15、ce. (03年,4题)A. trained B. had trained C. would have trained D. have trained2. Its expected that the new highway _ completed by next July. A. would be B. will have been (04年,1题) C. has been D. had been3. As soon as he comes back Ill tell him when _ and see him. (05年,4题) A. you come B. do you come C.

16、you will come D. will you come4. When the old man began to sing, _. (06年,7题) A. the children laughed and pointing to him B. the children laughed and pointed at him C. pointing at him, the children laughed D. laughing, the children pointed5. I hope you can visit my country soon, because _ to show you

17、 some of the beautiful places near my home. (06年5题) A. I like B. Id like C. I will like D. I shall like6. The information is urgently _ for our class discussion. (06年,8题) A. need B. needing C. unnecessary D. needed7. They _ be singing my favorite English song in the classroom. I can hear it. (04年10题

18、) A. could B. should C. might D. must 8. He is a very diligent student, and often (study) _ deep into the night. (05年,51题, studies)9. Do you realize that the rules of safe driving (application) _ to all of us? (04年,52题, have been applied)10. Health and safety officers will investigate the site and (

19、preparation) _ a report. (05年,52题, prepare)11. The people in the town have (strong) _ their defenses to a sufficiently high level. (06年,50题, strengthened)12. Road accidents, for example, _ frequently after a family row, and we all know people who (06年,38题)A. happen B. occurred C. taking place D. app

20、eared从属连词与并列连词1.I called Mr. Smith at his office this morning, but the voice _ answered the phone was not his. (04年3题)A. which B. who C. as D. whom 2. _ knows the fact should report it to the manager. (03年8题) A. Whoever B. No matter who C. Someone D. Anyone3. The name originated from the days _ this

21、 house belonged to the local policeman. (05年6题) A. which B. when C. that D. what 4. It was not until December 31 _ we finally got a letter from him. (强调句型) (05年9题) A. that B. when C. which D. then 5. Mother has never been to Tibet but thats the only city _. (03年2题) A. where she most likes to visit B

22、. that she most likes to visit C. which she most likes to visit D. what she most likes to visit6. He has never been to London before, _ he knows everything about the people and the customs there. (04年,6题) A. and B. but C. for D. so7. Just after the game started, Voytas face became contorted(扭曲),_ hi

23、s right side froze. (03年39题) A. so B. but C. and D. for 8. There was also a fat lady who asked Tom _ he wanted something to eat. (06年,4题) A. what B. if C. that D. which 动词(短语)辨析1. I _ them to go by train, but they went by bus after all. (03年7题) A. suggested B. demanded C. proposed D. advised2. After

24、 a whole-night discussion, they have finally _ the conclusion that they should be united as one and fight against the local authorities. (03年13题) A. come B. reached C. received D. arrived3. Its so long since I last saw her that I couldnt _ her. (03年3题) A. realize B. review C. acknowledge D. recogniz

25、e4. Let me _ your telephone number before I forget it. (03年10题) A. put up B. put down C. put off D. put on5. Nowadays the new medicine can _ man of the deadly disease. (04年2题) A. save B. treat C. remove D. cure6. Dont worry about your earrings Im sure theyll _ sooner or later. (04年12题) A. make out B

26、. hold up C. turn up D. find out7. Im thinking about changing careers, but I dont quite know how to _ it. (04年4题) A. go about B. go around C. go by D. go for8. I was advised to _ my flight number at least 24 hours in advance when I was visiting Paris. (05年3题) A. justify B. confirm C. identify D. con

27、vert9. We are past the period of evolution when only the fittest can _. (05年5题) A. endure B. function C. remain D. survive10. Tom told me that he was really rich and owned a Farrari, but I _ him at once. (05年8题) A. saw off B. saw out C. saw over D. saw through11. We must _ that the telegram arrives

28、on time. (06年1题) A. secure B. ensure C. assure D. certify12. The workers _ a faire wage for their work. (06年2题) A. asked B. campaigned C. appealed D. demanded13. The house stood on a hill that _ the Changjiang River. (06年3题) A. overlooked B. viewed C. looked at D. saw14. The actor forgot his lines b

29、ut _ so well that the audience didnt notice. (06年6题) A. carried it off B. put it off C. went off with it D. came across it15. The law requires all factories to _ safety precautions and most companies have safety committees to make sure the regulations are _. (06年,42题和43题) Atake B. doubt C. adapt D. suggest A. classified B. viewed C. observed D. reached16. His idea to stop cell-phone users was _ by another accident. (04年,41题) A. confirmed B. determined C. decided D. found17. 介词搭配1. I tried to catch the

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