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1、选修七unit3Underthesea导学案高二第二学期英语选七 Unit3 Under the sea导学案班级: 姓名: 座号:学习目标(Learning aim ):The stude nts will be able to gras p the main idea of the p assage.学习重点(learning points) :Get the whole class grasp the main idea of the passage.导学过程(Guiding Procedures):一.自主预习(Preview): Pre-read the text.1. Read t

2、he p assage and the n put the sentences into the right order: ( ( ( (二.课前检测(Pre-class testPlease find out some backgro und in formati on about the p assage.WriterCareerTimeP laceMain character三、新知导学(Guiding))1. Clancy jumped into the boat with the whalers.)2. Clancy arrived at the whali ng statio n.

3、)3. The killers started rac ing betwee n our boat and the whale.)4. Clancy heard a huge no ise coming from the bay.)5. Clancy ran dow n to the shore.)6. The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale.2.Read again and discuss the questions with others:1). What evide nee was there that

4、Old Tom was hel ping the whalers out?2.). What other ani mals did the author compare the killer whales with? Why do you thi nk the killerwhales behaved like this?3). Why did George thi nk that the killer whales worked as a team?4.) Why did the whalers allow the killer whales to drag the whale away?5

5、) . How did Old Tom help James? Why do you thi nk he did this?3.Choose the best an swers.1). Accordi ng to the text, which of the followi ng is NOT right?A.The killers like Old Tom are fierce yet always ready to help the whalers.B.The writer did nt believe the killers could hel p the whalers catch w

6、hales before worki ng at thewhali ng stati on.C.The whalers left the body of the whale eate n up by the killers.D.” refer to?It was hard to han dle the boat in the rough sea.2)7. What does the word “it ” in the sentence。and theHerpo otn hit the spotA.The whale. B. The boat. C. The harpoo n. D. The k

7、iller.3). We can infer from the text that .A.The killer whales may be trained by the whalersB.The killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesC.The killer whales need no training for helping the whalersD.The killer whales want to eat the whales after killing them 四.课堂小结( Brief summary

8、):Working at the 1 (whale) station, I had witness whales 2 (kill ) manytimes with my own eyes. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I 3 (sort )outmy accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. 4 (run) down to the shorein time, we saw an enormous animal. “It is called Old Tom, t

9、he kille r. ” George said as he ran ahead 5_ me. 6_ the distance we could see that something was happening. As we draw 7 (near), I could see a whale 8 (attack) by a pack of about six sharks. Being9 (bad) wounded, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was dragged by the sharksdown into the 10 (dee

10、p) of the sea.Period 2 Usage of the key words一 .新知导学( Guiding):A. Of the class, listen to the teacher read and explain the following model sentences:1.Being badly wounded, the whale soon died.2.From James s face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.3.I m sitting in the warm night a

11、ir with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day - a day of pure magic!4.Seeing such extraordinary beauty, I think every cell in my body woke up.5.I told myself they werent dangerous but that didnt stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment!二 .拓展训练( Outward training ):词组活用(be)scared

12、to death upside down be/become aware of help out in the meantime1).My new house is being decorated so everything is .2).The manager went abroad last week, we made Mr Wang in charge of the company.3).When I first saw a real snake,I was .4).I often in my father s shop when things are busy.5).He said t

13、hat the manager was the problem.三词汇点兵1).Police have appealed for (证人) to come forward.2).The travel agent fixed up our ( 住处 ).3). They re both called Smithb,ut there s no 血_缘_(关系 ) between them.4).He got in at the (浅的 ) end of the swimming pool.5).She went to the post office to draw her ( 退休金 ).6).K

14、arl Marx was forced to f his home country for political reasons.7)d better not read it. This is an a account of the terrors of the war,you 8).The decision was taken for n economic reasons,without considering its social effects.9).This kind of seafood is p if taken in large quantities.10).The air by

15、the sea is p and healthy.Period 3 Learning about language1.2.靠近瞄准4.上下翻转6.回忆思考.;反省7.8.把.分类帮助(某人)摆脱困难或危难 10.举起,支撑;阻挡,使延误12.即将;将要 9.在此期间;与此同时 11.优于;在 前面 .拓展训练(Outward training ): 词性变化用所给单词或短语的正确形式填空(有多余选项)free from , ann ual , in the mean time, ahead of, reflect on, hold up, in dan ger, n arrow, scare

16、to death, up side dow n, let out, oppo site, be aware of, i n time to, sort out, set off, target1.Finally he succeeded in that place without being found .2.Can you watch IV and do your homework ?3.I m just the papers that can be throw n away.4.Tom went home watch the football match last evening.5.Sh

17、e is very excelle nt and always the rest of the others.6.He his hand to show that he had a questio n.7.Children s lives are every time they cross the road.8.When ever I those days I spent at home, I cannot help feeli ng happy.9.Sudde niy he his mistakes and apo logized at on ce.10.beate n.The final

18、score of the basketball match was 93:95. We were only11.I was n early by his sudde n app eara nee and loud shout.12.You have hung that picture .13.The discovery of gold in California a rush to get there.14.He a scream of terror at the sight of the sn ake.15.Such a meeti ng is held and sometimes twic

19、e a year.Period4 Using language学习目标(Learning aim ):Help students to revise the grammar-v-ing passive voice( 动词-ing 形式的被动语态 ). 学习重点(learning points) :Encourage students to master the grammar.导学过程(Guiding Procedures):一、 自主预习(Preview) : Pre-view the grammar.2.、课前检测(Pre-class test):P lease fill in the b

20、la nk.时态主动形式主动形式一般式(not) doing(not) being done完成式(not) havi ng done(not) havi ng bee n done三.、新知导学(Guiding):V-ing形式否定形式为not doing,具有动词和名词的性质,在句中起名词作用,可作主语、 宾语、表语;定语、状语和宾语补足语,但不能单独作谓语。1 作主语表示抽象的经常性的意义。Having been held up in the water made him safe. 在水中被举起让他感至U安全了。Being punished is not a good thing. 被

21、惩罚不是一件好事。2.作表语What made his parents happy was his being admi 卄ed to a famous university.让他父母高兴的是他被名牌大学录取了。3.作宾语常这样用的动词有:admit; excuse; postpone; anticipate; fancy; practice; appreciate ; finish ; prevent; avoid ; forbid ; propose; consider; forgive ; delay; imagine; deny; resist; keep; risk ; dislik

22、e ; mind ; miss; suggest; enjoy; pardon; esca pe; in stead of; look forward to ; object to; keep on; see about; take toHe n arrowly esca ped being run over. 他差一点被车撞着。PS:在 want, need, deserve, require,( be) worth 等动词后,可用动名词的主动形式表示被动意 义,4.相当于 to be done.作宾语补足语He ofte n watched the boats being loaded.

23、他常常看到轮船卸货。5.作定语He is in terested in the topic being discussed. 他对正在被讨论的话题很感兴趣。PS:动词-ing形式的否定形式在其前面加 notHe was unhappy for not having been invited to the party.没有被邀请参加聚会他感到不高兴。 6.作状语一般式的被动态强调正在进行的被动动作;Being badly wounded in the battle, the soldier soon died.因为在战斗中严重受伤,这个士兵很快就死了。 完成式的被动态强调被动动作在谓语动作之前完

24、成Having been given such a good chanee, how could you let it slip away? 人家给了你这样一个好机会,你怎么能轻易放过?四、当堂检测(Classroom test):Writing学习目标】 Write a letter of complaint according to the messages given. 学习重点、难点】 How to write a letter of complaint.如何写好抱怨信技巧点拨投诉、抱怨类的信件也是考试常常涉及到的内容, 一般是当自己的正常生活受到 骚扰、自己的利益受到侵害或当社会规范

25、有失规范时, 用来表达不满情绪和提出 批评。写建议信的注意事项如下:1.所有的投诉信都有一个共同点,就是最终是要收信人解决问题,所以需要提 出解决方案。 注意: 如果题目中没有给出解决方案, 那么就要根据投诉内容中的 不满提出自己的解决方案。2.建议要简明扼要,语气要礼貌中肯,论述要有逻辑,合情合理,突出重点。 常用句型: 抱怨投诉行为:Im writing to complain about/that.rm writi ng to make a complaint about Im writing to bring your attention to the problems that.Mu

26、ch to my regret, I write this to place a complaint against.Heres the p roblem 投诉内容具体描述 ::First of all, secondly, thirdly I felt really angry about.I find it difficult to.To be honest, I am not prepared to put up with.要求弥补纠正赔偿 ::I think it is high time that you should It would be very kind (con sider

27、ate) of you to I would app reciate it very much if you could.Would you pl ease.?We ask you to take ste ps to.对被投诉人的敦促或威胁:I hope you could deal with it as soon as po ssible.I hope you can and give me a face-to-face apo logy.If you cant give me a satisfactory an swer, I will.I must warn you that uni e

28、ss you do somethi ng about the situati on, I will be forced to take legal action.I have sent a copy of this letter to my lawyer.活学活用假设你的邻居王先生的女儿总是在晚上练习钢琴,制造噪音。请写一封抱怨信给 王先生,要求包含以下要点。【写作内容】1.噪音使得你无法学习和休息;2.傍晚比较适合练琴,要求王先生把练琴时间安排到傍晚;3.请王先生马上改善状况,否则将不得不米取法律行动。【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构

29、连贯。Dear Mr. Wang,I m writing to complai about the noise which is made by your daughter while sheis p racticing the pi ano at night. I find it difficult to concentrate on my study and I can a good rest at all. I would app reciate it very much if you rearrange the p racticing time. I think the evening

30、 could be a better time for your daughter s practice. I hope you could deal with it as soon as po ssible; otherwise, I will be forced to take legal action.选七Unit3 Under the sea导学案答案三、新知导学(Guiding)1.( 415236)3. CBA四.课堂小结(Brief summary):答案:l.whaling 2. killed 3. was sorting 4. Running 5. of6.In 7. nea

31、r 8.being attacked 9.badly 10.depths四 .拓展训练( Outward training ):词组活用答案 : 1.upside down the meantime 3.scared to death out 5.aware of词汇点兵 答案 : 1.witnesses 2.accommodation 3.relationship 4.shallow 5.pension 6.flee 7.awesome 8.narrow 9.poisonous 10.purePeriod 3 Learning about language答案: 1.aim at 2. get close to 3. be aware of 4. upside down 5. be scared to death 6. reflect on 7. help out 8.sort out 9. in the meantime 10. hold up 11.ahead of about

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