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1、经典句段l 鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。Birds dwell in a tree by the pond.A monk knocks at the door under the moon.l 皓月当空。The moon shines brightly.l 他命在旦夕。Death stared him in the face.l 她打了他一记耳光。She strikes him across the face.l 别的客人都走光了他还不走。He sits out the other guests.l 这件衣服你穿了很合适。The dress becomes you very well.年轻人宜彬彬

2、有礼。Modesty becomes a young man.l 这件衣服我穿了五年。This coat has lasted me five years.l 他说话把声音都说哑了。He talked himself hoarse.l She saw him young, and proud, and strong, and now he was old, and worn, and horrible, and dead. (Bennett, Old Wives Tale) 她看到他的时候,他是年轻、骄傲、而又强壮的,现在他已年老,疲惫不堪,样子可怕,而已经死了。(45)l 战争使我们的生意萧

3、条。Our business has suffered not a little through the war.The effect upon our business of the war has been striking.The war has affected our business to a remarkable.The war has done our business much harm.The war has rendered our business dull. (46)l They saw a burning house, standing a little dista

4、nce from the road, with some stately fir-trees in the foreground. 他们见到离开大路不远的地方,有一幢房子起火了,在那房子前面长得有一排森森的樅树。(48)l Caught in a shower on his way to his house in Lloyd Road, a tall English gentleman, a teacher of English in one of the most flourishing private schools in Singapore, began running, with so

5、me books under his arm, in order to catch a bus going at full speed about twenty yards ahead of him. 一个身材高大的英国人,是新加坡顶发达的一间私立学校的英语教员,在回返老益路他的住宅的途中,遇到了骤雨,他手臂下挟着几本书,开始向前跑,想去搭乘在他二十码光景前面以全速力在开行的那辆公共汽车。(48)l 天生丽质。Nature has molded her form and features with masterly touch.l 一磅烟丝只够他吸两个礼拜。A pound of tobacco

6、 only lasts him a fortnight.l The truth is that I was never much of a credit to the family, and I doubt if they would be so very glad to see me. They were all steady, chapel-going folk, small farmers, well known and respected over the country-side while I was always a bit of a rover.(Conan Doyle, Th

7、e Sign of Four)实际我对那个家族是没有什么信誉的,他们是不会高兴见到我的。他们都是信仰上帝,稳健的小农,在乡下颇有名气,受人尊敬,而我却来是有点流浪儿的味道。(135)l There was only a wooden latch to his door, because he had been too much of a skinflint to pay for one of the new iron locks to be fixed on. (Walter de la Mare)他家门上只有一个木闩,因为他太吝啬而不肯花钱买一把新的铁锁装上。(135)l You may h

8、ave something of a Roosevelt, something of a Newton in yourself; you may have something very much greater than either of these men manifested waiting your help to give it expression. 你也许具有罗斯福的才能,牛顿的智慧,你也许具有比他们两人所显示的更为伟大的本领,在等待着你把它表现出来。(135-136)l It was a truly awful sight, watching the numberless li

9、ttle wooden houses catching fire one after another, and flaming up like so many match-boxes.那真是一个可怕的光景,望着无数的小木屋,一个又一个地着火燃烧,就象那样多的火柴盒子一样。(154)l No family is too poor to have the table covered with a clean cloth. 没有一个家庭会穷困到连放在餐桌上的干净桌布都没有的程度。(169)l Magnesium lives well with other metals and, as in any

10、good marriage, each partner functions better with the other than either does alone.镁跟其他金属结合得很好,所有好象很相合的婚姻一样,各金属单独的时候不如与其他结合时更能发生作用。(178)l Sometimes he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields round his home, and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he would

11、describe the curious animals and birds he saw. (Sweet)以前他时时对我说关于他在他家周围的森林和原野中探险的事,以及他怎样找到一些寂静的溪流和池塘的情形,然后他老要描述他所见到的珍禽异兽。(198)l You will never fail to be moved by the beauty of the sight.你一定会被那些美丽的景象所感动的。(199)l The steamer leaves nothing to be desired so far as comfort and luxury are concerned. 在舒服和豪

12、华方面这轮船可谓尽善尽美了。(202)l Speeches may be broadly divided into two kinds. There is the speech a man makes which he has something to say, and the speech he endeavours to make when he has to say something.演说可大别为两类。一类是一个人有话想说的时候而去发表的演说,另一类是他并没有打算说话,而临时被迫演说,只好努力去找些话来说以应付过去。(205)l A man can never be hindered

13、from thinking whatever he chooses so long as he conceals what he thinks.一个人只要他不把心里所想的事说出来,他高兴怎么想就怎么想,是谁也不能阻止他的。(208)l She walked softly so as not to make any noise.She walked softly that she might not make any noise.She walked softly in order not to make any noise.(214)l Elliott was too clever not t

14、o see that many of the persons who accepted his invitations did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless. (W. S. Maugham)艾略特是聪明的人必然看得出来,大多数接受他的邀请的人,只是为着要来吃一顿不花钱的饭,他知道他们当中有些是愚笨的,另外有些却是不足轻重的。(216)l Not to speak of; not to sayHe cannot afford the ordinary comfort

15、s of live, not to speak of luxuries.他连日常生活的舒服多负担不起,那里还谈得上奢侈。He is very good-natured, not to say foolish.他老实得几乎有点愚笨。(220)l He was no more than skin and bone, was partly paralysed, and wore spectacles of such unusual power, that his eyes appeared through the glasses greatly magnified and distorted in

16、shape. (R. L. Stevenson) 他只剩下皮包骨了,半身不遂,因为戴着非常深度的眼镜,所以在那镜子后面的眼睛,看去扩大得多,而且变了样子。(233)l He did not so much as punish one of the murderers, nor did he show the least tenderness to the survivors. (Macaulay) 对于那些杀人犯他甚至一点也没有处罚他们,而对于那些生存者他也没有表示一点亲切。(236)l Law, in its true notion, is not so much the limitatio

17、n as the direction of a free an intelligent man to his proper interest. 法律真正的意义,是要把一个自由而有理性的人,导向正当的利益上去,而不是对此加以限制的。(236)l A mans dignity depends not on what he has but on what he is. 一个人的高贵,不在于他的财富,而在于他的人品。(252)l Hurry or interrupt him, and he showed himself anything but the man for a crisis. (Gissi

18、ng)时间太仓促或者对他说话加以阻挠的话,他就会显示出他不是一个能应付危机的人。(266)l A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellows. The really diligent student in one of the crowded hives of Cambridge College is as solitary

19、 as a dervish in the desert. (Thoreau)一个人在思想和工作时总是孤独的,无论他在什么地方都是一样。孤独是不能用介乎一个人和他朋友之间的空间的英里数来测量的。在哈佛大学的丛集如蜂窝的地方,勤读的学生,也和沙漠中回教的和尚一样的孤独。(273-274)l The silkworm is an animal of such acute and delicate sensation that too much care cannot be taken to keep its habitation clean, and to refresh it from time

20、to time with pure air. 蚕是一种感觉敏锐而纤细的生物,要注意尽量保持它居住处的清洁,时时使它获得新鲜空气。(292)l For the man sound in body and serene of mind there is no such thing as bad weather; every sky has its beauty, and storms which whip the blood do but make it pulse more vigorously. (G. Gissing) 对于一个身体健全,精神平静的人,是没有坏天气的;无论什么天气都有它的美丽

21、,激励血液的暴风雨,只会使、脉搏跳动得更加活泼。(292)l Public opinion is always more tyrannical towards those who obviously fear it than towards those who feel indifferent to it. A dog will bark more loudly and bite more readily when people are afraid of him than when they treat him with contempt, and the human herd has so

22、mething of his same characteristic. (B. Russell)舆论常是对于显明地怕它的人比毫不介意它的人更要残暴。狗对于怕它的人要大吠并随时准备来咬,对于轻蔑它的人,它就没有这样,人类也多少具有这样的特质。(294)l He observed with interest the errors of her face and figure, the thin underlip, too heavily penciled eyebrows, and her legs less than slim although not actually skinny. 他颇感兴

23、趣地望着她面孔和身体上的一些缺点,那太薄的下嘴唇,画得太浓的眉毛,和她那瘦弱的双腿,虽然没有达到皮包骨的程度。(298)l Not all verse is poetry; not all prose about the past is history, nor is all literary work literature. The discrimination is habitually applied to other subjects, and clearly it is the quality which is decisive, not the quantity, scope or

24、 subject-matter, still less the popularity, of the work. 并非所有的韵文文部是诗,并非所有关子过去的散文都是史,并非所有的著作都是文学。这种辨别常可应用到别的科目上,很明显的,有决定性的,是那作品的质,而不是量,也不是它的范围或题材,更不是它的声望。(299)l Such a mean fellow, though never so rich, should not be admitted into society. 这样卑鄙的人,虽则有钱,也应允许他进入社交界。(307)l The sun appears to take his dai

25、ly course over the earth, while it is really the earth which moves. The sun, at least, so far as we are concerned, is standing still. 太阳好像是每天围绕地球走动,二实际走动的却是地球。至少就我们地球上的人来说,太阳是屹立不动的。(312)l There is not a war in the world, no, nor an injustice, but you women are answerable for it, not in that you have

26、 provoked, but in that you have not hindered. 世界上任何一次战争,不,任何一次不讲道义的行为,都应由钵们女人来负责,并不是因为那是你们鼓励起来的,而是因为你们没有夫加以阻止。(315)l 要说明山水画的布置,先得说明山水画的构图原理。原来山水画的构图,不是对景写实,而是用鸟瞰的方法,将真景缩小,然后加以描写的。眼睛中所能看到的,只有一重山或一重水,这样简单的景物,是不容易构成山水画面的。作画的人,得走入山水的深处,遍观所有的风景,回到家里,把所经历的地方,象画地图似的缩写出来,还得把自己放的很大,把风景缩得很小,好象看假山似的,才能构成咫尺千里的画

27、面。In order to explain the disposition of a landscape painting, we have to make clear at first the principle of its composition. Originally the composition of landscapes is not to paint a real picture as we see it, but to depict by means of a birds eye view, namely, to diminish the subject matter in

28、a nutshell. What we can see with our naked eyes is generally only a single layer of mountains or rivers. This of course is not enough for us to compose a scene of the landscape. The one who paints ought to go into the heart of mountains and rivers, inspecting all the scenery before he puts down from

29、 memory on returning home the whole scope of his travelled regions as a miniature as he draws a map. In doing so, he has to enlarge himself as big as possible and contract the scenery as small as a rock-work to look upon, then he can for the first time compose a picture of thousand miles represented

30、 on a few-foot piece of paper or the like.(410)l No young man believes he shall ever die. There is a feeling of Eternity in youth, which makes us amends for everything. To be young is to be one of the Immortal Gods. One half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its

31、 countless treasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. We make the coming age our own. “The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us.” We look round in a new world, full of life, and motion, and ceaseless progress; and feel in ourselves all the vigour and s

32、pirit to keep pace with it, and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things, decline into old age, and drop into the grave. 没有一个年轻人相信他是要死的。在青春时有一种永恒的感觉,使人获得了一切补偿。年轻人快乐似神仙。虽则半生一幌就过去了,还有下半生带着无限的宝藏,仍然给他储备着,因为前程远大,希望无穷。这个新的时代是属于年轻人的。一个广大无边前景展开在他前面。他环顾周遭这个新的世界,充满着生命,活跃个不断的进步,他自己也感到元气旺盛,精神焕发,要来和它并驾齐驱。没有任何征候会使他预感到有朝一日,自己行将落伍,沦入老境,而终于要掉进墓穴中去的。(441-442)l On D. H. LawrenceOne of the great charms of Lawrence as a companion was that he could never be bored and so could never be boring. He was able to absorb himself completely in

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