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1、十个人际关系高频俚语十个“人际关系”高频俚语 十个最常见的关于人际关系高频俚语 Idioms and e_pressions are important parts of any literary or dialectic culture. For anyone who is wondering what are idioms, they are groups of words that present information in a figurative or proverbial manner. Today, there are modern acronyms like BFF and

2、pseudo-words like frenemies. There are many other idioms and e_pressions about friendship and relationships that are centuries old and still have an important place in modern culture. Here are a few e_amples of idioms about relationships that are used every day. 习语和表达是任何文学或辩证文化的重要组成部分.对于想知道什么是习语的人来说

3、,习语是以比喻或谚语的方式表达信息的一组词.如今,有许多现代缩略语如BFF和伪词如frenemies,还有许多关于友谊和关系的习语和表达方式,它们已有数百年的历史,在现代文化中仍占有重要地位.以下是一些关于日常关系的习语示例. 1.) Build bridges 建立联系 Making connections is an important part of building relationships. Whether its two individuals, two communities or two countries, building bridges is the way relat

4、ionships begin. Heres an e_ample. 建立联系是建立关系的一个重要部分.无论是两个人.两个社区还是两个国家,建立桥梁都是关系开始的方式.这里有一个例子. Nowadays, there are networking events for professionals who want to build bridges in their industries. 如今,为那些想在自己的行业中建立联系的专业人士举办的社交活动层出不穷. 2.) Cross someones path 偶遇 This timeless idiom is frequently used to

5、describe a chance meeting between two people or two separate things. Heres an e_ample. 这个不过时的成语经常用来形容两个人或两件不同的事情之间的偶然相遇.这里有一个例子. Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot crossed paths at the Brighton railway station. 马普尔小姐和赫拉克丽波洛在布赖顿火车站偶遇. 3.) A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情 When people are in need

6、, true friends will always come to their aid. Heres an e_ample. 当人们需要帮助时,真正的朋友总会来帮助他们.这里有一个例子. When Sallys friends helped her move, she realized that a friend in need is a friend indeed. 当莎莉的朋友帮她搬家时,她意识到患难中的朋友才是真正的朋友. 4.) Make friends 交朋友 To make friends means two people have established or reestabl

7、ished a link of friendship. Heres an e_ample. 交朋友意味着两个人已经建立或重新建立了友谊的纽带.这里有一个例子. Being outgoing is the easiest way to make new friends. 外向是交新朋友的最简单方式. 5.) Friends in high places 有高层朋友 Sometimes the people we know are more important than what we know. Having friends in high places means someone knows

8、people with power and influence. Heres an e_ample. 有时候我们认识的人比我们认识的人更重要.在高层有朋友意味着有人认识有权力和影响力的人.这里有一个例子. Having friends in high places is important for anyone who wants to start a political career. 对任何想开始政治生涯的人来说,在高层有朋友是很重要的. 6.) Mans best friend 人类的好朋友 Dogs make great friends. They are forgiving and

9、understanding creatures that have earned a place of honor alongside men and women. Heres an e_ample. 狗是很好的朋友.他们是宽容和理解的动物,赢得了与男性和女性并驾齐驱的荣誉.这里有一个例子. A loving dog is a mans best friend. 爱犬是人类最好的朋友. 7.) At odds with someone 与某人不合 People, facts and political parties can all be at odds when they are in a

10、state of disagreement. Heres an e_ample. 当人们.事实和政党处于分歧状态时,他们都可能产生分歧.这里有一个例子. Rebecca and Rachel have been at odds since Rachel stole Rebeccas boyfriend. 自从瑞秋抢了丽贝卡的男朋友后,丽贝卡和瑞秋一直不和. 8.) Be an item 成为一对儿 When gossip starts circulating in small social circles or major tabloid publications, couples becom

11、e an item. Heres an e_ample. 当流言蜚语开始在小社交圈或主要小报上流传时,情侣们就成了一个话题.这里有一个例子. John and Madison say theyre friends, but everyone knows theyre an item. 约翰和麦迪逊说他们是朋友,但每个人都知道他们是一对儿. 9.) The honeymoon is over Romance can be short-lived. This figurative idiom can be applied to marriages and honeymoons, but it ty

12、pically refers to a brief period of bliss or cooperation between two groups or individuals that is now over. Its also closely related to The partys over, which is another popular idiom. Heres an e_ample. 浪漫是短暂的.这个比喻性的成语可以用于婚姻和蜜月,但它通常指的是两个群体或个人之间短暂的幸福或合作时期,现在已经结束.这也与另一个流行的成语聚会结束密切相关.这里有一个例子. The hone

13、ymoon is over, and everything has gone back to normal. 蜜月结束了,一切都恢复了正常. 10.) Birds of a feather 物以类聚 As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. While opposites attract, similar people also get along well. Heres an e_ample. 俗话说,物以类聚.在异性相吸的同时,相似的人也相处得很好.这里有一个例子. Katerina and Olga are both f

14、rom Russia, and they both look the same. Anyone can see theyre birds of a feather. 卡捷琳娜和奥尔加都来自俄罗斯,他们看起来都一样.任何人都能看出他们是志趣相投的人. 英文中这些奇怪的外来俗语 英文里充斥着古怪的习语,像是The moments when we escape a dicey situation by the skin of teeth我们从牙口间隙脱离危险境地(死里逃生)(就像钦定版圣经中Job创造的那样).但是在任何词典中,都还有变化的空间.无论老的小的,高的矮的,过着拮据的生活,还是富裕的日子

15、,你都可以借用其他语言里有趣的俗语来丰富你的表达. 1.EATING A CABLE Spanish西班牙语? to be in financial difficulty 陷入经济困境 If youre down to your last savings, perhaps youll only have your cables left to eat. 如果你穷得只剩下最后的积蓄时,可能你就只剩下电缆可以吃了. 2.TO RIDE AS A HARE Russian俄语? To travel without a ticket 逃票旅行 If you are travelling without

16、 a ticket, youll be shaking like a hare when the ticket inspector comes to you. 如果你没有为旅途买票,那么当检票员来找你的时候,你就会发抖得像野兔一样. 3.TO HAVE A WIDE FACE Japanese日语? To have lots of friends and to be well liked 有很多朋友,很受欢迎 These days, this could be interpreted to mean you have a wide friendship circle on social med

17、ia. 现在,这会被理解为指你在社交媒体上有广泛的交友圈. 4.TO LIVE LIKE A MAGGOT IN BACON Deutsch德文? To live the life of lu_ury 过着奢侈的生活 If a maggots found themselves some bacon, they really are living the high life. 如果蛆虫为自己找到一些培根,那么它们就真的过得很好. 5.STOP IRONING MY HEAD Armenian亚美尼亚语? Stop annoying me! 别烦我! Traditionally used to s

18、top nagging wives, but said now to anyone whos being irritating. 习惯上是用来阻止碎碎念的妻子的,但现在也对所有恼人的家伙说. 6.TO HAVE LONG TEETH French法语? To be ambitious 胸怀抱负 By this logic, you can argue that vampires are certainly ambitious. 按照这个逻辑,你可以说吸血鬼必定是野心勃勃的. 7.NOT MY CIRCUS, NOT MY MONKEY Polish波兰语? Not my problem 不是我

19、的问题 This is certainly a more colourful way to wash your hands of a problem. 要撇清你和某个问题之间的关系,这确实是一种生动有趣的表达方式. 8.MY EYE WENT WITH ME Maltese马耳他语? I fell asleep 我睡着了 After all, your eyes cant see anything if youve fallen asleep. 毕竟,当你睡着的时候你的眼睛什么也看不见. 9.I M SWEATING CARROTS! Dutch荷兰语? Literally means Im

20、sweating very heavily 字面意思是我出汗很严重 This is a slightly nicer way of saying Im sweating like a pig! 这要比我出汗出得像猪一样要稍微好一些. 10.WORK IS NOT A WOLF; IT WON T RUN OFF INTO THE WOODS. Ukrainian乌克兰语? You can always return to a piece of work later on 之后你总能回到工作中去 This is a good phrase to use on a friend who panic

21、s about assignments and chains themselves to a laptop to get them done. 这是一个很好地短语,可以用来用在那些对任务感到惊慌,并把自己锁在电脑前去完成任务的朋友们身上. _.IT FELL BETWEEN CHAIRS Swedish瑞典语? When you want to say,Yeah, I know I was supposed to do it but I forgot. 当你想说:是的,我知道我本应该这么做的,但是我忘了. This happens when two people were meant to d

22、o something, but both of them forgot all about it. 这种情况发生在两个人都打算做某事,但他们两人都忘光了的时候. _.MY COTTAGE IS AT THE EDGE Ukrainian乌克兰语? Means: Im only slightly involved. 意思:我只是略有涉及. As youre only on the periphery of the problem, youre just not that worried about it. 因为你只是关系到问题的周边,所以你就没有那么担心这个问题. 世博英语:那些虎虎生威的俗语

23、 Have a tiger by the tail 骑虎难下 这个短语可以用来形容被牵涉到某项很重大同时又很有风险的事情中,例如:You have got a tiger by the tailthe project couldn t be finished in such a short time! He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount 这句话其实也有骑虎难下的意思,表示被牵涉到某件很危险的事情当中,但是中途停止比继续做下去更加危险. A paper tiger 纸老虎 这是一句由中文翻译而固定下来的英文说法,比喻那些外强中干的人或事. 例句:

24、My boss is a paper tiger.If you stand up to him, he backs down right away and won t bother you. The child of a tiger is a tiger 虎父无犬子 这句看上去和中国的俗语虎父无犬子很像哦,其实是海地的一句谚语. Where there are no tigers, a wildcat is very self-important 山中无老虎猴子称大王 英文原句是由韩国的谚语翻译过来的.中文中称大王的是猴子,韩国谚语中则是野猫. A hero only appears once the tiger is dead 事后诸葛亮 蒙古的谚语,和我们所说的事后诸葛亮非常相近. 十个最常见的关于人际关系高频俚语

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