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1、市场营销第十三版15章专业术语翻译第一章Marketing市场营销 Needs需要 Wants欲望 Demands需求 Market offering市场供应 Marketing myopia营销短视 Exchange交换Market市场 Marketing management市场营销管理Production concept生产概念Product concept产品观念 Selling concept推销概念Marketing concept市场营销观念Societal marketing concept社会营销概念Customer relationship management顾客关系管理

2、Customer-perceived value顾客认知价值 Customer satisfaction顾客满意度 Consumer-generated marketing消费者产生的营销Partner relationship management伙伴关系管理Customer lifetime value顾客终生价值 Share of customer顾客份额 Customer equity顾客资产 Internet互联网第二单元Strategic planning 战略规划 mission statement 使命陈述 business portfolio业务组合 portfolio an

3、alysis 组合分析growth-share matrix 增长一份额矩阵 product/market expansion grid产品/市场扩张矩阵market penetration 市场渗透 market development 市场开发 product development 产品开发 diversification 多元化 downsizing 精简战略 value chain 价值链 value delivery network 价值递送网络 marketing strategy 市场营销战略 market segmentation市场细分 market segment 细分市

4、场 market targeting 市场营销战略 positioning 定位 differentiation 差异化marketing mix 市场营销组合 SWOT analysis SWOT分析 marketing implementation 市场营销执行 marketing control 营销控制 return on marketing investment 市场营销投资回报率第3章Marketing environment 市场营销环境 microenvironment微观环境Macroenvironment 宏观环境 marketing intermediaries营销中介P

5、ublic公众 demography人口统计Baby boomers婴儿潮 generation X一代Millennials(generation Y) Y一代 economic environment经济环境Engels laws恩格尔定律 natural environment自然环境Environmental sustainability环境的可持续发展technological environment技术环境 Political environment 政治环境 cultural environment人文环境第四章Customer insights 顾客洞察力(见解) market

6、ing information system 市场营销信息系统 internal databases内部报告系统 marketing intelligence营销情报系统 marketing research 市场营销调研 Exploratory research探测性调研 descriptive research描述性调研 Secondary data 二手资料 commercial online databases在线商业数据库 Observational research 观察调研 ethnographic research 人种调研 Survey research调查研究 experi

7、mental research实验调研 Focus group interviewing 焦点小组访谈 online focus groups在线焦点小组访谈 Sample样本 customer relationship management客户关系管理第五章Consumer buyer behavior 消费者购买行为Consumer market 消费者市场 Culture 文化Subculture 亚文化 Social class 社会阶层 Group 群体 Opinion leader 意见领袖Online social networks 在线社交网络Lifestyle 生活方式Per

8、sonality 个性 Brand personality 品牌个性 Motive (drive) 动机Perception 认知过程 Learning学习Belief 信仰Attitude 态度Complex buying behavior 复杂购买行为Dissonance-reducing buying behavior 不和谐的购买行为Habitual buying behavior 习惯性的购买行为Variety-seeking buying behavior 追求多样化的购买行为Need recognition 需求识别Information search 信息搜索Alternati

9、ve evaluation 另类评估Purchase decision 购买决策Postpurchase behavior 购后行为Cognitive dissonance 认知失调New product 新产品Adoption process开发过程第一章Marketing市场营销 p29The process by which companied create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. 企业为消

10、费者创造价值并建立良好的顾客关系,以此从消费者身上获取利益作为回报的过程。Needs需要 p30States of felt deprivation.感到缺乏(某种事物)的状态Wants欲望 p30The form human needs take as shaped by culture and individual personality.个人受不同文化及个人性格影响所表现出来的人们的特定的需要。Demands需求 p30Human wants that are backed by buying power.由购买力支持的人们的需求。Market offering市场供应 p30Some

11、combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want.一些产品,服务,信息或经验的组合,他们被提供到市场中来满足一种需要或需求。Marketing myopia营销短视 p30The mistake of paying more attention to the specific products a company offers than to the benefits and experiences produced by th

12、ese products.在一个公司提供的特定产品上花费更多的注意力,而不是那些产品所产生的利益和经验的一种错误。Exchange交换 p31The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.从某人处获得所需之物,并以自己的某种东西作为回报的行为。Market市场 p31The set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service.某个产品或服务的实际购买者和潜在购买者的集合。Marketing manage

13、ment市场营销管理 p32The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with them.选择目标市场并于他们建立良好关系的艺术和科学。Production concept生产概念 p33The idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable and that the organization should therefore focus on impro

14、ving production and distribution efficiency.消费者会偏爱那些有价值的,高度适合的产品,因此组织应该把重点放在改善产品质量和分销效率的理念Product concept产品观念 p34The idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance, and features and that the organization should therefore devote its energy to making continuous produc

15、t improvements.认为消费者更喜欢那些高质量,多功能和具有某些特色的产品,因此,组织应该致力于不断生产高质量产品的概念。Selling concept推销概念 p34The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firms products unless it undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort. 认为消费者将不会购买足够的企业的产品,除非企业进行大规模销售或大力促销的观念。Marketing concept市场营销观念 p34 The marketing

16、 management philosophy that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. 强调实现组织的目标取决于了解目标市场的需要和欲望,并比竞争者更好地传递(消费者)期望的满足感的市场营销哲学。Societal marketing concept社会营销概念 p35The idea that

17、a companys marketing decisions should consider consumers wants, the companys requirements, consumers long-run interests, and societys long-run interests. 认为企业的营销决定应该考虑消费者的欲望,企业的要求,消费者的长期利益和社会的长期利益的观念。Customer relationship management顾客关系管理 p37The overall process of building and maintaining profitable

18、 customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.通过传递更高的顾客价值和顾客满意度来建立并维持良好的顾客关系的整个过程。Customer-perceived value顾客认知价值 p37The customers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.顾客对某个营

19、销供应者的所有的利益和成本与其他竞争者的不同的评估。Customer satisfaction顾客满意度 p37The extent to which a products perceived performance matches a buyers expectations.产品的可感知的性能符合购买者预期的程度。Consumer-generated marketing消费者产生的营销 p43Marketing message, ads, and other brand exchanges created by consumers themselvesboth invited and uni

20、nvited.营销信息,广告和其他品牌交换由消费者自己创造,不管是被邀请的还是不被邀请的。Partner relationship management伙伴关系管理 p43Working closely with partners in other company departments and outside the company to jointly bring greater value to customers.和本公司其他部门的伙伴以及公司外部的伙伴密切地工作,以此共同地给顾客带来更好的价值。Customer lifetime value顾客终生价值 p46The value of

21、 the entire stream of purchase that the customer would make over a lifetime of patronage.指购买的整个流程的价值,在此价值指引下顾客将会用一生的时间来惠顾。 Share of customer顾客份额 p46The portion of the customers purchase that a company gets in its product categories.企业从它的产品种类中获得的消费者购买过程的一部分。Customer equity顾客资产 p47The total combined c

22、ustomer lifetime values of all of the companys customer.企业所有顾客的总共的联合的顾客终生价值。Internet互联网 p49A vast public web of computer networks that connects users of all types all around the world to each other and to an amazingly large information repository.一个巨大的计算机网络的公共网站,它能够把世界各地的各种类型给的使用者和其他人以及一个难以想象的、巨大的信息

23、知识库联系起来。第二章Strategic planning The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. 在组织的目标和能力与不断变化的市场机会之间建立和维持战略适配的过程。Mission statementA statement of the organizations purpose- what it wants to accomplish

24、in the larger environment.对组织目标的说明组织期望在大环境中实现什么Business portfolioThe collection of business and products that make up the company.组成公司的业务和产品的集合Portfolio analysisThe process by which management evaluates the products and businesses that make up the company.管理者对组成公司的产品和业务进行评估的过程Growth-share matrixA po

25、rtfolio-planning method that evaluates a companys strategic business units in terms of its market growth rate and relative market share. SUBs are classified as stars, cash cows, question markets, or dogs.就某一公司的市场增长比率和相关的市场份额而对一公司的战略业务单位进行评估的一种投资组合分析方法。Product/market expansion gridA portfolio-plannin

26、g tool for identifying company growth opportunities through market penetration, market development, product development, or diversification.通过市场渗透,市场发展,产品发展或者差异化确定公司增长机会的一种投资分析组合工具Market penetrationA strategy for company growth by increasing sales of current products to current market segment withou

27、t changing the product.不改变原有产品,仅是增加现有产品在现有市场的销售的一种公司发展战略。Market developmentA strategy for company growth by identifying and developing new market segments for current company products.为其当前产品确认和开发新的细分市场的一种公司发展战略Product developmentA strategy for company growth by offering modified or new products to c

28、urrent market segment.向现有市场提供改良的或全新的产品的一种公司发展战略Diversification A strategy for company growth starting up or acquiring business outside the companys current products and markets.创办和收购公司现有产品和市场之外的业务的一种公司发展战略DownsizingReducing the business portfolio by eliminating products of business units that are no

29、t profitable or that no longer fit the companys overall strategy.通过剔除那些不赚钱的或者不在适合企业整体战略的产品业务单位而减少业务组合。Value chain The series of developments that carry out value-creating activities to design, produce, market, deliver, and support a firms products.一系列的部门通过设计、生产、营销、传递和支持公司的产品来完成价值创造的活动Value delivery

30、networkThe network made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and, ultimately, customers who “panner” with each other to improve the performance of the entire system.这个网络由企业,供应商,分销商和最终的客户构成,他们彼此合作提高整个系统的绩效Marketing strategyThe marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to create customer

31、 value and achieve profitable customer relationships.公司借以创造客户价值和实现利润的客户关系的市场营销逻辑。Market segmentationDiving a market into distinct groups of buyers who have different needs, characteristics, or behaviors, and who might require separate products or marketing programs.将市场划分为独特的购买者群体,这些购买群体在需求、特征和行为上存在者

32、明显的差异,需要不同的产品和市场营销计划。Market segmentA group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts.由对既定市场营销努力具有类似反映的消费者构成。Market targetingThe process of evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segment to enter.评价各个细分市场的吸引力并选择一个或更多的细分市场进入PositioningArranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to

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