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1、常用军事操练术语常用军事操练术语about turn(face)!face about! 向后转!Again ! 重报!All correct ./all present . 全到。All present except 除外都到了。As you were !还原!At ease!/stand at ease !稍息!At ease march!便步走!Attention !立正!Bayonet (fencing) exercises!拼刺(对刺)练习!By the numbers. 分解动作。By the numbers,right shoulder,arms.One.Two.There.枪上

2、肩分解动作,一!二!三!By the right (left) flank,march!向右(左)转走!By twos number!一二报数!Cease fire! 射击完毕!Ceremonial march! /march in review 分列式Change step! 换步!Close! 靠拢!Close ranks! 向前靠拢!Color guard! 护旗队Color salute !军旗礼!Column right (left)! 右(左)转弯走!Column half right (left ) 纵队半面向右(左)转!Command of execution 动令Commen

3、ce firing !开始射击!Comrade(s) is (are) absent .同志缺席Count off ! 报数!Dead center !正中靶心!Dismissed!解散!Double march!跑步走!Double time !跑步前进!Dress !看齐!Dress right (left)(center)!向右(左、中)看齐!Drill with arms !持枪操练!Extend!散开!Extend (close )on 1st spuad!以一班为基础散开(靠拢)!Eyes front !向前看!Eyes right (left) (center)!向右(左、中)看

4、齐!Fall in 集合Fall out 就地解散Fire !/open fire !开火!Fire at will 自由射击Fix bayonet 上刺刀Forward march !齐步走!Get down !卧倒!Guide centre! 以中间为基准!Guide on me !以我为基准!Guides on line !/Guides out !基准兵就位!Guides post !基准兵入列!Half step! 快步!Halt !/halt and freeze!立定!Hand (Rifle) salute ! two !徒手(持枪)敬礼!礼毕!Here !/resent !到!

5、Hit the ground !卧倒!Hit (miss) the mark 命中(没有命中)目标Honor guard /escort of honor 仪仗队Hup ,two,three,four!一、二、三、四In action !准备战斗!Inspection arms (pistol)! 验枪!Left,right,left,right!左、右、左、右!Let s practice bayonet fighting! 现在练刺杀!Lie down!/down! 卧倒!Light out ! 熄灯Line up !/stand in line ! 站队Live ammunition p

6、ractice! 实弹射击Load !装子弹!March right (left) 向右(左)转走!Mark target! 标靶!Mark time,march! 踏步走!Move out !开始行动!Now,lets call the roll. 现在点名。on four colums ,fall in ! 成四路纵队集合!On four ranks ,fall in ! 成四列横队集合!On one colum ,fall in ! 成一路纵队集合!On one rank,fall in ! 成一列横队集合!On the double! 跑步!Open ranks! 前后离开一步!Ord

7、er arms! 枪放下!Out of ranks !/Fall out of me !出列!Parade step,march! 正步走!Password/watchword! 口令!Pile arms! /stake arms ! 架枪!Preparatory command 预令Present arms !举枪礼!Push-up 俯卧撑Quick march !快步走!Quick time ,march ! 齐步走!Ready all ! 各就各位!Ready ,present,fire! 预备,瞄准,放!Report to your class !去上课!Return pistol !

8、枪入套!Right (left ) shoulder,arms枪上肩!Right (left) turn (face) !向右(左)转!Rise ! /get up! 起立!Route step! 便步!Salute with eyes! 注目礼!Salute with hand! 举手礼!Sit-up 仰卧起坐Sling arms ! 肩枪!Stand up ! 起立!Suspend firing !停止射击!Take arms! 取枪!Take your post(s)! 入列!Target/objective 靶/目标Trail arms !/port arms! 持枪!Three st

9、eps forward,marks! 向前三步走!To the rear ,march! 向后转走!Turn around !向后转!Unfix bayonet !下刺刀!Unload! 退子弹!Without the numbers. 连续动作。军事英语Organization编制Brance兵种Arms兵种Operation 作战,行动Veterinary corps 兽医队Chaplain corps 随军牧师队Ordnance军械Reserve components 后备役部队Noncommissioned officer 军士Rank 军衔Commissioned officer 军

10、官 Field armies 集团军、野战集团军Elements 分队,小队Organic 建制的Covering force 掩护部队Tank-infantry team 步坦联合队AG company 军务连Stinger missile “毒刺”防空导弹Blackhawk “黑鹰”式运输直升机Violence 突击力Shock effect 突击效果Delaying actions 阻滞战斗Sabot 穿甲弹钢钢心外面包的一层铝壳APDS 脱壳穿甲弹Small arms 轻武器Rocket launcher 火箭筒TOW “陶”式反坦克导弹Dragon “龙”式反坦克导弹Sight 瞄准

11、具Attaching 配属Assign 编入编制Howitzer 榴弹炮Gunner 火炮瞄准手Cannoneer 炮手Self-propelled 自行的Towed 牵引的Subordinate unit 所属部队tactical movement 战备行军motor transport 运输汽车target acquisition 目标搜索marine corps 海军陆战队the AH-64 Apache “阿帕奇”AH-64武装直升机massed formations 密集队形ground force engagement 地面部队交战scenario 演习方案,想定contingen

12、cy 应急combined arms team 诸兵种合成战斗力passage of obstacles and barriers 通过障碍物camouflage 伪装assault stream-crossing强渡江河multinational corps 多国部队signal center 通信中心meteorological 气象的combat surveillance 战场监视panels 信号布板analog technology 模拟技术disaster relief 救灾peace keeping 维持和平MG:Major general 少将Modulations 调制 Na

13、vigation systems 导航系统Data links 数据传输线路Defensive search radar 防御搜索雷达Acquisition radar 目标捕捉雷达;搜索雷达Jamming and deception 干扰和欺骗Imitative 模拟欺骗Return 回波;反射信号Neutralize 压制Bandwidth 带宽Intercept receiver 侦察接收机,侦听接收机Random code 随机编码 Radiation level 辐射电平 Tactical combat net radios 战术作战通信网 Fixes 固定措施 Stand-off

14、jammer 防空区外干扰机 Decoys (雷达)假目标 CIA 中央情报局DLA 国防情报局NSA 国家保密局The military intelligence brance 军事情报兵种The military intelligence service 军事情报部门ICBMs 洲际弹道导弹The national command center 国家军事指挥中心ALBF :airland battle future 未来空地一体战MBT:main battle tank 主战坦克Mechanized 机械化about turn(face)!face about!向后转!Again !重报!

15、All correct ./all present . 全到。All present except 除外都到了。As you were !还原!At ease!/stand at ease !稍息!At ease march!便步走!Attention !立正!Bayonet (fencing) exercises!拼刺(对刺)练习!By the numbers. 分解动作。By the numbers,right shoulder,arms.One.Two.There.枪上肩分解动作,一!二!三!By the right (left) flank,march!向右(左)转走!By twos

16、number!一二报数!Cease fire! 射击完毕!Ceremonial march! /march in review 分列式Change step! 换步!Close! 靠拢!Close ranks! 向前靠拢!Color guard! 护旗队Color salute !军旗礼!Column right (left)! 右(左)转弯走!Column half right (left ) 纵队半面向右(左)转!Command of execution 动令Commence firing !开始射击!Comrade(s) is (are) absent .同志缺席Count off !

17、报数!Dead center !正中靶心!Dismissed!解散!Double march!跑步走!Double time !跑步前进!Dress !看齐!Dress right (left)(center)!向右(左、中)看齐!Drill with arms !持枪操练!Extend!散开!Extend (close )on 1st spuad!以一班为基础散开(靠拢)!Eyes front !向前看!Eyes right (left) (center)!向右(左、中)看齐!Fall in 集合Fall out 就地解散Fire !/open fire !开火!Fire at will 自

18、由射击Fix bayonet 上刺刀Forward march !齐步走!Get down !卧倒!Guide centre! 以中间为基准!Guide on me !以我为基准!Guides on line !/Guides out !基准兵就位!Guides post !基准兵入列!Half step! 快步!Halt !/halt and freeze!立定!Hand (Rifle) salute ! two !徒手(持枪)敬礼!礼毕!Here !/resent !到!Hit the ground !卧倒!Hit (miss) the mark 命中(没有命中)目标Honor guard

19、 /escort of honor 仪仗队Hup ,two,three,four!一、二、三、四In action !准备战斗!Inspection arms (pistol)! 验枪!Left,right,left,right!左、右、左、右!Let s practice bayonet fighting! 现在练刺杀!Lie down!/down! 卧倒!Light out ! 熄灯Line up !/stand in line ! 站队Live ammunition practice! 实弹射击Load !装子弹!March right (left) 向右(左)转走!Mark targe

20、t! 标靶!Mark time,march! 踏步走!Move out !开始行动!Now,lets call the roll. 现在点名。on four colums ,fall in ! 成四路纵队集合!On four ranks ,fall in ! 成四列横队集合!On one colum ,fall in ! 成一路纵队集合!On one rank,fall in ! 成一列横队集合!On the double! 跑步!Open ranks! 前后离开一步!Order arms! 枪放下!Out of ranks !/Fall out of me !出列!Parade step,m

21、arch! 正步走!Password/watchword! 口令!Pile arms! /stake arms ! 架枪!Preparatory command 预令Present arms !举枪礼!Push-up 俯卧撑Quick march !快步走!Quick time ,march ! 齐步走!Ready all ! 各就各位!Ready ,present,fire! 预备,瞄准,放!Report to your class !去上课!Return pistol !枪入套!Right (left ) shoulder,arms枪上肩!Right (left) turn (face)

22、!向右(左)转!Rise ! /get up! 起立!Route step! 便步!Salute with eyes! 注目礼!Salute with hand! 举手礼!Sit-up 仰卧起坐Sling arms ! 肩枪!Stand up ! 起立!Suspend firing !停止射击!Take arms! 取枪!Take your post(s)! 入列!Target/objective 靶/目标Trail arms !/port arms! 持枪!Three steps forward,marks! 向前三步走!To the rear ,march! 向后转走!Turn around !向后转!Unfix bayonet !下刺刀!Unload! 退子弹!Without the numbers. 连续动作。

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