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1、英语培训资料讲义英语培训讲义培训对象:物业管理中心(处)客服部一、 常用基本词汇部分:华敏翰尊国际 Huamin Empire Plaza 华敏世纪广场 Huamin Century Square 物业管理中心(处) property management centre (office) 大厦、幢、楼 tower/building小区 residential area(lot)延安西路 Yanan Road West楼层 floor一楼 the first floor二楼 the second floor三楼 the third floor地下一层:basement 1地下二层: baseme

2、nt 2左 left;右 right; 中 middle;数字表达:1 one; 2 two; 3 three; 4 four; 5 five; 6 six; 7 seven; 8 eight; 9 nine; 10 ten; 11 eleven; 12 twelve; 13 thirteen; 14 fourteen; 15 fifteen; 16 sixteen; 17 seventeen; 18 eighteen; 19 nineteen; 20 twenty; 百 hundred; 千 thousand; 客户 customer 业主 owner 租户 tenant第一业主/租户 th

3、e first owner/tenant上任业主/租户 the last owner/tenant员工 staff 保安部 security department 安保人员 security personnel客服部 customer service department 客服人员 service staff 工程部 engineering department先生 Mr.(+姓)、 Sir(统称) 小姐 Miss. (+姓)女士 Ms. (+姓)、madam(统称)经理 manager 管理处主任 director卫生间 washing room/toilet电梯 elevator/lift

4、楼梯 stair货梯 goods lift客梯 guests lift自动扶梯 escalator停车场 parking area地下车库 underground garage车位 parking lot邮局 post office办公室 office家、房间 house前台 the reception desk The front desk会所 club餐厅 restaurant物业管理费 management service fee电费 charges for power帐单 bill租金 rental转租 sublease找零 small change合同/公约 contract/agr

5、eement有偿服务 paid service保洁服务 cleaning service现金 cash支票 check发票 invoice收据 receipt伪钞 forged bank note投诉 complaint签收 sign(v.) signature(n.)打印/复印 print/copier 二次装修 the second fitting-up空调 air-condition灯 light, lamp水管 water pipe龙头 cock天花板 ceiling门禁 door alarm灯泡 bulb二、 常用基本短语和句型(一) 问候语早上(下午、晚上)好,先生/夫人您好!(初

6、次见面)很高兴见到您您好吗?我很好,谢谢,您呢?欢迎到我们大厦/小区祝您过得愉快!(二) 答谢谢谢您(非常感谢)谢谢您的建议/信息/帮助/配合谢谢,您真客气。Good morning/afternoon/evening,sir/madamHow do you do?Glad to meet you./Nice to meet you.How are you?Fine, thanks. And you?Welcome to our Tower/ Residential lot.Have a good time!Thank you (very much)Thank you for your adv

7、ice /information/help/supportIts very kind of you.不用谢很高兴为您服务乐意为您效劳没什么/没问题(三) 道歉很抱歉对不起(用于打搅别人时)很抱歉,那是我的错。对不起,让您久等了。对不起,打扰您了。很抱歉告诉您.我为此道歉没关系算了吧(四) 征询我能帮您什么?/有什么能为您效劳的?请稍等一下You are welcome./ Not at all.Its my pleasure./ With pleasure.Im at your service.No problem.Im sorry.Excuse me.Im sorry. Its my fau

8、lt.Sorry to have kept you waiting.Sorry to interrupt you.Im sorry to say.I apologize for this.Thats all right.Lets forget it.May I help you? / What can I do for you? / Is there anything I can do for you? Just a moment, please.请问您要拜访哪家公司/户?麻烦您登记一下麻烦您能不能再说一遍?(五) 指路上楼/下楼在三楼。对不起,请问盥洗室/电梯在哪儿?请这边走往左/右转沿此路

9、直走就在那在那个角落(六) 提醒请走好!请当心!请注意安全!请别遗忘您的东西。别担心。放心好了。请勿吸烟Which unit do you want to visit?Please have a registration.Pardon, please.Go upstairs / downstairs.Its on the third floor.Excuse me, where is the washing room / elevator?This way, please.Turn left/right.Go along / go straight.Over there.On the corn

10、er.Mind your step!Please be careful. / Take care.Please dont leave anything behind.Dont worry.Take it easy.Please dont smoke here.请勿停车请勿吐痰请勿搬动(七) 告别再见等会儿见晚安明天见下周见再见,希望能再见到您。一路平安祝您旅途愉快!祝您好运!(八) 祝贺祝贺您生日快乐新年快乐圣诞快乐节日快乐祝您成功Please dont park here.Please dont spit here.Please dont remove.Goodbye!See you lat

11、erGood nightSee you tomorrow.See you next week.Goodbye and hope to see you againHave a nice trip!Wish you a pleasant trip!Good luck!CongratulationsHappy birthdayHappy New YearMerry ChristmasHave a nice holiday!Wish you every success!(九) 电话用语(客户服务部)我找.我就是.我(您)能留个口信吗?请别挂断。对不起,他(她)现在不在。行,可以May I speak

12、to .?This is . speaking.Can I(you)leave a message?Hold on, please.Sorry, he(she) is not in here at the momentYes, of course./Certainly三、 常用情景对话1、 前台电话受理报修(R:前台接待;C:客户)R: Good morning. This is Huamin Property. Can I help you?早上好,华敏物业,我能为您做什么?C: Good morning. There is something wrong with the water pi

13、pe in my room. It gets clogged. I wonder what I shall do? 早上好,我家的水管堵塞了,我应该怎么办?R: Dont be worried about that, sir. Ill call the maintenance department at once and ask them to repair it as soon as possible. 不用着急,先生。我会通知工程部尽快赶到您家/单元。C: Ok, and it is urgent. 好的,不过这事情很紧急的。R: Can you give me your name ple

14、ase, sir? 先生您贵姓?C: Bellow. B-E-L-L-O-W.R: Which unit number?您是哪个单元的?C: Unit E on the fifth floor, East Building. 东楼5ER: Well, May I know your telephone number? 请您留个电话。C: 52381010R: Let me confirm your message. You are Mr. Bellow, at 52381010, Unit E on the fifth floor, east Building. Am I correct? 让我在重复一遍您的信息,Bellow先生,东楼5E,电话是52381010C: Yes, then I will wait for them. Thank you. 没错,那我就等着了。谢谢你。R: My pleasure. I hope it will be fine quickly. 不用谢,我想很快就能解决的。2、 前台接听电话场景(R:前台接待;C:客户)第一个场景:R: Hello. This is Huamin Property. May I help? 您好,华敏物

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