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1、上海重点高中自主招生英语试题及答案2冲刺四校自招5套精析版模拟卷(2)一、单选:1.You should be confronting your roommates over any problems, especially if youhave just met. Remember, be polite but firm.A.curious about B. cautious abouC. adapt to D. accustomed to2.1 believe a leaf of grass is than a star in the sky Every plant gives us pl

2、easure in its own wayA.not less than B. no less C. much less D. more less3. The differenee in achievement between the pupils are partly by their differences in age.A.acco un ted for B . put forwardC . cut dow n D . sorted out4. This job is doing, but it isn t to spend so much time on it.A.worth; wor

3、th B. worth; worthwhileC. worthwhile; worth D. worthwhile; worthwhile5. Although we have only met , I find we have a lot in com mon.A.from time to time B. i n timeC. by cha nee D. over and over aga in6.A computer is so useful a mach ine we can use everywhere.A.thatB.whichC.asD.what7.The time he has

4、devoted in the past years the disable is now con sidered of help; helpi ng; to help; to ing; being8. differe nt life today is what it was 30 years ago.A.How; fromB.What a; fromC.What; fromD.How; with9.The man ager decided to give the job to he believed had a

5、 strong sense of duty.A.whoeverB.whomeverC.whoD.those10. Why didn t you come to Mike s birthday party yesterday? Well, I , but I forgoA.shouldB.mustC.should haveD.must have【答案】BBABC CBAAC【解析】1.考查短语:A. curious about好奇 B. cautious about谨慎 C. adapt tc适应 D. accustomed tc习惯, 句意:在任何问题上你应该谨慎面对你的室友,特别是如果你刚刚

6、认识。记住,要有礼貌但坚定。 选B o2.试题分析:句意:我认为一片叶草不亚于天空中的一颗星星。每一种指物都以他们特有的方 式给予我们乐趣。no less than不亚于,不比 差,not less than不少于,much less更不用说, more less多一事不如少一事,故选 B3. 试题分析:A. accou nted for 引起,对负责 B .put forward 提出 C. cut dow n 削减 D. sorted out挑选出;句意:在不同孩子们中所取得成就上的差异,在一定程度上是由于他们年龄方面的差异所引起的。故选A4. 考察固定搭配。固定搭配 sth be wor

7、th doi ng某事值得被做;第二空的it be worth while to do sth值得做某事,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。句意: 这份工作值得被做,但是 花如此多的时间再上面是不值得的。故 B正确。5.考察固定搭配。From time to time时而不时;in time 及时;by chanee偶然;over and over again 一再;再三;句意:尽管我们只是偶尔见面,我仍然发现我们有很多共同之处。根据句意说明C正确。6.本题考查句子结构和关系代词的选用。首先表示认清句子结构, use后面应该接一个及物动词,先行词应该充当宾语,而前面出现 so usef

8、ul不能用that与which来修饰,可以排除。另 外,what不能引导定语从句。7.前一部分考查devote one s time to doing句式。其中devote的宾语the time在定语从句中提到了前面并省略了;后一部分中的 consider的后面接了主语补足语,所以用不定式作补语。整个句子的意思为:他在过去的十年中用在帮助残疾人身上的时间现在被认为是很有价值。8.实际上本句主句的主语是life today,而different from是主句的表语。可以把它变成普通句 式: Life today is different from what it was 30years ago

9、.9.作宾语从句的主语;he believed可视为插入语。10.should have的后面省略了 come。should have come表示 本应该而实际上没有 ”、Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only on ce. Note that there is one word more tha n you n eed.A. tech no logy B. con temporary C. stretched D. hidde n E.

10、 recog ni zedF. discovery G. updated H. extensive I. countless J. estimated K. definitionMost of us learn at primary school that there are seven continents, but the next generation of kids may be adding one more to that list.Accord ing to a rece nt paper published in the Geological Society of Americ

11、a n Journal by a group of researchers, Zeala ndia is a new con ti nent thats _31_ ben eath the ocea n.Zealandia is _32_ to be five million sq km. Most of this massive area is covered by water, but its highest mountains already have their own n ame: New Zeala nd.The small country is the only part of

12、Zealandia that isnt underwater, but the papers authors want the huge landmass to be _33_ worldwide as its own continent.The scientific value of classifying Zealandia as a continent is much more than just an extra name on a list, the researchers wrote in their paper.Scientists discovered Zealandia al

13、l the way back in 1995, then started _34_ research on the area using underwater and satellite mapping _35_. After completing their work, they were finally able to write a report suggesting that Zealandia be named a continent.But who decides on what is a continent and what isnt? There is, in fact, no

14、 official organization that does. Some countries schools teach that there are six or even five continents. This changes depending on where in the world the school is.Due to their _36_ as a continuous expanse of land, some classify Europe and Asia as the same continent - known as Eurasia. Schools in

15、Russia and parts of Eastern Europe teach this.And to make things even more confusing, France and Greece, as well as other countries, classify North America and South America as simply America.This argument over how land is defined has even _37_ into outer space. In 2006, the International Astronomic

16、al Union (IAU) decided that Pluto was no longer a planet, 76 years after its _38_ in 1930. Experts argued that it no longer met the requirements needed to be called a planet alongside the eight others in our solar system. It was therefore renamed a dwarf planet (矮行星 ), meaning that _39_ books, model

17、s and museum exhibits all over the world had to be _40_.But will the world take the same notice of Zealandia? The best way to tell is to keep an eye on our textbooks.【分析】本文属于科普类的短文阅读主要介绍了新发现的一个新大洲,对 西兰洲 是藏在海洋底下的一块新大陆这一现象进行了深刻的论述,并提出了更鲜明的观点【解答】31 - 40 DJEHA KCFIG31. D.考查动词的用法.根据上段中 but后面的句子the next g

18、eneration of kids may be addingone more to that list 可知,应该是还有一个大洲,即根据发现还有一个被藏在海洋底的大 洲.故选 D .32. J.考查动词的用法.根据后面的表语成分five million sq km可知,这是描述的新大洲的地 域面积,应该是 be estimated to be估计是;故选J.33.E.考查动词的用法.这是对新西兰的地位的介绍,这篇论文的作者希望这个庞大的大陆能被全世界认可(recognized),成为世界一大洲.故选 E.34. H .考查形容词的用法.此处强调科学家对这一现象展开了广泛的研究,extensi

19、ve广泛的; 故选 H 35.A.考查名词的用法.using underwater and satellite mapping为现在分词短语作方式状语,研究水下的未知因素应该使用的是水下科技和卫星地图技术;故选 A.36. K.考查名词的用法.本句中包含句式asas和一样,即一些人将大陆定义(definition)为蔓延不断的陆地,倒数第二段的第一句 This argument over how land is definec也是提示; 故选K.37.C.考查动词的用法.由这一发现引发的争论延伸到了( stretched外太空领域;故选C.38. F.考查名词的用法.这是对冥王星(Pluto)

20、的进一步界定,在1930年发现(discovery) 冥王星的76年后,国际天文学联合会 (IAU )认定其不再是一颗行星.故选 F.39.I.考查形容词的用法.由此引发的变化是一连续的,所以会导致一连续的书籍等都要被更 新;故选I.40. G.考查动词的用法.研究发现了新的事实,自然会使得以前的结论得到更正.故选 G.【点评】该题型选词填空的选项词义互不关联,词性也不同,而且还有干扰项,一定要先了解文章大意,带着文章脉络去找选项.务必先沉着地把文章读一遍,尤其注意横线前后的位置,为寻找正确选项打下铺垫.通读时要根据首段原则以及首末句原则, 迅速抓出文章的主题.判定文章主题对于篇章的整体把握具

21、有积极意义、Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases markedA,B, C and D. Fill in each bla nk with the word or phrase that best fits the con text.Being Bigger isn t Necessarily Considered BetterThe firm, which famously started life in 1939, has now declared a new

22、age: that of smaller startup. By 2014, when Ms Whitman announcedHP sdecision to separate its computer and printer bus in ess from its corporate hardware and services operati ons, the compa ny had grow n in to a clumsy _41_. Its fortunes started to _42_ with a series of expe nsive and much criticized

23、 purchases. By 2012 it had lost its position as the world s leading supplier of PCs to Lenovo. The dramatic was aimed at help ing the firm adapt to the new age of mobile and on li ne comput in g, resp onding to shareholder dema nds for more aggresive_44_.“I would go from laser jet printing to our bi

24、g en terprise services con tracts where we were running the back end of IT for many big compa nies and orga ni zatio ns. These two thi ngs are no t like each other.So the ability to focus and en gage with customers on a(n) _45_ set of objectives and bus in essPackard En terprise (HPE) sell ing serve

25、rs and services, says the cha nge has already _46_ her performanee. “ One big change is it 47_ each of the divisions to pursue the strategy that is right for them. _48_ , there is noway printer and PC companyHP Inc decision last year to buy Sams ung s prin ti ng bus in ess for $1bm)uld have happe ne

26、d whe n it was part of the larger firm. So it that ability to drive your own program, not _49_ by other bus in essesthat don have the samecharacteristics. ” Ms Whitman is so convinced her strategy is working that she s _50_spinning off both its bus in ess services divisio n and its software bus in e

27、ss into separate compa nies last year.Her assumption that bigger doesn t always mean better seemser a51 a laArfer companyshould find it easier to dominate the market it operates in. But the rapid rise of much smaller start-ups, compet ing and ofte n overtak ing these established powerful compa nies

28、means the accepted wisdom that _52_ equals success is being challe nged. _53_ in 2014, eBay carved PayPal, the electro nic payme nts arm it bought in 2001, off from the main on li ne sale bus in ess.Box, a cloud storage compa ny, is ano ther case in point. Foun der Aaron Levie saysAirbnb, those same

29、 lessons _54_, which is if you can build something that s cheaper, fastmore scalable and delivers a far better customer experie nee tha n what the traditi onal sellers were able to do, the n you can be extremely _55_. ”41.A. appeara neeB. con structi onC. gia ntD. possessi on42.A. decli neB. in crea

30、seC. stayD. vary43.A. adve ntureB. comb in ati onC. developme ntD. split44.A. behaviorB. growthC. marketsD. policies45.A. ambitiousB. complexC. narrowD. overall46.A. deliveredB. improvedC. measuredD. sta ndardized47.A. allowsB. employsC. remindsD. threate ns48.A. All in allB. For exampleC. On the co

31、n traryD. What s more49.A. held backB. kept onC. looked overD. take n dow n50.A. dissolvedB.expandedC. operatedD. shrunk51.A. fun dame ntalB. reas on ableC. surpris ingD. widespread52.A. dilige neeB. discipli neC. profitD. size53.A. ComparativelyB. Gen erallyC. SimilarlyD. Un expectedly54.A. applyB. failC. hideD. in crease55.A. frie ndlyB. miserableC. motivatedD. troublesome参考答案:CADBC BABAD CDCAD解析:41C 名词辨析.本句 By 2014, when Ms Whitman announeed HP from its corporate hardware andservices operation the company

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