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1、五年级下册深圳牛津版期末复习提纲五年级下册(深圳牛津版)期末复习提纲Module 1 changes and differencesUnit 1 Tidy up.一、知识点1. 学会用 whose(谁的)引导特殊疑问句,询问某个东西是谁的,主要针对句子中的物主代词或名词所有格提问。如: Whose socks are those? They are Pauls. Whose cap is this? It s mine.小贴士:be动词am,1s,are的用法。口诀:I用am;you用are;is跟着he,she,it;单数不可数名词用is复数名词全用are。如: I am Lucy. He

2、is clever. Tim and Judy are tall.2. 学会正确使用are和is的用法。如: Are they yours,Peter? No, they arent. Is this yours too, Peter? No. Its Pauls.3. 学会名词性物主代词的用法。物主代词是用来表示所属关系的,如:“你的;我的;他的”名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,不能用在名词前,可单独使用。名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词。如:The cap Is mine. The socks are his. This is my pen. That one is hers小贴士:形

3、容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,放在名词前。如: This is my cap. They are his socks. That is her形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词对应表:分类人称第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数形容词性myouryouryourhisherIts their名词性mineoursyoursyourshishersitstheirs4. 学会用let引导的祈使句,如:Let s tidy it up!小贴士:let后跟动词原形,如: Let him come. Let me help you.5. 名词所有格:表示“的”,是一种所属关系。小贴士:名词所

4、有格的构成。1单数名词后直接加s构成。如: Peter s books are new.This is Kens room.2以s尾的名词,只加。如: The studentsbooks are over there.The teachers,books are here3如果这物体属于2个或2个以上的共有的,只需在后一个名词词尾加s如:Tim and Jims room is very large4表示两者各自拥有时,在前一个和后一个名词后加s如:Tim s and Jims rooms are very large.二、生词: let让 Sock短袜tdy整理;整洁的 yours你的;你们

5、的cap帽子 mine我的 crayon彩色蜡笔umbrella伞;雨伞 hers她的 nail钉子 mess脏乱;不整洁drop使落下;掉落 sick粘贴;粘住(be) full of装满。 tidy up把。整理好 1afew几个;一些 second秒(时间单位) theirs他们的;她们的;它们的 三、句型:1. What a mess!真是一团糟2. Let s tidy it up!让我们把它整理好吧!3. Whose socks are those? Theyre Pauls。那些短袜是谁的?它们是Paul的4. Are they yours, Peter?他们是你的吗, Pete

6、r?5. Whose cap Is this?It s mine。这顶帽子是谁的?是我的。6. Can you put it on his bed?Sure。你能把它放到他的床上吗?当然可以。7. Is this yours too, Peter?这也是你的吗, Peter?8. Thank you for your help, Sally。谢谢你的帮助, Sally。9. The room is now clean and tidy。房间现在变得干净整洁了。10. It is full of nails。它装满了钉子。11. In a few seconds, the floor is cl

7、ean again。几秒钟后,地板又变干净了。四、发音掌握字母组合ar,ue和00在下列单词中的发音。ar car Markue u: blue trueoo u: school afternoon五、练习I. True (T) or false (F)( )1. warm park ( ) glue ( )3.tooth cook ( )4. farm smart ( )5. true Sue ( ) cool( )7. book pool ( )8. thank these ( )9.good footII. Read and choose the best a

8、nswers.A. Youre welcome. B. Hows the bedroom now?C. What a mess! D. Can you help me to tidy up my bedroom?E. Then we should put the clothes into the wardrobe.Peter: Look at your bedroom. (1)_ Sally: Im sorry. (2)_Peter: Sure. lets clean the floor first. (3)_ Sally: OK.Peter:(4)_ Sally: Its very tidy

9、. I like it. Thank you for your help, PeterPeter:(5)_III.Read and fill in the blanks with the given words correct form.1. Let him _(read ) the story for us ?2. Can you_( stick) the pictures on the wall?3. Whose_(sock) are those?4. Is this pen _(you)? Yes, its _( I ) pen.5. Are these_(we ) crayons? N

10、o, they are_( they ).Complete the sentences and choose the best one. A. drop B. full C.happily D. clean E. Whose F.stick( )1._notebooks are these?- They are ours.( )2.The bowl is _ of the water.( )3.Wow, its a nice dress. I like it. Jenny says_.( )4.Can you _ the nails to the magic stone?( )5. Can y

11、ou _bedroom? Its really messy.( )6.He_ his pen on the floor.V. Choose the best answer.( )1.Theres a T-shirt. Is this _ too,Jim? A. yours B your C. you( )2. Whose umbrella_ this ? A. am C. are ( )3. Lets_ shopping together. A. goes B going C go( )4._is tidying up the bedroom?-Thats Mary. A .Whos

12、e B. Who C. Where( )5. There are some socks on the floor. Can you put _on the bed?A. they B. it C them( )6. The new bicycle is _. It is nice. A. Paul B. Pauls C. Jimmy( )7. Is this Mary s book?No, _is on the desk.A. hers B. she C. herUnit 2 Our new home一、知识点1.学会用why(为什么)引导特殊疑问句,询问原因,答句常用 because(因为)

13、来引导。如: Why do you like our new home?I like our new home because the living room is so bigWhy do you like pandas?Because they are so cute.2.学会使用 twice等表示频率。如: The wild geese change homes twice every year小贴士:once 一次twice两次once a day一天一次 twice a week一周两次three times三次three times a month一个月三次four times e

14、very year每年四次(三次或三次以上都用 times)3.学会用so作连词,主要用于表示结果,意为“所以”。如:In winter. they cannot find enough food in the north, so they fly south in autumn. It is raining outside, so you cant go out to play.so还可以作副词,用来表示程度,可以译成“这样地;如此;这么”,通常位于所修饰的形容词或副词前面。如: The living room is so big.4. enough表示“足够的”,可以用来修饰名词或者形容词

15、副词等小贴士: enough修饰名词,位于名词前,如: enough food; enough time。 lenough修饰形容词、副词,位于形容词或副词后面。如: big enough二、生词dining roon餐厅 study书房;学习 because因为Why为什么every每;每个 change变化;改变 twice两次place地方north北方;向北 south南方;向南enough足够的ten然后all day一天到晚 wild goose大雁(复数 wild geese) 三、句型1. Why do you like the living room?你为什么喜欢客厅?2.

16、Because it s so big。因为它很大。3. Do you know why?你知道为什么吗?4. Are they yours, Peter?它们是你的吗, Peter?5. I like our new home because the study is quiet.我喜欢我们的新家是因为书房很6. Why do wild geese change homes?为什么大雁要迁徙?7. They fly from one place to another. 它们从一个地方飞到另一个地方8。 They changes homes twice every year。他们每年都要搬两次

17、家。9. In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north, so they fly south in autumn.冬天,它们在北方找不到足够的食物,所以秋天它们就往南飞。10. Why do wild geese move around so much?为什么大雁要这么频繁地来来回回搬家呢?四、发音1掌握字母组合在下列单词中的发音。ir. ur. Skirt purse au, Laura autumnoor floor door五、练习I. True (T) or false (F)( )1. A. skirt B. girl C.

18、 bird D. shirt( )2.A. purse B. nurse C.Thursday D. purple( )3.A. floor B. nurse C. horse D. short( )4. autumn B. because C. aunt D. Laura( )5. tooth B. good C.cook D. book( )6.ear B. bear C.near D. hearII. Read and choose the best answers. A. What about you, Jim? B. I like it because its so bigC . D

19、o you like our new school, Tim? D. Why do you like it?E. theyre in the playground. They often play basketball therePeter:(1)_. Tim: Yes, I do.Peter:(2)_. Tim:(3)_.We can play games in the school.Peter:(4)_. Jim: I like our new school, too. its big and nice.Peter: Where are Judy and Eric ? Jim:(5)_.

20、Peter: We all like our new school.III.Read and fill in the blanks with the given words correct form.1. I like the living room and Sam_(like) the bedroom.2. Peter always_(study) in his study.3. This is _(he) book. Its new.4. Weather always_(change).5. Welcome to Shenzhen. There are many good_(place)

21、to play.6. The socks are not _( my ). They are_ (they ).7. Can you put _( they ) on his shelf.8.Lets _(walk) to the park. Its near here.Complete the sentences and choose the best one. A. twice B. place C.enough D. Why E. Whose F.because( )1.Hurry up. We dont have _ time.( )2.- _ skirt is this? - Its

22、 mine.( )3.I go to visit my cousins _ a week.( )4._ do you like the dog?( )5.Lets go to a beautiful _ and take some photos.( )6.He likes the new house _ it is so big.V. Choose the best answer.( )1._are Lucy and Lily?- They are in the classroom.A. Why B. Whose C. Where( )2. Miss Wu and Mr Wu have bus

23、y_.A .life B. lives C. living( )3. dont worry. We have_money to buy some foodA .enough B. many C. little( )4. I like dogs_ they are so cute.A. So B. because C. then( )5. Pauls father likes the_. He usually_books in it. A kitchen: read B. study: reads C. study: read( )6. We usually have dinner in the

24、_ at6:00.A .dining room B. bedroom C. bathroom( )7.In_ wild geese fly south.A .spring B .summer C. autumnUnit 3 In the future一、知识点1. 学会使用由will构成的一般将来时陈述句和一般疑问句及其回答。一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或状态。常与表将来的时间状语连用,如:next(下一个)week, next month, next year, next Sunday。 tomorrowtomorrow morning. in the future一般将来时的构成:肯定句

25、:(主语)I/ we/you/she/he/it/ they I,+will+动词原形+其它否定句:主语+ will not(wont)+动词原形+其它问句:wil+主语+动词原形+其它如:肯定句: Kitty will have big and beautiful eyes in the future否定句: Kitty will not(wont) have big and beautiful eyes in the future问句:Will Kitty have big and beautiful eyes in the future?小贴士:一般将来时还可以用 be going to

26、+动词原形构成,表示计划打算将要做的事情。肯定句:主语+ be going to+动词原形,如:He is going to swim tomorrow.否定句:主语+ be not+going to+动词原形,如: He isnt going to swim tomorrow.问句:Be+主语+ going to+动词原形,如: Is he going to swim tomorrow?2. 学会运用 be good at表示“擅长。”, be weak in表示“不擅长,”注意后面如果接的是动词,那么动词要用ing形式。如:John is good at swimming but he i

27、s weak in runningTim is good at Chinese but he is weak in Engl3. 学会运用not。 any more表示“不再”,如:I dont swim any more. He doesnt watch TV any more. 二、生词machine机器future将来;未来stand站;站住early早;提早exercise运动;锻炼;活动will将;将会hard努力地more更多的easily容易地in the future将来take a photo拍照in front of在,前面wear glasses戴眼镜 do exerci

28、se做运动(be) weak in不擅长not. any more不再三、句型:1. Kitty wants to know about her future。Kit!y想知道关于她的未来2. She stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo.她站在一个魔幻机器前照了一张相。3. Ill be a teacher。我将会成为一名老师。4.Iwon t wear glasses。我将不用戴眼镜。5. I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English. 我擅长数学,但不擅长英语。6. I do

29、not like to get up early, so I have no time for breakfast. 我不喜欢早起,所以没有时间吃早餐7. In the future, I will study hard and I will read more English books. 将来,我会努力学习,多读英语书8. I will do exercise every day。我将每天运动。9. I will not watch too much TV。我将不会看太多的电视。10. Where will she live?她将来会住在哪里?四、发音掌握字母组合ee,ea,eer和ear在下列单词中的发音。ee ea i: bee teaEer ear

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