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1、写作笔记考研写作六大原则:1、印象原则:106分 字迹:矮胖型,字母大小一样;涂改:不要超过10%;段落:按提纲写(三段式:一、现象;二、推论作者意图;三、该怎么做)2、提纲原则:严禁发表与提纲无关的言论,即将思想降至最低,将语言发挥到极致。且一般为当年的次热点,绝不会考最热点,要考就靠永恒的话题。3、数量原则:(极其关键)A、段落(提纲)(有几年有要求举例,万不能落) B、句子 小:68句 P1:34句 大:1215句 P2:57句 P3 :4句 C、字数 小:100110词 常只限10行 大:200220词4、顺序原则:语言结构内容(思路) 多变,少错 但求无过,起承转合 忽略不计5、思维

2、转化原则:互译(写不出的就不写,非写不可的就换简易的)eg:孝敬父母使我们的传统美德?It is our obligation to respect our aging parents . 取其精华,去其糟粕? Take the positive aspects,resist the negative consequence原则:中英互译的必死,不要死扣中文。将中文降到最弱智的解释,英文保证正确。非写不可的的,一定转换思维:你对我很重要you are my water !6、语言变化原则:同一意义尽量使用不同方法表达,语言结构和表达多样性考研写作七宗罪:1 图 sketch(手绘图) cart

3、oon portrayal(肖像)photo(照片) drawing 解决问题: address /deal with the problem reverse the disturbing trenddispose of sbsth (扭转令人不安的趋势) vulgar (五阿哥)庸俗的 vulnerable fragile3 好 beneficial positive bring about far-reaching influence (带来深远影响) favorable 4 坏 adverse AQ(抗逆境能力)IQ、EQ negative unfavorable 带来:causeA对B

4、不好:sound an alarm to sb 敲响警钟 Smoking sounds an alarm to your health. Pose(产生) a potential(潜在的) and probable threat on / to PPPT 押韵 Smoking poses a potential and probable threat to your health.5 非常:extraordinarily、exceptionally(例外)、undoubtedly(毋庸置疑的)6 重要:vital、crucial、irreplaceable Play an irreplacea

5、ble role to 7 越来越:形容词:er more and more 副词:increasingly 日益 文章结构1单图P1的写法:开门见山,说出图画干什么 详细挖掘图画信息、作者意图 总结2、双图题P1的大致思路:(今年考察双图的可能是史上最高的) 流程 :总写一句话 ,二图片描述及意义各一句话 (共五句话)Eg:2003年真题,这两幅图就共同反映同一朵花在不同条件下的命运/花在不同环境下发生的微妙变化subtle不可取代的:irreplaceable The set of drawing above vividly depicts the destiny of a flower

6、in different circumstances.以上组图 换subtly 描绘(picture变来) (该句典型的总写)As is shown in the cartoon,the flowers is placed in a comfortable green house /which shelters 换reflected (用一句话描述第一图的信息,后面的两句话就没必要了) 保护from the threatening lightning and storm./ On the contrary ,when removed from the green-定语从句是第一段中能写出的亮点

7、之一 然而(两图对比的关系) house and expsed to the heavy rain ,the flower soon fades and withers 双图题P1的写法:(3句话)总揽两图信息分别展现单图 如图所示第一幅图然而 3、P2的写法: What the impressive photo conveys goes far from beyond a new fashion trend. Instead of, it 浅 由浅入深的思路,P讲15同(但这不是高手的风格,我们更推崇直接写深) 深 carries culture implications as well.

8、The past several years have witnesses the phenomenon that 换reflects 深层含义 现状+原因: 现状,for the reason that+句子,可以写成巨拉风的长句!foreign people in ever expending / increasing / mounting numbers are attracted to the mysterious 越来越+N的较好看的写法 任选一个自己喜欢的使用 神秘的traditional Chinese culture, for the reason that to some e

9、xtent a culture can be accepted, respected, 该写法一定记得在写现状时用! 一定程度上 层进的修辞(并列加递进)且appreciated, and advocated internationally. In other words ,one nations distinctive culture can become ARAA or AAA 押韵 影响 独一无二的international through world-wild economic and culture exchange. Since the trend of globalization

10、 seems 总结(since)increasingly far-reaching, culture exchanges can effectively and efficently improve mutual 影响越来越深远+adj EE (又快又好地)有效地 相互的undersatanding and friendship. Accordingly / consequently, national culture ,the priceless fortune, should be preserved and 无价之宝 “保存和珍惜”好事六大词treasured . However, wh

11、en we are confronted with a different culture, we should be sensible 面对 常可用于第三段使用明智的enough take the positive aspects,resist the negative consequence,and only in this way can we 取其精华,去其糟粕 it is in this that we can改为promote culture development positively and make our world harmonious, prosperous,vigor

12、ous. 世界繁荣昌盛:和谐的、繁荣、有活力的 SSS1)押韵:发扬等:ARAA or AAA 多用于好的,也可以用于坏的文章中,找出坏现象的反面进行有效地:EE 繁荣昌盛:SSS 教育:educate, enlighten EE 无情的: ruthless, 无情的relentless 残酷无情的 RR 3、Example P2 流程图:“论点论据结论”即“总分总”的结构浅:(用主语从句)发人深思:thought-provoking深:Instead、implication、reflect等(这句话是关键,是论点,是核心)现状(拟人、同位语从句)+原因(,for the reason tha

13、t 进行论证、阐述)超长句!影响:In the other words总结:since4、好事六大词:appreciated, advocated,accepted, respected,preserved,treasured5、2010年考研性价比最高的四组词:)图画:portrayal、sketch、photo、drawing、cartoon)Show:reflect、imply、indicate、illustrate、demonstrate、reveal、convey、suggest)深刻含义:symbolic meaning, implication,connotation(画外音、言

14、下之意)象征:naturally associated with, symbolic meaning 6、如何处理在第一段中两到三个动作连用的情况:首先,找出所有动作,并区分出V主和V次然后,保留V主将V次加-ing最后,变成“N,V次-ing,V主”的结构,其中,V次-ing做插入语,作为第一段的亮点。The Master, standing by the reverside, sighed ,“May time pass on and on like this, never ceasing day and night.”(子在川上曰“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”)sighe:感叹,感慨Flut

15、tering through the air, we dance wing, life after life, forever a pair.(我和你缠缠绵绵翩翩飞,飞越这红尘永相随)flutter:动物拍翅膀Disappointed with and despaired by N.O,I blew the building up.E.G.:As is subtly suggested in the enlighteding sketch ,a pathetic and homeless bird, standing on a axe / cutting tool with sorrow, w

16、hich is naturally associated with the ruthless and relentless destruction, is crying for its lost home. 7、P1尽量用简单的单词,将图描述清楚即可。具体写法见:As is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly the subtle relationship / a ruthless and relentless fighting between we humans and the desert . In the first picture, pe

17、ople are running away from the overwhelming desert. The caption indicates that “ As the sand advances, we retreat.”On the 字幕 go ahead get back contrary, the second picture depicts that people, taking / carrying of tools, are coming to plant with confidences and joys . The caption reads that “As we a

18、dvance, the sand retreats.” 小词大用的好例子(校训等都可用)9、坏事第二段的写法:The purpose of the pictures is to convince us that due attention has to be paid to the prevalant and 直接写出深层含义 企图说服 迫切地 流行的pervasive issue of enviromental protection. Owing to overwhelming clear cutting /the 普遍的 PP 押韵 原因+现状 Owing to +N / for the

19、reason that +句子 past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that the deaert is taking away our living space with a high /surprising / amazing / unprecedented spped. In other words ,this 空前的 影响“坏影响的六种写法”phenomenon not only pose a potential and probable threat on our sutainable development, ppptb

20、ut also brings about an unfavorable consequence on ecosystem. If we do not fight against 威胁性总结(一般一句就够)sand hills, they will drive us away from the land. If we let this situation go as it is, our environment will become uncontrollable / unimaginable / unpredictable / unforeseeable. 10、如何在考研第二段中写出影响:好

21、4坏6坏的:undermine(vt)= destory ruin weaken sap sb of sthadversely affect sound an alarm to something put an enormous pressure upon bring about a(n) adverse / unfavorable consequence on pose a potential and probable thrent to / on好的:bring about a(n) far-reaching influence / impact on lay a solid founda

22、tion for play an irreplaceable role in serve as a catalyst for (促进)promote2)威胁性总结:will become uncontrollable / unimginable / unpredictable / unforeseeable.= will deteriorate(v) (任选两个词使用即可) 无法控制的 / 无法想象的 / 无法预测的 / 无看到前方的 将恶化(高手)3)历年大作文命题趋势分析:98 99 00 01举例 02 03 04举例 05 06 07举例 08 09 预测 10年(可能举例)单 双 双

23、 单 单 双 单 单 双 单 单 单 预测 双单坏 坏 坏 好 好 坏 好 坏 中 好 好 中 预测 坏好4)举例段的写法:(68句话)It can be examplified by the folloing cases “举例说明”例1+例2(各23句话):例1.Another case important is / Another fitting example is +例2举例子的时候越简单越好,别出错。举例规则:由人及己(社会、他人自己)总结一句话:on the whole, these examples effectively and efficently clarify the

24、saying that “中心论点” Confronted with the challenge of 面临 Strive for 奋斗L4 如图所示:The cartoon depicts a vivid scene in which =where+描写图画的一句话 The most striking(引人注目的)feature(特点)of the drawing is that 2、主要原则:简单化原则:简单主谓宾覆盖所有可写点,只有简单才不会犯错;零错误原则;纯原则:只描写图画上的可写点,尤其第一句话enjoy a striking popularity(流行) / caption(字幕

25、) / worship(崇拜) / we are informed 一、 图画描述段:2、语法结构:定语从句+插入语(第一段实在要增加难点,可受用插入语、定语从句)3、描述图画的Adj:thought-provoking / profound(深刻的) / instructive(有教育意义的) / enligtening(有启发意义的) / impressive(印象深刻的) / exaggerative(夸张的)押尾韵 vv Adv:graphically / symbolically / explicitly(清晰地)/ subtly4、如图所示的不同写法:(任选一到两句经常使用形成自己

26、的习惯)The satirical(只能用于坏事总写句=ironic)sketch graphically portays a scene in which +句子(一般用于总写/可写点1) It is graphically图解/ symbolically / explicitly / vividly illustrated / demonstrated in the 图 that+同上 What makes the drawing striking / intriguing(=applealing)is the fact that +具体细节 / 可写点2The cartoon depic

27、ts a vivid scene in which =where+描写图画的一句话The most striking(引人注目的)feature(特点)of the drawing is that 5、字幕描写的不同写法:(如果有两处字幕,就可以将两句都用上,即一主动,一被动) We are informed by the caption that The caption reads / indicates that6、总结(不要太难的话,把图总结即可,而且还不一定需要,视情况而定:看字数是否够)Undoubtedly / Unquestionably / Incontrovertibly千真

28、万确 / Indispensably必不可少7、第一段流程图:挖掘出23个可写点把它串成23句话最后润色成段二、意义阐述段:(57句话)1、由浅入深(若有话写则坚决放弃。) Simple (and funy) as the 图 is / are, the connotation subtly conveyed should be taken into consideration with more insight (and penetration) / should involve more insightful analysis. The connotation behind the 图,

29、which goes far beyond _, should be analyed more insightfully.洞察力的 起承上启下的作用,可用于首段末或是二段首2、深层含义(全段核心,全文关键)(这句才是关键) Inferred in this picture is virtually a (adj PP) social issue:_ The purpose of this picture is to inform / convince us that due attention hua to be paid to the (adj pp) issue of (接名词结构)。(此

30、乃保底句) The picture arouses deep concern over the issue of / that _, which is prevalant in contemporary society.(简单化) This sketch does reflect a thougth-provoking social phenomenon which is not uncommon(“流行”但该词组只能用于定语从句中)in china now. The fact that _indicates that, _(该句现在已不作考虑了) The unique metaphor 隐喻

31、in this enlightening drawing endows us with the conception / notion that _同4该段最大特点就是思路异常清晰!(深刻含义)Undoubtedly(“起), the photos have subtly reflected the social phenomenon that idol worship is prevalent among the youth nowdays. (象征点+现状)Backham represents(V.象征) the image of sport hero whose handsome appearance and unparall

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