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本文(推荐专题05+阅读理解七选五冲关模拟训练备战高考英语大题冲关秘笈.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、推荐专题05+阅读理解七选五冲关模拟训练备战高考英语大题冲关秘笈备战2018年高考英语大题冲关秘笈专题05 冲关模拟训练题组一Passage 1( 2018届山东省烟台市高三上学期期中考试)话题词数难度参考用时正确率 阅读狄更斯著作的原因 2757分钟Why we still need to read DickensWalk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Dickens works still sell well today. 1 As someone w

2、ho teaches Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind. 2 One day nearly 10 years ago, however, when I was giving a lecture, I was telling the students that for Victorian readers, Dickenss writing was a “tune-in-next-week” type of thing that generated crazes. 3 “But why should

3、 we still read this stuff?” the student asked. The answer I gave was only acceptable, “Because he teach you how to think,” I said.The question annoyed me for years, for years, and for years I told myself answers, but never with complete satisfaction. We read Dickens because he is not just a man of h

4、is own times, but also a man for our times. We read Dickens because we can learn from experiences of his characters almost as easily as we can learn from our own experiences. 4 But these are not exactly the reason why I read Dickens. My search for an answer continued until one day a text message cam

5、e from a student of mine. “We still read Dickenss novels,” she wrote, “because they tell us why we are what we are.” Simple as it was, thats the explanation I had sought for years.Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and wrote of times. 5 If you have time, go to pick up one

6、of his many novels, read it and enjoy what it has to tell you about yourself.A. Then a hand shot up.B. I know that wasnt really the reason.C. And they are placed on outstanding shelves.D. That question was never more troubling.E. Thats why we still need to read him today.F. I already know who it is

7、Ill meet in those novels.G. These are all wonderful reasons to read Dickens.【文章大意】本文对为什么我们今天依然要阅读狄更斯著作的原因进行了分析。1.C 【解析】根据Walk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Dickens works still sell well today. 可知这里意思是它们被放在很显眼的书架上,选C。2.D 【解析】根据As someone who teac

8、hes Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind. 可知这里意思是那个问题不再困扰我,选D。3.A 【解析】根据“But why should we still read this stuff?” the student asked.可知有一个学生举手提问,选A。5.E 【解析】由Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and wrote of times. 可知这里意思是那就是为什么我们今天依然要阅读狄更斯著作的原因,

9、选E。Passage 2(2018届山东省菏泽市七县一中(郓城一中、曹县一中等)高三模考)话题词数难度参考用时正确率 在外国生活指南 2427分钟I have been living in Toulouse for over four months now and I can safely say that my ability to talk to French people has improved in an unbelievable way. I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected that living

10、abroad would be the making of me._1_ Here is my four-step guide to living in a foreign country:1.Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness. _2_ Until recently, I did not believ

11、e that a friend made on a year abroad is a friend for life but now I do.2. _3_ I joined a church in Toulouse and as a result I now have a place to go to practice my faith. If you are a religious person this point could really help you. If you enjoy your exercise, joining a gym is also a good idea.3.

12、Speak the language. Even if you cant speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve_ 4_ 4.Travel. _5_ More importantly, it gives you memories that allow you to tell others of your experiences.These are four things that allowed me to safely integrate into a totally foreign cu

13、lture. Trust me, you dont know how young and inexperienced you are until you live abroad for the first time.A. Travelling around the country passes the timeB. I can tell you that his words proved to be trueC. Share with others some of the things you haveD. Get into organizations that help you meet p

14、eopleE. Good luck to anyone who reads this and goes abroadF. The best thing to do is to go out and meet people everywhereG. This helps you become a more fluent speaker and more people will talk to you【文章大意】作者针对如何在外国生活这一问题给出了四步指南。1.B 【解析】根据I was told before I came out to France by a man I respected t

15、hat living abroad would be the making of me.可知选B。(我可以告诉你,他的话被证明是正确的,)2.F 【解析】根据Integrate(融合) with the culture and the people. It is very easy to go to work and just come straight home but this will lead to periods of huge boredom and loneliness. 可知选F。(最好的事情就是外出,遇见不同的人。)4.G 【解析】根据Speak the language.

16、Even if you cant speak the local language well, at least make efforts to try and improve.可知选G。(这帮助你能成为一个更流利的说话者并且更多人会和你说话。)5.A 【解析】Travel.这里提到了旅游,所以选A。(在这个国家到处旅游来打发时间。)Passage 3(2018届山东省师大附中高三第三次模拟考试 )话题词数难度参考用时正确率 迟到的原因 2167分钟We all have one, dont we? A friend whos always late. The one who turns up

17、 for coffee a full half hour after the appointed time.1. Or just maybe, if youre really honest, this tardy (拖延的) individual is actually you yourself. Either way, 1ateness can be extremely annoying to the receiving end.How on earth can people be so inconsiderate?Recent research suggests that there mi

18、ght be more to this than simple rudeness. Psychologists from Washington University believe people view time differently. Their study gave participants a specific amount of time to complete a task.2. Despite this, some people became so absorbed in the activity that they completely forgot to check the

19、 clock.Our personality also plays a role. The less punctual among us often share characteristics such as “optimism, low levels of self-control, anxiety”3. Optimists tend to overestimate how much they can achieve and underestimate problems. It means they dont account for the long traffic jam on the w

20、ay for that coffee.4. The English phrase “to be fashionably late” is used to describe the proper time to arrive at an event. The problem is, what one person regards as fashionably late, another may view as impolite.5.A. Why optimism, you ask?B. Maybe language is to blameC. It even provided them with

21、 a clockD. Different people vary from each otherE. Next time you have coffee, do try to be on timeF. The one who seems to be forever “stuck in traffic”G. The one that might always be later than the agreed time【文章大意】主要讲述一些人约会总是迟到的原因。1.F 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据前一句“一个因买咖啡迟到了一个小时的朋友”可知,此处还是解释朋友会迟到的原因。F选项一个

22、“永远被堵在路上的朋友”符合语境。故选F。2.C 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据后一句可知,一些人太专注于活动而忘记核对时间。所以给他们提供了钟表。故选C。4.B 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。此句为该段主题句。根据下文可知,根据后一句“The English phraseto be fashionably late”可知,此处应和语言有关。B选项符合语境。故选B。5.E 【解析】考查上下文理解以及逻辑推理。根据前面的解释,不同的人对于“to be fashionably late”的理解不同。所以,后面一句应为还是按时的好。构成顺承关系。E选项下次喝咖啡还是尽量按时的好,符合

23、语境。故选E。Passage 4(2018届安徽省江淮十校高三第二次联考)话题词数难度参考用时正确率 女主角简爱身上有很多值得我们学习的地方 1917分钟 “Jane Eyre” was published in 1847. It is not just a romance novel, but an educational story. Women can learn so much from this great Victorian heroine. This is not to suggest that Jane didnt have shortcomings.1You can over

24、come your past, however bad it is. Jane Eyre is made miserable as a child by her horrible relatives.2He constantly reminds her that shes an orphan(孤儿). But she learns a lot about letting go when she is sent to a boarding school and makes friends with Helen.3Jane notes, “The world was a varied field

25、of hopes and excitement waiting for those who had the courage to go forth.” If Jane hadnt been brave, she might have returned to the cruel woman who raised her.Dont be afraid to speak your mind. She is not scared to voice her opinions when necessary. It is much better to talk about things than to hi

26、de unspoken anger.4Be positive. When Jane was younger, she had a tendency to feel sorry for herself.5But as she gets older, she learns to be happy despite her past.A. You can decide your life.B. The possibilities for life are endless for those who take risks.C. Talking also helps heal relationships

27、as well.D. Her cousin, John, is the worst.E. It is weak and silly to say you cant bear what it is your fate to be required to bear.F. Still, theres much to be learned from the way she chooses to live.G. Her life was miserable.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了简爱的女主角简爱身上有很多值得我们学习的地方。2.D 【解析】根据本空前的“Jane Eyre is made miser

28、able as a child by her horrible relatives.”可知,此处将提到一个可怕的亲戚,同时又与本空后的He一致,D项中的Her cousin符合这一点。3.B 【解析】根据本空后的“The world was a varied field of hopes and excitement waiting for those who had the courage to go forth.”可知,此处是说对于敢于冒险的人来说,生活充满了各种可能性。4.C 【解析】根据本空前的“It is much better to talk about things than t

29、o hide unspoken anger.”可知,此处承接上文,讲的是交谈的好处。题组二 Passage1(2017届江西师范大学附属中学高三第三次模拟考试)话题词数难度参考用时正确率 保持积极乐观的方法 2587分钟Four simple ways to stay positiveTrying to stay positive, both in good times and bad, is a great way to improve your quality of life. Try these four methods on a daily basis.Dont think a lot

30、 about negativity.Of course, staying positive 24 hours a day, seven days a week is a bit difficult. Letting things get to you is normal, and its actually healthy to cry or express frustrations once in a while.Its when those negative moments control your life that your emotional balance is at risk. 1

31、 However, dont give that sadness another second in your day. 2 What you put into your body directly affects how you feel on the outside. Fill yourself with good, healthy foods like fruits and vegetables and limit snacking. Exercise is equally of great importance. Take a few days out of your week for at least a half an hour of activity, and try to stick to a routine. 3 Be kind to others. 4 Making someones day a bit brighter not only puts a smile on his or her face, but also yours as well. Remember to smile and treat each pe

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