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1、四年级英语期中试题“深圳市小学英语教师个人命题能力竞赛”参赛作品龙城街道盛平小学 梁琼小学英语第七册 期中测试卷龙岗区一、参赛内容:小学英语第七册 期中测试卷二、本阶段主要内容及要求:1. 学习与掌握月份、日期的表达及序数词,节日的名称及其相关活动的词组,运动项目的名称,校外活动所需的物件名称及物主代词的运用。2. 学习与运用以下句型:There is_. There are_. Whens_? Its on_ date_in_month_. What are you gong to do? Im going to_. Is he gong to_? Yes, he is. No, he is

2、nt. Whose _? Its their our _.3. 继续学习语音,字母组合的发音。如ear,are,air,our等相关发音。三、参赛试题如下:小学四年级英语第七册期中质量检测试卷(时间:60分钟 满分100分)学校_班级_姓名_密封线题号Listening part(60分)Writing part(40分)总分一二三四五六七八九一二三四五六七八满分888868554354510454100得分I 听力部分(60分)一、 听录音,写出听到字母相邻两边的字母的大小写。念两遍。(8分) _ 1、 2、 3、 4、 _听力材料:Cc Ii Mm Rr参考答案:Bb Dd Hh Jj L

3、l Nn Qq Ss检测内容:字母大小写的规范书写设计意图:有效检测学生对字母大小写的掌握程度,及对相邻字母的熟练性、对发音相似子母的区分性。二、 听录音,将未听到的单词或词组的编号填入括号里。念两遍(8分)( )1. A. who B. whose C. where( )2. A.our B. your C.their ( )3. A. February B. January C. November ( )4. A. first B. third C. second ( )5. A. Fathers Day B. Mothers Day C. Childrens Day ( )6.

4、row a ball B. catch a ball C. play football ( )7. A. October 1 B. September 2 C. November 3 ( )8. A. make a card B. make a cake C. make a sandcastle 听力材料:1. who where 2. our your 3. January November 4. first second 5. Mothers day Childrens Day 6. play football throw a ball 7. Septmber 2, October 1 8

5、. make a cake make a sandcastle参考答案:BCABABCA检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课 单词及词组的听读能力。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课 单词及词组的掌握程度三、 听录音,将录音句子中出现的单词或词组的编号填入括号里。念两遍(8分)( )1. A. this month B.this year C. this week( )2. A.draw a picture B. sing a song C.write a poem( )3. A. do the long jump B. do the high jump C. do it

6、well( )4. A.our game B.their camera C. his paper( )5. A. these B. those C. they ( )6. A.June B. July C. January( )7. B. poem C. prize ( )8. A. news C. need听力材料:1.Whens Mothers Day this year? Its on May 11. 2. What are you going to do on Teachers Day? Im going to write a poem. 3. Is Bo

7、b going to do the long jump? Yes, he is.4. Whose is this? Its their camera. 5. These are our lunchboxes. 6. My birthday is in June. 7. Candy won a prize at Sports Day.8. What do we need for the school outing?参考答案:BCABAACC检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课句子中词语的听辨。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课句子及相关词组的掌握程度四、听录音,将听到的句子的

8、编号填入括号里。念两遍。(8分)( )1. A. How many months are there in a year? B. How many days are there in a week?C. How many days are there in January? ( )2. A.Whens Grandmas birthday? B.Whens Uncle Toms birthday?C.Whens Aunt Janes birthday?( )3. A. Pats making a card for Childrens Day. B. Tims drawing a picture

9、for National Day.C. Peters singing a song for Christmas Day. ( )4. A. Im going to draw a picture of Tiananmen Square.B. Im going to see Tiananmen Square.C. Im going to Tiananmen Square.( )5. A.The children are going to do the high jump. B.The children are practising for Sports Day.C.They are going t

10、o do the long jump.( )6. A. Are these your lunchboxes? B.Is this your lunchbox?C.Whose lunchbox is this?( )7. A. Tim is going to throw a ball. B.Ken is going to catch a ball.C.John is going to run in a race.( )8. A. Childrens Dat is on June 1. B.Christmas Day is on December 25.C.My birthday is on Ma

11、y 15.听力材料:1.How many months are there in a year?2.Whens Aunt Janes birthday?3. Peters singing a song for Christmas Day. 4. Im going to see Tiananmen Square.5.The children are going to do the high jump.6.Is this your lunchbox? 7.Tim is going to throw a ball.8.Christmas Day is on December 25.参考答案:BCAB

12、AACC检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课句子。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课句子的听辨能力及掌握程度五、听录音,用1、2、3给下列句子排序。念两遍。(6分)( ) Its On October 22.( ) Is Kim going to throw a ball?( ) Whens the Sports Day?( ) What are you going to do?( ) No, she isnt. She is going to skip.( ) Im going to run in a race.听力材料:Whens the Sports Day? Its

13、 On October 22. What are you going to do? Im going to run in a race. Is Kim going to throw a ball? No, she isnt. She is going to skip.参考答案:251346检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课句子对话的听辨。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课句子对话的掌握程度及灵活运用。六、听录音,选择恰当的问句或答句。念两遍。(8分)( )1. A. Its Monday. B. Its on May 11. C. Its May 11. ( )2. A.

14、 Yes, they are. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, there are. ( )3. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, I am. ( )4. A.Its on October 1. B.Its on December 25. C.Its on June 1.( )5. A. What are you doing? B. What are you going to do? C. What can you do?( )6. A.There are 12 months. B.There are 7 days.C.There ar

15、e 31 days.( )7. A. Whose game is this? B. Whose games are these? C. Is this your game?( )8. A. Whats Pat going to do? B. Whats Ken going to do? C. What are the children going to do?听力材料:1.Whens Mothers Day this year?2.Is Childrens Day on June 1?3.Is Bob going to do the long jump?4. Whens National Da

16、y?5.Im going to skip?6.How many days are there in October?7.They are their games.8.They are going to practise for the Sports Day.参考答案:BBAABCBC检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课问答句。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课问答句的掌握程度及灵活运用。七、听录音对话,将三个方框里相关内容用线连接起来。念两遍。(5分).听力材料:1. Its Mothers Day soon. what are you going to

17、 do, Pat? Im going to buy some flowers for my mum.2. Whats Tim going to do on Teachers Day? Hes going to write a poem.3. Is Harry going to draw a picture on National Day? Yes, he is.4. Is Sue going to make cards for CHRISTMAS Day? Yes, she is.5. Its childrens Day soon. Whats John going to do? Hes go

18、ing to sing a song.参考答案:连线检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课句型,特别是一般将来时的运用。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课一般将来时各种句型的灵活运用程度。八、在横线上填入所缺单词。念两遍。(5分)1. My birthday is on _ 21.2. Its National Day _.3. I can _ at Sports Day.4. They are _ cameras.5. What are you going to do on the _ Day ?听力材料:1. My birthday is on June 21.2. It

19、s National Day soon.3. I can skip at Sports Day.4. They are their cameras. 5.What are you going to do on the National Day?参考答案: June soon skip their National检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课单词的听写。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课单词的听写,记忆单词的能力。九、听录音,判断下列句子对( )错( )。念两遍。(4分)( )1. Tims birthday is on May 9.( )2. Mary is goi

20、ng to buy her mum some flowers on Mothers Day.( )3. Bob is going to throw a ball at Sports Day.( )4. The red lunchbox is Anns.听力材料:1. Whens Tims birthday? Its on May2.2. Its Mothers Day soon. what are you going to do, Mary? Im going to buy some flowers for my mum.3. What are you going to do at Sport

21、s Day,Ken? Im going to throw a ball.How about Bob? He is going to catch a ball.4.Whose is the red lunchbox? Is it Pats? No,its Anns.参考答案:检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课单词的句段的理解。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课句段的理解与运用。II 笔试部分(40分)一、 比较下列每组单词的划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“”, 不同的打“”。在括号里表示出来。(3分)( ) 1. our four ( ) 2. ear hear( ) 3

22、. pear wear ( ) 4. hair pair学校_班级_姓名_密封线( ) 5. are share ( ) 6. third bird参考答案:检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课语音。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课语音的理解与运用,字母组合发音的掌握程度。二、 补全单词,把正确答案写在题前括号里。(5分)( )1 m k A.ia )2. c tch A.a B.e C.u( )3. sk p A.o B.i C.a( )4. j mp A.a B.e C.u( )5. pr ct se C.oe参考答案:CAB

23、CA检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课单词。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课单词的记忆情况。三、选出每组中跟其它不同一类的单词。(4分) ( )1. A. ninth B. fifth C. second D. nineteen( )2. A. May B. August C. Sunday D. June( )3. A. mother B. people C. father D. grandma( )4. A. song B. skip C. jump D. run参考答案:CABCA检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课单词。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 un

24、it1-4课单词的类别分类的掌握情况。四、从方框里选出正确的单词,并写在横线上。(5分)months prizes lovely of for1. Theyre going to give the _ today.2. Im going to draw a picture _ Tiananmen Square.3. Theyre practicing _ Sports Day.4. There are 12 _ in a year.5. Its going to be a _day.参考答案: prizes of for months lovely检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课词句的搭

25、配。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课词句的搭配与句意的理解能力。五、 选择填空。(10分)( )1. How old are you? Im _ A. eleventh B. eleven C. twelfth( )2. Today is my Grandmas _ birthday. A. ninetieth B. ninety C. nineteenth( )3. My birthday is _ September. A. on B. / C. in( )4. Childrens Day is on_. A. July 1st B. December 25th C.

26、June 1st( )5. Kate is a good player. She is good at _ ball.A. throws B. throw C. throwing( )6. Whats Peter doing? Hes the long jump B.doing a long jump C.does the long jump( )7. Im going to buy some flowers and a card my mother on Mothers B.for C.with ( )8. They are going to _ for Spo

27、rts Day. A. practise B. practising C. do( )9. Are these your cameras, Mary? - _ A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, these are. C. No, they arent.( )10. Look!Mary is _. A skip B. skiping C. skipping参考答案:BACACBBACC检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课词句的搭配。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课词句的搭配与相关语法知识的运用。六、 选择正确的答案填在横线上。(4分)1. He can (jum

28、p/jumping)2. Pat is going to (make/making) a card.3. Hes ( do/doing) the long jump.4. He always (sings/singing) a song in the morning.参考答案:jump make doing sings 检测内容:Book7 unit1-4课动词的时态搭配。设计意图:有效检测学生对Book7 unit1-4课动词的时态正确搭配的能力。七、 情景交际。选择正确答案,并将其编号写在括号里。(5分)( )1. 你想知道Peter的生日是什么时候,可以问: A. How old is Peter? B. Whens Peters birthday? C. Whens Peter birthday?( )2. 你想告诉别人我们在为运动会做准备,你可以说:A Were practicing for Sports Day. B Were practise on Sports Day. C. Theyre practicing for Sports Day.( )3. 你将要参加跳远项目,可以说:A. Im going to do the high jump. B. Im going to run in a race. C. Im going to

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