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1、大学毕业实习报告中英文汇编(3) 心态问题(一)创业机会分析(一)创业机会分析(3)优惠多据调查统计在对大学生进行店铺经营风格所考虑的因素问题调查中,发现有50%人选择了价格便宜些,有28%人选择服务热情些,有30%人选择店面装潢有个性,只有14%人选择新颖多样。如图(1-5)所示调研课题:我们大学生没有固定的经济来源,但我们也不乏缺少潮流时尚的理念,没有哪个女生是不喜欢琳琅满目的小饰品,珠光宝气、穿金戴银便是时尚的时代早已被推出轨道,简洁、个性化的饰品成为现代时尚女性的钟爱。因此饰品这一行总是吸引很多投资者的目光。然而我们女生更注重的是感性消费,我们的消费欲望往往建立在潮流、时尚和产品的新颖

2、性上,所以要想在饰品行业有立足之地,又尚未具备雄厚的资金条件的话,就有必要与传统首饰区别开来,自制饰品就是近一两年来沿海城市最新流行的一种。我们认为:创业是一个整合的过程,它需要合作、互助。大学生创业“独木难支”。在知识经济时代,事业的成功来自于合作,团队精神。创业更能培养了我们的团队精神。我们一个集体的智慧、力量一定能够展示我们当代大学生的耐心.勇气和坚强的毅力。能够努力克服自身的弱点,取得创业的成功。标题:上海发出通知为大学生就业鼓励自主创业,灵活就业 2004年3月17日据统计,上海国民经济持续快速增长。03全年就实现国内生产总值(GDP)6250.81亿元,按可比价格计算,比上年增长1

3、1.8%。第三产业的增速受非典影响而有所减缓,全年实现增加值3027.11亿元,增长8%,增幅比上年下降2个百分点。*大 学 专 业 技 能 I 实 习 报 告2015-2016学 年 第 一 学 期 (教学实习)课 程 代 码: 学生专业班级 英语专业2012级1 班 学生姓名(学号) *(2*7) 指 导 教 师 * 完 成 时 间 2015年12月16日 专业技能实习I 实习任务书开课学院(章) 2015年 8 月 28 日 实习项目名称专业技能实习I指 导 教 师实 习 地 点校内、校外实习前准备要求实习时间、内容、要求(技能、纪律、笔记、考核及成绩评定等)时间:专业技能实习I安排在三

4、年级下学期进行。实习时间为1-18周。内容:明确实习的目的、意义和具体要求,了解实习过程及环节。通过实习, 了解社会, 接触实际, 将课程内所学知识贯彻到实践中,巩固专业理论知识和提高专业技能, 提高运用所学专业理论知识观察问题, 分析问题和解决问题的能力。培养学生对工作认真负责, 一丝不苟的精神,为就业做好准备。要求:由学生自行联系实习单位,利用节假日或课外时间进行。实习结束时,提交书面实习报告。实习报告内容主要包括:实习日志5篇;实习报告一份,简述实习的过程和主要工作内容;实习感想一篇,简述实习过程的收获与体会;填写实习质量评价表;最后附上实习相关证明材料、照片、资料等。纪律:要求授课班级

5、每位学生必须参与实习活动,不得借故推脱或弄虚作假。实习结束后上交内容完整的书面实习报告。成绩考核与评定:考勤表现(10%) + 实习报告(40%)+ 导师评价(50%) 填表人:说明:本表每个学生一份,实习前一周发至学生。ReportTime:2015.05.10-2015.6.28Place: Module:English teacherSupervisor: In order to improve the college students practical skills, the teaching practice can provide chances to students who

6、intend to be teachers or find the job in the educational area. Through the practice, making the students adapt themselves to the society, it also can make them think more about their employment.The new building of School is established in 2002, and it start to be used in August 2002, and the area of

7、 it is 19166 square meters and the construction area is 7052 square meters, which costs the total investment over 800 million. There are 20 classrooms for students to have classes. Whats more, the school accommodate about 783 students and 42 teachers at present. In order to promote the students to h

8、ave a comprehensive development, the leaders of the school make their efforts to consummate the equipment of the teaching and media materials. There are 42 computers in the computers rooms. During these three yeas, the school has finished the constructions of the equipment, such as Language lab, mul

9、timedia classrooms, campus network and so on. And these materials Implement modern teaching methods and information network. Furthermore, the headmaster also pay attention to improve the students reading, so there are 15700book in library for students to read to reach the goal that per student can p

10、ossess 20 book to read.On the other hand, the school has complete the task that beauty and green campus in order to promote it have first class teaching level and surroundings. The teaching idea of the school is :As the cornerstone of child survival and development. All in all, the whole of teachers

11、 and students are trying their best to make the school become better.After talking to the director of the school, I make sure my internship task that I am supposed to teach one class students for English lesson. And I have 2 lessons one week. First, I need to listen to a lesson taught by an experien

12、ced teacher so that I can learn their teaching methods and teaching activities. Then, I am in charge of one class students English learning. And when the class over, I also need to give an assignment for everyone to make sure that each students mother or father get the massage of homework which is s

13、ent through the school internet and keep good communication with their householders.What I need to do is to improve the students spoken ability by lead the students to speak more. At the same time, I am supposed to make the students get the interesting in learning English. All in all, my task of tea

14、ching is to improve the students English learning ability. At the beginning of the internship, I have a communication with the director to make sure the information about the internship. Next day, I start my teaching. In order to prepare well, so I make the PPT at nigh and make me be familiar with t

15、he course. At the class, I introduce myself firstly, and the students shows their warm-welcomed, which decrease my nervousness in a degree. Time flies fast. When the class is over, I left some assignments for them. Then I come back to office to send message to the students family about the English h

16、omework in order to promote the students study with their families together. Finally, I recollect the class today at night, and analyze the mistake I made and things I need to behavior well. The next several times, when I stand at the front of the door of the classroom, the students all come to me a

17、nd give me a big big hug, their smile around me, which makes me feel warm-heart and moved. To encourage them to speak English more often on class, I take some litter presents for them, if one of them answer my question correctly, he can get one present which he likes. And the facts show that this me

18、thod is useful. However, there are still things I need to improve. For example, the time management is one of the difficulties for me to deal with. One thing I need to mentioned is that the activities in the school are colorful. There are many groups, like football team, art group, and so on. I am f

19、avor of this activity, because the students not only need to study but also need to have a comprehensive development.Finally, its time for leave. I finished my teaching task and the director of the school is satisfied with me. Sad atmosphere spread everywhere. At the last class is over, I say goodby

20、e to the students. And I give each of them a present that I prepared for a long time, and some of them also give their gifts. Some of them give me a card written the word: my dear teacher, I will miss you, and thank you for teaching us. Things like that, I am moved by their kindness. The memories th

21、ey left me will not be forgotten by me, and I have gained plenty of treasure during this practice. For a student who is always studying in the college, this experience is absolutely a plate for me before I enter into the society. Whats more, this graduation practice helps me to strength the foundati

22、on of employment and realize the importance of the combination of the theory and practice.In terms of the summary of the practice, I have a great harvest. First, I have gained an wealthy chance to be an internship student to improve my ability. On the other hand, after having these weeks internship,

23、 I have learned how to make the students concentrate on your class and how to improve the atmosphere of the class. In order to offer an useful lesson to students, more and more schools and teachers are trying to find a effective way for them to teach the students. I also learn a lot to enrich the at

24、mosphere. And I followed the teachers with experience and combine my own thinking about it to make the class activity more and more colorful and the students pay more attention to the study. During the process of practice, I realized that the importance of the responsibility. Like the teacher this o

25、ccupation, if you dont prepare well about the teaching materials for the classes, you might make some mistakes on you lesson or you will not complete you task that day. So you should be responsible to the career which you are doing. Another thing is that each occupation has their special difficulty

26、and challenge. We need to overcome them one by one, not escape from the challenges.Generally speaking, this experience of practice give me much knowledge not only on major ability but also on the practical ability. It increases my courage about the challenges in the future. And on the other hand, it

27、 also make me have a good thinking about my career and my future. Whether I will choose to be a teacher or not, and what I really want to do in the future. Like these questions, I get some answer through this experience.The first important thing I gained is that: no matter where you are, being polit

28、e is the first thing you should do and keep it. Because when you take part in a new place, the people surround you are all strange, if you are not be polite and friendly, they will have a good first expression for you. This practice is a god-given chance for you to improve your communicative ability

29、. And if you left a good expression to them, it will be much easier for you to get along well with them.Secondly, being positive. We will encounter some difficulties and challenge during our internship, no matter how tough difficulty we are facing, we should have a positive attitude towards it. When

30、 I start my practice, I am nervous and afraid of my mistake, next time, I told myself that I can do it, and the result is much better. Therefore, being confident is important as well. During these months of internship, I have learned how to adapt a new surroundings, and it also improves my communica

31、tive skill and manipulative ability. I realize that the chance is not staying at there and waiting for you, so you need to be positive and active to be ready for sizing the opportunities. As we all known that actions speaks louder than words. So it is crucial for the trainee like me to take action a

32、nd do more thing to learn more. On the other hand, when I am puzzled about something, I should ask the people who has more experiences than you. Dont be shy for asking others, but not mean bother others no matter what they are doing at the present. Through this experience, I have learned many things which the textbooks do not contain. Furthermore, my mentality of employment has changed a lot. When I enter into the society, I am supposed not to rely on the families or others and to be independent on the society.

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