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1、雅思英译汉翻译2讲解1. 蚕茧是用于蚕布生产的原材料。The cocoons are the raw material used for the production of silk cloth.2. 从该图表中我们可以看到,在1970年,鱼和薯条的受欢迎程度是汉堡的两倍,比萨饼在当时是最不受欢迎的快餐。From the graph we can see that in 1970, fish and chips were twice as popular as burgers, pizza being at that time the least popular fast food.3. 如果

2、我们要看到这种潜能得以实现,我们就应该在三个方面达成一致。If we are ever to see that potential realized, we ought to agree on three conditions.4. 那些科学家正在低估被动吸烟所造成的损失。Those scientists are underestimating the damage done by passive smoking.5. 老师在教室里走来走去,用手势帮助他讲解。The teacher walked about the classroom, using his hands to help his

3、explanation.6. 他惊讶地发现自己的房间被彻底地打扫过,一切都布置的井井有条。He was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arranged in good order.7. 任何希望了解未来工业的人都必须对电脑有所了解。Anyone wanting to understand the industry of the future will have to know about the computer.8. 总有许多外国留学生来中国学习。There are always lots of fo

4、reign students who come to china to study.9. 正如谚语所说,“给人一条鱼,可以养活他一天;教会他捕鱼,可以养活他一生。”As the saying goes,” give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish, and you feed him for life.10. 尤其在非洲,有无数的例子,腐败的政府在改善人民在医疗卫生、教育和贸易等方面的困境上无所作为。There are numerous examples in Africa, in particular, w

5、here corrupt governments do nothing to improve the plight of the people in terms of health, education and trade.11. 这一定会有害于居住和工作在半径5英里范围内的所有人。This would definitely be detrimental to all the people who live and work within a five-mile radius of the airport.12. 关于大学应该以什么为基础来录取学生的问题一直存在争论。There has bee

6、n some debate about the basis on which universities should accept students.13. 现在我们考虑人类心理和智力发展的方式受到基因科学的很大影响。Today the way we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influenced by the genetic science.14. 我们应该确保我们仍然处在能够控制技术的位置上。We should ensure that we are still in a position wher

7、e we are able to control technology.15. 好奇心和想象力是有助于刺激新事实的发现、推动科学发展的重要素质。Curiosity and imagination are important qualities which help stimulate the discovery of new facts and advance science.16. 美国以超市而著称,在这里出售大量各类食品和家庭用品。The United States is known for its supermarkets, where huge quantities of all ki

8、nds of food and household articles are sold.17. 我认为对电脑将会带来的好处保持怀疑很重要。I believe that it is very important to be suspicious of the benefits that computers will bring.18. 正如今天报纸上通知的那样,所有的图书馆都将在下个月一号重新开放。As is announced in todays papers, all the libraries will reopen on the first of next month.19. 这就是我父

9、亲曾经居住过的房子,十年前你参观过,现在成了博物馆。This is the house in which my father lived and which you visited ten years ago and which becomes the museum.20. 我们对五千年前近东发生的事情还能略知一二,那里的人们首先懂得用文字记载。We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the New East, where people first learned to write.21. 最重要的规定就是晚上九点以后不准弄

10、出声响。The most important rule is that there must be no noise after 9pm.22. 该数据显示发展中国家和工业化国家之间在教育和科技的参与程度上存在着极大的差别。This data shows that there are very large inconsistencies between the levels of participation in education and science in developing and industrialized countries.23. 我同意在医疗卫生教育和贸易等方面的改善对较贫

11、困国家的发展来说是必不可少的。I agree with the statement that improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations.24. 广告的作用在于,让消费者知道所提供的产品,并且让他们确信这些产品很好,他们应该购买。The role of advertising is to inform consumers of available products and to convince them that their products a

12、re good and that they should buy them.25. 单纯为了通过支付低于成人的工资而省钱,很多雇主可能喜欢利用儿童的服务,这是一个不幸的事实。Its an unfortunate fact that many employers may prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by paying them less than adults.26. 我们开始意识到一个显而易见的事实,那就是发展是有限的。We become aware of the obvious fact that t

13、here are limits to growth.27. 早上学的另一个好处是孩子在社交方面发展更快。Another advantage of going to school at an early age is that children develop faster socially.28. 柏拉图表达的观点是,幽默只不过是优越于别人的快乐感觉。Plato expressed the idea that humor is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.29. 一个笑话会引起愉悦还是痛苦取决于个人的见解。Whet

14、her a joke gives pleasure or pain depends on a persons outlook.30. 如果我们鼓励孩子们去合作,他们就会了解到胜利并不代表一切,生活中还有其他的快乐。If we encourage our children to cooperate, they will learn that winning isnt everything and there are other pleasures in life.31. 众所周知,一个人的外表在很大程度上取决于父母的长相。It is well known that a persons appea

15、rance depends largely on how their parents look.32. 一直以来就有这样的讨论,到底人们是受天生丽质的影响更大,还是受后天培养的影响更大。There has been an ongoing discussion as to whether a person is more influenced by nature or by nurture.33. 在这篇文章中,我将提出这个问题出现的原因,以及政府使问题得到控制的办法。In this essay, I would like to suggest why this problem has aris

16、en and how governments could bring the problem under control.34. 我的观点是年轻人应该受到鼓励,去开阔视野。My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons.35. 我们只能想象十四世纪或古希腊的生活是什么样子。We can only imagine what life was like in the 14th century or in the classical Greece.36. 该图表明在1900到2000年间世界范围用

17、水量的变化情况。The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900and 2000.37. 巴西的这些数据表明,在一些国家农业方面的水消费水平会有多高。The figures for Brazil indicate how high agricultural water consumption can be in some countries.38. 迟早他们会发现,熟悉的工作不再存在了,或者“安全的”行为模式不再恰当了。Sooner or later they will find that t

18、he familiar jobs no longer exist, or that the “safe” patterns of behavior are no longer appropriate.39. 孩子们从很小的年龄开始就充满热情和信心地学习使用互联网,这一点很重要。It is important that children learn at an early age to use the Internet enthusiastically and with confidence.40. 这些数据所反映的重大社会变化是,在这段时期,安装中央取暖设备的英国家庭其比例从三分之一上升到三分

19、之二,安装电话的家庭其比例从不到一半上升到四分之三以上。The significant social changes reflected in the statistics are that over the period the proportion of British houses with central heating rose from one to two thirds, and of those with a phone from under a half to over three-quarters.41. 不言而喻的是,预防要比治疗更好。It goes without sa

20、ying that prevention is better than cure.42. 我写信的目的是解释我为什么没有能够归还我借出的、借期为三天的三本图书,现在这三本书已经超期。I am writing this letter to explain why I have been unable to return the three books I have out on three-day loan, which are now over-due.43. 有些国家会面临的人口远比国家的食物资源或就业机会增长更迅速,而且其会员会由于需要喂养额外的嘴巴而陷于贫困。Countries can

21、be faced with a population that is growing much faster than the nations food resources or the employment opportunities and whose members can be condemned to poverty by the need to feed extra months.44. 我们不应该忽视这样一个事实,和男人相比,申请高级职位的女人数量要少得多。We should not lose the sight of the fact that significantly fe

22、wer women apply for senior positions in comparison with men.45. 我认为,确保我们决不完全依赖一个全部技术化的世界,这一点很重要。I think it is very important to make sure that we never become totally dependent on a completely technological world.46. 当然我觉得我们不需要更多的纪实类节目,比如新闻和纪录片。I certainly dont think we need any more factual program

23、mes like news and documentaries.47. 你们应该知道,这是为在职人员设计的。You should be aware that this is designed for those who are in employment.48. 现在我们很难想象先驱者们当时有多么困难。Its hard for us to realize nowadays how difficult it was for the pioneers.49. 较富裕的国家没有必要对较贫困的国家承担全部责任,因为公民的幸福是每个国家政府的主要职责。Richer nations should not

24、have to take full responsibility for poorer nations because the welfare of its citizens is the primary responsibility of each nations government.50. 我认为富裕国家应当采取的唯一行动就是收回那些援助,以使腐败政府垮台,是每个国家的人民崛起,以一种负责的方式照顾自己。I believe that the only action of rich nations should be the withholding of aid so that corru

25、pt governments fall and the people of each nation rise to take care of themselves in a responsible manner.51. 我们不应该忽视科技,因为它可以成为我们的朋友,并支持我们的生活方式。We should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life.52. 随着社会变得更加富裕,传统价值观和活动倾向于衰落。As societies become more affluent, tr

26、aditional values and activities tend to decline.53. 虽然每个儿童都有天生的好奇心,但他们23岁的时候,这种好奇心会受到极大的压制。While every child is born with a natural curiosity, it can be suppressed dramatically during the second and third years of life.54. 一旦一个地方被确定为主要的旅游胜地,就会给当地生活带来深远的影响。Once a location is established as a main tou

27、rist destination, the effects on the local community are profound.55. 尽管旅游业不可避免地会影响到所在的地区,但是这些脆弱环境和当地文化付出的代价可以最小化。Although tourism inevitably affects the region in which it takes place, the costs to these fragile environments and their local cultures can be minimized.56. 仅仅限制旅游业不是解决这种不均衡状态的办法,因为人们想去

28、参观新地方的欲望是不会消失的。Merely restricting tourism can not be the solution to the imbalance, because peoples desire to see new places will not just appear.57. 每次当他们在相对短暂的生涯中表现的时候,选手都受到考验。A player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career.58. 即使人们以为自己在拒绝改变,他们也无法阻止周围世界的改变。Even when peo

29、ple believe they are resisting change themselves, they cannot stop the world around them for changing.59. 现在我们如此依赖电脑,以至于很难想象没有它们现在会是什么状况。We are now so dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine what things would be like today without them.60. 你一直感觉自己身材不错,生活得很开心,直到有一天,你无意中听到别人说你在发福。You are fee

30、ling good about your body and enjoying life until, one day , you overhear someone say you are gaining weight.61. 一连几个星期天气都很恶劣,以至于发电站的建设进度放慢了。The weather was bad for some weeks, so that progress with the building of the power station slowed down.62. 除非每个人都放弃一点自己的自由,否则谁也无法和别人愉快的相处。Unless everyone give

31、s up some of his freedom, no one can get along well with other people.63. 昨天我刚一到家,一位保险代理人就来拜访,要求和我讨论我的汽车保险问题。As soon as I got home yesterday, an insurance agent visited and asked to discuss my car insurance.64. 我们的身体是以这样的方式构建而成的,以至于空气的重量不会将我们压垮。Our bodied are built in such a way that the weight of a

32、ll the air does not crush us.65. 一旦他的好奇心得到激发,他就利用某些方法和步骤获得新的知识以及更多的理解。Once his curiosity has been aroused, he uses certain methods and procedures to gain new knowledge and greater understanding.66. 如果你的孩子似乎对战争游戏和武器着迷,最好控制他看电视。If your child appears to be crazy about war play and weapons, it would be a good idea to control his viewing of TV.67. 不管花一个小时还是一天,我一定要把这道题目解答出来。I must solve the problem whether it takes me an h

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