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1、大学英语网络作业三次大学英语(1)第一次网络作业(三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试成绩30%,请大家在认真复习好大学英语课本第一册第1-2单元的课文、词汇与短语后完成如下作业;作业一经批改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,不要以附件形式缴交)一. 阅读:( 1 )The worlds population continues to grow. There now are about 4 billion of us on earth. That could reach 6 billion by the end of the

2、century and 11 billion in a further 75 years. Experts have long been concerned about such a growth. Where will we find the food, water, jobs, houses, school and health care for all these people?A major new study shows that the situation may be changing. A large and rapid drop in the worlds birth rat

3、e has taken place during the past 10 years. Families generally are smaller now than they were a few years ago. It is happening in both developing and industrial nations.Researchers said they found a number of reasons for this. More men and women are waiting longer to get married and are using birth

4、control devices and methods to prevent or delay pregnancy. More women are going to school or working at jobs away from home instead of having children. And more governments, especially in developing nations, now support family planning programs to reduce population grow.China is one of the nations t

5、hat have made great progress in reducing its population growth. China has already cut its rate of population growth by about half since 1970.Each Chinese family is now urged to have no more than one child. And the hope is to reach a zero population growth with the total number of births equaling the

6、 total number of deaths by the year 2000.Several nations in Europe already have fewer births than deaths. Experts said that these nations could face a serious shortage of workers in the future. And the persons who are working could face much higher taxes to help support the growing number of retired

7、 people.1. The worlds population could reach _.a. 6 billion in 75 yearsb. 11 billion in 2075c. 11 billion by the end of this centuryd. 600 million in 15 years2. Which of the following is true?a. The worlds birth rate is higher than ten years ago.b. There has been a slower population growth in the pa

8、st ten years.c. Families are as large as before.d. Birth control has been well practiced in all nations.3. By the year 2000, the number of births and the number of deaths in China will _.a. be greatly differentb. drop a great dealc. be equald. become much larger4. According to the essay, Chinas popu

9、lation control _.a. is not quite successfulb. should be considered a big successc. is far from being successfuld. is a complete failure5. It may happen in the future that the people who are working in Europe will have to pay much higher taxes because_.a. more and more children will be born b. the nu

10、mber of retired people will become ever largerc. fewer and fewer children will be bornd. they will be making a lot of money ( 2 )I arrived in the United States on February 6,1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at t

11、hree oclock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-mad

12、e beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and them left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day.Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldnt speak a word of English, I couldnt tell the wait

13、er what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter didnt understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights, and huge

14、 crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try.When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldnt sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens during the n

15、ight. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English.6. On the way to his hotel, the writer _.a. was silent all the timeb. kept tal

16、king to his friendc. showed his friend something he brought with himd. looked out of the window with great interest7. He did not have what he really wanted, because _.a. he only made some gesturesb. he did not order at allc. the waiter was unwilling to served. he could not make himself understood8.

17、The waiter _.a. knew what he would orderb. finally understood what he saidc. served the same thing the man at the next table was havingd. took the order through his gestures9. After dinner, he _.a. walked back to the hotel right awayb. went to the moviesc. did some shopping on Broadwayd. had a walki

18、ng tour about the city10. That night he could not sleep, because _.a. he did not know what to do the next dayb. he was not tired at allc. he was thinking about his great cityd. he kept hearing the fire and police sirens二. 介词填空: (按课本课文内容填入适当的介词)11. Successful language learners are learners _ a purpos

19、e.12. Successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend _ the book or the teacher.13. It is just like a 24-hour library, which enables us to search _ the right information we need by simply typing in some key words.14. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order t

20、o communicate _ these people and to learn from them.15. _ the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.(提示:答案必须填入下面的答卷表格内,只要复制粘贴提交答卷即可,请不要用附件形式提交)大学英语(1)第一次网络作业答卷纸姓名: 学号:专业: 所在教学中心: 1b2b3c4b5b6d7d8c9d10d11with

21、12on13for14with15on 大学英语(1)第二次网络作业 (三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试成绩30%,请大家在认真复习好大学英语课本第一册第3-4单元的课文、词汇与短语后完成如下作业;作业一经批改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,不要以附件形式缴交)一. 阅读:( 1 )The angry woman stood by the station. “ The railway owes me 12,”she said to Harry Jenks, the booking clerk (订票员). “My tic

22、ket was for May 22nd, and there was no ship from Jersey that night. My daughter and I had to stay in a hotel. It cost me 12.”Harry was worried. He remembered selling the woman a return ticket. “ Come into the office, madam,” he said, “ Ill just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd .”The woman and

23、 her little girl followed him inside. She was quite right, as Harry soon discovered. There was no sailing on May 22nd. How ever had he made such a big mistake? Wondering what to do, he smiled at the child. “You look healthy,” he said to her. “ Did you have a nice holiday in Jersey?”“ Yes,” she answe

24、red. “ The beach was beautiful. And I can swim too!”“ Thats fine,” said Harry. “ My little girl cant swim a bit yet. Of course, shes only three-”“ Im four,” the child said proudly. “ Ill soon be four and a half.”Harry turned to the mother. “ I remember your ticket, madam,” he said. “ But you didnt g

25、et one for your daughter, did you?”“ Er, well-” The woman looked at the child. “ I mean-she hasnt started school yet. Shes only four.”“ A four year old child must have a ticket, madam. A childs return to Jersey costs-let me see-13.50. So if the railway pays your hotel bill, you will owe 1.50.The law

26、 is the law, but since we have made a mistake-”The woman stood up, took the childs hand and left the office.1. The angry woman went to the station _.a. to buy a ticket for her daughterb. to ask the railway to pay her hotel billc. to have a friendly talk with the booking clerkd. to buy the Jersey tim

27、etable2. Harry had a talk with the girl in order to _.a. please the girl and her motherb. find out how old the girl was and whether the girl had been to Jerseyc. get some information about Jerseyd. find out how many days they spent in Jersey3. The hotel bill is _.a. more than the cost of a childs ti

28、cketb. exactly the same as the cost of a childs ticketc. less than the cost a childs ticketd. more than the cost of a womans ticket4. The child is _ years old.a. two b. four c. three d. five5. A girl of _ should buy a ticket according to the law of the railway.a. three b. four c. five d. six ( 2 )In

29、 the eighteen century young ladies in Italy were taught reading, writing, music and arithmetic(算术). But their knowledge of history and geography(地理) was very poor.Once the French ambassador (大使) in Rome was giving a ball (舞会) to which many important people were invited. The Italian Minister of Forei

30、gn Affairs(外交部长) came very late. A young lady, who was well acquainted with him, saw him enter the ball-room(舞厅) and asked why he was so late.“You see,” said the Minister, “there has been a little accident at the Kings palace.”The curious young lady asked the Minister to tell her what had happened a

31、t the Kings palace.“Oh, nothing important,” answered the Minister. “The ambassador of Brail (巴西), who was to be presented to the King, forgot to take his credentials(外交使节所递的国书) with him and was obliged to go back to his hotel to bring them. If he had left them in Brail we should have had to wait at least six months for them.”“Is Brail so far from Rome?” asked the lady, who knew very little geography.“It is in the New World,” said the Minister

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