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Desperate Housewives 2X19 Dont Look At Me.docx

1、Desperate Housewives 2X19 Dont Look At MeDesperate Housewives Episode 2x19 - Dont Look At Me-Mary Alice Voiceover:Previously on Desperate housewives.Felicia:Sounds to me as if someones let go of his rage.Mike:Maybe I have.Felicia:Well,I havent.Mary Alice Voiceover:Felicia took matters into her own h

2、ands.Karl:You want me to call off the wedding,Ill do it.Ill do whatever you want.Mary Alice Voiceover:Karl put the ball in Susans court.Bormanis:With your D.U.I. Charge,it could get ugly.Mary Alice Voiceover:While Andrew tried to take Bree to court.Carlos:Theres a father.Frank:Hes a kid!Mary Alice V

3、oiceover:Gabrielle and Carlos took the baby.Carlos:The papers arent valid anymore.Gabrielle:Do you really wanna leave this beautiful little girl with that white trash freak show?Mary Alice Voiceover:.and ran with it.-Classroom - Daytime(Louisa is standing in her classroom, ruler in hand, hitting the

4、 palm of her other hand.) Mary Alice Voiceover:Louisa Pate believed in the power of shame.As a teacher,she had found that the best way to control unruly students was to instill a strong sense of their parents.-Flashback(Louisa is speaking to a parent.) Louisa:I left Trisha alone with the sc

5、hool hamster for only five minutes.(Louisa takes out a shoe box.)Louisa:In this box is all thats left of patches.(Louisa slides the box over to Tricias father.)-Flashback(Louisa is speaking to another parent.) Louisa:For Show and Tell,Timmy decided to bring in something from your husbands collection

6、 of Nazi memorabilia.(Louisa slides a Nazi armband over the desk to Timmys mom.) -Flashback(Louisa is speaking to two parents.) Louisa:Billys been threatening to beat up the other kids for their milk money.We found the proceeds in his cubby.(Louisa slides two stacks of bills over the desk to Billys

7、mother and father.) -Present Day(Louisa sits at her desk in front of Lynette.) Mary Alice Voiceover:Of course,Mrs. Pate also knew when it came to unruly children,some parents had more reason to be ashamed.than others.Lynette:So,um.your message said that Parker had been involved in some sort of serio

8、us incident.What-what kind of incident?Louisa:Yesterday afternoon,Parker offered a cookie to Cindy Lou Peeples if she would show him her vagina.Lynette:What kind of cookie?Louisa:What does that matter?Lynette:Oh,it doesnt.Im just stalling because I am completely mortified.Louisa:The kids were in a b

9、room closet.Our janitor walked in on them just as Cindy was lifting up her pinafore.Lynette:Oh,my goodness.Louisa:Im sure youve noticed how obsessive Parker can be.A certain subject will catch his interest,and thats all hell talk about for weeks and weeks.Lynette:Oh,right.That happened with dinosaur

10、s.Louisa:Oh,yes,we all rememberhis dinosaur phase.More fondly now than ever.Lynette:So you think that now hes obsessed with.Louisa:Whats underneath the pinafore. Yes.Look,I think hes just developed a normal curiosity about the human body.You need to talk to him.Remind him whats appropriate and what

11、isnt.Lynette:Of course.I will talk to him.Ill talk to him till Im blue in the face.I promise.Take care.(Lynette gets up to leave. Louisa also stands.)Mary Alice Voiceover:Yes,Louisa Pate believed in the power of shame.She always believed,when someone has that power.(Cut to Louisa sitting at her desk

12、 talking to Mrs. Peeples.) Louisa:So,Mrs. Peeples,youll never guess what your daughter is willing to do for a gingersnap.Mary Alice Voiceover:Its a shame not to use it.-Opening Credits-Fairview County Courthouse Hallway(Andrew is sitting on a bench outside the courtroom staring at his mother.)Mary A

13、lice Voiceover:It had been six weeks since Andrew Van de Kamp had declared war on his mother Bree.The final battle was about to be waged at the Fairview County Courthouse.Bree knew it was about to get bloody.(Bree holds out her hand. Peter, standing next to her, takes it.) Mary Alice Voiceover:What

14、she didnt know was.(Red high heels are coming down the hallway towards Bree.)Mary Alice Voiceover:.the calvary was on its way.Eleanor:Bree?Mary Alice Voiceover:.whether she wanted them there or not.Bree:Eleanor!Eleanor:Oh,thank god I found you.This place is a maze.Bree:What are you doing here?Eleano

15、r:Well,your father and I got a call last night from Danielle,and she said that Andrew was taking you to court.I mean,to say that we were shocked would be an understatement.(She sees Peter and holds out her hand.) Eleanor:Hello,Im Eleanor Mason,Brees stepmother.Youre the lawyer? We should talk.Peter:

16、Uh,no,Im not her lawyer.Eleanor:Good. The hair had me worried.Andrew:Peter is moms sponsor from A.A.Eleanor:Oh,sweetie!Since when are you in A.A.?Bree:Its a recent development. Wheres dad?Eleanor:In chambers with the judge.Bree:What?! Why?(Brees father, Henry, come out of the Judges chambers.)Henry:

17、Everything is fine.The judge agreed to a postponement.Eleanor:Oh,thank god!Henry:Luckily,he remembered me.I spoke once at his law school.(Karl walks up.) Karl:Pardon me,sir,Im your daughters lawyer.Just so you know,weve been waiting for this hearing for weeks.Henry:Son,Ive been an attorney for 45 ye

18、ars.You and I both know how these cases can turn into public spectacles.Our family is perfectly capable of handling this- .in house. Bree:Dad,you dont understand.This has gotten really ugly.Henry:Thats why were here.Were gonna put this family back together.Eleanor:Whatever it takes.-Courtroom 103(Mr

19、. Beale is facing the Judge. Gabrielle, holding the baby and Carlos are sitting behind Mr. Beales table.) Beale:And thats when Mr. And Mrs. Solis,fearing for the welfare of this helpless child,fled the hospital.Judge Grimshaw:You mean,they kidnapped her.Beale:Well,technically,thats true,but given th

20、e situation that led up to the rescue.Judge Grimshaw:Kidnapping.Beale:Your honor,yes,in retrospect,the plan was a little bit rash,not entirely well thought out.Judge Grimshaw:Idiotic.Gabrielle (whispering to Carlos):Can we object to that?Carlos:Shh! Beale:But the child is safe,your honor.And all we

21、ask the court is to allow baby Lily a lifetime of the care and love she has been receiving from the Solises.Judge Grimshaw:As much as your story tugs at my heart,there is the issue of parental rights.What does the state have to say about this?State Attorney:We have located the biological father- Mr.

22、 Dale Helm.Unfortunately,uh,circumstances require that he be out of town.Hes in Fort Lauderdale today.Judge Grimshaw:On business?State Attorney:Spring break,actually.Mr. Helm is a high school student.Judge Grimshaw:Charming.In between keg stands,did the father happen to mention if he plans to waive

23、parental rights?State Attorney:Ive left a number of voice mails,but the only response Ive gotten is a text message that says (she reads from her cell phone) this blows his mind and hes extremely bummed out.Judge Grimshaw:All right.Mr. And Mrs. Solis,since you actually want Lily,it seems youre the le

24、sser of two evils.Im granting you temporary custody until we can get a straight answer from the birth father.Carlos:Thank you,uh,your honor.Judge Grimshaw:In the meantime,try not to steal any more babies.Gabrielle:Oh,we just needed the one.-Lynettes House(Parker is sitting at the coffee table, color

25、ing.) Lynette:Sweetie?Um,could you put the Crayons down for a second?We need to talk.So I spoke to your teacher today,and she told me about the.cookie deal you made with Cindy Lou.Parker:Oh. Are you mad?Lynette:No,not exactly.Im just.Im trying to understand why you.did that.Parker:Tommy Keenan told

26、me babies come from down there.It doesnt sound right to me.Lynette:Well.actually,hes kinda right. Hes got the concept down.Parker:Thats weird.Hows a baby get in there?Lynette:Daddy will be home from his business trip in a few days.Why dont you wait for him?Parker:Okay. Lynette:Okay.Parker:Or I can a

27、sk Tommys brother.Hes 14,and he knows everything.(Later, Lynette draws pictures for Parker.)Lynette:And then the mommy and the daddy,because they love each other so much,they hug.Real tight.And,uh,a seed is magically implanted.And nine months later.a baby is born. Here.Parker:What kind of seed?Lynet

28、te:Oh,thats not important.Parker:I dont believe you.Lynette:Parker,Im your mother.Mothers dont lie to their sons.Now go wash your hands or Santas not gonna bring you anything for Christmas.(Parker rushes away.) -Edies House(Susan is knocking hard. Karl, in a towel, opens the door.) Susan:I just saw Edie drive off.How long is she gonna be gone?Karl:I dont know.She just went to show a house.Susan:Move.(Susan pushes her way inside.) Karl:Whats the problem?Susan:You mauled me in Edies bed last night.I think that deserves a conversation.Karl:Well,whats there to talk about? Im just a f

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